Oculus of Abaddon

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The Oculus of the Abaddon must be placed in the socket of a removed eye, which deals 2d6 points of damage, 2 points of Constitution damage, and 1 point of bleed damage (pending a DC 15 Heal check). When the Oculus is placed in the socket (which happens easily) the damage heals immediately. The Oculus may then only be removed by the death of the creature, or the casting of a remove curse spell or equivalent magic, followed immediately by a restoration spell or equivalent magic.

Salient Artifact Powers

Haunting Beckon: Once per year, the Oculus can empower its user to control the population of an entire kingdom. This functions like a mass dominate monster spell that establishes a telepathic (but still language-based) link between the bearer of the Oculus and the subjects at a CL of 18 (thus, the Haunting Beckon lasts up to 18 days). This effect does not work on creatures with at least 8 HD, but effected creatures are not entitled to a saving throw until they are directly endangered (DC 24). The Oculus will only activate this power if the intention of the bearer is do terrible harm to the subjects, and although such harm need not come immediately, the Oculus is not patient, and is skeptical of those who delay harm to their "subjects."

Call of Abaddon: The Oculus can cast a planar binding spell once per week, although the creature summoned must be a native of Abaddon. If the Oculus is linked to a portal to Abaddon, it can cast a greater planar binding spell once per month, provided that no planar binding spells are cast that month.

Vision-based powers

  • Darkvision to a range of 120 feet (constant)
  • True seeing once per day as a free action
  • Greater scrying three times per day
  • Familiar farsight at will

The Oculus is intelligent and thoroughly evil, with a powerful connection to the realm of Abaddon. It was a gift from one of the Horsemen to a Casmaran emperor some centuries before earthfall.


Legends suggest that the Oculus can be destroyed only by a good outsider, although under what circumstances is questionable