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Before the campaign began, Deleksin and Makenna met in prison in Restov. Makenna had been imprisoned for beating a nobleman who allegedly abused his wife, while Deleksin has originally been imprisoned in Brevoy for piracy and was sent to Restov, presumably to hang for his crime. They are joined in their imprisonment by a feather that they are informed is a spellcaster who shapechanged to avoid punishment for unleashing an abomination on Restov.



Calistril 24th

Makenna and Deleksin are pardoned by the Swordlords of Restov, but on condition that they map the Greenbelt within the Stolen Lands of the River Kingdoms. While doing this, they are to crush all bandit activity, specifically that of the cruel Stag Lord – a bandit-king of some renown who has been especially irksome as of late, and is believed to have a stronghold somewhere in the area.


Pharast 7th

The pair, accompanied by the feather named Tindalos, arrived at Oleg's Trading post, where they met Oleg and his wife Svetlana, who immediately assumed that they were the reinforcements that Brevoy was supposed to send to keep the post safe from bandits. Oleg was infuriated by the revelation that they were, in fact, criminals sent to scour the lands of bandits, but Svetlana begged them to protect them from the ongoing bandit attacks, to which Makenna and Deleksin agreed.

Oleg and Svetlana told them that the bandits were expected to return tomorrow to demand additional tribute, and a plan was hatched to ambush them.

Pharast 8th

Makenna, Deleksin and Oleg ambushed four bandits that arrived at the trading post to demand tribute. They killed two of them and captured the leader, Happs Bydon, and one of the others, Kanig Eskers. Happs killed himself with poisoned berries while imprisoned and Kanig surrendered and told them of the Stag Lord, a cruel and powerful warrior who had grown increasingly reclusive. He described the location of the Stag Lord's castle. Oleg recovered from his injuries.

The group determined that a bounty was placed on bandits in the Greenbelt. They claimed the bounty for the three dead bandits, but sent Eskers on his way, having no reasonable means of holding him longer and no way of returning him for a bounty. Eskers agreed to leave the Greenbelt and never return on pain of death.

Pharast 9th

A group of outdoorsmen showed up at Oleg's trading post: Vekkel Benzen, a one-legged hunter, Olendis Maystern, an elderly half-elf hunter, Soren Craigsworth, a halfling trapper, and, most notably, the promised backup from Brevoy: Kesten Garess, a noble scion of Brevoy, accompanied by three of his men-at-arms (a Bayard Nolen, mustachioed human knight, Enalla Murse, a serious and dour fighter in half-plate, and Urruk Stamish, a semi-jovial, if a bit off-putting, dwarf).

The party also learned that Tuskgutter (or Tuskgorer, depending on who was asked) the boar had been terrorizing the region and had, in fact, removed Vekkel's leg in a skirmish some years previous. Vekkel promised a reward if the boar's head was returned.

Pharast 10th

The party met Caeldwyn Ladron, an elven hunter in the northern portion of the Stolen Lands. He befriended the party and sold them three days worth of rations at a reasonable discount, promising to sell more if they assisted him by returning to the trading post and obtaining salt for salting the meat to save him the time and effort.

Pharast 11th – 14th

Explored the Stolen Lands and provided Caeldwyn with what was requested with a stop at Oleg's Trading Post. During this time, the party checked up with Oleg and Svetlana and learned of their troubles.

The party spoke with Oleg about the surrounding area, and he expressed his desire to acquire a Tatzlwyrm head as a decoration for the trading post. Oleg explained that Tatzlwyrms were a sort of small dragon native to the area. Oleg also said that Svetlana's wedding ring was taken by a vicious bandit woman who threatened to chop off her hand if she refused to surrender the ring willingly. Oleg expressed a desire to have it returned to him and promised a reward.

Prior to leaving, they also spoke with Kesten Garess, who offered a substantial bounty on the traitor Falgrim Sneeg to be brought in – preferably alive – for desertion and treason.

Pharast 15th

The party explored, finding, in the process, a number of giant spider nests. Having killed some giant spiders, they explored the nests and found a treasure map, as well as some adventuring gear, on a desiccated corpse.

Pharast 16th

The party encountered a crazy alchemist named Bokken with antisocial tendencies and strange needs. Bokken requested that the party retrieve fangberries for potion-making, insisting that they were a necessary part of making his particular healing potion recipe palatable.

Pharast 17th – 20th

The party explored, culminating in the discovery of kobolds identified as members of the Sootscale tribe in a moon radish patch. The party managed to convince them to trade with them, and exchanged fishing hooks and miscellany for a basket of moon radishes. The party returned to Oleg's, where Svetlana requested that they retrieve moon radishes so she can make Oleg's favorite to cheer him up. Of course, they already had, which simplified things considerably.

Pharast 21st

Festivities were held at the trading post, mostly because people were there, and it had been a long time since Svetlana had the opportunity to entertain.

Pharast 22nd

The party continued searching the area. They encountered a bandit camp. The bandits' leader, a brutal woman named Kressle, escaped after being injured by Makenna. 4 bandits were killed, 1 bandit escaped, and 1 bandit was captured. The captive, Vendelos the Tree Rat, was released for giving information on the condition that he not return to the Stolen Lands.

Pharast 23rd

The party traveled to an old sycamore tree that was infested with fey creatures called mites. The quarrelsome beasts were building a sort of siege-works for waging battle with the Sootscale Tribe, and had a number of horrid giant bugs among them that they treated like horrid little children. Deleksin developed a deep hatred for mites when one of them stole the mbira he had been given by a good friend long ago. Whilst in the tree, they rescued Mikpek of the Sootscales and learned of Tartuk the Shaman – a vicious and cruel spiritual leader to the tribe who had instated a system of sacrifice that had decimated the tribe.

They captured a stolen kobold statue and returned to Sootscale tribe at the Oaktop Silver Mine (but not before burning down the Old Sycamore). There, they met the cleric of Pharasma named Reem, who was in the process of confronting Tartuk regarding his blasphemous worship of some unnamed ancestor spirits. Nakpik, the guard, kept watch at the gate and Kiptik the kobold escorted them in. The party learned of Tartuk's vicious deeds and the oppressive worship of false gods he had forced upon the already struggling tribe and, in retribution, slew him (after determining that his "omens" were sorcerer's tricks).

The party found Svetlana's ring amidst Tartuk's treasure, and determined that it was most likely stolen from the bandits by a mite, who was then slain by the kobolds who gave it as tribute to the shaman. The party returned a portion of the treasure to the tribe.

Reem joined the party, explaining that he had been bound for Osirion to deliver prophecy at the Great Temple of Pharasma, but had encountered omens that implied he was meant to stay in the Stolen Lands.

Pharast 24th

The party returned to Oleg's in the evening, after staying with the Sootscale Tribe overnight. They returned Svetlana's ring to a grateful Oleg, who agreed to trade peacefully with the kobolds if they could act likewise.

Juniper Stargrove, a Pathfinder agent staying at the Trading Post, translated Tartuk's journal and chronicled the party's advancement through the Stolen Lands.

Tartuk's journal revealed that he was once a gnome who had attempted to sell his village out to ogres that had come to destroy it. His efforts were mistaken for an early warning when the ogres killed him loudly, giving the village an opportunity to mobilize. He was reincarnated by the grateful village, but came back as a kobold. Now an outcast, he worked tirelessly to viciously destroy many kobold tribes using his illusion magic to manipulate them. The Sootscales were, apparently, his third, with the Yellowfoots and Ridgeback tribes, both of locations unknown, having been destroyed prior.

Pharast 25th

The party located the old oak tree with the cache at the bottom from the map they had found previous. A day was spent teaching Mikpek to fish.

The party also encountered the animated remains of a man named Nettle who had previously ran a ferry before being slain by the Stag Lord for refusing to give free crossing to him and his men on demand. He stated that if the Stag Lord were cast into the river, he would be freed.

Pharast 28th

The party discovered the gold mine rumored to exist in the area; they omitted it from the primary map, however, on Oleg's wishes, as he feared the mine would bring a large population of unwanted fortune seekers and opportunists to the area.

Pharast 30th

The party discovered a fangberry patch and avoided injury despite the swarms of mosquitoes thereabouts whilst successfully harvesting fangberries.

Incidentally, the party encountered a group of kobolds who claimed to have seen the Stag Lord himself (these were later revealed to be confused: they had seen a hunter carrying a stag).

Pharast 31st

The trading post was bustling with new individuals. A group of dwarves (Sevig Mordenkain and his sons Olg, Bertrad and daughter Yelina along with 3 bodyguards). A mysterious spellcaster of apparently Chelish origin was also present; though he didn't give his name, the party nicknamed him George and gave him a spellbook they had found.

The party staked deeds to the Gold Mine and the Silver Mine with Oleg to ensure that they would not fall into other hands in the event they could not be reliably claimed.


Gozran 1st

The party discovered a trap-filled glade. They disarmed the traps therein.

Gozran 2nd

The party found a trapper's legs stuck in a trap (his body having been eaten by some predator in an ironic twist of fate) and acquired a masterwork hatchet from the remains.

Gozran 3rd

The party found and killed a Tatzlwyrm, acquiring its head for Oleg.

Gozran 4th

The party subdued a vicious and obviously sickly grizzly bear; they hogtied the beast and determined that it was almost certainly a polymorphed individual.

The party discovered and repaired a statue of Erastil, with Makenna pledging herself as a nominal worshiper of Erastil (having decided that she admired that traditions and values for which he stood) and is now wearing his holy symbol (despite his being Lawful Good and her being Chaotic Good). Everyone was thoroughly confused.

The party found the rumored Temple of the Elk and constructed a litter for the grizzly bear to transport the beast. They were reminded of Jhod, the cleric of Erastil at Oleg's, and brought the grizzly to him. Jhod prayed a blessing and broke the curse that had been cast upon the bear, transforming him back into a human druid and causing him to die immediately of old age. Jhod insisted on being taken to the Temple as soon as possible.

While the party was in Olegston, they returned the Tatzlwyrm head to Oleg.

Bertrad of the dwarves attempted to open investment opportunities in the Stolen Lands. The party hemmed and hawed about the situation, and eventually came to the conclusion that the Stolen Lands would be better off being settled. As such, they invested 400gp on behalf of Oleg and 200gp on behalf of the party. They showed the map they had gathered to him, paying heed not to reveal the mines (save the Silver Mine's location as a habitation of non-hostile kobolds).

Gozran 5th

Makenna and Deleksin collaborated on a letter to the swordlords requesting their freedom for the task of defeating the Stag Lord. This they did as they realized that their original charge promised them a stay of sentence, but not a pardon.

Jhod returned to the Temple of the Elk and began to rebuild it by hand.

The party met a mischievous Faerie Dragon named Perlivash after he pranked them repeatedly. The party behaved like spoilsports, the dragon agreed to prank them no longer, but would have no further tack with them.

Gozran 6th

The party met with Caeldywn, who sold them lots of trail rations.

Gozran 7th

The party fought the giant boar Tuskgutter and routed him. They hunted the creature from his rout to his lair and slew him. They then spent the night at his den.

Gozran 8th

The party fought Kressle's ambush group and defeated the group. They left 2 bandits (Harkum Gleel and Lemmy Nonce) as well as Falgrim Sneeg and Kressel alive.

The party returned the bandits to Kesten Garess and were rewarded with masterwork weapons.

Vekkel Benzen rewarded the characters for returning the head of Tuskgutter.

Gozran 9th

Harkum Gleel and Falgrim Sneeg were unrepentant and were sent forth for execution. Lemmy Nonce and Kressle were absolved, though, while Nonce was remorseful, Kressle merely expressed that she didn't feel she ever had a choice. Kesten Garess demanded to return Falgrim Sneeg to Restov.

The party inexplicably convinced Oleg and company to allow Kressle to travel with them. No one was certain what to make of it, but the idea was primarily Tindalos'. Kressle apologized halfheartedly to Svetlana for stealing her wedding ring and threatening her, and Svetlana expressed a desire for Kressle to someday feel so helpless.

Gozran 10th

Explored plains. Determined that the kobolds were misidentifying all hunters who had killed stags as "Stag Lords", leading to temporary confusion.

Gozran 11th – 12th

Explored plains.

Gozran 13th

Beltashazzar decided to disturb a burial cairn, primarily out of curiosity. It was argued that the Tiger Lords are evil, and therefore disturbing their burial mounds was not so wicked. Makenna was disturbed by this notion, but useful items were found in the process.

Gozran 14th

A unicorn's dehorned corpse was discovered. There was much fear to be had, and the area was eerily undisturbed. The party left with the intention of never returning to this accursed place.

Gozran 16th

The party encountered the Boggard down by Skunk River. After much attempting to communicate with him, they decided to leave him be (as none of them spoke the same language as him, and he seemed hermit-ish and aloof). It's notable that he seemed to have a badly mutilated left hand and a pet Slurk (sabre-toothed frog) nearly twice his size.

Gozran 17th

The party descended upon the Stag Lord's fortress, with Kressle leading the way. The party contrived a plan to disguise one of their party members as Falgrim Sneeg, and were able to talk their way in. They determined that Dovan from Nisroch, one of the Stag Lord's lieutenants, was the one responsible for keeping Kressle away as the Stag Lord has apparently been looking for a mysterious woman, but won't give any meaningful explanation or description. As such, Dovan was apparently afraid of what would happen when this woman was found.

The party made some "friends" within the fortress, and, after meeting such colorful characters as the slightly addled Auchs, the inappropriate loquacious Jex the Snitch, and the morose Akiros Ismort, they quarreled with Dovan and, eventually, Makenna confronted the Stag Lord. He was clearly drunk and, having looked her over, simply announced that Makenna was not the one and returned to his room. They roused him a second time and battled him. The Stag Lord was slain, but not before he sicced his pet owlbear Beaky on the party (resulting in the beast's death). Dovan escaped, Akiros was captured, Auchs mourned the deaths and the rest of the miscellaneous minions escaped.

Afterwards, they found the Stag Lord's beaten and defenceless father, who admitted that he had never wanted the Stag Lord and had treated him roughly in his youth, until the day that the Stag Lord spontaneously grew a pair and decided to beat him senseless. The Stag Lord had, from that day on, a locket with a lock of golden hair in it. They let him go.

Gozran 18th

The party stopped by Nettle's Crossing to free Nettle by fulfilling their promise to hurl the Stag Lord's body into the river. They then returned to Oleg's to report. A message had been sent anticipating their success, but announcing more than their freedom: the party learned that they were now the regents of the Greenbelt, by order of the Swordlords of Restov, and that there was a sudden influx of undesirables from Brevoy and Restov that they were expected to accept as "citizens."

The party met with Oleg and Svetlana about their take on the situation. Both were resolved to the party having no choice in the matter. They met with Sevig about investment opportunities, which appeared to be in full bloom; they received an explanation regarding the fruits of their previous investment, mostly insomuch as they related to ongoing trade throughout the region.

Gozran 19th

The party committed to the project with Oleg, and sought to make Olegston into a community. The party invested 2BP in Sevig's work and dispatched Kressle to Restov to recover Kesten's fees (having taking her in as an official dignitary).

The party spoke with Sootscale Kobolds about matters. They learned of a prophecy regarding the King of Bones (He has but one eye and seeks a treasure he cannot have; he transforms the innocent into his machines). They forged an alliance with the Sootscale kobolds.

Gozran 20th

The party met with Caeldwyn, and appointed him game warden. He recommended a bounty on the heads of trolls, and the party agreed.


Gozran 21st thru Desnus 5th


  • Failed Loyalty check (+2 Unrest)
  • Produced BP during Economy check.
  • Constructed Housing to replace tenement.
  • Assigned Leaders

Ruler – Deleksin Councilor – Svetlana Leveton General – Makenna Dakarawa Grand Diplomat – Kressle High Priest – Reem Aaron Magister – Tindalos Marshal – Kesten Garess Treasurer – Oleg Leveton Warden – Caeldwyn Ladron

Event: Local artist Melios Starrum (elf) painted a masterpiece called, "Iomedae Bests Rovagug"

Desnus 6th

Discussion of the River Freedoms and their laws. Established a Spring Holiday.

Desnus 8th

The PC's attend the fair and see the lumberjacking competition, where laborers compete to chop the most logs. Corax, a human lumberjack leader, and Staas, his half-orc subordinate, were discussing the elusive Hodag that supposedly Staas threw a +1 keen spear at (and struck) but lost the weapon in the process. Corax was convinced that Staas had drunkenly lost the spear.

Grigori, a bard, was telling bawdy jokes in a makeshift tavern.

Local artists Melios Starrum, Sella Sprigg, Tyrnum Glassglow and Ulara Gumaran were showing their wares. Reem commissioned a small clay statue of Tartuk the Shaman and a painting of himself with an ominous gray aura.

Desnus 9th

The party hired Gary, Julianna, Bayard Nolen and Enalla Murse for the month to guard the Stag Lord's Keep.

They explored and discovered the Gnomish Northropple expedition. Though they failed to save the wagon, they befriended Jubilost Northropple and his intrepid crew of nine gnomish explorers and agreed to help him return to Olegston to resupply.

Desnus 10th

The party returned to Olegs' in the wee hours of the next morning, rested for the evening and replaced Jubilost's Wagon. They then commissioned a mapping contract with Jubilost (penned by Oleg) for 50 gp up front, 250 gp afterward, and a premium for important landmarks. They agreed to let him keep anything that he can carry with him that is not deemed a national treasure.

Received rumors from town guard (Ival Tsorikan) and tipped him 1 sp.

Arrived at the Stag Lord's old Castle, learned of the undead wandering around the area. The party discussed producing holy water and nailed a holy symbol of Erastil to the wall.

Desnus 11th

The party encountered a group of wolves led by a werewolf. They subdued the werewolf when he resumed human form. The werewolf was Imura, a member of the Eburone tribe, and sought the Winter Wolf "Howl-of-the-North-Wind" to restore his honor after being cast out by the Tiger Lords. He didn't believe he was a werewolf and viewed his captivity as disgrace.

Purchased 120 lbs. of silver dust from the Sootscale Kobolds for holy water.

Desnus 12th

Returned to the Temple of the Elk to request that Jhod cast remove curse on Imura. The situation was explained to the cleric, and he was asked about Howl-of-the-North-Wind, and offered to ask the animals. The beasts confirmed this vicious wolf's existence.

Desnus 13th

Makenna was also cured of lycanthropy by Jhod. Jhod and Reem had a water blessing montage.

Desnus 14th

Explored the Swamp King's Hex, while giving the boggard a wide berth.

Desnus 15th

Discovered the Tatzylwyrm den and slew both Tatzylwyrms, preserving their bodies. The party also located a bony corpse in the skunk river, which they fished out to acquire its magical +1 Scale Mail. The hex was then explored.

Desnus 16th

Slew a hodag, explored. No sign of a keen spear.

Desnus 17th

Met the wyvern Xexyphenus, who attacked the party in what may be the most ill-considered decision of his life. He was bested and surrendered. The party recruited him as Royal Assassin and explored the rest of the area.

Desnus 18th

The PC's discovered a ruined keep, an were subsequently attacked by its inhabitants, including some sort of creature that moved with blinding speed. Eventually, the determined that the place was too dangerous to risk dealing with and burned all the wooden portions, leaving only the stone of the keep. Among the remains, they found a mithril statue of Findeladlara, elven goddess of art and architecture, and a badly damaged water clock.

Desnus 19th

The party returned to Olegston.

Desnus 20th

Learned of the Dakarawa tribe from the mammoth lands (led by Omari), the Clerawi tribe of Numerian (led by Sehadon) and Hilus tribe exiled from Brevoy (led by an ancient shaman Chiura), all of which were apparently migrating south into the Stolen Lands for their own reasons.

Omari requested the freedom to explore the Stolen lands and a generalized offer of mutual support. This was accepted. A currency exchange of 1 BP was entered to prevent unrest. Makenna chose to be absent from this meeting.

Sehadon requested that his people be allowed the freedom for his people to choose to join the kingdom or remain separate as they please. They discussed the overthrow of Numeria (an unlikely venture at best) and expressed grief over the loss of their homelands. A currency exchange of 1 BP was extended to the the Clerawi tribe as well.

Chiura stated that he and his people requested only autonomy to remember their former glory. The Hilus tribe was commissioned to battle the trolls to the south. This was deemed acceptable to all.

Desnus 21st


A blacksmith was constructed. Roads and farmland were established. Caeldwyn helped establish a farmland with Moon Radishes. The party also learned that rumors abounded about their histories, and responded by spreading counter rumors. This appeared to be generally successful.

Desnus 26th

The party came upon a delicate situation with a dryad named Melianse, wherein the dryad had ensorcelled a number of loggers who were threatening her woods. The PC's negotiated to free the lumberjacks on Deleksin's word in return for three trees (to replace those felled) and the assurance that the lumber industry would remain far away from her woods. The party determined that Quaal's feather tokens of tree were likely the best way to accomplish this.

Desnus 27th

Encountered and defeated a hydra and found its nest. The PC's returned to Olegston.

Desnus 28th

They brought the hydra's remains to Oleg, who was pleased. They then learned that the bodies of a shepherd boy named Beven and his sheep were found slain by wolves, and it was rumored a werewolf was responsible. 3 tree feather tokens were purchased. The PC's also discovered that Saki, a young elven girl, was killed by wolves. Akiros, seeking atonement, asked to join the effort and helped recruit Kellid barbarians to hunt down the wolves. Jalena Hilus, Grav Hilus and Taj Dakarawa agreed to help. The party and Taj went out to seek the werewolf.

Taj Dakarawa transformed into a werewolf. He was defeated by the party, but was able to defeat Beltashazar first. When they returned to the village, Akiros and Kesten informed them of an attack. A Tiger Tribe werewolf was killed, and the party remained silent about Taj also being a werewolf (as, they were concerned, there was no way of being certain that the Tiger Tribe werewolf was not the one actually responsible for the deaths of the boy and girl). Grigori suggested 200gp and an acre of land with the livestock to tend it as compensation (after arguing, initially, that the state was in no sense responsible for harm caused by such beasts, but eventually conceding that they are responsible for the safety of their people).

Jhod cast Remove Curse on Taj to ensure that the curse was broken - this was done with the overt reasoning that he had been injured by a werewolf.

Desnus 29th

Taj, Makenna and Tindalos returned to town. Deleksin planned on giving 250gp and an acre of land with the livestock to tend it to the victims of the tragedy, funding the cash portion from the party's personal coffers. This is codified as law when a threat to the village as a whole are dealt with. Makenna and Tindalos slept for part of the day. An arrangement was made to ensure that bracers of armor +1 found on the werewolf were sold to make recompense, as an alternative.

Desnus 30th

The grove of Meliansne was marked with runes that indicated that the trees were not to be cut down.

A troll was encountered and defeated it.

Desnus 31st

The PC's assisted a dryad named Tiressia and her satyr companion Falchos in defeating a scythe tree that had been menacing them. Gratitude abounded, but they were not rewarded for this task (the dryad had initially attempted to charm them into such service, but eventually persuaded them without such means).


Sarenith 1st

The party encountered (and evaded) a patrol of trolls. The party discussed following the trolls, but decided to continue their exploration until such a time as they couldn't avoid the trolls. Hargulka was encountered at a distance, but his entourage of 6 trolls proved too intimidating for the party to attempt to face down. The retreated back to Tiressia's grove and rested for the evening.

Sarenith 2nd

The party proceeded to Tuskwater. They spoke with Gary and Julianna at length concerning the trolls. The PC's went to Olegston.

Grigori admitted to being a spy for the Swordlords of Restov, and demanded to be made a diplomat (essentially blackmailing the party, but he presented it as an opportunity to KNOW there was a spy in their midst and be in control of the information that moves out). The party realized that Kressle was an ineffective diplomat, after she chased off an envoy from Nisroch.

Tindalos wooed Kressle and proposed marriage, allowing her to become a noblewoman, just as she always dreamed.

The party learned that Tig, a child, had gone missing while turtle hunting. The party immediately set out to locate him.

Sarenith 3rd

The party discovered evidence that Tig had been abducted by lizardmen. The characters followed the Shrike River downstream. The PC's went to Tuskwater castle and spoke with Gary about the prevalence of lizardmen.

The PC's discovered the hut of the Old Beldame and learned George's real name was Cailmont, now called the Failed, a former magic student in Cheliax. They were informed of the presence of the lizard man camp.

The party approached he lizardman village and challenged them and their false "god" (a Will'O'Wisp taking advantage of the superstitious lizardfolk). Makenna slew their chief, Vesket, and demanded the submission of the Lizardfolk. They looted the tribe and the Will'O'Wisp that had been controlling the tribe fled.

Voskot, the tribe's shaman, surrendered to the party and shared with them the lore of Hargulka, his two-headed brother, their father the Jotund Troll and the aching fear of Candlemere Tower. Tig was not significantly injured, but was, nonetheless, shaken and traumatized by the experience.

The party stayed the night at the castle.

Sarenith 4th

The party returned to the Old Beldame's hut to talk to her about the trolls.

Sarenith 5th

The party returned Tig home. Grigori was able to secure a significant amount of lamp oil from Restov with which to prepare the city of Olegston.

Bokken requested troll blood, from trolls, of course, and Shamblesap, the "blood" of shambling mounds. He expressed that the Old Beldame was crazy and that he knew her.

The party asked Caeldwyn about the Shambling Mounds, and were informed that such things were generally to be avoided, but did exist in the Narlwood.

The party encountered and defeated a strange shambling Cyclops zombie, but could not make head or tail of it.

Sarenith 6th

The party invaded the Barrow of the Lonely Warrior and defeated him and his undead warriors. They looted and repaired his fey bane sword. They also spoke with the dead body of an unlucky tomb raider named Mordecai, who had nothing significant to say.

Sarenith 7th

The party encountered Imura again, and noted that he was clad in white worg skin. They convinced him to see the cleric of Erastil to be treated for his wounds.

The party found a giant snapping turtle and killed it, preserving the shell.

Sarenith 9th

Returned to the city to work on development. Built a library, hired Juniper as Spymaster and assigned Grigori as Diplomat, as promised.

Bandits abounded, but were routed, gaining 3 BP for the kingdom.

Sarenith 14th

The party set out to battle the trolls.

Sarenith 15th

The characters stabled their horses at Stag Keep and proceeded on foot to assault the trolls.

They stopped in the lizardman village to speak with the shaman Voskot who praises their efforts to drive off the trolls. The party stayed overnight with the lizardfolk. An abandoned raft was found and Makenna said a prayer to Hanspur and they cast off (though they could only offer the same as tribute when they disembarked).

The party encountered a hill giant named Mugnuk, who was distraught that he had not eaten, the trolls have not allowed him to join (after he had abandoned his own tribe for unknown reasons), and he was now out of booze. Reem was able to make friends with him and Mugnuk agreed to join the party in a battle with trolls in which they wiped out a small party of the beasts.

Sarenith 16th

The party approached the cliff at which the trolls were location. Deleksin scouted the area and was unable to find alternate entrances. The cliff appeared to have an abandoned dwarven hold where the trolls had taken residence.

After discussing their actions to Mugnuk until he becomes exhausted of considering them, Mugnuk charged, opening the door so the hasted characters could leap into the fray. The trolls in the entryway fell with ease, injuring Makenna notably. The party paused to heal and then continued charging in to battle.

They defeated the two-headed Nagrudi, who was waxing philosophical regarding the nature of stars, explained he was sorry he had to kill them, then deliriously insisted that his father always liked him better. The party coup de grace'd the hapless two-headed philosopher.

The party managed to defeat Hargulka, though only barely (as Tindalos had been reduced to feather form).

The goods in the storeroom, worth 4 BP; were placed in a great big sack for the hill giant Mugnuk to carry. All the other treasures were ransacked. Hargulka's bracelet was collected by Makenna and worn as a bandoleer.

Tindalos returned, and the party spent the evening in the cavern.

Sarenith 17th

Traveled until the 22nd. They returned the goods to Stag Keep.

Sarenith 22nd

As they returned to Olegston, they find the city has been damaged by a giant rampaging owlbear; they talk to Kesten, who reports the trolls migration and the desolation caused by the Owlbear was limited in scope by the efforts of Xexyphenus, Akiros, Kesten and Kressle, who fought together to drive the creature off. Kesten suggested a Gyronna cult and the Old Beldame as possible suspects.

On a nearly unrelated note, Juniper requested that the party acquire a two-or-more-headed creature for Juniper to test how an ioun stone interacts with it.

The PC's gifted Xexyphenus to placate him as he was injured in the battle. This caused Kressle to become jealous, and Tindalos promised to bring her gifts as well.

The PC's met with Grigori. They discussed that prisoners would never be banished to other lands, as this was the origin of many of Easthaven's woes.

They proceeded to the Kobolds and met Mikpek. Chief Sootscale related a prophecy regarding a sword that would slay a winged beast, a sword reclaimed by nature. The beast carved a swathe of destruction across the lands that have been stolen. The beast could only be battled in its own lair. The prophecy specified four would battle, but there was no mention of giants.

Sarenith 23rd

The party reached the owlbear lair, killed the purple fungi and managed to defeat the owlbear and acquired all sorts of treasure and such from the area. They acquired an owlbear baby and returned to Olegston after another 3 days of travel.

Sarenith 26th

The party returned to Olegston to care for the kingdom for a while, having no other pressing issues to which to attend.


Housing constructed for Mugnuk and Xexyphenus.

Political Calm cleared Unrest.



A city was founded at Ft. Tuskwater.

Loy and Latricia Rezbin (Halfling Expert 5, Halfling Expert 3) wish to found the village of Tatzylford at B6. The only support they initially request is the construction of roads to that location so they can begin a prosperous trade along the river.

The statue of Erastil was moved to where Loy Rezbin founded Tatzylford.

A mass of BP were acquired and the turn ended.

The Old Beldame was appointed Magister, a position to which she enthusiastically agreed.

Kressle and Tindalos became a co-ruler couple.



The Temple of Erastil was annexed.

Farmland was established in the hills on Grigori's recommendation.

Rumors of Nightbird abound on the Sellen.



The land just west of the border of Brevoy were claimed and farmed.

Yelina constructed a monument to the owlbear attack that was repelled by the PC's.



Claimed land toward Tatzylford.

Malgorzata Niska was accused of the worship of Gyronna after it was discovered that she had bewitched a number of individuals. She was condemned when she all but confessed to it. It was discussed that exile might be a solution, in light of the power over others that the worship of Gyronna would allow.

They offered exile as an alternative in return for their willing vacation. Melonie Yur, a worshipper of Gyronna, was betrothed to Ulvin Kuriss through magic, thus resulting in Ilsa Half-elven's despair and death. Reem exhumed Ilsa's body and asked her some questions that determined very little. The question of curses is to be set aside at this time, as no one can agree to what degree curses violate the laws (or the River Freedoms). They hunted Malgorzata down and slew her, and imprisoned Melonie until a determination could be made[1].



Cleared items, paid for road.

Determined that the lizardfolk should retain some autonomy and minor tribute, especially of food, gaining +1 Stability.



Did nothing but gather.




Constructed the castle.

An envoy from Sootscales says that Rekmahk, their new shaman, had dreamed a disturbing dream of a single red eye that reached forth and slew others. There was a horse present in the dream, but the kobolds could not agree to its significance.



The party acquired boots of striding and springing.


Pharast 7th

The party set out to finish exploring their region of the Stolen Lands.

Pharast 8th – 11th

Cleared and explored hexes previously visited but not fully mapped.

Pharast 12th

The mad hermit (hist name lost to time) turned out to be Bokken's brother (who simply did not remember his name), and the party was able to pacify him without killing him. They returned to the castle with Bokken's brother and imprisoned him there for his own safety and the safety of the kingdom.

Pharast 13th

The party traveled north to Bokken's hut. Gave the locket back to Bokken who identified it as being is mother's. He advised the party that he was fairly certain that the only way to cure this sort of madness is a wish.

Pharast 14th

The party explored a hex and saw something deep at the bottom of the Gurdin River that filled them with dread.

Pharast 15th

The party encountered and defeated a deceptive Leucrotta. They offered to release it in return for its treasure. Upon being brought to its horde, Makenna slew it, reasoning that it was evil and vicious, and that holding to such a promise would be a mistake that would cose more lives.

Pharast 16th

The party collected shamblesap from the shambling mound at the mud hole.

Pharast 17th

The party approached Candlemere tower and learned very little and became convinced that it was a teleportation obelisk. Learned the name of Yog Sothoth and some of the strange properties of the tower (nearly invincible inside, loses air coverage toward the top and deathly chill).

Pharast 18th

The party visited Bokken's brother in Tuskwater. The conversation was unenlightening.

Pharast 19th

The party returned to Olegston.

Tomril, a messenger, brought a message from Restov. The PC's learned that the population of Varnhold had disappeared and visited the Old Beldame who convinced them that they should not worry overmuch about the tower at Candlemere when other matters are more pressing, as Candlemere had already been there centuries prior.

The PC's sold items.

Pharast 20st

The party traveled with Tomril who revealed his house Hanvaki affiliation and requested that the PC's search for his brother Tomin, who disappeared seeking the mysterious happenings in Varhold. They discovered that Fort Sarenko is abandoned (although initially they thought it had been ransacked and disappeared). Reem had a nightmare about a red eye much like the kobolds described.

Pharast 21st

The party arrived at Nivatka's Crossing and learned many theories and much information about the Nomen Heights. The characters also learned of Jemanda's missing professor Ervil Pendrod. They stayed the night at Nivakta's crossing and mused that Easthaven needs a mail system.

Pharast 22nd

The party explored Varnhold and checked the tannery and the brewery, finding it all strangely abandoned. They battled a giant boar and a chuul, and found an underwater path to the well in the fort, noting at least one Spriggan in the area.

They explored the inn, determining that the area was not occupied. They found a scholar's room with a dead Spriggan in a sepia snake sigil effect. They then made their way to the blockhouse and, after fruitless interrogation which convinced Tindalos and Beltashazzar that the Spriggans were not responsible for the vanishings, the PC's battled and defeated the first force of Spriggans.

They defeated the rest of the Spriggans and let their leader, Agai, live. They discovered very little in additional information, although they learned of the jade "bracelet" and the writing NOMEN on the wall.

Pharast 23rd

The party explored the Varnhold Pass, locating nothing.

Pharast 24th

The party explored a hex. Found evidence of hill giant camps, but no hill giants.

Pharast 25th

The party arrived and stayed at the Sootscale caverns. They sent a letter to Kesten Garess to request a garrison be set up in Varnhold and at the watchtower at Varnhold Pass.

Pharast 26th

The party explored the hex and spotted some giant eagles and a roc.

Pharast 29th

The meeting with the Nomen centaurs came to a rough start as they surrounded and threatened the party. Deleksin was able to make friends and influence people, and together they got to the village. They presented Maegar Varn's sword and the bow Skybolt to the centaurs, befriending them. They learned of the ancient evil named Vordakai and recovered Varn's sword before leaving (the centaurs planned to simply dispose of it, so hated among them was Varn). The party have still not calculated the full contents of the bag of holding.

Pharast 30th

The party traveled to Varnhold pass. Gary and Bayard Nolen were instructed to acquire supplies from Varnhold while the hex is explored.


Gozran 2nd

The characters explored the hex. They encountered a group of gargoyles that watched them sleep, but did not attack. Makenna's birthday!

Gozran 4th

The party defeated a mammoth and spoke with the ancient remains of a Tor Linnorm who called himself the Leviathan of the Tors. The dragon was not helpful, however, and would tell them nothing about Vordakai, though it admitted to knowing much of him.

The mammoth yields 58 rations, 220lbs of ivory and a large pile of hides.

Gozran 6th

The party returned with a mass of rations to Varnhold Pass, then set back out.

Gozran 7th

The party battled a group of xill and befriended a Phase Spider name Zzamos in the process; Zzamos helped them acquire a valuable treasure chest, although they were not certain how to open it. They visited Zzamos' lair and noted a few things hanged from the ceiling.

Gozran 8th

A Soul Eater attacked the party and Tindalos was badly wounded.

Gozran 10th

They arrived at Vordakai's tomb, which was a pillar of land apparently unaffected by erosion from the nearby waterfall; there, the party encountered two wyverns that Makenna cowed and defeated in short order, demanding their treasure (which they willingly surrendered after the initial confrontation).

They found a beach entrance to the tomb at the foot of the structure. They were able to destroy the vases in the hallway without injury and confront a number of Dread Cyclops Zombies, which they defeated. The party discovered a secret door at the back of the room.

The party progressed to the next room where they "befriended" an Elasmosaur that appeared to have become trapped in the chamber due to its size. They also found a body at the bottom of the water and recovered the gear, including a powerful Ring of Free Movement.

The party continued on to the pottery room where they disturbed nothing (as none of the pots appeared to be trapped). They continued to the area with the water trap and sprung it, allowing the room to flood. They swam out into the complex, where they managed to make it to the tar-filled room and killed the zombie wizard that was in there (which strangely appeared to retain some spellcasting power). From there, they progressed to a crypt of Breath Drinkers and defeated them with a wall of fire, though Makenna and Reem both took Wisdom damage from their attacks.

Gozran 11th

The party rested until the very early morning. They searched some of the areas and destroyed some powerful runes on a wall, although they had no idea what they actually destroyed, only that it appeared powerful and tied to the lich.

They were able to circumvent the trap that would have activated the stygian fires, and ended up battling and defeating a fish-daemon, after which point they met with Xamanthe the centaur who warned them of Vordakai and his power to paralyze with a touch. They were able to overcome her ongoing paralysis by putting the Ring of Free Movement upon her. They proceeded to the stygian tar pits and beyond.

The PC's disturbed the feeding frenzy of the Cyclops zombies. They then went through a room containing a portal to Abbadon and were able to confront Vordakai in his chamber, where he expressed dismay that the Leviathan of the Tors had been defeated (some centuries prior) and stressed that there was only so much regency to go around. They discussed the Varnhold Vanishings and their ramifications, and learned a great deal from Vordakai. Vordakai explained that he had stolen the souls (and bodies) of the inhabitants of Varnhold, and intended to consume them all to restore his power (which had waned considerably, but not to the point where he was concerned with the PC's). They delayed him in conversation and ended the discussion with Tindalos declaring, "I guess that's all our questions – oh, wait: where's your larder?" (where he had declared that the souls were kept) He was amused by this, but the party used the opportunity to draw first blood.

The party held Vordakai at bay and eventually defeated him, though two were paralyzed (requiring Xamanthe to put the ring on Deleksin who then transferred it to Makenna to strike the finishing blow). They defeated Vordakai, who begged for mercy and promised that they would be unable to stand against a greater foe if he were not preserved. After leaving, the discussed the notion of adventuring with Xamanthe and gave her a magic bastard sword they happened to have lying around.

During the night, all experienced disturbing dreams of Vordakai.

Gozran 12th

They head to Varnhold Pass and learn that twice as many kobolds now exist and they discussed their allies briefly, to Xamanthe's surprise. Reem suggested that gargoyles feared the fort because they were made of gargoyle "bones." The party took a little more than half of the troops from the fort with them to Varnhold and proceeded.

They returned to Varnhold to find Jubilost Northropple camped there and slightly confused.

They paid Jubilost 100pp up front to continue his work in Hooktongue Slough. Reem purchased a +2 greatclub from Jubilost Northropple.

They learned the lore of Vordakai and his insane quest to control the world, and of the Oculus' power to control a kingdom, which required the focus of a chamber made to that purpose (which they had destroyed in Vordakai's tomb). It was, thus, humorous that Vordakai used this item, expecting to take control of a vast empire, and conquered only one small town.

They brought back all the inhabitants of Varnhold with them. 42 in tow. Reem determined that he ought open an orphanage, given that so many were displaced by such evil as Vordakai.

Gozran 14th

The party proceeded to Tuskwater, where they realized that they would be unable to get enchanted armor in Olegston. They purchased a masterwork breastplate for Makenna to use when she gives hers to Xamanthe.

Kressle named the kitty the party acquired from Varnhold "Princess," before she realized it was a boy, and subsequently refused to rename him. They identified the items and decided to leave the Oculus of Abaddon and Vordakai's spellbook in the box.

Gozran 15th

The party proceeded to Nivatka's Crossing, where they were unable to acquire the magic items they desired, and instead proceeded to the centaurs.

Gozran 16th

The party reached the Nomen Centaur Tribe, where they spoke with Agria (the warrior mistress of the Nomen centaurs). After a brief argument with Agria, they proceeded to Aecora, who was overjoyed to see her daughter. After this, they were gifted Skybolt, accepted as friends of the tribe and given a collection of potions.

Gozran 17th

The party made plans to discuss the adventuring parties with Aecora.

The party Xamanthe assembles consists of:

Xamanthe (centaur fighter) Emora (centaur Sorceress) Kol Amur (centaur cleric)

It was determined that they should learn to fight under actual conditions. They first battled Tindalos, Deleksin and Beltashazzar. Then, a pack of wolves was summoned, which they defeated in short order.

The two support characters then fought them in an extremely evasive manner which makes for an unusual stalemate of a fight.

They donated the potions to Xamanthe and her party.

The party defeated the Will-O'-Wisp that had been terrorizing the lizardfolk, a creature that ambushed the party while on the road.

The party proceeded to Nivatka's Crossing to stay at the inn there, where they spread a great deal of information (almost completely true) about their exploits. They encountered Vendelos the Tree Rat. Upon discovering that he was now smuggling weapons out of Brevoy into Restov, they wrote him a letter of pardon and sought to gain his support in smuggling. They discussed entering Restov with fanfare to draw attention away from Vendelos (who informed them of a Breven moratorium on weapon exports and imports into Restov).

Gozran 18th

They hired Tomril to act as a runner ahead to Restov, where they received a lukewarm reception. Mayor Ioseph Sellemius was unable (or unwilling) to meet with them, but they shared supper with the high Swordlord Jemandi Aldori, who expressed great interest in their solving of the mystery of the Varnhold Vanishings. Tamarek Elanork, one of the swordlords, expressed interest in their findings of Iobarian artifacts, and requested to be allowed to see them at the former fortress of Vordakai, but the party determined that this would be impractical.

They agreed with Vendelos to set up a supply chain to create the illusion of legitimate trade. They travel to the centaur burial ground with Tamerek.

The characters proceeded through the Dunsward, where they were forced to battle a bulette (whom the Nomen Centaur had called Kankerata). From there they proceeded to the old tomb of Vordakai.

Gozran 20th

Tamerek created charcoal etchings of the hieroglyphics and collected the urns from the burial room.

A Stygira, a sort of cyclopian mystic, waylayed the group and stated that the PC's are the chosen ones who defeated Vordakai; it predicted that the PC's would battle, in addition to defeating a dead lord (whom the party presumed must have been Vordakai), they would defeat a living god, a dead lord, and face another living god. The party reasoned that two gods must be Razmir and Castruccio Irovetti. They slew the creature when it tried to steal Reem's eyes.

Gozran 22nd

They returned to Restov with Tamarek, who gave them a headband as a reward. They then returned to Olegston, where they found out that the agents of the Nightbird had arrived at Tuskwater but, disheartened by the lack of commerce there, had left for parts unknown.


The party held strong. An orphanage was built in Fort Tuskwater.

Gozran 23rd

The party negotiated with the Sootscale Kobolds to integrate them into the kingdom.

They negotiated successfully with chief Sootscale and agreed to unify them at the location of the gold mine. The kingdom would, therefore, integrate the kobolds over the next few months.

The owlbear was named "Toothless."

Gozran 24th

The party continued to Tuskwater, and escorted Maestro Pendrod to Candlemere.

Beltashazzar was able to make the journey across the elf gate to the outer void, where he encountered a group of Leng inhabitant. He fled from Leng.

Maestro Pendrod continues upon his way to Absalom and, having dissipated the excess energy of Candlemere, left the place calmer and less imposing.

Gozran 25th

Explored hexes.

Gozran 26th

Encountered Agela, the Silver Dragon. She spoke of the death of her brother, Elagnoth (ehl-ahn-oth) and his slaying by the wicked black dragon Ilthuliak.

The party shared the histories with the both the dragon and each other.

Gozran 27th

The griggs warned the party of the presence of the violent mudmen on the eastern shore of Lake Silverstep.

Gozran 29th

The party searched the area at the source of the Little Sellen, and found a cave that turned out to be an abandoned jade mine.

Exploration continued through the 31st of Gozran.


Desnus 2nd

The Elf Gate was realigned to the Green Planet Castrovel (its original orientation) with Agela's help, with the promise to seek out the brood of Ilthuliak and find the great black dragon. She gave Tindalos a scroll of Sending and told him not to hesitate if they learn of Ilthuliak's location from one of his spawn.

Followed the Gurdin River to Lake Silverstep, where they encountered a group of grigs. The grigs scattered when confronted initially, but Flit-Genny Tibber, their nominal leader, spoke with the party after Deleksin was able to lure him out with the power of song. The party made camp nearby.

Desnus 3rd

The party encountered and defeated a group of cockatrices.

Desnus 4th

The party located a roc's nest, but decided to avoid the roc, as it appeared to have an elephant kill.

Desnus 6th

Returned to Olegston.


The party held a festival in honor of the lizardfolk, and the Beldame and Juniper argued over the nature of the books in the library



Sarenith 6th

Bandits led by a charismatic leader from Nidal have been raiding lands to the west of Easthaven in the Hooktongue Slough.

Sarenith 8th

The PC's explored the Shrike Cascades, a whitewater area in the east end of the Greenbelt.

Sarenith 11th

The party encountered a Peluda, which they defeated, and found a set of noble's clothing among the remnants that they identified as being Orlovsky in origin, although they didn't have definitive proof whether they were Tomin's or not.

Sarenith 15th

The party encountered the ettercap ambush, felled them all gloriously without the slightest difficulty.

Sarenith 16th

The party traveled and explored the mountains. They discovered a Cyclopean Oracle and, when they wouldn't pay tribute and the oracle surmised that she was no match for them (although her companion, a Mighty Cyclops, might well have been), they parted ways.

Sarenith 17th

They found Elagnoth's lair and asked him some questions, determining who he was, what had happened to him (slain by Ilthuliak) and that he had a hidden hoard. After a black dragon hatchling fled the area, the party decided they should find the black dragon's brood. The party then proceeded to spend a week searching the hex.

Sarenith 21st

They were able to find a black dragon wyrmling named Jeval, which they promptly killed, then returned to life and interrogated using the _Breath of Life_ spell. They were able to determine that his father Ilthuliak did, in fact, kill Elagnoth. Furthermore, the dragon reported that there were more than a dozen dragons in this brood, and that Ilthuliak himself had left the area, some said to Hooktongue, some say to work for Castruccio Irovetti, but Jeval believed he had overhead his father speaking of a strange benefactor from the First World of the faeries.

Sarenith 23rd

The party arrived in Varnhold.



VARNHOLD IS CLAIM'D! The party spoke with Grigori on such matters, but his council pretty much mirrored their own determinations.

Erastus 6th

The party learned of the incoming armies en route for Tatzlford from Kisandra Numesti, the daughter of Terrion Numesti, one of Baron Drelev's advisors. She warns of a army of the Nightbird's pirates, led by Dovan of Nisroch, a vicious group of troll outcasts whose loyalty was secured through promised flesh and treasure, and Ameon Trask's barbarians.

Kesten Garess mounted a defense through the Dakarawa Tribe, while reserving a number of troops in Olegston. The Sootscale kobolds were summoned to bring trapmakers and skirmishers to bear. The lizardfolk were warned to relocate somewhere safe. The party entered Tatzlford, met with the captain of the guard Coren Lawry and the mayor), and Tindalos and Deleksin sallied forth to rout the trolls, which they were able to do. The kobolds and Dakarawa tribe sent their armies, Omari was displeased to be working under Makenna, but Ashanti was overjoyed to see her.

The party faced Ameon Trask, Dovan and their entourage. Dovan was killed in the fray after ambushing Makenna and Ameon was captured. Trask divulged the fact that Pitax had been sending aid to Drelev for some time, mostly in return for his occupying the Tiger Tribe of barbarians, and that Irovetti had withdrawn his support recently, leaving Drelev to deal with the Tiger Tribe and the Nightbird who had been raiding his kingdom. The Nightbird's alliance was secured with the sale of the outlying people of Drelev's Kingdom, and the Tiger Tribe was pacified with five hostages, each of them the daughter of one of the leaders of Drelev.

Kisandra discussed the needs of the people of Drelev with the PC's. She said that the hostages need to be recovered from the Nightbird before he sells them down river, her father is still in Drelev's prison, no doubt, and the people of Fort Drelev are undoubtedly in serious danger, and, finally, the Tiger Tribe have amassed a considerable force north of Drelev that surely must be routed if peace is to be restored.

As they left the area, they incidentally found the lair of the Hodag who had received Staas' spear.

Erastus 7th

The party found a punt left as an offering to Hanspur and took it, after deliberating about how to repay the favor. They made their way down the tributaries of the Sellen River, where they encountered killer swamp mummies. These they put down with little difficulty.

They traveled onward to the mouth of the Sellen, performed divination to determine where the slavers were, and made camp to wait for them. During the night, they heard the cry of a hydra up the river. Fearing the worst, the party encountered the pirates battling a 12-headed fae hyrda. The party defeated the hydra quite handily and even prevented the enemy officer from escaping.

Deleksin recalled the people by casting ghost sound and Makenna and Reem both took flowers from the Hydra's remains (which had burst with First World fecundation); Tindalos claimed a bouquet for Kressle. They also encountered a master Craftsman named Heimgall Reiv.

The pirate officer, Wenyr Derth, was threatened and volunteered all the information he had. He said he was in the employ of the Nightbird, that the people were being sold to Mivon under the guise of refugees. They determined that the Nightbird is, apparently, negotiating with the M'Botuu, a tribe of boggards, for the rest of the slaves.

Ollix Kaddar announced himself and demanded special treatment whilst insulting the party, telling them all sorts of crazy things, such as of his exploits and his contact with the Daggermark Poisoner's Guild. Most of it seemed far-fetched and questionable at best, and Ollix was, himself, rather difficult to like.

Deleksin sent a message to the Nightbird with Wenyr, primarily insisting that he no longer seeks to end his life and that he is persona non gratia in Easthaven.

Erastus 8th

The party freed Wenyr and teleported themselves back to Olegston along with the refugees from Drelev. They asked Juniper Stargrove to evaluate Ollix's claim, which she rejected completely, but admitted that he had interesting insights that deserved to be published, which would make him eligible for the Pathfinder Society. Eventually, after being briefly briefed by Ollix regarding their need to oust Drelev, they sent him with 200gp to the Pathfinder Society in Absalom. After Ollix left, Tindalos realized that he would be passing through Tindalos' mother's homeland of Kyonin along the way, and for some reason was filled with dread about this fact.

Bokken put up a poster that advertised "Wanted – Six Vials of Giant Slug Spit (Substantial Reward)"

Staas' spear was returned, vindicating him and his story of throwing the spear at the Hodag.

They heard rumors of Baron Drelev's secret lover, allegedly a succubus, from the various craftspeople of Drelev.

Erastus 9th

The party encountered a stone bridge, which was impressive, and the barrow mounds, which they planned to re-cover once they had finished their rescue mission, but didn't reckon to have time at this juncture, especially as a storm was brewing. They crested the hill to where the barbarians had made camp at the edge of an old quarry.

Deleksin was able to infiltrate the camp with invisibility and determined that there were a number of barbarians and tigers in the camp, and possibly the maidens in a cage located in the center of the rear of the camp. The barbarians seemed frustrated and bored, and had been most likely waiting there for days.

The party charged in and quickly dispatched one of the shamans and a number of the tigers, while Tindalos put up a wall of stone to prevent the barbarians from assisting the other shaman. The sky tore asunder though, and the Battle Mistress of Gorum told them of the twice-born warlord amid a rain of blood; Makenna dispatched her after she mocked the party for caring about the "soft, simpering noblewomen" of the city of Drelev. The barbarians scattered.

The party spoke to the Numesti girl and learned that the vicious and ruthless barbarian lord Armag had whittled down Drelev's resolve through his viciousness and Irovetti's increasing debt burden upon Drelev. They also learned that the barbarian prince Armag, raised by the cult of Gyronna, was able to enter the tomb to reclaim the sword Ovinnrbaan and, with it, the undying soul of Armag.

The party proceeded into the tomb to battle the black sisters, priestesses of Gyronna, whom they slew. They marked the tomb so that the hostages would know where to take refuge and not to pass through the east door. They proceeded to the stone room, where they completed the puzzle in record time, and continued through to the endurance room, where Makenna was able to withstand the ravages of the ice wind. Then, through to the treasure chamber, which was, of course, already looted. The party was able to confront the Image of Gorum and identify it as a golem and even defeat it.

The party was able to defeat the skeleton champions in the next room and destroy the runes surrounding their graves. The party used Tiny Hut to protect themselves from the archers.

The party was able to intimidate their way past Zomek, the tomb guardian, and gained access to Armag's armory. They were able to slay Armag, although Deleksin felt strange emotions in regards to Armag's blade (the ego of which Reem was able to overcome), such that he was certain he was in love with it. They slew the undying remnants of Armag, looted the rest of his tomb, and emerged triumphant.

When the party left the camp and took a defensive position, Tolg Koth, the under-chieftain of the Tiger Lord barbarian tribes, approached the camp under flag of truce with his entourage and requested to know the lore of Armag's death in the form of an epic song, the which was performed via a casting of tongues - Armag the Twice-Slain.

Tolg was amused and somewhat delighted to learn that Armag was defeated and that no more should they live in his shadow, but distressed that they refused to return Ovinrbaane to the Tiger Tribes. However, a plan was hatched for Makenna to agree to defeat each of the tribe chiefs in turn, finally falling intentionally to Villamor Koth. Tolg agreed that this would most likely unite the tribes as planned.

Erastus 10th

The party returned to Olegston via teleportation, and Tindalos recommended that the nobles stay with Kressle and that Kressle learn from her. Kressle was overjoyed to hear that he had "stolen" the girls for her, just as she is always delighted when he does such things for her.

Erastus 11th

The party traveled to Tatzylford en route to Fort Drelev.

Erastus 12th

The party was able to anticipate danger involving giant dragonflies and made their way around Lake Hooktongue without encountering them. The party continued along Lake Hooktongue, avoiding contact with the Boggards as well.

Erastus 13th

The party made their way to Drelev, where they devised a plan to sneak into the city straight through the main gates by posing as mercenaries. They were told that austerity measures were in place to ensure that the bailout would be worth their effort on Irovetti's part. Gimball, the gatemaster, bid them enter, having failed to see through their disguise (and quietly informing the guards that the party would likely be easy pickings for extortion).

The party claimed to be Crusher, Rupert, Tutter Spinkwizzle and Delvin Maul. (Makenna, Reem, Deleksin and Tindalos)

The party noted that the Inn was abandoned, that the Velvet Corner and Bellwether's Kettle were the only places that appeared to be active at all, and that the city was, generally, quite deserted.

The party chatted with Asaia Bellweather (whose husband was sent to Pitax as he was a schoolteacher); she revealed that she runs the inn with her two daughters Leina Bellweather and Caitlyn Bellweather, has some grasp of macroeconomics, is selling black market ale (as the ale is supposed to be saved for the arrival of Irovetti's men), and was otherwise a wellspring of information on the arrangement. She revealed that Erikk the Ruthless had started the whole thing by raiding Ft. Drelev with a giant Owlbear, but that the persecution of the region had continued with attacks by boggards that necessitated a loan from Pitax, followed by a barbarian raid (necessitating further loans with the stipulation that assistance be sought nowhere else in return for negotiations), followed by pirate raids (with which Irovetti was able to come to some sort of truce). Two old men, were also in the tavern, and advised the party to leave town while they could. All the able-bodied men were gone, and their wives and children had been left behind, guarded only by Irovetti's men.

The party met with Satinder Morne, who immediately set to work seducing Tindalos, before he revealed his true intention and she, after briefly praising Calistril, told them that Drelev has a secret escape tunnel out of the fort that he intends to use to smuggle out the treasure. The session ended with the party asking Satinder about the rumors of a succubus seducing and manipulating Drelev, but her being unable to provide anything substantial.

The party had decided to steal badges from the Drelev guards; they killed five of them and stole their badges, then bluffed their way into the castle proper. They were able to investigate the castle, although they couldn’t get into the basement, due to obstructionism. They were offered a bribe by Corvin, which they did not accept, and were able to explore the upper level, encountering Lintwerth, the summoned mephit, whilst Drelev waxed maudlin with Gimball over the "four of them" being in the castle. They went up another level, where they encountered Imeckus Stroon who explained that he could dispatch them all, but wanted to reconsider his options.

Stroon argued that:

  1. He knew all about the party, as he had been scrying Armag, but "changed channels" after they defeated him.
  2. He had prevented summoning in his current room.
  3. He had prepared spells specific to resolving the situation.
  4. He could disintegrate, chain lighting and teleport away

Stroon pointed out that Irovetti's current plan was to return triumphant to the city and grant all the slaves their "freedom" in return for their servitude in Fort Drelev. Stroon argued that this plan could be thwarted with little difficulty, but to insult or defeat Irovetti is not likely to have positive results.

He advised that Quintessa Maray was a noblewoman from Galt who was only in Drelev to seek asylum. He further informed the party that Brevoy was ultimately responsible for the plan to have the party start a doomed kingdom in the Stolen Lands to make the Swordlords appear incompetent. The theory precipitated on no one else having the wherewithal or purpose to do so.

Stroon argued that humiliating Pitax might lead to a 3-front war, but that, in this case, failing to do so might leave Irovetti on their doorstep. Deleksin insisted that his goal was to offer amnesty and asylum to Baron Drelev.

The party confronted Drelev, who was initially hostile and almost goaded into violence by Corvin of Pitax. However, Reem was able to prevent this (by being a lucky halfling) and a battle was averted. They discussed the fate of Drelev at length, and Corvin was able to clarify that Pitax held no ill will toward Easthaven, that the attack on Tatzylford was due to the actions of a single rogue general, and that a warning had been sent to Fort Tuskwater, but apparently not received in time. They further stated that Irovetti was attempting to liberate Drelev and take it under Pitax's rule, avoiding bloodshed with the Nightbird through diplomacy and economic force. However, given that the party wish to repatriate the people of Drelev, Irovetti (who had been "contacted" by Corvin via babbling "prayers") demanded that the party slay the Nightbird and either return his treasure to Irovetti or surrender Drelev's treasure to Irovetti as recompense for the payments he made to the Nightbird.

The party killed the Nightbird's liaisons to prevent them from warning him. Deleksin asked how Irovetti felt about the connection between himself and the Nightbird; Corvin admitted he didn't know.

Whilst the party was killing the Nightbird's Bandits, Makenna heard a knocking noise inside the wall. She was able, with the assistance of Drelev, to find a secret passageway that led to an underground escape tunnel, through which Quinetessa fled. They were able to track her and, after killing some black puddings, to find her in the woods, where they offered her asylum. She told them that Drelev sickened her with his advances and that she wanted to avoid him as much as possible, but otherwise stated that she would graciously accept the offer.

They joined with the Narthropple Expedition and traveled from the city of Drelev.

Erastus 15th

The party returned to Olegston without incident. Grigori advised them that there had, in fact, been an envoy from Pitax, though they arrived at Tuskwater a few hours after the attack on Tatzlylford. Grigor advised that the party consisted of two half-elves (a pied jester, and on with a pavise-and-crossbow), a halfling (identified as Reem's once friend and now rival Baer) and a purple-haired gnomish bard.

Grigori's contact Nevlar, a one-eyed hafling, had advised that Grigori’s services were no longer required.

Erastus 17th

The party learned the lore of the Nightbird – how he was a successful pirate and the scourge of Brevoy and the River Kingdoms; they also gained reports of questionable veracity that would imply that Irovetti is more powerful than anticipated to have so great a menagerie of powerful beasts.

They party sent a message to the Swordlords of Restov including the following notes: Easthaven: Dear sword lords

  1. Why were you spying on us?
  1. Were you spying on us?
  1. We don't care that you were spying on us.
  1. Thank you for the diplomat / ex-spy.
  1. Here's some details of our kingdom… y'know. So you don’t have to spy.
  1. If you wanna talk then that's cool. Just let us know.
  1. Thanks so much for your time.
  1. p.s. We are taking Fort Drelev…

The party picked up horses and a porter to take horses to the edge of the swamp. They left their horses behind.

They encountered pixies trying to impress the nymph queen by bringing her tribute. They were mounted upon worgs. They let Filin survive to take them to his treasure to retrieve the Nightbird's Locket. The Nightbird's locket contained a profile painting of a forlorn looking elven woman with white hair. The party then pursued the Nightbird, staging at the stone bridge just south of Brevoy.

They learned a few things about the Nymph Queen, but nothing solid. The party sent a message to the Nymph Queen, along with the Stag Lord's Locket, that stated that they know that her affection destroyed him in the end, but even so they want the inspiration that was granted the Stag Lord so they may use it to liberate the Stolen Lands from Irovetti and those who seek to subjugate it – a more noble cause.

The partys set up an ambush at the ancient bridge, but were counter-ambushed by the Nightbird, who felt the need to tell Deleksin that while he remembers him, he still didn't remember "her," and did not believe he ever would. After a heated battle, they managed to defeat him and the priest of Hanspur that he brought with him. Both the Nightbird's officer and his bard escaped, as did the majority of his crew. Deleksin attempted to execute the Nightbird, but he was able to disarm Deleksin at the last moment, and Makenna was forced to slay him.

The party gathered the goods and encircled the cleric of Hanspur, whom they bound. He explained that he was trying to have Drelev condemned in Brevoy, and that the Nightbird was a transporter, not a broker, and therefore not a slaver. He further argued that Drelev should not have been given amnesty and showed a ledger confirming his crimes to them. The cleric mentioned that his daughter was one of the hostages, and they were able to confirm that she was safe and sound in Olegston.

The party sent Tomash to Brevoy to finish his plan and teleported to Olegston to speak with their advisers. Tamarek stated that he wanted to meet with them and that no spies were sent by Restov to spy on Olegston.

Erastus 18th

They commissioned Imekus Stroon to scry Tomash's location, determining that he's dead and pinned under a rock somewhere.

Erastus 20th

The party met with Tamarek, who finally clued them in on why their kingdom was formed (to destabilize the River Kingdoms, ironically, for the purpose of keeping the region from being a strong point around which Restov could rally) and fomented a secret alliance with Restov. They further requested that the party create a road connecting Restov to Mivon to help facilitate trade.

Erastus 22nd

The party found and recovered Tomril's body, which they took with them, along with his mother-of-pearl brooch. They then teleported back to Olegston and left the brooch, and sent a message to Tomin to let him know that his brother's remains are there.

Erastus 23rd

The party made their way to the edge of the slough, combating a Naga sorceress who had a number of small magic items and holy symbols of Nalinavata, the snake goddess. Erastus 25th

The party investigated the swamps and were ambushed by Boggards. This went poorly for the Boggards. Erastus 27th

At dawn, Filin approached them. He cursed Tindalos to not summon his eidolon in his presence. They gave Hargulka‘s bandolier and the Nightbird’s weapons to Filin. They agree, and Filin shows them the way to a gate to the First World, which they are unable to actually see (although they note that the area is shrouded in Phantasmal Terrain).

The party then made plans to attack the village of the Boggards from a circuitous position to circumvent the incoming warparty.

The party encountered and defeated a group of calathgar, albeit they exacerbated the situation by blasting them with fire, then they moved on to M'Botuu to attack the boggard camp. They defeated a wave of boggard soldiers before the leader, Sepoko, demanded that the party face him and his righteous might. The party agreed that they would pray and prepare for the battle.

Erastus 28th

The party was not ambushed, and faced Sepoko face to face in a heated battle involving the cleric as well as his entourage of warriors and rangers and a giant gavial; Reem died and was raised. The M'Botuu surrendered peacefully to the leaders of Easthaven.

Erastus 30th

The party explored the bog to the south, discovering large amounts of peat.


Arodus 3rd

The party explored two more hexes in the meantime, and then began a kingdom turn.


The Party expanded and sold magic items to Restov. It was discovered that Drelev was receiving care packages instead of condemnation from Brevoy. The Party discussed various means of dealing with this, eventually agreeing to send Tindalos and an entourage of Kressle's new friends to rule the kingdom.

Arodus 5th

The Party arrive in Fort Drelev, who revealed that he owed his family in Brevoy 300000gp, and Irovetti 100000gp. They disguised a corpse as the Baron, filled it with injuries and planned to display it publicly while Drelev fled through Mivon through various nations to the Shackles. They managed to convince Satinder, but she refused to help them out of vengeance.

Arodus 6th

The Party made their way between the two roads into Mivon. They arrived in the village of Angem, where they determined which inn to stay at.

Arodus 7th

After scaring off some bandits, they continued through Mivon to Doin Vatavis, where they stayed at the Porridge Bowl. They learned the ballad of Ollix Kaddar, which mostly seemed to relate to his strange misadventures and mishaps, and continued to Jellovec.

Arodus 8th

They arrived at Jellovec, where they stayed the night at the Ochre Jelly, before setting off for the border, where Drelev rides off into the sunset.

Arodus 9th

The Party was assaulted by a nucklavee out of nowhere.

Arodus 10th

The Party searched two more plains hexes. No encounters.

Arodus 11th

The Party was attacked by three adult black dragons, all spawn of Ilthuliak. They slew two (Mediruna and Spekitos) while the third escaped. They placed the two slain dragons in their portable hole (they can provide hide for a medium creature or banded mail for a small creature, or half-plate for a tiny creature, as well as a light or heavy shield – all mw by default). Any such would be worth double due to its special materials.

The Party asked the first dragon (Mediruna) where their father was (a place apart),whether they had allegiance to Pitax (no), why they were targeted (they're special), and two times where its treasure was (no and under the water). They questioned the second dragon (Spekitos) and asked the physical location of Ilthuliak (Thousand Voices), allegiance to Pitax (Irovetti employs no creature he cannot cow or dominate), what are his intentions toward us (he has none and seeks our wealth), what is the specific location of your treasure horde (we surrendered our treasure to our father to secure a long-term interest in the swamps; my horde is located in the southeastern portion of the lake, buried deep beneath the swamp in an underwater cave).

Arodus 16th

The Party explored. They found the quicksand pits, and noted that they were trapped as if by hunters. They were ambushed by shambling mounds and collected 4 vials thereof (but did not notice Nurgah the Decrepit watching them). They then explored the plains and located a herd of elk and cloudberries before proceeding to Drelev.

Arodus 17th

Deleksin took Armag's sword and absorbed it. They blindly activated Deleksin, causing a cylander of the First World to intrude upon this world. This lasted for approximately 7 minutes, during which Tindalos spotted a Jabberwock. Then, they noticed that Deleksin's heart glows with artifact magic, whereupon Tindalos retired to his chamber with Kressle.


The party sold magic items, started a lumber industry, and built a brewery. Sevig Mordenkain reclaimed the dwarven outpost and started a Dwarven kingdom of Modenheim, which sought to have favorable relations with Easthaven.

The party consulted with Juniper Stargrove and got intelligence regarding the Tiger Lord. They also brought the Shamblesap to Bokken, who mentioned that his brother can transform into a bird and leave any prison. He requested the essence of a devourer. He also requested lightning bark from Treants.

Arodus 26th

The party met with Agela and discussed the nature of Ilthuliak, learning of aboleths, jabberwocks and the First World (as well as the elves).

The party reburied the burial mounds of the Tiger Lord barbarians, which took a couple weeks.



The kingdom annexed Drelev and built a monument to that achievement. The guilds demand a bureau in Olegston.


Lamashan 19th

The party encountered and slew the coven of hags.

Lamashan 20th

Makenna battled and slew (and subsequently resurrected) Imura Euborone who told them that Villamor Koth was visiting Irovetti to cow him into backing their war. The party agreed to stay over in the Tiger Lord Camp.

Deleksin dreams of his muse, who warns him that he needed to learn patience.

The party discussed situations with Imura and eventually decided that they would have Makenna test the Sword of Armag at sunset. Makenna retained control with the blade, and the party ended up offending one another mightily.

The party encountered a group of hill giants that had raided a caravan and slew them. They determined that the wagons were Brevan, and collected the goods.

Lamashan 21st

The party encountered a number of faerie dragons whom Deleksin played a cheerful song with enormous success, then an adventuring song. The dragons gave him six 100gp sapphires. He played them the ballad of Agnes, the Miller's daughter.

Lamashan 24rd

Further exploration occurred, and the snows of winter began in earnest.

Lamashan 25th

The party encountered the abandoned silver mine (which later turned out to be an adamantine mine). They found a hand-held mining drill made from adamantine.

Lamashan 26th

The party saw a dragon they assumed to be Ilthuliak and sent multiple messages to Agela about it. The dragon descended on a Tiger Lord camp but was repelled. The party gifted Villamor Koth with a war hammer +2 that they convinced him was from a battle with wyverns. They learned that he had been given a substantial gift of magical hide armor from Irovetti.

Lamashan 27th

Makenna planned a duel with Villamor Koth, who was defeated (barely) by Makenna.

Lamashan 28th

The party encountered a carbuncle and had a number of hallucinations, ultimately they lost track of the carbuncle and made camp.

Lamashan 30th

The party dealt with a Crag Linnorm that was occupying a mammoth graveyard for Hillstomper. The party slew the Linnorm, causing Beltashazzar to become cursed and vulnerable to fire, but Reem was able to extract the curse. The party questioned the Linnorm and were told that its treasure was in the Moonscar, the Mammoth's Skull, Pitax, Nyrissa and at the bottom of the lake. They asked if they may search the Mammoth Graveyard for treasure.

They found a small horde in the graveyard. Hillstomper thanked them for their service.

Lamashan 31st

The party searched the foothills, and finding nothing of obvious value, proceeded south to Whiterose Abbey, where they began to explore, finding the vineyard, where they met Hulligrah the hill giantess. The party made their way to the Western Entrance of the Abbey.

They continued to the hill where they found the librarian's book and learned some things about the gardener. They encountered the bogeyman, fought and slew him and his will-o'-wisps. They then found the corpses the gardener had left in the place, rotten and dessicated, as well as the gardener's well-preserved corpse. They questioned it, but it refused to give up its secrets. They then explored the graveyard and dealt with a number of shambling mounds, which the gardener defensively attempted to protect (they died, and he escaped by passing through solid matter). The party recovered the shamblesap.

The party searched the area, dumped the spoiled wine and defeated the Gardner in Evindra's lair. Evindra's water clock was damaged to release her, and she thanked the party by telling them the lore of Briar – that the blade was made from Nyrissa's love, and that Castruccio Irovetti had claimed both the blade and her shawl for himself after slaying the Gardener. Evindra informed the party that her shawl must be retrieved and destroyed in front of her to release her.

The party returned to Olegston with Hulligrah and reunited her with Mugnuk. The two revealed that their chief, Moleg, had killed their baby per the hill giant tradition that states that they have to throw a feast whenever a child is born and, if there isn't enough food after the feast, they kill the child and use it as bait to attract new food. This didn't sit well with Mugnuk, who became bitter and angry with everything afterwards and left the tribe to find a group to break things with. The trolls would not accept him, so he met Reem and realized that killing little things was like killing babies, so he decided he would kill big things instead. He became tranquil after killing the trolls and wearing the sustenance ring. Hulligrah left the tribe to search for Mugnuk, but eventually found snow berry land and used the remaining wine to drown her sorrows.

The party was moved by this while Xexyphenus was disappointed that Makenna had taken over Mugnuk's checkers game and was considerably better at it than he was.

The party hired a messenger to send a message to Irovetti. They did not request the shawl, however, as they initially planned to for fear that it would sit poorly with the tyrant. The party instead requested a diplomatic meeting with Irovetti.


Neth 3rd

Irovetti responded that he could only meet with them face-to-face if Easthaven shared a boarder with Pitax

"Esteemed and noble leaders of Easthaven," the missive began, and ended with a request to extend the kingdom to the border of Pitax. The party responded by saying that they would do this. Irovetti stated that this was excellent news and that the Stolen lands shall at last be tamed.

Neth 8th

Agela met with the party, and pledged 20 years of service in return for their bringing Ilthuliak out of Pitax (which is presumed to require temporarily breaking the hold that Irovetti has over him). The party learned of the Rushlight Tournament, to take place in the month of Erastus.

The party sent a message to Pitax stating that they were expecting to take longer than intended for a diplomatic meeting, but that they look forward to such a meeting.


3 claims, 5 lumber mills, 1 bureau in Olegston

The elves send an envoy from Kyonin: an elven diplomat named Effros and his companions Merien and Gelarius arrived in Tuskwater. Grigori, Akiros Ismort, Svetlana and Juniper Stargrove met with them in addition to the party. The elves demanded (politely) that the elf gate be repatriated to the elves, and they negotiated (with Grigori furiously advocating against the elves and Juniper advocating allying with them). A compromise was made and the elves were told that they could pay 40,000gp per use OR agree to provide military aid to Easthaven when necessary. The elves agreed to provide defense for the Kingdom of Easthaven in the form of a CR 10 Eagle Rider army for the defense against aggressors.

Neth 21st

The party encountered a group of faerie dragons who pranked them with poop and giant rabbits before befriending them and regaling them with pranks past (shaving mites and dropping them off at shrines to Gyronna and convincing grizzly bears to sit on owlbear eggs, and then get surprised with the hatchling). They learned a bunch of questionable things about Nyrissa and traded pebbles illusioned as gold for three thunderstones.

Reem was concerned that immortality might be possible, as this is a serious concern for his faith (since clerics of Pharasma are opposed to anything that harms the cycle of rebirth and eternal rewards).

Neth 22nd

The party encountered Windchaser the awakened horse and, after initially offending him, were able to offer him protection. They decided they would claim his hex and never develop it. They also were concerned that Nurgrah seemed to be awakening every moderately impressive creature he came accross.

Neth 23rd

The party went on to explore and ended up meeting up with a group of pixies who insisted that they should attend their Seven Veils celebration and that they'd been waiting for someone. The party followed the pixies to a River Kingdom Pleasure Barge. Tindalos tragically transformed into a feather, and the party joined the company of the pleasure barge.

The party enjoyed the food (where they were serving traditional River Kingdom fare, including a huge Sellen sturgeon with a rich creamy green sauce made from the native herbs: parsley, lovage, chervil, borage, dill, salad burnet, chives, cress and sorrel); the party mingled with a number of party guests. Reem spent a great deal of time with Jex the Snitch playing cards and gabbing about the other party guests (Jex was quick to guess at what all of them are). They watched a portion of a Clever Nella show (a sort of River Kingdom Punch and Judy about a clever girl who makes a deal with a Contract Devil to roam the River Kingdoms and learns many lessons along the way).

A vain Tiefling (disguised as a human) hit on Deleksin and, after it was clear he would not succumb, moved on to a dignified and wealthy-looking half-elf disguised as a human (who turned out to be a half-orc in a significantly more impressive disguise), much to her eventual disgust and humiliation.

A man in a magically assisted satyr costume (who turned out to be a real satyr who snuck off when the reveal was to happen) was impressed (or frightened) by Makenna’s drinking, and engaged in melancholy avoidance of pretty much everyone, which is pretty much the opposite of what is expected from a Satyr.

Jex was just having a good time on his way to Pitax, lost at cards to Reem and was surprised when the PC’s revealed themselves. No harm befell him, and no hard feelings were expressed, despite him admitting to banditing his way across the River Kingdom.

A talking dog named Shuffles (who belonged to the Clever Nella show’s host, a man who never revealed himself) performed a Harrow reading for Deleksin, giving the following reading:

Evil Neutral Good
The Survivor The Idiot The Hidden Truth
The Beating The Theater The Brass Dwarf
The Betrayal The Uprising The Sickness

"You were the survivor of some sort of tragedy, you traveled aimlessly for a while until you came across a secret that provided you means to escape. Your present is filled with pleasant (if not the most reliable) company and enjoyable pastimes, but also unavoidable expectations are heaped upon you. Your future will be marked by the betrayal by those you thought trustworthy, some variety of uprising (which will likely be neither good nor bad, but a change nonetheless) and withering and destruction that leaves you in a position of advantage."

Shuffles also provided an unfortunate Harrow reading for the Tiefling, which ended with him casually calling her a liar, much to her annoyance.

There was a boasting competition, in which Eileen (the tiefling) boasted about taming a Giant (by removing a thorn from his foot); Reem boasted likewise about taming a giant, albeit his story was more believable; Jex boasted, as a scarecrow, about being a scare-bandit; Deleksin boasted about slaying Tuskgutter. Unfortunately, Jex won (Makenna and the Satyr both participated poorly), primarily through what essentially amounted to dumb luck.

The Satyr snuck out at the end, which resulted in much confusion. The party could neither track nor find him in any sense. The party asked the pixies about him, and gave an account that varied wildly from the Satyr’s claims.

At the reveal, a woman came out dressed as the nymph queen (although the costume looked nothing like Deleksin's recollection of what Nyrissa looks like) and, after the reveal, found her in the hold of the ship reading picture books to children.

Neth 24th

The party finished exploring the hex.

Neth 27th

The party found a small garden of Mandragora. They killed them all and gathered the corpses.

Neth 29th

The party explored more. Nothing of consequence.

Neth 30th

The party encountered and slew a carbuncle. They preserved its body.


Kuthona 1st

The party did some final exploring before their kingdom turn.


The party decided to make Svetlana Mayor of Olegston in order to allow her to focus on that area (and replace her in her capacity as Councilor). They consulted Juniper Stargrove (who informed them that she needed to continue her work for the Pathfinder Society) and sent her to Galt to look into Quintessa Maray. In the meantime, the positions were changed such that Quintessa was Councilor (due to her experience in Galt, which had allowed her to anticipate the revolution) and Stroon replaced Stargrove as Spymaster.

Svetlana promised the people of Olegston a Sewer System to be completed before the end of winter.

The party was approached by Vendelos who insisted that they needed more magic items for Restov, however, the party is fresh out of magic items to sell to the city. Restov agreed to purchase magic items provided by the cities from within Easthaven as necessary.

The party deigned fit to hold a festival in honor of the new year, purchasing decorations for winter (no mechanical advantage, payed for out of pocket with 500gp) to celebrate the eve of the new year as a respite from the Night of the Pale. They had a number of the Nomen Centaurs show up, and a good time was had by all.

The Rushlight tournament was announced in full, with an event list being offered. The following events were named:

  • archery competition
  • test of strength
  • boasting competition
  • a midnight joust
  • a creative wizardry competition
  • a (soon to be world-famous) gauntlet

While each event was to have a prize for the victor, the overall winning kingdom would be awarded a rod of lordly might.

The kingdom had unseasonably good weather and was paid a visit by Vendelos the Tree Rat who, after sufficient payment, revealed that he worked for the Aspis Consortium (the nemesis of the Pathfinder Society), who had a vested interest in Restov continuing to receive magic items. They are, apparently, planning to oppose Irovetti and not interested in creating difficulty for Easthaven.




The sewers were created in Olegston, a number of structures were built, and the newly annexed lizardfolk tribe city was added (the Murque Tribe).

Abadius 16th

Kressle argued with Tindalos regarding the naming of their child. She wasn’t able to convince him of anything, and they reached no conclusion regarding what it ought be named, regardless of gender, though Kressle was able to involve everyone else in the awkwardness and tried to insist that it was a matter of state.

The brought shamblesap to Bokken, for potions of cure moderate wounds.

Abadius 22th

Ezregou the demon spoke to them at length about corruption and made a point of lamenting that only evil things summon demons (and that angels must likewise be dismayed that villains never summon them). It gave them a magic weapon on the theory that just giving them power would corrupt them, and Deleksin accepted it, much to Makenna’s chagrin and anger. Tindalos talked her into returning and killing the demon, but as soon as Reem pressed the attack, it teleported away. Makenna accused her companions of being idiots.

Abadius 24th

They searched for - and found - the demon and explored a hex after killing it.

Abadius 27th

The party dealt with a group of Ettins by intimidating them into leaving and, subsequently, bribing them into going to the hills in the northwest. Makenna was disappointed and convinced that she would have to deal with this issue later.

The party returned to Castle Darksky to purchase trail rations and stay the night, mostly because they were all out of trail rations and food is difficult to come by in the wild this late in winter.

Abadius 28th

The party explored.

Abadius 30th

The party encountered a half-black-dragon, half-basilisk (a creature commonly known as a Dracolisk), who they slew after learning that it had brothers. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to locate its brothers. They decapitated the creature and collected its remains (including and especially its blood) which they dumped in their portable hole.

The party tried to track it back to its brothers, but weren’t able to find them.

Abadius 31st

The PCs explored along the border of Pitax. They spotted what they presumed to be a border outpost, but did not approach.


Calistril 2nd

The party found hot springs and lazed about there. They moved on, and determined that in and around the area of the hot springs there are occasional blasts of steam and geysers of scalding water, but they weren't exposed directly to any such thing.

Calistril 3rd

The party encountered and defeated a pair of Aurumvoraxes, killing one and driving off the other. They found a considerable (but not remarkably singificant) cache of gold inside the slain creature's stomach. They then returned to Castle Darksky to take a kingdom turn.


The party constructed a Luxury Shop and Mill in the Murque Tribe’s Headquarters. The Event phase has not yet occurred.

Calistril 9th

The party learned that there had been increased adventurer activity with the spring thaws. Most pressingly, a half-orc paladin named Travaar (truh-VAHR), a half-orcish paladin was collecting debts throughout the Stolen Lands. His lawful pursuits were grating on the people of the chaotic River Kingdoms.

Grigori recommended that the paladin be allowed to continue collecting debts, arguing, in part, that the PCs don't want to be the ones to stop a paladin enacting his holy duty; Quintessa insisted that he should not be allowed to do this, as collecting these debts violated the spirit if not the letter of the River Freedoms and, if Easthaven were to make a policy of punishing people for their former lives, she and countless other criminals in the Stolen Lands would be liable for ill-earned debts and the sins of their former lives.

The party decided the issue of citizenship had been left nebulous long enough and scheduled a census for the beginning of spring; they planned to require a registration for citizenship for protection from debts (and other extradition) after two years.

In any case, they decided that the best approach would be to meet with Travaar in person and summoned him to court.

Calistril 13th

Travaar answered their summon. The paladin stated that the Stolen Lands were not Restov's to give and that they would be Brevan once more. He eventually conceded that he would follow the laws set forth before him, and Deleksin offered him 100gp toward collecting the debts. The paladin stated he had over 40 debts to collect, and thus would owe additional money (which he, as Deleksin pointed out, would have to pay out of his own pocket).

Travaar stated that he was solving small injustices, as he had been accused (and could not rebut the accusation) of being a glory seeker, and thus sought to right the pettiest wrongs (even collecting debts for the financially solvent).

Quintessa, who had not been present at the beginning, was confused that a paladin would seek un-glory and suggested that he might be seeking to glorify himself in his inglorious undertakings. Tindalos suggested that they ought test to him to determine if he would eschew a more glorious task in favor of a less glorious one even when the more glorious task was also more pressing, and suggested that they should offer to pay off the debt of one of the debtors in order to put him in harm’s way to entice the paladin to slay a dragon or somesuch, but the party eventually decided against that, based on the fact that they had more important matters to attend.

The party gave the dracolsik corpse to Bokken. He was pleased and stated he could make potions of stone to flesh (which Tindalos initially questioned until Bokken explained their function to him). He also expressed dismay that the party assumed that making his "crazy evil brother" not crazy would make him not evil (he likened this to being hungry and tired and stated that he eats in his sleep frequently).

Calistril 17th

A meteor shower, a celestial event known as the Tears of Curchanus, was seen visibly over the Stolen Lands. Allegedly connected to the god Curchanus’ death (recorded over a millennium prior), this is considered an omen of the enmity between man and beast that resulted from Lamashtu’s slaying of the deity and stealing his dominion. The people were comforted by the knowledge that the PCs had previously defended them from a rampaging owlbear, and thus did not grow in unrest from this omen.

Calistril 18th

The party met Sevig Mordenkain at the Murque tribe's border. The kingdom of Mordenheim stated that they had a platinum mine and would like to recommend minting currency in that coin.

Calistril 19th

The party agreed to a trade agreement. Yelina asked the party to open trade with Numeria so she could acquire Numerian artifacts from the Technic League. She also implied, but did not state, that she understood the purpose of the Mivon-Restov trade route and stated that she wanted in. She purchased the drill from the party.

Calistril 20th

The party gathered a group of surveyors consisting primarily of kobolds to check the mine.

Ollix Kaddar of Kadria shipped a portrait of himself with a long-winded letter of well-wishes in commemoration of Tindalos' upcoming child.

Calistril 22nd

The surveyors found that the mine was almost certainly a starmetal mine that was mined into an aquifer and would need to be drained and cleared before it could be mined. It was also rich in coal. It was, however, suggested that Numeria would be upset.

Calistril 23rd

The party returned to Castle Darksky. The party rallied and discussed baby names with Kressle who settled upon Victor or Victoria.

Calistril 26th

The party faced a pride of chimera, of which they slew one, captured another and routed the third. They found a priestess of Gyronna who was displeased by their ban on priestesses of Gyronna within Easthaven and stated that they had incurred the goddesses' disfavor. She was, however, wholly unwilling to engage them in combat or threaten them in any way, and admitted that she was a prisoner of the chimera, who were afraid to harm her because of he ties to the Hag Queen. She left.

The party eventually agreed to offer the remaining chimera atonement, but it was too stupid to understand and eventually agreed not to eat them or anyone like them, as Reem came to the conclusion that mercy is the first step on the path to redemption.

Calistril 31st

The party continued exploring and found not only a number of steam geysers but also some rolling hills with abandoned vineyards left behind by the clerics of Cayden Cailien. There was nothing worth salvaging.



The kingdom constructed a Magic Shop, which left them thoroughly overjoyed with the massive influx of powerful items. These they sold to Restov for a large amount of money.

Pharast 5th

Marin, the female halfling midwife, cared well for mother and child, and the baby, Victor was born - a gaunt child with elongated features - too-long fingers, elbows that jut, legs and knees that would go over the head if hugged to chest (and might be splayed out too far to be hugged directly to chest). His faceis guant, gray and fishlike, also enlongated. A dredlock-like tangle of fleshy tendrils with short stubbly spider-like cilia for "hair". The midwife was shocked, but Kressle embraced the child with joy. The stool and umbilicus were cut. Tindalos stated that he was the father - for certain.

"Victor doesn't look like other babies because... he's a quarter elven. And his father is a very particular sort of elf."

Tindalos recommended that the next ruler of Easthaven shall be appointed by the joint leadership, and will not necessarily be the direct bloodline descendant of the current rulers of Easthaven. He made this declaration because of the his child's birth, but not because of the nature thereof. They held off on the declaration, though, to prevent Kressle from associating it.

They consulted the Old Beldame, Grigori, Quintessa Maray and Imekus Stroon, who all had opinions that moved them toward wanted to preserve their kingdom's frank relationship with its people.

Pharast 7th - 10th

  • Pitax sent a limner to paint mother and child in a large portrait (6000gp).
  • Touvette sent a small child-sized crown in Taldan style (400gp).
  • Urigen sent a flask of moonlight (20gp).
  • Mivon sends a collection of practical baby toys, including a rat figure on wheels (traditional depiction of Hanspur) made of darkwood (10gp).
  • Hymbria sends a child-sized masterwork harp (310gp).
  • Queen Sovella (exiled queen of Artume) sent a red silk ribbon, a token against witches (2gp).
  • Mordenheim minted a commemorative coin valued at (10gp).

Kressle penned thank yous while the party traveled to Varnhold, then Makenna and Quintessa made contact with the Nomen tribe to speak with Agria. Agria explained that her daughter was adventuring and, after learning of Victor's birth, expressed the desire to give them a gift, but would need time and an opportunity to prepare one.

Pharast 11th - 13th

They travel to search the area, and avoid a landslide.

Pharast 14th - 15th

Demet, the blind beggar, met with them and mentioned that Kob Moleg lay to the northwest. Deleksin noticed that he was under the effects of a weak transmutation. They found nothing further of interest.

Pharast 16th - 17th

The party discovered wild grapes.

Pharast 18th - 19th

The party encountered and fought a Gorgon. They saved its horn and hide.

Pharast 20th - 21st

The party spotted a mature red dragon on the horizon and Makenna, being crazy, hailed it. The dragon came down and, after deciding that they were all circus performers, demanded they entertain her. When Deleksin was able to perform a sufficiently amusing song, the dragon revealed a female humanoid form with fiery red hair, embraced and kissed him, and said she would be his lover. Deleksin was more or less force to write her a ballad and teach her to play it. She then demanded that he surrender to her his mbira, and he said that it was precious to him and asked then how he would sing her praises without it. "Mournfully" was her reply. In the meantime, Tindalos sent messages to Agela to ask for her assistance and, after revealing his location, was informed it would take her several hours to get there.

The dragon, Vegadarathyl, demanded a ransom for Deleksin, and was sorely disappointed when the offerings were not to her expectations. She seemed to universally disdain them until Reem offered his shoes and kept her entertained with stories of the trophies until she decided that he had come "as close as [he] ever [would]" to defeating a red dragon, and offered him a scale, which he refused, and she decided to give him a scar to remember her by. He harmed her and she took to the air and blasted him with her breath weapon and he with his Cold Blast. Apparently disgusted, she flew off.

About 30 minutes later, a quickling showed up stating that he was Nyrissa's servant and that he was there to scout for invisible creatures, knowing that the dragon would return. Aegela arrived shortly thereafter, and agreed to assist them in protecting themselves. Vegadarathyl attacked and great damage was dealt. In the end, Vegadarathyl was slain and Aegela agreed to finish her off. They buried the remains.

Reem wrote something to commemorate:

Beneath this mound a dragon lain By other dragon and warriors slain Let's assume this battle was not in vain The dragon tis dead, let's keep it this way... ne

It was agreed by all that the last two lines ought probably be removed. They then discussed the dragon's tower. Finally, they said their goodbyes to Aegela, who promised that should they require further assistance, she would come to their aid, though she would be in the Nomen Heights for some time.

Pharast 22nd - 23rd

No encounters.

Pharast 24th - 25th

The party spotted a wrecked watchtower just across the border of Brevoy. There, they found the dragon's horde and an orc slave named Loebhaf of the Murragh, who stated that he had been taken as a consort to Vegadarathyl after she defeated his tribe in Numeria. Deleksin offered him some of the treasure from the horde, and he took a scimitar and a heavy shield. The rest of the treasure was primarily claimed by the party. They invited the orc back with them, and returned to Easthaven.

"Adventurers raid memories," he explained when they discussed diplomacy and dealing with orcs. The orc was frequently confused by their lack of slaves, the improvement of quality of life and the changes to the surrounding kingdoms. He eventually pieced together that their heir would be the champion.

Pharast 26th


A better sword was rolled up, and Makenna dropped Armag's sword (with Reem's help) and realized that she was plotting the demise of her allies on behalf of the sword. The party then went through an episode of Hoarders with their equipment.

Quintessa Maray disappeared along with 2 BP worth of treasure. Imeckus Stroon failed to scry upon Quintessa, but was able to determine that Drelev was with a lady friend who paid in River Kingdom coin for passage to the Shackles. Unfortunately, this turned out to be Pavetta Stroon. Imekus Stroon was consulted about Maray and the party concluded that she may have been kidnapped. They agreed that she must be found and Stroon stormed out as quickly as he could to try to locate her more earnestly. Just then, Juniper Stargrove arrived and explained Quintessa Maray is Sylvia Giles a spy from Daggermark, and that the real Quintessa Maray was executed in Galt ~6 years ago (and the records of her demise were mostly destroyed, leaving the revolutionaries searching for her). The party learned that a Pathfinder agent named Kalmar may have warned Giles in the intervening hours after accomplishing her Pathfinder Society missions (which apparently involved falsifying death records in Galt).


They built a garrison and jail at Tuskwater, even as they built a Dance Hall among the Sootscales.

Gozran 2nd

It's Makenna's birthday! The party takes the day off! Makenna insists that everyone get drunk! They blow Makenna is 20 years old! They marveled at the fact that Reem was both the least and most mature even though he's the oldest. They end up celebrating Deleksin's birthday as well.

Gozran 3rd - 5th

Traveling to the site of exploration. In the evening the party was attacked by a group of 4 dire bears. They dispatched them and skinned the remains.

Gozran 6th - 7th

The party explored the area, noting footprints of mammoths, hill giants and possibly ogres and or trolls.

Gozran 8th - 9th

The party encountered a sizable army of mites mounted upon various creepy crawlies. They sent Tekteknibir, herald of Niblegrek to negotiate. He demanded supplies (which they intentionally misinterpreted as "surprise" and frightened them) and eventually clarified that he meant provisions. They promised him wagonloads of provisions to help them, with no intention, of course, of sending such. They eventually left them be and moved on.

Gozran 11th - 12th

They explored further and discovered a flowery meadow in which to have a picnic with a number of goblin stones along the ridges. Nothing terrible happened during it.

Gozran 13th - 15th

The party explored Mount Branthlend's foothills, where they encountered a (the?) Jabberwock. Deleksin wasn't certain whether Nyrissa had a Jabberwock or the Jabberwock, so they didn't risk confronting the creature.

Gozran 16th - 18th

Traveling to new area for exploration.

Gozran 19th

The party explored the bogs west of Mordenheim, where they encountered a small group of three marsh giants surrounded by stirges and watching a pair of giant slugs mating. Deleksin, Makenna and Tindalos had no interest in so much as dealing with them, and ended up hanging back while Reem attempted to talk to them. The giants eerily glared at him and announced that attacking him would be insane. They added that Dagon protects them and that they knew he would eventually come to naught. Eventually Reem was able to hear the creature predict his death at the hands of
"one of Dagon's servants OR
one the serves him OR
one that he serves OR
a friend who betrayed or will betray him OR
a god who is not a god but is."

The creatures then left. The rest of the party was generally glad that this was a nonviolent encounter.

Gozran 20th

Tindalos was able to summon a chariot that pulled them through the swamps. They explored and found nothing.

Gozran 21st

The party was ambushed by a dragon, which isolated Makenna and wounded her badly before the party overcame it and defeated it. They then put the shackles of cooperation on it. The dragon (Ilkhoth) was uncooperative, but for obvious reasons couldn't try to escape. He was aware that the party intended to kill him one way or another and weren't going to let him live regardless of his cooperation. They eventually offered the dragon redemption, which it accepted, and it told them that Ilthuliak was father to a great many dragons, but not him, and that Ilthuliak was a Great Wyrn, and a fearsome creature.

Gozran 22nd

They explored an nearby area and found peat bogs.

Gozran 22nd - 23rd

They explored another nearby hex and came across a people-sized insect skimming across the water's surface. Reem to communicate with it in Aquan. Eventually, they determined that the cultural barrier was greater than the language barrier and off it went. Everyone was perfectly pleased.

Gozran 24th

The party encountered an owlbear outside the fringe of their territory. After killing it and engaging in much ado over its body (including, inexplicably, resurrecting it), Makenna left with her feelings hurt and they all wandered back to the Kingdom.

A River Kingdoms Folk Tale

A group of dragonslayers of no small renown were traveling day when, perchance, they came upon a lone owlbear foraging among the bushes. Knowing the beast was no match for them, they set about dealing with it. The first said, "I shall use magic to beguile it and obtain a servant!" the second said, "This creature is beneath our notice. We ought leave it be." The third declared, "I shall slay it, and wear its fur as a cloak." The fourth said, "I shall defeat it and cow the creature into servitude." None discussed their plan with the others and, having slain the creature gruesomely, expending many spells and much effort and ruining the hide, each left, bitterly convinced that their plan would have worked. They were each one of them right.


Claimed and settled Whiterose. Caeldwyn found a mighty Tome of Leadership and Influence. In return, he asked for a better enchanted bow.


Desnus 4th

The party discussed the possibility of capturing a roc, mostly as a way of avoiding killing the roc. They eventually agreed to charm and convince the roc to leave their people alone. They traveled up Talon Peak to confront the roc.

Desnus 5th-7th

They waited until the roc returned, suffering from minor altitude sickness. They ended up negotiating awkwardly with the roc and determining that it probably isn't a threat to the kingdom. They then teleported back to Varnhold.

Desnus 8th-19th

The party, now sharing a border with Pitax, decided they needed to meet with Irovetti. They sent a messenger to arrange a meeting. "In our earlier correspondence with you, you recommended that we expand our kingdom in such a way that your borders and our borders touch in order to facilitate a meeting between our leaderships... we would like to arrange a meeting should this interest you." Deleksin discussed this with Grigori, and eventually decided that a masterwork mbira would be an appropriate gift. Irovetti agreed to meet with them three days hence, and they agreed further.

Desnus 20th

They met with Irovetti, as well as a number of his entourage (including Villamor Koth and Baer, Reem's colleague from his orphanage. They were able to make a number of determinations: Irovetti seems to be aware of many things about the party, claimed to know Tindalos' father Narheim and alluded to knowing every aspect of Deleksin's history. He made observations regarding the characters and eventually made Reem and Baer shake hands.

Desnus 21st-28th


The party claimed a number of hexes and created farms and roads. They were able to prevent the spread of Pesh through their kingdom.

Scribe Jamila Hatnapshi from Osirion arrived with her two halfling servants to advise Reem that he would not need to deliver his prophecy to the grand temple of Pharasma in Osirion as various other priests of Pharasma had come to the Grand Temple of Pharasma with the same prophecy, and it was believed that Reem would likewise bear the same message. She accepted a copy of his prophecy, and left.

They asked Juniper Stargrove for information on the participants in the Rushlight Tournament, the rulers of the River Kingdoms and, most importantly, the host of the tournament. She advised that Irovetti almost certainly had established a carefully constructed facade meant to deceive and bewilder. She also explained how Irovetti manipulates the River Freedoms to benefit him at the expense of his people. They agreed to give her Vordakai's spellbook as payment in return for a Pathfinder expedition to Pitax (she explained that as a Venture Lieutenant, she is permitted to organize expeditions).

Desnus 29th


Sarenith 3rd

Tindalos trained with a lance and they held a tournament in Easthaven to determine who should go to the Rushlight tournament. They spend BP to create prizes, and won all the events, demonstrating that they were best (with runners up Taj Dakarawa in woodcutting, barmaid Lily Teskerton in boasting, and Caeldwyn in archery). A good time was had by all.

Sarenith 4th - 5th

The party teleported to explored the area immediately surrounding Vordakai's tomb. They discovered a small island with tiny ambulatory venus flytraps, of the which they captures a few for their menagerie. They also found some treasure. They then searched underwater. They determined that the figure on the coin is Count Ranlac, but could not determine anything else specific.

Sarenith 6th - 8th

The party explored and found a terrified manticore (who seemed aware that they were more powerful than them) and moved on without further confrontation after initially noticing them.

Sarenith 9th - 11th

The parted explored the mountains near Vordakai's Tomb, where they spotted, but did not encounter a dragon. They were unable to track it, but Makenna believed that it was a metallic dragon.

Sarenith 12th - 13th

The party moved on to a tributary, and explored. As they camped, they encountered a group of nymphs and faerie dragons engaged in revelry on the other side of the hill, eventually deciding to move on before making camp. They made camp some distance away.

Sarenith 14th

The party teleported to Whiterose, where they were given the shawl to return to Evindra. Evindra revealed that reuniting Nyrissa with her love Briar would almost certainly kill or destroy her utterly, so great would be her grief at the loss of Count Ranlac. She insisted that Ranlac's crime was unrelated to Nyrissa's love, but that they shared True Love. Evindra explained that driving the sword through Nyrissa's heart (without her touching the hilt) would destroy both. She further explained that if Nyrissa is, in fact, a lock that hold Count Ranlac in place (as the PC's speculated) then killing her may release him, and he could very well come to wreak havoc.

(Makenna speculated that one of the Eldest set up Count Ranlac due to unrequited love for Nyrissa; it was also pointed out the Nyrissa's love MUST HAVE been severed before Ranlac was banished or she would have succumbed to her grief at his punishment).

They also decided that Nyrissa MUST be worth something to the Eldest, or they would have simply destroyed her (as they simply had no reason NOT to). Makenna believes that if she was reunited with her love that she would free Count Ranlac, but in general it is just agreed that she must be or have something to them. Upon learning that the sword is, at its weakest, a +4 blade and its strongest a +5 intelligent vorpal blade. Tindalos speculated that Irovetti might be re-purposing the weapon into a power source by feeding it fey energy.

Tindalos proposed that Irovetti is using Briar to power something great, and that in telling the blade that Count Ranlac has been defeated to break it with grief, ideally defeating Irovetti. Makenna expressed concern that Briar may demand Irovetti reunite it with Irovetti. It was suggested he might not even KNOW what Briar can do, but that would be a pretty significant blind spot in his knowledge (although a lot of things about Irovetti are fairly random).

Deleksin noted that the year Castruccio Irovetti recovered Briar was also the year that Skywatch closed its gates and the noble scions of Brevoy's House Rogarvia all disappeared (4699 A.R.).

The Pathfinder Expedition

As promised, Juniper Stargrove organized an expedition to the city of Pitax, where the agents of the society were sent on a fact finding mission. Their goals were to make determinations, if possible regarding Irovetti's claims that he had successfully completed the Test of Starstone (dubious, given that he was all but unheard of in Absalom). Furthermore, if possible, the Society members were to try to make determinations regarding Irovetti's true identity, as he claims origin in Numeria, but there is no history of his ever existing there. Agents were told that the purposes was twofold - first, the agents were gathering information that was of genuine interest to the society, but, furthermore, they would also be acquiring the spellbook of the Lich Vordakai, which was believed not only to be a repository of spells, but to contain a hidden magic cypher of great interest to the Society.

The members chosen were Alderick, a gnomish urban ranger, Angelie, an elven storm sorceress, Kurzdirk, a half-orc former tribal shaman wizard, and Walton Hammerfall, a half-elven adventuring blacksmith.

Juniper stated that the Society's only real lead regarding Irovetti's identity was a memoir that was allegedly locked away in the library in his Palace, allegedly awaiting some future publication. Concern was expressed, primarily by Angelie, regarding whether having the book stolen might be Irovetti's plan to give some legitimacy to the likely false memoir, and Juniper explained that even if this was so, it would likely reveal a great many things about him and, quite possibly, allow them to find a crack in his story to exploit. At the very least, it would give them a way of bargaining with Easthaven over the matter.

Finally, it was explained that while Easthaven is favorable to the Society at this time, it is most likely best not to cause undue damage or nuisance in Pitax, as, should the two nations go to war, the Society sincerely wants all possible outcomes to be, at worst, neutral.

The party set out for Pitax by way of a barge the Society chartered from smuggler Pyotr Imerick. He explained that they should be wary of the wharfmaster, Joravan Pyath, a cantankerous dwarf with a pet black bear. They met Pyath at the wharf, where he accepted a bribe and expressed suspicion regarding Kurzdirk's seafaring skills.

The party made their way to the tavern where they were intended to meet their contact, a talkative fellow named Jex who went by the nickname "the Snitch." Jex was pleased to accept his reward and offer them a map indicating where their contact was, but it became clear that he was drawing intentional attention to them. Sensing an ambush, they caught Jex and took control, killing four thugs sent to cause them trouble and chasing off a bard that Jex was working with. After they bribed the tavern keeper (and everyone else) with drinks and platinum, they interrogated Jex, who admitted that he had set them up, explained that the map was authentic, but that he had already sold out their contact, presuming that they might survive the initial ambush. He then pointed out that they should leave him alive because he has a vested interest (as do they) in preventing his elven bard connection from reporting this incident to the authorities, and had a much better chance of finding her sooner than they (especially if they wanted to ensure that their contact survived). They smashed his face, but ultimately let him go.

They made their way to the cheese shop, The Turning Wheel, and met with Ingras Quill, their contact. They had time to explain that an ambush was suspected before two Pitax Wardens and a dark cloaked figure approached. They had a difficult fight against the Wardens, but were able to finish them all off (and dropped a great deal of hot wax from the cheese shop onto the cloaked figure, who exploded upon death). Ingras dealt with the bodies, putting them in wax barrels. She told them she could get them into the palace as deliverypeople, but that she wanted them to kill Heyvyr Langsod, a former warden captain, who murdered her son, but has since retired to become Irovetti's food taster.

The party infiltrated the Palace under the guise of delivery-people and were able to poison Heyvyr without raising immediate alarms. They made their way to the south end and met Sylvia Giles, who had the book of Irovetti's memoirs. She directed them, after being defeated (and subsequently incapacitated) to a rehersal hall near the Red Crescent theater,where they fought and killed a group (including a doppleganger). They retrieved one of Irovetti's diaries and escaped Pitax.

Sarenith 16th

Juniper Stargrove presented Irovetti's (censored?) diary to them, and they learned a great many things about Irovetti. Whether any of this could be used against him was a matter for ongoing discussion. It was suggested that Irovetti might now be carrying Briar with him, as he was aware that his diary was compromised, and there was a brief game of "we know he knows" played among the PCs, who eventually agreed to think on the matter some more before Rushlight.

Makenna sparred with Taj, going easy on him and trying to help him improve. She determined that Taj was vastly weaker than her at this point, and, in a fit of rage at being wounded by a lucky blow from him, she pummeled him into near-death. In the end, he decided that she made the right decision in leaving the tribe and decided that he likewise needed to go on an adventure. Although Makenna tried to convince him to stay, arguing, to some degree, that he was much stronger than he had once been, that her magic items may be largely responsible for their differing levels of power, and that even if he does go adventuring, he should have somewhere to call home. Makenna didn't want him to go, but couldn't really express a good reason why. Eventually, she decided that she would help outfit him for adventure, giving him her +2 dwarven warhammer, some potions and other items.

Reem preached and taught the will of Pharasma, but found that he needed to dumb it down.

Tindalos spent time with his wife and son. During the course of this interaction, he determined that Victor vastly preferred the presence of his father to his mother, and was even reluctant to nurse trying instead to consume adult food for which his digestive system was ill-suited. Patricia the halfling midwife who assisted his wife's birth was consulted and said she found it troubling. She recommended finding a cleric of the Hag Queen with which to consult, as followers of Gyronna had a special affinity for prophecies and portents regarding children. He ended up asking the Beldame about it, and she explained that his Qlippoth-spawned son found sin - not merely evil, but the mortal expression of it - to be painful, and that the only true remedy would be to convince Kressle to atone. He sought out Reem to assist in this effort. When Reem proved incapable of convince Kressle, Tindalos sought Jhod, who recommended Akiros to talk to Kressle, as he was one who had been redeemed from his status as a fallen Paladin. Eventually, he was able to show Kressle the error of her ways and Reem cast an atonement upon her, causing her to become Chaotic Neutral.

Deleksin disguised himself and went about performing throughout Easthaven. Deleksin spread the song he wrote for the Nymph Queen, a song he wrote to be catchy, simple and pleasing, while still praising her. He saw the woman who was with the Nightbird, but let it slide after determining that she appeared to be staying alone at a nearby inn. He also discovered, while traveling in Kadria, that there was a 16,000 gp reward for Ollix Kaddar, dead or alive.

All of this took roughly a week until the 26th of Sarenith.

Sarenith 26th

The party explored some of the southwest hexes.

Sarenith 27th

The party encountered the Hunigra Cyclops Tribe, whose leader Meliore demanded tribute from them. They gave them potions of Bull's Strength, more as an act of goodwill.

Sarenith 28th - 29th

They explored further. At some point they spotted a Bulette, which they avoided.

Sarenith 30th

The party spotted a silver dragon in the distance, and flew up to meet with it. Eranex, the fey silver dragon they encountered, spoke of a blade, asking if they had found it. The blade apparently skipped through time and had been destroyed multiple times. She stated she lived in Lake Silverstep (which is a portal to the First World). She was interested in Nyrissa's story, and stated that when she was free of her quest to find the blade, she would likely seek out Nyrissa. She also stated that Ilthuliak had fled to the First World after being dominated briefly by Irovetti.



Erastus 1st - 7th

A kingdom turn was had, much claiming was made, and a large number of Magic Items were rolled. Finally, a random encounter noted that they had been invited to a festival, and after bringing 3 BP worth of gifts, improved a number of their kingdom's stats.

Erastus 8th

The party arrived comfortably at the Rushlight tournament grounds. They brought with them a gift of fishing equipment cast in gold of silver, including rods, hooks, bobbers and lures.

A jongeleur named Fellipe told Deleksin that Brevoy was uninvited because of the Iron Wraiths.

Makenna and Tindalos went to and enjoyed the menagerie, and Tindalos was propositioned by Madame Duclarion (who may or may not want a Tiefling child). They then agreed to endorse Bixen Libixyten's mead. They also spoke with an archer (Bertren Orlen) who wanted desperately to prove that other competitors were cheating in the archery competition. He had, apparently, tried to call out the previous year's winner after coming in second and was shunned for making a mockery of the competition without cause. He offered them a substantial reward if they could successfully prove not only that there was a cheater, but that Villamor Koth was an inferior opponent (by defeating him). Reem discovered that the Remorhaz spent its time cursing Irovetti.

They met with Irovetti, asking him questions regarding the nature of the tournament. At one point, Deleksin's old friend Colin the Delightful came to deliver some news to Irovetti. Irovetti seemed to already know the news, whatever it may have been. As they were speaking with Irovetti, Ollix Koddar, now a Pathfinder Agent (to Irovetti's disdain), came in to throw in his hat as the representative of Kadria (who had apparently declined initially). Irovetti was delighted by this, as his buffoonery was impressive to him. He went so far as to promise to reclaim Ollix's throne on his behalf should he win the tournament.

Erastus 9th

The archery competition saw archers of varying talents take position. Ollix went first and scored 15 points with a purely lucky shot on the final target (incidentally, tying for dead last with the incredibly unlucky competitor from Tymon). Daggermark initially came in 2nd, but lost the position when they were disqualified for using adamantine-treated arrows. Easthaven came in second, just defeating Villamor Koth (in a second overtime round that resulted from abysmal luck on Villamor's part). Ollix was disappointed that no "secret points" were awarded. He wore an outlandish archer outfit.

The archery competition complete, it is announced that the lumberjacking competition will be in four hours. Reem got drunk and hung out with a warrior who worshiped of Cayden Calien (who bantered with him over whose god had the best drinks). Makenna avoided everyone, and ate by herself. Tindalos was a feather. Deleksin looked for his friend Colin the Delightful.

Colin agreed to tell Deleksin something he would dearly like to know in return for three favors to be named later. Deleksin agreed and Colin informed him, ultimately, that the Swordlords of Restov were on the verge of revolution and were waiting for the leaders of Easthaven to return from the tournament to expel the Breven peacekeepers from Restov. Brevoy, meanwhile, has been waiting for the opportune moment to assault Easthaven, and would likely be pleased enough at Restov's choice. Colin admitted that Irovetti once had an insanely active spy network, but that this had passed, and now Colin was his spymaster (and a former member of the Iron Wraiths, who had visited Easthaven while they were dealing with Drelev). He admitted to being the mastermind behind Grigori, and even deigned fit to give some advice.

"Consider your options," he said, "You can still stop the Rostlandic revolution. You could still join Irovetti as an ally. If you're truly bold, you could take both. You could join with Brevoy. All of these are possible. Do what is best for you and your kingdom." With that, he left.

The lumberjack competition started at sunset. Kadria went first, once again, and Ollix opted, embarrassingly, for the battle axe (lighter than the great axe, less versatile than the hand axes). He broke the head off, though, when he tried to chop a log from atop it, and ended up getting his only other point by lifting a log and dropping it on the broken axe head (after trying fruitlessly to chisel one with the axe head) for 2 points.

Ollix complained that he had never cut wood before, and that he would have done considerably better if he had been able to see others go first. Deleksin loudly requested 6 fresh logs be brought out. Ollix complained of blisters and Deleksin healed them. Irovetti proclaimed that if he could split just two logs he would be declared winner. Deleksin proclaimed that he should show how the aristocracy would cut lumber, and Ollix shouted "servants!" Instead of trying to fell any given log, he opted to strike each log one decisive blow and move on, damaging east and scoring 12 points, tying with Daggermark (although Irovetti is quick to point out this is an unofficial revision, but concedes that it's hard to say that he brought shame to Kadria when he tied one of the most respected River Nations).

52 Easthaven, 48 Pitax, 42 Mivon, 41 Gralton, 40 Tymon, 27 Kadria, 12 Daggermark

They then stepped aside to speak in private, and eventually Deleksin suggested that Ollix Koddar should be made leader of Pitax if possible, partially because they presume his father will "forgive" him, and partially because they believe that if they put Ollix in his place, there will be an assumption that he is the god of Incompetence. Makenna and Reem reluctantly accepted.

Ollix stated that he would give them a gift after the tournament.

Rigg Gargadilly showed up in their tent. He presented them with Nyrissa's request that they retrieve the Blade Briar before the end of the tournament, they will receive protection by Nyrissa.

He went to spread a rumor of Ollix, and met Ollix afterward to advise him of the rumor. When Ollix left, he searched his tent, found his gift and opened it and briefly perused it. It was a book called "Zuddiger's Picnic" which contained a strange story written by a serial killer who may have visited the First World. It ends with Zuddiger giving a woman, definitely Nyrissa, his sword in return for his spoon and a crow (which he eats).

Erastus 10th

They completed the gauntlet, scoring 25 points.

77 Easthaven, 68 Pitax, 66 Gralton, 60 Tymon, 52 Mivon, 47 Kadria, 32 Daggermark

The boasting competition is next. King Deleksin introduces himself with his building a kingdom out of nothing (28X); they called a dragon and slew it (36X "Dragon slaying is solitary" -5 "Yes, but I also bedded her" +5); he played his mbira (45); he thanked the crowd for being such good sports (43). +15

Ollix did more poorly than anticipated (falling flat on his introduction), but had a solid boast. Pitax's contestant not only beat them with her boast, but actually claimed to be Nyrissa and to have not only brought the PC's there, but also to have guided and bolstered their growth.

92 Easthaven, 78 Pitax, 66 Gralton, 60 Tymon, 52 Mivon, 47 Kadria, 42 Daggermark

They disguised themselves as slightly different versions of themselves and teleported to the docks and picked a fight with a group of wardens and a herald. They then proceeded to the palace, and got inside, where they were entrapped by Jurrg, Irovetti's General, who offered, insincerely, to allow them to surrender. He allowed them to swap the warden armor for something more appropriate. They then engaged in a life or death struggle which ended with a number of dead wardens, a herald that fled, a weretiger and wererat who fled, Jurrg's death, and the death of several trained trolls.

The party ended up locating Irovetti's secret bedroom, where they met a naga who immediately teleported away. They search the area and eventually found Briar, hidden in a grotto. They were surprised to find that Briar appeared to be a normal +4 bastard sword (although Beltashazzar was certain that the blade had a hidden potential). Deleksin feel deeply in love with the blade, and realized that it was his true muse, not Nyrissa. They escaped through the sewer and teleported back to their tents.

The midnight joust began, and Ollix made it through the first round to everyone's surprise. Tindalos endorsed the mead by riding backwards "you won't know what way is forward." Tindalos defeated Sir Branniel, Khristel from Mivon, and barely overcame Chantel Urena from Daggermark, before being handily defeated by Villamor Koth (and subsequently threatened).

Irovetti invited them rather forcefully to his tent, where he shared what he knew of Nyrissa with them and told them that he had been reluctant to meet with them for fear of their being enslaved to Nyrissa. He admitted her was enthralled to her, but compelled shape-shifting lovers to take her form so he could wean himself from her. He further admitted to being the mastermind behind hiring Grigori.

Irovetti told them that Nyrissa had been responsible for their every misfortune, and had empowered a great many of their enemies and engineered a large number of their foibles and foils. Deleksin argued that these had made them stronger. They contemplated how to handle Briar. They came up with a few plans, most of which were deemed impractical, and Tindalos recommended that they take the sword to Thousand Voices, believing that there the First World would be close enough that they could confront Nyrissa.

During the conversation, Baer stared daggers at Reem while Villamor Koth did so to Makenna.

Irovetti bid them good night, adding that they were still entitled to the prize for winning the Rushlight Tournament. He further added that he would do the unthinkable and let them handle the situation, stating that he was "prepared to leave" the River Kingdoms to avoid Nyrissa's wrath if need be.

They returned to their tent to find Ollix Kaddar, who gave them a copy of the book Zuddiger's Picnic, reminded them of its history, and showed them the map of Thousandbreaths inside. He then told them he needed to move on, but not before suggesting they reciprocate the gift with monuments to his honor and a theater dedicated in his name. He seemed to be of the opinion this would piss of his father.

They returned to their tent and discussed their plans. They agreed to Commune with Pharasma.

  1. Is destroying Briar in our best interest? It may one day be.
  2. Is going back on our word to Restov in the best interest of Easthaven? It is, but it will not be sufficient.
  3. Is Castruccio Irovetti a stabilizing factor in the Stolen Lands? Yes.
  4. Does Irovetti intend to attack Easthaven? Perhaps someday.
  5. Will Castruccio Irovetti break his word if he finds out he can gain substantially from it? He no longer knows what he has to gain.
  6. Will giving the sword to Nyrissa have cataclysmic repercussions for anyone upon whom we do not wish evil to befall? It is assuredly so.
  7. At her current strength, do we stand a reasonable chance of defeating Nyrissa? No.
  8. Can we trust Nyrissa to keep her word once we have given her the sword? You may not wish her to.
  9. If we use the sword against her, will we stand a chance? Yes, but do you know how?
  10. Do I already know how to use the sword against her? You cannot already know.
  11. Is the way of using the sword against her something we have already considered? You could not have.

Erastus 11th

They spoke with Irovetti and discussed things with him. They agreed to create illusionary forms to accept the prize on their behalf. They then proceeded to Thousandvoices.

When they realized they had reached the edge of Thousandvoices, and that they might spend considerable time there, they sent a message to Jemanda Aldori:

  • We have heard rumor that war with Brevoy was pending. At this time we're indisposed. If this changes you plans, we apologize. We await your return. The pot boils and threatens to spill over. Desperately need your support.

And to Oleg:

  • Doing dangerous stuff. May not be back for while. Raise the best army you can to defend Easthaven. Not for anything else. Love to Kressle Your wife sends her love. Will arm the militia and outfit the irregulars. Am prepared to raise mercenary companies. Will advise of any further

They avoided a circle of pixies, and during camp (after making as little mark on the forest as possible) they spotted a winged Owlbear.

Erastus 12th

They reached a river and followed it north where they encountered a group of nymphs bathing. They startled these by showing them the map of Thousandbreaths, and one accidentally blinded Tindalos (subsequently healed by Reem). The nymph eventually conceded the location of Nyrissa's lair, a day's travel to the west. They made camp.

Erastus 13th

The party awoke to the sounds of wingbeats. Nyrissa sent a message: Though your decision to bring the sword directly to me is unorthodox, I applaud your intiative and praise your efforts, beloved gnome Deleksin. We will see you soon.

Unforutnately, I cannot meet you within Thousand Voices - the barrier between worlds is much too strong. My servant, Ilthuliak, approaches. Deliver the sword to him. My companions and I have no intention to put it in anyone's hands but your own.

Nyrissa then took control of the forest and declared forcefully "TRAITORS! ASSASSINS! YOU ALWAYS MEANT TO BETRAY ME! YOU ALWAYS PLANNED TO SLAY ME WITH THE BLADE! I KNEW OF YOUR TREACHERY!" When, however, the party prepared to flee, Nyrissa declared, "No! Don't leave! Please! See? I will uphold my part of the bargain as a show of goodwill! Brevoy will never harm you!" With that, the sun was blotted out and the sky grew glossy and crystalline. They battled Ilthuliak briefly, but when Tindalos managed to slow him, he fled in earnest with a teleportation spell.

The party briefly suggested waiting for his return, but fled instead to Littletown, where the people were in shock and awe as the sun had been blotted from the sky. The party sent a message to Agela to let her know they had found Ilthuliak and to meet in Littletown. Agela responded, "I cannot: the Stolen Land is gone."

The party rested until sundown, when it seemed apparent that Ilthuliak was no longer pursuing. Anamar Lellewen, a Tiefling, requested that they retrieve the ichor of a Devourer from / while in the First World, and offered them a scarab of protection (which they found to be extraneous to Reem's abilities). They did agree to do it and, he took his leave of them. They stayed at the inn in Littletown, where they noted that the sky was fuzzy with small twinkling bits, and pale, diffuse moonlight.

Erastus 14th (Day 1)

Tindalos became a feather, and they rethought their plans. They bought horses and went overland.

Erastus 15th - 17th (Day 2 - 4)

The party made their way to Castle Darksky. Kressle expressed that the people are panicking and that, while she knows this isn't helpful and that they shouldn't accept responsibility, they should most definitely try to find a solution.

Erastus 18th (Day 5.)

Arrived in Tatzylford, where Loy Rezbin admitted that he was using Phantasmal Terrain and a strict curfew to prevent the news from spreading. He admitted this was an impulsive decision and that he doesn't know how long he can hold the charade. He said that if things don't improve soon, this may lead to EXTREME unrest. Deleksin suggested that the best solution would be to insist that the leaders of Easthaven did what they could to stave this off, but that they had failed. Tindalos returned and the party teleported back to Olegston.

In Olegston, Kesten was having a quarrel with a group of Wood Giants outside the city, who admitted that they were afraid to remain in the forest, as Nyrissa was building an army, and may delusionally believe that she is creating a new Court. Avronest the leader of the Wood Giants agreed to work as a mercenary.

Unrest +3

A scroll of sending to Irovetti: We've found some details. It's maybe an attack from the First World. We're working on a solution. Send any information that you have. Messenger incoming. I fear the Jabberwock comes for me, and my dream of escape is dashed. Retreating to my chambers to wait. I've naught to offer. Goodbye.

They made contact directly with Irovetti, who said that his kingdom was devolving into anarchy due to the breakdown of the criminal guilds. Deleksin was able to motivate him to resume his conquest of Pitax and, furthermore, to overcome the criminal guilds. Reem resurrected Avinash, his Oni General.

Ervol Pendrod theorized that they were in some sort of recursive nested object placed upon a windowsill. He provided a believable argument for this, and said if they could figure out where it is, they could probably acquire the item they are in. In the end, he explained that the people of Varnhold will "Keep calm and carry on."

Zzamas, the Phase Spider stated that she didn't believe that the Ethereal Plane would offer them an escape. She also explained that she laid eggs, and needed to be around for their hatching and to teach some tricks to the new phase spiders. She was disturbed by the notion that "monkey people" were not only born without a language (except the "secret language" she reasoned MUST be inside them) but that they took around 14 years to hit full maturity.

The party teleported to Tuskwater. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by Half-Orc Mayor Slodagh. He stated they had been attacked by three Nucklavee and four of the militia were slain. He told them that the lake was full of strange events, churning water and black swans Moreover, the water made people sick. Deleksin gave a speech to calm the people. Meanwhile Reem raised the dead. Reem determined that the water appeared to be contaminated by water elementals.

Erastus 19th (Day 6)

They went to the Sootscale Tribe. The Sootscales had holed up deep underground, as their shaman Rekmahk had argued the sky was currently deadly, and they believed a second rain of stars may be impending. Upon realizing that it was a "net", Chief Sootscale agreed to attempt to make a knife that could cut them free. They spoke to the shaman, who promised death from above. Chief Sootscale was asked to delve out greater domains deeper within his domain for a potential influx of refugees. Chief Sootscale said that it would be necessary to be provided, and the party paid exorbitantly for housing.

Svetlana had rallied the people and prepared disaster relief, which was diverted to the Sootscale kobolds to defer costs.

They moved on to the Murque Tribe, who were certain that the leaders of Easthaven could deal with this problem. They moved on to Candlemere which seemed generally unaffected.

Erastus 20th (Day 7)

The party awoke to note that the hex was filled with algae bloom. They went back to Tuskwater and killed all the fae elementals and as a result increased the Sharpness of Briar to 3. This fixed the algae bloom.

From there, they traveled to Tatzylford to set the people at ease, but discovered that Dovan from Nisroch had returned as a ghost to declare that all should proclaim loyalty to Nyrissa. They gave a speech and instated a curfew. They then teleported to Whiterose where Half-elven fighter Sheyvr, the local leader, was given a scroll of sending.

In Castle Darksky, things were calm, but it was the calm before a storm. Kressle was comforted by Tindalos. They then decided that they ought seek out the ghosts.

Erastus 21th (Day 8)

The party investigated the ghost sighting in Tatzylford on the 18th of Erastus. They decided that most likely to ghost's anchor was to the west. The party traveled to the grave sites, where they found that the graves had been disturbed, almost certainly by a large animal. With no other leads, they made their way west to follow the ghost.

They move through hexes, sweeping for anything unusual, but in the first few hexes found nothing unusual. Eventually, though, they came upon a point where the hex was overgrown, and traveled south to find great fungal overgrowth and eventually found several huge swarms of mandragora.

Erastus 22nd (Day 9)

The party returned to battle the Mandragora, this time on the ground and this time with some of their ears plugged. The swarms attacked them viciously, but Briar was able to gain sharpness and become sentient, projecting an empathic aura. The Mandragora were deafeated and the bloom broke. They then teleported to the Temple of Erastil. From there they teleport to the Varnhold Pass Watch Post. Julianna gave her report, regarding frost giants seen in the mountains to the south. The party decided to rest.

Erastus 23rd (Day 10)

Message from Irovetti: Regained control of city. No Jabberwock to be seen. Reports that unknown forces have razed Littletown. Deleksin: We are glad to hear that you are successful. Still trying to calm situation up here. Need anything?

The party headed south to confront the source of this frost. They found a group of frost giants around an icy monolith. The Frost Giants immediately attacked and the party defended themselves, slaying them. They discovered that the monolith was covered in names, and built like a tombstone. They found the names of all those they thought to see, including themselves. They melted it, and the subsequent explosion cleared the snow. Searching among the Frost Giants, the party found:

  • 1500 gp worth of miscellaneous goods
  • a holy symbol of... Nyrissa? (lock of blonde hair wrapped around a thistle)
  • 3 potions of cure moderate wounds
  • 2 high quality adamantine ingots (750 gp each)
  • +2 Heavy Mace

They then returned to the post where they reported that everything was taken care of. They then teleported to Castle Darksky.

Erastus 24rd (Day 11)

Throughout the trip, they surveyed the horizon for Blooms as they made their way toward Whiterose. They spotted a wandering grove of treants which they attempted to approach, but were met with threats of hurled rocks. They went to ground level and Reem cast Sanctuary on himself. The treants initially were agreeable and said that they only sought to travel to the Narlmarches to carve out a home after they refused to join with Nyrissa. They stated that they would coexist with humans who did not threaten the forest. Eventually, Reem told them who he was and they loudly proclaimed that they would make no alliance or abet them in any way. Tindalos insisted that the treants should NOT be allowed in the kingdom, lest capricious Nyrissa demand that they be destroyed for allying. The party eventually agreed to demand that the treants not enter the kingdom. Eventually, however, they agreed to fly past and demand that they stay out of Easthaven. The treants likely got the message.

Sheyver of Whiterose reported that the village of Littletown was razed by an army of ettin. Anamar Lellewen emerged from the shadows and confirmed that it was an organized army of ettins and a good many beasts with them. The Blooms were described to him and he suggested gathering bits of their essence to use to make a sort of divining rod to track the rest of the blooms through their First World connections. He offered his assistance in return for the devourer ichor. The party rested. They teleported to the mandragora husks and collected ALL the mandragora husks. They did the same with the icewater from the icy grave (collecting 720 gallons of water in the portable hole). Then they teleported to Tuskwater and spent the night there.

Erastus 25th (Day 12)

The Mayor of Tuskwater said that Bokken's Brother had claimed to make a deal with Nyrissa. The party agreed to speak with him, and he admitted to having made it up in a convoluted scheme to gain release. They ended up having him executed after letting everyone know that his claims were false, but still treasonous. They ended up resurrecting him after the fact. They sent him on his way with instructions that he should send the Stag Lord's father to them if he meets him again.

Erastus 26th (Day 13)

Reem awoke to a dream of being assaulted by scorpions with wounds from that dream. They then received a sending from Stroon saying that Castle Darksky was under attack and the city was burning. The party arrived to find Kressle protecting Victor. A small honor guard was still at the castle, but the militia was mostly devastated. The party was able to kill a lot of advanced Ettins, but were ambushed by a giant flying owlbear, several hellhounds and a satyr that they realized was the reborn Stag Lord, who injured Makenna pretty seriously. They were able to repel him. They sent a sending to Stroon.

Sending to Stroon: Darksky no longer under attack. Are you safe? In courtyard. Spells exhausted. So very, very sorry.

They resurrected the slain cleric Satinder Morne, who was displeased by the whole situation. They were able to control the fire. Reem almost perished. They further debated the nature of the opportunity to resurrect the people of Castle Darksky (217 dead), starting with the militia. They rested until mid-afternoon, then sundown to recover spells so that Reem could cast raise dead type spells, exhausting his supply.

Erastus 27th (Day 14)

The party teleported to Fort Tuskwater. Beltashazzar was able to retrieve a clump of black waterlogged feathers. They then returned to Castle Darksky where they delivered the materials to Imekus Stroon. He agreed to do the research with Anamar, but said that it would be infinitely more helpful if they brought him more shreds of blooms. They checked the source of the Skunk River, but found nothing there.

Day 15

Erastus 28th (Day 15)

The morning at Olegston found the party visited by a messenger who stated that the mayor, Slodagh, was killed by repeated strikes of lightning. The party proceeded there and raised him from the dead. He was able to tell them that he had a disturbing dream before being struck by lightning, and then awoke to being resurrected. The inn had burned the day previous, killing one person, a Mordecai Dulier (of the Taldan Duliers) who stated that he dreamed of being a small animal trapped in a forest fire, and was then consumed by fire and subsequently awoke to being consumed by fire, dying.

Dulier was able to retrieve his portable hole containing his equipment. Tindalos theorized that this was a magical effect that targeted the most powerful character in the area. They determined that it was Reem, then a fire, then the mayor being struck repeatedly by lightning. They decided to let Deleksin sleep and all the others would watch over him while he sleeps (having all rested prior thereunto).

Deleksin dreamed that his friends tried to kill him and he tried and failed to kill them, dying in the process.

They visited the Belldame, who said that a Lizardfolk in the Murque Tribe had had a dream that a tiger ate him and was then killed by a tiger (and subsequently resurrected). She mused that she believed this originated at Candlemere.

While the party was camped there, however, it turned out that Deleksin was dominated and he managed to coup de grace both Makenna and Reem. They teleported first to the Murque Tribe, where there were no healers to resurrect them, then to Castle Darksky to have Reem and Makenna raised. They then teleported back to Candlemere after Deleksin was able to explain what had actually happened.

They enacted their plan. Tindalos had a dream wherein Kressle was dying, while Victor had been sent safely away, he kissed Kressle, who turned out to be a succubus. She drained him, but he managed to fight it, and push her out the window. He then noticed a stuffed crow in the room, which he attempted to destroy and managed to get a 30 attack roll (despite his level drain) to chase it off. When he awoke, a crow feather was in his hand. Furthermore, Brair had begun speaking.

Briar introduced herself and stated that she cared very deeply about the entire party. She went on to say that she needs help to reunite with Nyrissa and that she believes deeply that Nyrissa will be cured of her evil and madness. She further stated that she needed to apologize to the Stag Lord, to Hargulka, to Castruccio Irovetti ("poor, dear Mandalruccio") and to various other figures. She admitted that she didn't know how to reunite with Nyrissa, but that she believed that they could destroy enough of the Blooms to reawaken her and eventually draw out Nyrissa. She also promised the party that she couldn't lie, because love cannot practice deception (and she is love, after all).

Erastus 29th Day 16

In the wee hours of the morning, Deleksin sneaked off to ask Briar what was up with his heart. Briar said that she needed to "see" it and Deleksin thought better of it. They all rested until morning. The party teleported to Castle Darksky to present the items to Imeckus and Anamar. Imeckus stated that First World energy was pressing in, possibly only one way. Briar suggested they search terrain they had not previously. They decided to search the swamp.

The party flew to the Boggard camps, where they found that the majority of the Boggards had fled and that they had disguised their camp. A Boggard presented them with food and said that he presumed that they had come to extract tribute. He expressed that he believed that The skies had gone dark once again as in the days of Starfall. They demanded he return with their priest.

The priest Surkosok said that he believed it was the work of the Demon Lord Pazuzu. The party decided to set forth to retrieve a Froghemoth for them, even though they warned.

They traveled south, spotting Dracolisks and eventually the Marsh Giants, who told them that what they seek would be to the West of their Lands, and the East of their Lands, in a narrow corridor. They also were told that their enemies would rise as a whole to destroy them. They teleported to the Sootscale Tribe to begin their search, where they failed to find what they were looking for, and speculated that the giants might be describing something that had already happened. They rested for the night.

Erastus 30th Day 17

They continued to search the mountain area for evidence of a bloom. They encountered nothing of import, save a roc preening itself. They then traveled to the Loney Barrow, passing some hill giants along the way.

They arrived at the Lonley Barrow, where they found the tribe of Spriggans led by Agai, who was unsupportive, but admitted not only that he didn't know any such thing, but that he was visited by one of Nyrissa's servants and had been offered a pact with Nyrissa, which he had not yet accepted, demanding a promise not to be set against by the leaders of Easthaven. Deleksin had Agai stab him.

The party progressed to Vordakai's tomb, which they found to be, essentially, barren. The wyverns spoke with them there and told them that they had seen a trio of cyclopses in mourning graments headed west, but that was all. They then teleported to Varnhold to meet with Stroon who said he would have a device to seek out Blooms by morning.

Erastus 31th Day 18

Following the divining rod brought them to an area where the swamp appeared to be rotting and fading with furrows that looked like mole furrows.

They fought a group of vicious mire worms, killing them with Imeckus Stroon's help. They collected a small red worm fragment and Imeckus explained that he's certain that the Blooms are openings, not merely inbound energy.

The party decided to bring Imeckus with them to the next Bloom, and decided to rest in Olegston. The party did discuss the possibility of the Bloom being in Aurum Heights. Eventually, they agreed to stay in Aurum Heights, where there did NOT appear to be any Bloom, however, upon their arrival, one of the townspeople said that the fields had been overgrowing for a couple of days, but last night thick kudzu vines had underlain the fields, and yesterday, a couple of the farmers had disappeared. Imeckus bought the supplies he needed to research the Bloom and everyone agreed that finding and dealing with the Bloom was more important. They healed and waited until sundown so Reem would have a full collection of spells.

The Bloom was filled with topiaries of massed kudzu, overgrowing and choking the crops, eventually coming across a trio of horrid giants (Athachs) armed with that sought to slay them with gardening implements. The very vines on the ground sought to attack them. Tindalos' arm was severed by an attack. They eventually destroyed the bloom and Reem regenerated Tindalos' arm. The Bloomfinder detected no further Blooms.

The party then teleported to Castle Darksky and rested for the night. There, they took the time to study Zuddiger's Picnic and decided that many of the Blooms corresponded with it. Briar pointed out that the Eldest made the waterfall and that it isn't Nyrissa's.


Arodus 1st Day 19

A pixie was on Tindalos' windowsill. Limm Ticklewing's sisters, Mil, Lin, Tel, Sel, Nes and Elle, were captured by a terrible little worm man and a wicked hag-witch, who gave it to a troll. She said they were captured because they refused to join Nyrissa's army, but that she was more stealthy... and maybe it was because they only had six little cages. Reem promised to return the sisters unhurt and Tindalos determined that there was a new Bloom formed due East of Castle Darksky.

Arodus 2nd Day 20

They arrived at the edge of the Bloom at the Skunk River. Imekus Stroon confirmed that, as he feared, the Blooms are intended to seed First World power into the Stolen Lands. He suggested that this was to make the place inhabitable to her. He was instructed to give his notes to the Beldame and then proceeded to Candlemere to prepare to siphon First Wold power out of this pocket realm.

They proceeded to the Temple of the Elk, which appeared to have been entombed in a horrifying black weave of thorns and brambles. Within it, a horrible Misbegotten Troll and his six pet smilodons. He was protected by a necklace containing six fairies which appeared to kill one of them each time he was attacked (they killed one before they realized this). They were able to pry the necklace off him and grease it to prevent him from picking it up. Upon slaying him, they recovered his Reem resurrected the fairy, who introduced herself as Nes. They freed the other fairies. They reunited them with her sister

Briar can now speak telepathically and is vorpal against First World inhabitants. She also gained the power to case True Ressurection on Deleksin once per day.

The party teleported to Castle Darksky to care for their Kingdom.


No hexes claimed due to state of emergency.


  • Potion of Protection From Chaos
  • Scroll of Web
  • Scroll of Alter Self
  • Scroll of Endure Elements
  • Scroll of Major Image
  • Scroll of Spider Climb
  • Wand of Fireball
  • Wand of Summon Nature's Ally II
  • Wand of Bless Water
  • Glowing +1 Halberd
  • Scroll of Chill Touch
  • Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds
  • Ring of Counterspells Inscribed with the Holy Symbol of Nethys


  • +1 Suit of Benevolent Chainmail
  • Scroll of Glibness
  • Ten Ring Sword


  • A cloak of etherealness, sewn with gossamer threads that fade into an out of focus

Arodus 7th Day 25

Makenna retrained. When this was complete, they learned from one of the hunters that there was a huge army of mites and assorted fey approaching the city from the west, including several treants, unicorns and other strange assorted beasts. They rallied the local militia, as well as local heroic characters (notably Mordecai Dulier and Slodagh the mayor were present). Reem then suggested they summon a powerful ally. Reem knew he was capable of summoning a planetar angel and hoped to be able to negotiate based on Nyrissa's megalomaniacal nature. Deleksin jokingly suggested they give the planetar the Eye of Abaddon, and Reem realized that destroying the eye on the angel's behalf would almost certainly be accepted as payment. They did so, and secured the ally who agreed to lead them into battle.

They were confronted by the Mite's champion, a Mite who called himself "The Mitey-est," and consented to have their planetar ally face him in single combat. The planetar was wounded to half health by the mite and spent his flame stike and blade barrier spells, but quickly recovered. The mites charged, and the party was able to dispatch them more or less effortlessly, with some issues caused by the Mites' pet centipedes. They then faced another detachment of mites, and something within the battleground countered Tindalos' spell. They defeated them handily with the help of an earthquake spell by the planetar.

The party confronted another group of mites just as they clashed with their armies proper. The mites were flanked and were falling quite handily, although a few athach giants within were able to cause considerable damage to the party. The party had just finished dealing with the athach giants when they saw treants suddenly fall upon the city and start destroying homes. The party healed and prepared to teleport to them.


  • 11 low level hedge wizards - Wizard / Sorcerer 1-4
  • 4 low level witches - Witch 2-4
  • 23 low level fighters - Warrior / Fighter 3-6
  • 270 makeshift militia - Warrior / Fighter 1-3
  • 400 auxiliaries - Expert / Adept 1-4
  • 1100 worthless innocents
  • Mordecai Dulier - 7th level cavlier
  • Slodagh - 5th level barbarian

Enemy Forces (Known)

  • An unknown number of nymphs / dryads (?)
  • An unknown number of unicorns, at least a dozen (at least 2 black)
  • 9 Treants
  • several hundred mites (400-500?)
  • millions of centipedes, botflies and other vermin
  • large magical panther things
  • several dozen advanced ettins
  • one witch on a broomstick

The party teleported there, where they fought a deliriously mad witch and a group of treants, as well as some sort of magical cat creatures with unknown properties and a witch. The battle raged and they slew the enemy, despite serious damage to a great many homes. The treants, however, were able to break the broom before the party could retrieve it. Worse still, they spotted the planetar flying to the south side of the city, where a pair of Nuckalevees had broken through the walls and slaughtered some 41 of the people there with their vicious breath weapons. The planetar expressed grief at being unable to stop the ambush, but the enemy armies appeared to retreat.

Arodus 8th Day 26

Slightly after midnight, they received a sending from Imekus Stroon warning them that an army of Hill Giants is massing outside Castle Darksky. Because Tindalos suspected they would need to speak with him again, they asked the Planetar his name, and he told them his given name (but not his True Name) was Valarus.

The party arrived and determined that at least 50 hill giants mounted on Mastodons were sighted west of Castle Darksky less than a mile away. The party decided to make contact and try to parley with the giants. The giants' leader was Kob Moleg, a Giant Chief who was almost-human in appearance and significantly more eloquent than his kin. He expressed that he believed that he could overcome the party, but agreed that it was possibly that Nyrissa had lied to him about their pants being down. He seemed to ascertain that they were compromised, but was willing to strike a deal anyway. He told them he knew most of their weaknesses and, furthermore, knew the layout of Castle Darksky. Tindalos took scrolls of sending and went out to "place a few calls."

To Kressle: The secret passage is not safe. We are negotiating: prepare a boat. Ever the dutiful husband - thank you for the warning.

To Nyrissa Thank you for the giants. We're negotiating now. You're ever so helpful, you stupid cow. Ha Ha Ha Ha! I knew it! Moleg's treason was palpable the moment I gave him his new face! Soon you will ALL know my wrath.

They ended up making a deal with Kob Moleg that involved giving him the vicious ranseur from the Misbegotten Troll, 7 BP worth of accomodation and 7 BP worth of food and supplies every month, to be renegotiated monthly. Additionally, they agreed the Moleg was to defend the city if it should come under assault.

The party slept in until noon, then teleported to Candlemere to deal with Imekus Stroon. Imekus explained that he had finished preparing for the plan and could execute on their command. He added that he had created a circle against scrying to keep his work secret.

Meanwhile in Tuskwater, 28 of the 48 are alive again, and the city is in a strange state of pseudo-mourning. They spoke to Valarus, and Makenna asked him about Stroon's plan. Valarus confidently stated that this would restore the Kingdom to the Material Plane. He further expounded upon Stroon's work, the nature of Briar, the Eldest and Nyrissa herself. Notably, he was able to shed light on a few important facts:

  • Nyrissa fell in love with Count Ranlac
  • Count Ranlac, however, saw Nyrissa as an experiment to determine if he could mint a new Eldest.
  • Nyrissa is not being punished. Being separated from Briar is merely a stoploss measure.
  • Ranlac was punished, and now lives on the demiplane of Shadow.
  • The Sword Briar was prophecied to slay Nyrissa.
  • This was, however, before the Death of Aroden and the Age of Lost Omens, so now the prophecy is by no means guaranteed.

They further learned that the "Elf Gate" is technically a "Portal," and that it has "broken roots" that prevent it from being fully used. Valarus said that they need to restore the Thaumatosporer in the Infandibulum.

The party decided they should probably destroy Armag's Sword Ovinrbaane as they did the Eye of Abaddon. Deleksin believes that, as Pharasma and Gorum are bitter enemies, she would know what must be done. Reem and Deleksin seemed concerned that perhaps not destroying the sword would be the best decision (as it would give them a bargaining chit when dealing with planar entities), but Tindalos and Makenna suspected that it would be best to destroy things.

The party went to the Murque tribe to acquire incense and such. Mayor Ssalsshnassan greeted them, and asked for updates for his people. They purchased the incense. They decided to ask Pharasma, and Tindalos got the insane idea to use a sending to accomplish this. They then traveled to Candlemere. They awaited sunset and Reem prepared and performed the sending, this time contacting the Steward of the Skein.

"We apologize for inconveniencing you, we have the sword Ovinrbaane, we wish to know if you know how to destroy it. If so, how." A thing born of false immortality. You must come to the Boneyard, a petitioner, and break it upon the evidence of your own mortality.

Night had fallen, and the party realized that the plan was impossible at this time. They teleported to Castle Darksky to see his wife and son.

Arodus 9th Day 27

The party teleported to the ruins of Littletown, where they found evidence of gnawed bones and a lumbering creature. They met a hill giant named Guverk, with whom they inadvertently traded trail rations for rubies. They then moved deeper into the woods and cast Tiny Hut for a night's rest.

Arodus 10th Day 28

The party came to the rotten remains of a palisade, and subsequently the moat of a castle. They traveled into the gates of the ruined Castle of Knives. There, they were set upon by the Jabberwock, whom they slew with great effort. Then, a great blast of green light brought a stream of stone and mortar and after teleporting out, the party caught a brief glimpse of Nyrissa's home where the Castle of Knives once lay before a massive impenetrable forest of incomprehensible size swelled around it. Nyrissa then announced, "You have accomplished nothing! You have only fed my power! My army is as powerful now as it ever was! Each blow against me is a losing war of attrition! You will be defeated, your people will die, your kingdom will fall!"

As Nyrissa screamed at them, the party calmly discussed whether they were prepared to have Imeckus Stroon "pull the plug" on the whole thing. After much debate, they decided to teleport there, along with the Jabberwock blood they had gathered. Stroon activated the portal, and, for a moment, the only change was the darkening of the sky, but then the dome above them cracked, splintered and split, shattering into a thousand pieces. This was followed by the haunting sound of a thousand screams as the sun above the Stolen Lands burst into view.

*Burbling Intensifies*

Stroon teleported back to Castle Darksky after gathering his things. The party stood in partial paralysis of their newfound freedom, but eventually agreed to wait on killing Reem to destroy Ovinrbaane.

Tindalos sent a sending to the elven diplomat, "I Tindalos ruler of easthaven, as per our agreement, request the aid of your griffin riders for our kingdom's protection - we are at war." "In honor of our agreement, I will see that proper arrangements are made. Look to the south and make appropriate preparations."

Tindalos sent to Aegela: "Easthaven has returned. We are fine. Nyrissa is in the Material Plane; she's trying to destroy everything. She hasn't succeeded yet. Hope you are fine." "I am well. Your Kingdom's return has already not gone unnoticed, as the thunderclap was heard from Stetven. I shall be bound for Olegston."

The party traveled by Sky Chariot to Olegston. There, they met with Oleg and Aegela, who explained that while things were better, Skywatch was opening her gates, Restov had declared Rostlandic independence (though Brevoy seemed too preoccupied for an agressive siege.

They sent a message to Jemanda Aldori with sending: We have returned. "We are stabilizing our kingdom. We will send aid ASAP. Is there anything we can personally do to assist you? Teleportation available." "Break the Brevan siege. Send your armies. Hail free Rostland!" The party decided they would hold out on that until they had dealt with Nyrissa.

To Irovetti: "Nyrissa is on the material plane, we plan to deal with her posthaste. How are things with you?" "The crisis is over, Pitax prevails and will rebuild that which we lost. We hope this shared experience strengthens our bond as River Kings."

The party rested.

Arodus 11th Day 29, freed from Nyrissa's power.

The party awakened and Reem cast discern location. The First World -> Avistan -> West Pitax -> Thousandvoices -> The High Folly.

The party teleported outside the forest of Thousandvoices with Aegela. They traveled westward into Thousandvoices where they came to the remains of the Castle of Knives, save for a great stone archway with an iron portcullis and two iron statues of Nyrissa holding swords aloft. Tindalos determined that the gate was a gate, and activated it blindly. They entered Thousandbreaths, where they encountered vicious deadly gas that they avoided entirely. The party then battled a group of lightning scarred Treants, which they slew, and while they stopped to gather their bark, Thousandbreaths returned to the prime material plane (as determined by Tindalos, presumably because of Nyrissa's need to tether her realm to living creatures).

Tindalos recommended that the pary deal with the things that might come cause them harm later. Deleksin suggested that the High Folly is an oubliette tower.

"The Youngest of the Eldest - a Tomb Forever Barren"

A powerful Frost Giant Barbarian leaped forth, and was defeated by the party with minimal difficulty (although it was clear that if the fight had gone any different, it could have gone very poorly indeed).

They moved on to the glade of the Nightmare Rook and confronted the creature, who quickly intimidated them all (including Aegela), and though she frightened Tindalos, Aegela was able to steel him, and they slew the rook. Shortly after defeating it, Aegela spotted Ilthuliak, and the party readied themselves for the battle therewith.

The party fought Ilthuliak, slaying him in a hard-fought fight. Aegela ate his heart, and the party put his remains in the portable hole. They then planned to return to Castle Darksky, but Aegela told them to first collect Ilthuliak's horde from the top of the nearby tower. A number of crumbling, terrified statues of fey creatures were at the base of the tower. They collected the treasure, which, in addition to a large amount of gold and silver, included:

  • +2 wild buckler (25,000 gp) (taken by Aegela)
  • sylvan scimitar (47,315 gp)
  • +4 elven chainmail (21,150 gp)
  • +3 returning icy starknife (72,000 gp)
  • rod of the python (13,000 gp)
  • staff of defense (62,000 gp)
  • cloak of the bat (26,000 gp)
  • bracers of armor +7 (49,000 gp)
  • gem of seeing (75,000 gp) (taken by Aegela)
  • mantle of faith (76,000 gp)

The party brought the lightning treant bark to Bokken, who rewarded them with a wand of barkskin (which he finished on the spot using the lightning treant bark). He also explained that treants that are struck by lightning become more powerful.

The party decided to head to Pitax as the only place where they could hope to move so much of such value. The party spent the night in Pitax.

Arodus 12th

The party spent the day searching Pitax for purveyors of magic items.

  • The following items are available in Pitax:
  • Ring of Force shield (8500 gp)
  • +1 Breastplate (1350 gp)
  • +3 Kama (18302 gp)
  • Ring of Delayed doom (2 stones) (10000 gp)
  • Sword of subtlety (22310 gp)
  • +5 Hide armor (25165 gp)
  • Manual of bodily health +5 (137500 gp)

The spending limits in Pitax are 137,500 gp. The base value is 27,500.

Arodus 13th

The party returned to the entrance to Thousandbreaths. They progressed to the mire, where they were deterred by the depth of the water and the presence of bright right unnatural leeches. They searched the area, they were able to find a teleport trap under the water. Beltashazzar dropped a boulder on it.

They continued to the Knurly House, where they encountered "Granny" the Knurly Witch, who parleyed with them for some time before the party attacked her. They eventually agreed to an exchange of information, question for question. She explained, among other things, that Nyrissa and Briar do not want to be reunited - Nyrissa doesn't want to restore her capacity for love, but rather to have a potent weapon. She asked Reem if he knew of his siblings (and implied that this gap in his knowledge was a substantial weakness), asked Makenna if she thought about "him" and if it hurt her ("every day" and "yes"). Tindalos asked what would happen if Nyrissa were forcefully reunited with her love, and the Knurly Witch said that she would fulfill her destiny and become the youngest of the Eldest. She further admitted to eating babies and offhandedly implied bad things for Tindalos' child.

The party attacked the witch, killing her invisible pet fey T-rex, but she was able to escape. They raided her house and found numerous valuable items including a hand of glory and a wand of good hope.

They discussed the possibility of destroying the Knurly House, but decided against it on the grounds that there was no pressing need to do so. They instead moved toward the troll's house, the Baleful Lantern, festooned with the heads of female humanoids which cast an eerie green light (determined to be a continual light spell). Makenna was able to find tracks from smilodons in the area, but no trace of them. The party searched the area and found nothing of value, then decided to burn the house to destroy it.

The party reconvened to a clearing nearby where they encountered a group of satyrs dancing and playing their pipes. The satyrs initially charmed Makenna and Beltashazzar, but the charm was broken through Deleksin's countersong. The satyrs tried to convince the party to go directly to Nyrissa to negotiate peace, but Deleksin saw through this without difficulty. The party left the area.

The party went to a secluded bricked in garden area, filled with fungi and bulbs of First World fruits. These they made an effort to harvest, acquiring several before huge swarms of Mandragora broke free from the ground and formed into two immense amalgam mandragora, which they slew.

The party continued to the waterfalls, where they found giant owlbear eggs and subsequently had to battle the mated pair that lived there. These they did not slay, but rather left without further molestation when Briar confirmed that the grove was not within Nyrissa's control.

The party went to Castle Darksky to rest and reconvene with Aegela. Tensions with the Hill Giants were rising. Also, Tindalos recommended that the remains of Ilthuliak be interred in the elephant graveyard.

Arodus 14th

The party approached the House at the Edge of Time with Aegela protecting the rear, where they were confronted by a Tarn Linnorm that they slew (Reem trusting his powerful saves to protect him). Reem was able to resist the curse. They then steeled themselves to confront Nyrissa in her own citadel.

The party was confronted by the Nightbird, Dovan of Nisroch (who died almost immediately) and two ghostly pirates, as well as a plant dragon of some sort. They defeat all these and noted an exceptionally tall tree that seems to go on forever.

Tindalos and Beltashazzar made their way up the tallest oak and found themselves in the endless arboretum. Nyrissa's voice boomed, "So you interlopers have finally decided to trespass in my domain. Now, you will all pay and I will reclaim what is mine." Briar confirmed that she heard the voice as well.

They found the stable of Dead Horses but were too creeped out to deal with it further once they realized that they were ambivalent. They moved across the crenelations and thorough the armory. They then found a collapsed passage and subsequently encountered Victor, who said that hope was not lost given that Tindalos was still alive. He recommended that Nyrissa could not be defeated simply by thrusting Briar into Deleksin's heart. He faded away leaving only a silver spindle ioun stone.

They searched the next door, where they found a plane shift portal, followed by a door leading to a stairway ascending to the second level.

Sending from Aegela: "I have defeated a satyr archer. I am trying to reason with him now." "We aren't doing anything urgent be there shortly." Sending from Aegela: "I'm concerned that will keep me from reasoning with him. He seems intent on killing you by Nyrissa's orders." "We will let you handle it, then. Keep us posted on further developments."

The party then encountered their corpses. Makenna's corpse was decapitated, Reem was faded and dead, Deleksin was torn in half and Tindalos appeared to have simply succumbed to wounds. They discussed the possibility of resurrecting them or using Speak With Dead on them.

A goblin dressed as a maitre de approached them. The goblin asked if they were the models. It turned out the bodies were cakes. Tindalos' flavor was lemon-curd and Reem was bitter almond. They disappeared and the party went into the next room, which was a drawing room full of sinister whispers. From there, to a slop banquet, then to a room with a dancing bear (which seemed to reek of Evocation Magic). They also found a telescope.

The party proceeded to a throne room where they encountered an angel who insisted that they were controverting the will of Desna and Saranerae. Reem saw through the Angel's bluff (made under duress), and the Worm the Walks revealed itself. They battled it and slew it, noting, for just a moment, that it included Tartuk. They found a number of magic item,, including a staff of Transmutation and a portable hole full of spellbooks which they used to also pick up the telescope.

The party opened the door toward the entrance and came upon a phantom feast and a statue of Nyrissa draped in a poisonous cloak, which the party took and put in the bag of holding.

They continued and fought a group of ghosts who were preparing bizzare varieties of dishes. They defeated them and took casks of serpent's venom, Dwarven whiskey (aged 10 years), Elven red wine (aged 16 years), and aether drippings (aged 1065).

The party made their way through the servant's wing, where they found it all eerily abandoned, until they came to the basement, where they confronted the Knurly Witch and a hideous vulture demon. Makenna charged in, shrugging off spells, and struck the witch. They defeated the Vrock and the witch, and looted her many, many potions.

They entered a library and found a water mephit who identified itself as Pludock. Pludock didn't want to talk to them, answering every question with, "I'd better not say," but eventually suggested that they give him Briar. He admitted, though that the northern chamber was a ruined bathhouse, populated with two water elementals, an air elemental and a fire elemental, all of whom appeared to be in a state of deep suffering. They were all slain. Pludock was informed and had little to nothing to say (though, regarding destroying Nyrissa, he suggested they give it "The Old College Try").

They go up the traditional staircase in the Northeast, and listened at the door, listening to two mostly whispering Osirion men speaking of the value of various trade goods. Some, such as "Nymph's milk" are worth absurd amounts (8000gp), while slaves (Katapeshi, warriors, some training) are a mere 150gp. Reem stepped away from the door and listened at a northern door, wherein he heard nothing. Behind another of the doors, soft snoring was heard, and behind yet another, someone playing finger exercises on a lute.

The party pushed their way into the attic, where they fought long and hard with three devourers. They defeated them, noting that when they fled back down the stairs, the creatures did not attempt to follow them. Reem was able to liberate all the souls and the party slew them, leaving behind benign demon bones and black ichor.

Arodus 15th

The party continued on through Nyrissa's home. They found two identical rooms containing notes, apparently from Osirion traders eager to establish fruitful (and exclusive) trade with the nation of "Thousandvoices." They then progressed to a great meeting hall where two barbtongued wyverns nearly slew Reem before being defeated.

They progressed to the west, where they encountered a group of blighted nymphs who gyred danced and eventually attacked. They sang a nonsense song:

I'm an indigo bunting
A player
A curse-free life of sin
On my way to go hunting
My way you follow in

The householder lady
Is hiding
She's playing not to seek
She's away for tomorrow
In yesterday next week

Shied away from the nightmares
And daymares
And lasting glory sought
And the ending's beginning
The lair
The fable will be fought

They fought and slew these wretched creatures and Makenna was nearly slain. Afterwards, they looted the surrounding area, finding in the (now badly burned) parlor a single enchanted Harrow Deck, a great many dresses (one of them a robe of stars that Reem put on, despite its scandalous and decidedly feminine design. They also found a great deal of assorted gris-gris for making magic items, many drawings (most anatomical drawings of First World creatures, although some were reproductions of _Zuddiger's Picnic_), miniature instruments (including among them a horn of blasting).

The party found the Jabberwock's "nest," which contained several magic items and a substantial amount of gold (in addition to some mundane treasure, including a pig shaped coffin full of platinum coins in small insets, 999pp with one empty slot, as well as a gold decanter with a ruby stopper, and a vase made of jade shaped like a castle with a silver serpent coiling around it).

The party also explored a servant's wing, where they found a manual of exercise +3 which Makenna suggested they stop to use, but the party eventually decided against this. They moved upstairs, where they found a maze filled with broken stone statues. A medusa of saurian make confronted them, transforming Deleksin temporarily into a statue (with Briar transforming him back). The party piled on and defeated the Medusa before she destroyed them.

They progressed on, with the party reaching Nyrissa's library (which was impressive and contained a partially complete manual of Jabberwock creation.

They progressed into Nyrissa's chamber, where they entered The Fable and confronted Nyrissa. They activated Deleksin's heart of stone, which absorbed Briar's personality and split off. They found themselves in The Open Field of The Fable, where they battled Nyrissa. They managed to force her heart into her, causing her extreme damage and nearly combining them. Unfortunately, she was able to quickly heal and teleport a distance away. When the party closed with her, she performed this trick again, and when Makenna dealt her what should have been a killing blow, Nyrissa recovered almost instantly. Eventually, though, Tindalos was able to corner her and force the heart back into her.

The defeated Nyrissa began to stream bright white light from he eyes, ears, mouth and wounds. She then went from verdant green to autumnal colors and faded to brown before crumbling. Her heart fell into the pool in her house and began to grow into a sapling. She informed the party the Briar was no more, and now Nyrissa, made whole, would work to undo the great damage that she had done during her madness, but for now she would have to rest. She returned the House at the Edge of Time to the First World, leaving behind only the ruins of the Castle of Knives.

The party returned to Castle Darksky, secure in the knowledge that the Stolen Lands would finally know peace. Makenna gave Kressle several of the fine dresses, then sold the rest for the good of the kingdom.

The party gave Kob Moleg orders to go and liberate Restov, paying him a substantial amount to do so; he and his forces, combined with Restov's forces in a pincer attack, were able to squarely liberate Restov from the siege (albeit, the mammoth riders dealt substantial damage to the western walls of Restov in the process. Forces from Brevoy assembled to retaliate, and it looked as though there would be a fearsome war to determine the fate of Restov, when the House Rogarvians reemerged from Skywatch with their reborn champion: Choral the Conquerer, emerging as a fortress-sized red dragon.

The party constructed a refugee city to house the inhabitants of Restov, knowing that things might get very ugly very quickly.

Horrified, his royal majesty Noleski Surtova offered the dragon a test to prove himself: if he could reconquer the Stolen Lands, once again proving himself to be a great conqueror. The battle between Choral and the party would be a story for another day, however.


Aegela stayed true to her word and agreed to serve Makenna for 10 years after, although the two of them being true friends knew that it was not that bond of honor that made them work so well together, but the loyalty and companionship they shared. Eventually Taj returned, having achieved some degree of acclaim, but found himself still barely nipping at the heels of Makenna's accomplishments. Even so, Taj decided that he would profess his deep respect and affection for Makenna. The two became lovers, but held to the traditions of their tribe, never marrying (despite Kressle's occasional gentle, and somewhat humorous, nagging).

Tindalos and Kressle raised their strange and precocious child together. Victor grew at an astounding rate, reaching young adulthood at age 6, then leveling out to an apparently normal rate of maturity. Though they made efforts to shield him from the ugliest of prejudice from the outside world, Victor knew he was different, and came to believe that he was destined for great things. Tindalos' family in Kyonin wrote to him occasionally, but Tindalos had come to accept that they would never truly understand him. He grew more alien as time passed, growing ever more like his confidant Beltashazzar.

Reem's prophetic dream did not come true as he expected - indeed, it was hard to say it had come true at all. He pondered this, and eventually concluded that Prophecy remained lost to the world, only returning in sputtering flashes that were by no means the certainty that such powerful notions once bore. He contented himself in sewing seeds for the future he wished to see, tending to his orphans. At his orphanage, he ensured that the children were ever served flavorful dishes - never porridge. He and Baer reconciled, although they came to accept that they would never truly see eye to eye on religious matters.

Deleksin's muse had, in his mind, only ever grown more beautiful, more enticing and more distant since the events in the House at the Edge of Time. As days turned to weeks turned to months, Deleksin's waking world was more and more consumed of the beautiful echoes of Nyrissa. As time went on, he came to adore her more and more, wishing only to be wrapped in her gentleness. Perhaps one day she would return for him and take him to her deathless kingdom as her confidant and consort, and together they would seek the lost Count Ranalc, to reunite her with her True Love - for can there ever be a more noble cause than true love?


  1. To this day, Melonie remains imprisoned, awaiting determination.



