Rules:Kingdom Governments

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Government Options


A single person rules the kingdom by popular acclaim. This person may be elected by the people, a popular hero asked to lead, or even a hereditary monarch who rules with a light hand.

Modifiers: None.

Secondary: None.

Starting Building: Inn.


An individual or group with potent magical power leads the kingdom and promotes the spread of magical and mundane knowledge and education. Those with magical abilities often enjoy favored status in the kingdom.

Modifiers: Economy and Loyalty +2, Stability -4.

Secondary: Lore +2, Productivity -1, Society -1.

Starting Building: Library.


A group of councilors, guild masters, aristocrats, and other wealthy and powerful individuals meet in council to lead the kingdom and direct its policies.

Modifiers: Economy+4, Stability and Loyalty -2.

Secondary: Corruption +1, Law -1, Lore -1, Society +1.

Starting Building: Bureau.


The kingdom's ruler is a single individual who either seized control or inherited command of the settlement and maintains a tight grasp on power.

Modifiers: Stability+4, Economy and Loyalty -2.

Secondary: Corruption +1, Crime -1, Law +1, Society -1.

Starting Building: Smithy.


The kingdom is ruled by a parliament of elected or appointed officials who represent the various geographic areas and cultural constituents of the kingdom, making decisions for the whole through voting, bureaucratic procedures, and coalition-building.

Modifiers: Loyalty+4 , Economy and Stability -2.

Secondary: Crime -1, Law -1, Productivity +1, Society +1.

Starting Building: Tavern.

Secret Syndicate

An unofficial or illegal group like a thieves' guild rules the kingdom—the group may use a puppet leader to maintain secrecy, but the group pulls the strings.

Modifiers: Economy and Stability +2, Loyalty -4.

Secondary: Corruption +1, Crime +1, Law -3, Productivity +1.

Starting Building:' Brewery.


The kingdom is ruled by the leader of its most popular religion, and the ideas and members of that religion often enjoy favored status in government and the kingdom.

Modifiers: Loyalty and Stability +2, Economy -4.

Secondary: Corruption -1, Law +1, Lore +1, Society -1.

Starting Building: Monastery.