Tabletop Gamer's Guild
This is the wiki for the Table Top Gamer's Guild. The serialization issues should be taken care of.
Thursday Night Gaming
Ryecatcher15's Games
Pathfinder Games
Serpent's Skull
To brave the jungles of the darkest heart of the Mwangi Expanse.
Former criminals become world leaders.
The Adventure Log for Kingmaker
The Player Characters of Kingmaker
Skull and Shackles
Weaponized boats.
The Adventure Log for Skull and Shackles
Legacy of Fire
All this work for a piece of paper.
The Adventure Log for Legacy of Fire
Pathfinder Society
An anthology of short, disjointed adventures.
Iron Gods
Pathfinder 40000
The Adventure Log for Iron Gods
The Player Characters of Iron Gods
The New World
The Player Characters for Arcadia
House Rules
Ryecatcher15 has concocted several house rules, mostly borrowed from other editions of D&D.
World of Darkness
House Rules
Ryecatcher15:WoD:House Rules:Merits
Dead Man Walking (aka Battle Creek)
One bad night can change your entire world...
Sky Pirates
The Yesterday that wasn't.
Project Apogee
The supernatural coalition to save the world from itself.
Project Apogee Player Characters
Hunters in urban Washington State.
A Map of Newcastle's Neighborhoods
The Player Characters of Newcastle
Requiem in Detroit
Vampires in a post-industrial hellscape.
Map of Detroit with Quick Facts
The Player Characters of Requiem in Detroit
City That Never Wakes
Cold War paranoia in a 1950's concrete jungle.
Map of New York with Quick Facts
The Cast of City That Never Wakes
The Cereal Box
Changelings in Battle Creek.
Apocalypse World
Apocalypse Later
Tick-tick, greebly-grablies and dead what don't appreciate to stay that way.
Dark Jco.'s Games
Grinning God
Grinning God: Character Creation Rules
Dragon's Lair Trick Or Treat
LordNightmare's Games
Kingdom Building
Rules Overview and Terminology
Building Terrain Improvements and Settlements
Board Games
Game with pieces on a flat surface.
Card Games
Games consisting of cards and sometimes counters.
Computer Games
Games to be played on a PC or console.
Dwarf Fortress Succession Games
Darkest Dungeon Succession Games
Things that belie simple description.
Role Playing Games
A broad category for storytelling games of all shapes, sizes and complexities.
Warhammer Fantasy Battles
More like Poorhammer, amiright? Seriously, those minis are expensive. Use pieces of cardboard or, if you're interested, use online tools to make it work.
A lot of tools are useful for roleplaying online or using computer assistance.
Virtual Tabletop tools and recommendations
Mapping Software for the creation of unique locations.
Dice Rollers for every occasion!
Tabletop Simulator might actually be the best thing since sliced orcs!
I have a number of projects on this wiki.
Timezone was changed to Eastern Standard. This should fix the timestamps going forward, although individual users should set their Timezone under preferences.
Text in the spoiler tag looks like this: EVERYBODY DIES.
It is done like so: {{spoiler|EVERYBODY DIES}} I doubt this will be especially useful. Firefox and IE based browsers do this thing where they helpfully change the color of the text to be a little different from the background automatically. I can see that being a helpful feature in every other context.
For those chronicling Pathfinder games using the months of the year from the Pathfinder Calendar, I have added each of the months as a clever template that reveals which of the real-world months it corresponds with on mouseover. For example: Pharast is accomplished by typing {{Pharast}}.
Image mapping for links works with standard HTML-style image maps. This utility may be useful for those interested in such.
Mass image uploads with drag and drop are now possible. This feature is not likely to be especially useful for the most part, but when it is, you will be thankful for it.
I have hard forked the wiki's text. Why? Because it was broken. This should fix it.
In Progress
- Currently v1.0
- Can't think of anything that desperately needs to be added. Leave feedback on the Talk page.
- Currently v1.1
- Should now be well-documented on its page.