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Calistril 24th

Makenna and Deleksin are pardoned by the Swordlords of Restov, but on condition that they map the Greenbelt within the Stolen Lands of the River Kingdoms. While doing this, they are to crush all bandit activity, specifically that of the cruel Stag Lord – a bandit-king of some renown who has been especially irksome as of late, and is believed to have a stronghold somewhere in the area.


Pharast 7th

The pair, accompanied by the feather named Tindalos, arrived at Oleg's Trading post, where they met Oleg and his wife Svetlana, who immediately assumed that they were the reinforcements that Brevoy was supposed to send to keep the post safe from bandits. Oleg was infuriated by the revelation that they were, in fact, criminals sent to scour the lands of bandits, but Svetlana begged them to protect them from the ongoing bandit attacks, to which Makenna and Deleksin agreed.

Oleg and Svetlana told them that the bandits were expected to return tomorrow to demand additional tribute, and a plan was hatched to ambush them.

Pharast 8th

Makenna, Deleksin and Oleg ambushed four bandits that arrived at the trading post to demand tribute. They killed two of them and captured the leader, Happs Bydon, and one of the others, Kanig Eskers. Happs killed himself with poisoned berries while imprisoned and Kanig surrendered and told them of the Stag Lord, a cruel and powerful warrior who had grown increasingly reclusive. He described the location of the Stag Lord's castle. Oleg recovered from his injuries.

The group determined that a bounty was placed on bandits in the Greenbelt. They claimed the bounty for the three dead bandits, but sent Eskers on his way, having no reasonable means of holding him longer and no way of returning him for a bounty. Eskers agreed to leave the Greenbelt and never return on pain of death.

Pharast 9th

A group of outdoorsmen showed up at Oleg's trading post: Vekkel Benzen, a one-legged hunter, Olendis Maystern, an elderly half-elf hunter, Soren Craigsworth, a halfling trapper, and, most notably, the promised backup from Brevoy: Kesten Garess, a noble scion of Brevoy, accompanied by three of his men-at-arms (a Bayard Nolen, mustachioed human knight, Enalla Murse, a serious and dour fighter in half-plate, and Urruk Stamish, a semi-jovial, if a bit off-putting, dwarf).

The party also learned that Tuskgutter (or Tuskgorer, depending on who was asked) the boar had been terrorizing the region and had, in fact, removed Vekkel's leg in a skirmish some years previous. Vekkel promised a reward if the boar's head was returned.

Pharast 10th

The party met Caeldwyn Ladron, an elven hunter in the northern portion of the Stolen Lands. He befriended the party and sold them three days worth of rations at a reasonable discount, promising to sell more if they assisted him by returning to the trading post and obtaining salt for salting the meat to save him the time and effort.

Pharast 11th – 14th

Explored the Stolen Lands and provided Caeldwyn with what was requested with a stop at Oleg's Trading Post. During this time, the party checked up with Oleg and Svetlana and learned of their troubles.

The party spoke with Oleg about the surrounding area, and he expressed his desire to acquire a Tatzlwyrm head as a decoration for the trading post. Oleg explained that Tatzlwyrms were a sort of small dragon native to the area. Oleg also said that Svetlana's wedding ring was taken by a vicious bandit woman who threatened to chop off her hand if she refused to surrender the ring willingly. Oleg expressed a desire to have it returned to him and promised a reward.

Prior to leaving, they also spoke with Kesten Garess, who offered a substantial bounty on the traitor Falgrim Sneeg to be brought in – preferably alive – for desertion and treason.

Pharast 15th

The party explored, finding, in the process, a number of giant spider nests. Having killed some giant spiders, they explored the nests and found a treasure map, as well as some adventuring gear, on a desiccated corpse.

Pharast 16th

The party encountered a crazy alchemist named Bokken with antisocial tendencies and strange needs. Bokken requested that the party retrieve fangberries for potion-making, insisting that they were a necessary part of making his particular healing potion recipe palatable.

Pharast 17th – 20th

The party explored, culminating in the discovery of kobolds identified as members of the Sootscale tribe in a moon radish patch. The party managed to convince them to trade with them, and exchanged fishing hooks and miscellany for a basket of moon radishes. The party returned to Oleg's, where Svetlana requested that they retrieve moon radishes so she can make Oleg's favorite to cheer him up. Of course, they already had, which simplified things considerably.

Pharast 21st

Festivities were held at the trading post, mostly because people were there, and it had been a long time since Svetlana had the opportunity to entertain.

Pharast 22nd

The party continued searching the area. They encountered a bandit camp. The bandits' leader, a brutal woman named Kressle, escaped after being injured by Makenna. 4 bandits were killed, 1 bandit escaped, and 1 bandit was captured. The captive, Vendelos the Tree Rat, was released for giving information on the condition that he not return to the Stolen Lands.

Pharast 23rd

The party traveled to an old sycamore tree that was infested with fey creatures called mites. The quarrelsome beasts were building a sort of siege-works for waging battle with the Sootscale Tribe, and had a number of horrid giant bugs among them that they treated like horrid little children. Deleksin developed a deep hatred for mites when one of them stole the mbira he had been given by a good friend long ago. Whilst in the tree, they rescued Mikpek of the Sootscales and learned of Tartuk the Shaman – a vicious and cruel spiritual leader to the tribe who had instated a system of sacrifice that had decimated the tribe.

They captured a stolen kobold statue and returned to Sootscale tribe at the Oaktop Silver Mine (but not before burning down the Old Sycamore). There, they met the cleric of Pharasma named Reem, who was in the process of confronting Tartuk regarding his blasphemous worship of some unnamed ancestor spirits. Nakpik, the guard, kept watch at the gate and Kiptik the kobold escorted them in. The party learned of Tartuk's vicious deeds and the oppressive worship of false gods he had forced upon the already struggling tribe and, in retribution, slew him (after determining that his "omens" were sorcerer's tricks).

The party found Svetlana's ring amidst Tartuk's treasure, and determined that it was most likely stolen from the bandits by a mite, who was then slain by the kobolds who gave it as tribute to the shaman. The party returned a portion of the treasure to the tribe.

Reem joined the party, explaining that he had been bound for Osirion to deliver prophecy at the Great Temple of Pharasma, but had encountered omens that implied he was meant to stay in the Stolen Lands.

Pharast 24th

The party returned to Oleg's in the evening, after staying with the Sootscale Tribe overnight. They returned Svetlana's ring to a grateful Oleg, who agreed to trade peacefully with the kobolds if they could act likewise.

Juniper Stargrove, a Pathfinder agent staying at the Trading Post, translated Tartuk's journal and chronicled the party's advancement through the Stolen Lands.

Tartuk's journal revealed that he was once a gnome who had attempted to sell his village out to ogres that had come to destroy it. His efforts were mistaken for an early warning when the ogres killed him loudly, giving the village an opportunity to mobilize. He was reincarnated by the grateful village, but came back as a kobold. Now an outcast, he worked tirelessly to viciously destroy many kobold tribes using his illusion magic to manipulate them. The Sootscales were, apparently, his third, with the Yellowfoots and Ridgeback tribes, both of locations unknown, having been destroyed prior.

Pharast 25th

The party located the old oak tree with the cache at the bottom from the map they had found previous. A day was spent teaching Mikpek to fish.

The party also encountered the animated remains of a man named Nettle who had previously ran a ferry before being slain by the Stag Lord for refusing to give free crossing to him and his men on demand. He stated that if the Stag Lord were cast into the river, he would be freed.

Pharast 28th

The party discovered the gold mine rumored to exist in the area; they omitted it from the primary map, however, on Oleg's wishes, as he feared the mine would bring a large population of unwanted fortune seekers and opportunists to the area.

Pharast 30th

The party discovered a fangberry patch and avoided injury despite the swarms of mosquitoes thereabouts whilst successfully harvesting fangberries.

Incidentally, the party encountered a group of kobolds who claimed to have seen the Stag Lord himself (these were later revealed to be confused: they had seen a hunter carrying a stag).

Pharast 31st

The trading post was bustling with new individuals. A group of dwarves (Sevig Mordenkain and his sons Olg, Bertrad and daughter Yelina along with 3 bodyguards). A mysterious spellcaster of apparently Chelish origin was also present; though he didn't give his name, the party nicknamed him George and gave him a spellbook they had found.

The party staked deeds to the Gold Mine and the Silver Mine with Oleg to ensure that they would not fall into other hands in the event they could not be reliably claimed.


Gozran 1st

The party discovered a trap-filled glade. They disarmed the traps therein.

Gozran 2nd

The party found a trapper's legs stuck in a trap (his body having been eaten by some predator in an ironic twist of fate) and acquired a masterwork hatchet from the remains.

Gozran 3rd

The party found and killed a Tatzlwyrm, acquiring its head for Oleg.

Gozran 4th

The party subdued a vicious and obviously sickly grizzly bear; they hogtied the beast and determined that it was almost certainly a polymorphed individual.

The party discovered and repaired a statue of Erastil, with Makenna pledging herself as a nominal worshiper of Erastil (having decided that she admired that traditions and values for which he stood) and is now wearing his holy symbol (despite his being Lawful Good and her being Chaotic Good). Everyone was thoroughly confused.

The party found the rumored Temple of the Elk and constructed a litter for the grizzly bear to transport the beast. They were reminded of Jhod, the cleric of Erastil at Oleg's, and brought the grizzly to him. Jhod prayed a blessing and broke the curse that had been cast upon the bear, transforming him back into a human druid and causing him to die immediately of old age. Jhod insisted on being taken to the Temple as soon as possible.

While the party was in Olegston, they returned the Tatzlwyrm head to Oleg.

Bertrad of the dwarves attempted to open investment opportunities in the Stolen Lands. The party hemmed and hawed about the situation, and eventually came to the conclusion that the Stolen Lands would be better off being settled. As such, they invested 400gp on behalf of Oleg and 200gp on behalf of the party. They showed the map they had gathered to him, paying heed not to reveal the mines (save the Silver Mine's location as a habitation of non-hostile kobolds).

Gozran 5th

Makenna and Deleksin collaborated on a letter to the swordlords requesting their freedom for the task of defeating the Stag Lord. This they did as they realized that their original charge promised them a stay of sentence, but not a pardon.

Jhod returned to the Temple of the Elk and began to rebuild it by hand.

The party met a mischievous Faerie Dragon named Perlivash after he pranked them repeatedly. The party behaved like spoilsports, the dragon agreed to prank them no longer, but would have no further tack with them.

Gozran 6th

The party met with Caeldywn, who sold them lots of trail rations.

Gozran 7th

The party fought the giant boar Tuskgutter and routed him. They hunted the creature from his rout to his lair and slew him. They then spent the night at his den.

Gozran 8th

The party fought Kressle's ambush group and defeated the group. They left 2 bandits (Harkum Gleel and Lemmy Nonce) as well as Falgrim Sneeg and Kressel alive.

The party returned the bandits to Kesten Garess and were rewarded with masterwork weapons.

Vekkel Benzen rewarded the characters for returning the head of Tuskgutter.

Gozran 9th

Harkum Gleel and Falgrim Sneeg were unrepentant and were sent forth for execution. Lemmy Nonce and Kressle were absolved, though, while Nonce was remorseful, Kressle merely expressed that she didn't feel she ever had a choice. Kesten Garess demanded to return Falgrim Sneeg to Restov.

The party inexplicably convinced Oleg and company to allow Kressle to travel with them. No one was certain what to make of it, but the idea was primarily Tindalos'. Kressle apologized halfheartedly to Svetlana for stealing her wedding ring and threatening her, and Svetlana expressed a desire for Kressle to someday feel so helpless.

Gozran 10th

Explored plains. Determined that the kobolds were misidentifying all hunters who had killed stags as "Stag Lords", leading to temporary confusion.

Gozran 11th – 12th

Explored plains.

Gozran 13th

Beltashazzar decided to disturb a burial cairn, primarily out of curiosity. It was argued that the Tiger Lords are evil, and therefore disturbing their burial mounds was not so wicked. Makenna was disturbed by this notion, but useful items were found in the process.

Gozran 14th

A unicorn's dehorned corpse was discovered. There was much fear to be had, and the area was eerily undisturbed. The party left with the intention of never returning to this accursed place.

Gozran 16th

The party encountered the Boggard down by Skunk River. After much attempting to communicate with him, they decided to leave him be (as none of them spoke the same language as him, and he seemed hermit-ish and aloof). It's notable that he seemed to have a badly mutilated left hand and a pet Slurk (sabre-toothed frog) nearly twice his size.

Gozran 17th

The party descended upon the Stag Lord's fortress, with Kressle leading the way. The party contrived a plan to disguise one of their party members as Falgrim Sneeg, and were able to talk their way in. They determined that Dovan from Nisroch, one of the Stag Lord's lieutenants, was the one responsible for keeping Kressle away as the Stag Lord has apparently been looking for a mysterious woman, but won't give any meaningful explanation or description. As such, Dovan was apparently afraid of what would happen when this woman was found.

The party made some "friends" within the fortress, and, after meeting such colorful characters as the slightly addled Auchs, the inappropriate loquacious Jex the Snitch, and the morose Akiros Ismort, they quarreled with Dovan and, eventually, Makenna confronted the Stag Lord. He was clearly drunk and, having looked her over, simply announced that Makenna was not the one and returned to his room. They roused him a second time and battled him. The Stag Lord was slain, but not before he sicced his pet owlbear Beaky on the party (resulting in the beast's death). Dovan escaped, Akiros was captured, Auchs mourned the deaths and the rest of the miscellaneous minions escaped.

Afterwards, they found the Stag Lord's beaten and defenceless father, who admitted that he had never wanted the Stag Lord and had treated him roughly in his youth, until the day that the Stag Lord spontaneously grew a pair and decided to beat him senseless. The Stag Lord had, from that day on, a locket with a lock of golden hair in it. They let him go.

Gozran 18th

The party stopped by Nettle's Crossing to free Nettle by fulfilling their promise to hurl the Stag Lord's body into the river. They then returned to Oleg's to report. A message had been sent anticipating their success, but announcing more than their freedom: the party learned that they were now the regents of the Greenbelt, by order of the Swordlords of Restov, and that there was a sudden influx of undesirables from Brevoy and Restov that they were expected to accept as "citizens."

The party met with Oleg and Svetlana about their take on the situation. Both were resolved to the party having no choice in the matter. They met with Sevig about investment opportunities, which appeared to be in full bloom; they received an explanation regarding the fruits of their previous investment, mostly insomuch as they related to ongoing trade throughout the region.

Gozran 19th

The party committed to the project with Oleg, and sought to make Olegston into a community. The party invested 2BP in Sevig's work and dispatched Kressle to Restov to recover Kesten's fees (having taking her in as an official dignitary).

The party spoke with Sootscale Kobolds about matters. They learned of a prophecy regarding the King of Bones (He has but one eye and seeks a treasure he cannot have; he transforms the innocent into his machines). They forged an alliance with the Sootscale kobolds.

Gozran 20th

The party met with Caeldwyn, and appointed him game warden. He recommended a bounty on the heads of trolls, and the party agreed.


Gozran 21st thru Desnus 5th


  • Failed Loyalty check (+2 Unrest)
  • Produced BP during Economy check.
  • Constructed Housing to replace tenement.
  • Assigned Leaders

Ruler – Deleksin Councilor – Svetlana Leveton General – Makenna Dakarawa Grand Diplomat – Kressle High Priest – Reem Aaron Magister – Tindalos Marshal – Kesten Garess Treasurer – Oleg Leveton Warden – Caeldwyn Ladron

Event: Local artist Melios Starrum (elf) painted a masterpiece called, "Iomedae Bests Rovagug"

Desnus 6th

Discussion of the River Freedoms and their laws. Established a Spring Holiday.

Desnus 8th

The PC's attend the fair and see the lumberjacking competition, where laborers compete to chop the most logs. Corax, a human lumberjack leader, and Staas, his half-orc subordinate, were discussing the elusive Hodag that supposedly Staas threw a +1 keen spear at (and struck) but lost the weapon in the process. Corax was convinced that Staas had drunkenly lost the spear.

Grigori, a bard, was telling bawdy jokes in a makeshift tavern.

Local artists Melios Starrum, Sella Sprigg, Tyrnum Glassglow and Ulara Gumaran were showing their wares. Reem commissioned a small clay statue of Tartuk the Shaman and a painting of himself with an ominous gray aura.

Desnus 9th

The party hired Gary, Julianna, Bayard Nolen and Enalla Murse for the month to guard the Stag Lord's Keep.

They explored and discovered the Gnomish Northropple expedition. Though they failed to save the wagon, they befriended Jubilost Northropple and his intrepid crew of nine gnomish explorers and agreed to help him return to Olegston to resupply.

Desnus 10th

The party returned to Olegs' in the wee hours of the next morning, rested for the evening and replaced Jubilost's Wagon. They then commissioned a mapping contract with Jubilost (penned by Oleg) for 50 gp up front, 250 gp afterward, and a premium for important landmarks. They agreed to let him keep anything that he can carry with him that is not deemed a national treasure.

Received rumors from town guard (Ival Tsorikan) and tipped him 1 sp.

Arrived at the Stag Lord's old Castle, learned of the undead wandering around the area. The party discussed producing holy water and nailed a holy symbol of Erastil to the wall.

Desnus 11th

The party encountered a group of wolves led by a werewolf. They subdued the werewolf when he resumed human form. The werewolf was Imura, a member of the Eburone tribe, and sought the Winter Wolf "Howl-of-the-North-Wind" to restore his honor after being cast out by the Tiger Lords. He didn't believe he was a werewolf and viewed his captivity as disgrace.

Purchased 120 lbs. of silver dust from the Sootscale Kobolds for holy water.

Desnus 12th

Returned to the Temple of the Elk to request that Jhod cast remove curse on Imura. The situation was explained to the cleric, and he was asked about Howl-of-the-North-Wind, and offered to ask the animals. The beasts confirmed this vicious wolf's existence.

Desnus 13th

Makenna was also cured of lycanthropy by Jhod. Jhod and Reem had a water blessing montage.

Desnus 14th

Explored the Swamp King's Hex, while giving the boggard a wide berth.

Desnus 15th

Discovered the Tatzylwyrm den and slew both Tatzylwyrms, preserving their bodies. The party also located a bony corpse in the skunk river, which they fished out to acquire its magical +1 Scale Mail. The hex was then explored.

Desnus 16th

Slew a hodag, explored. No sign of a keen spear.

Desnus 17th

Met the wyvern Xexyphenus, who attacked the party in what may be the most ill-considered decision of his life. He was bested and surrendered. The party recruited him as Royal Assassin and explored the rest of the area.

Desnus 18th

The PC's discovered a ruined keep, an were subsequently attacked by its inhabitants, including some sort of creature that moved with blinding speed. Eventually, the determined that the place was too dangerous to risk dealing with and burned all the wooden portions, leaving only the stone of the keep. Among the remains, they found a mithril statue of Findeladlara, elven goddess of art and architecture, and a badly damaged water clock.

Desnus 19th

The party returned to Olegston.

Desnus 20th

Learned of the Dakarawa tribe from the mammoth lands (led by Omari), the Clerawi tribe of Numerian (led by Sehadon) and Hilus tribe exiled from Brevoy (led by an ancient shaman Chiura), all of which were apparently migrating south into the Stolen Lands for their own reasons.

Omari requested the freedom to explore the Stolen lands and a generalized offer of mutual support. This was accepted. A currency exchange of 1 BP was entered to prevent unrest. Makenna chose to be absent from this meeting.

Sehadon requested that his people be allowed the freedom for his people to choose to join the kingdom or remain separate as they please. They discussed the overthrow of Numeria (an unlikely venture at best) and expressed grief over the loss of their homelands. A currency exchange of 1 BP was extended to the the Clerawi tribe as well.

Chiura stated that he and his people requested only autonomy to remember their former glory. The Hilus tribe was commissioned to battle the trolls to the south. This was deemed acceptable to all.

Desnus 21st


A blacksmith was constructed. Roads and farmland were established. Caeldwyn helped establish a farmland with Moon Radishes. The party also learned that rumors abounded about their histories, and responded by spreading counter rumors. This appeared to be generally successful.

Desnus 26th

The party came upon a delicate situation with a dryad named Melianse, wherein the dryad had ensorcelled a number of loggers who were threatening her woods. The PC's negotiated to free the lumberjacks on Deleksin's word in return for three trees (to replace those felled) and the assurance that the lumber industry would remain far away from her woods. The party determined that Quaal's feather tokens of tree were likely the best way to accomplish this.

Desnus 27th

Encountered and defeated a hydra and found its nest. The PC's returned to Olegston.

Desnus 28th

They brought the hydra's remains to Oleg, who was pleased. They then learned that the bodies of a shepherd boy named Beven and his sheep were found slain by wolves, and it was rumored a werewolf was responsible. 3 tree feather tokens were purchased. The PC's also discovered that Saki, a young elven girl, was killed by wolves. Akiros, seeking atonement, asked to join the effort and helped recruit Kellid barbarians to hunt down the wolves. Jalena Hilus, Grav Hilus and Taj Dakarawa agreed to help. The party and Taj went out to seek the werewolf.

Taj Dakarawa transformed into a werewolf. He was defeated by the party, but was able to defeat Beltashazar first. When they returned to the village, Akiros and Kesten informed them of an attack. A Tiger Tribe werewolf was killed, and the party remained silent about Taj also being a werewolf (as, they were concerned, there was no way of being certain that the Tiger Tribe werewolf was not the one actually responsible for the deaths of the boy and girl). Grigori suggested 200gp and an acre of land with the livestock to tend it as compensation (after arguing, initially, that the state was in no sense responsible for harm caused by such beasts, but eventually conceding that they are responsible for the safety of their people).

Jhod cast Remove Curse on Taj to ensure that the curse was broken - this was done with the overt reasoning that he had been injured by a werewolf.

Desnus 29th

Taj, Makenna and Tindalos returned to town. Deleksin planned on giving 250gp and an acre of land with the livestock to tend it to the victims of the tragedy, funding the cash portion from the party's personal coffers. This is codified as law when a threat to the village as a whole are dealt with. Makenna and Tindalos slept for part of the day. An arrangement was made to ensure that bracers of armor +1 found on the werewolf were sold to make recompense, as an alternative.

Desnus 30th

The grove of Meliansne was marked with runes that indicated that the trees were not to be cut down.

A troll was encountered and defeated it.

Desnus 31st

The PC's assisted a dryad named Tiressia and her satyr companion Falchos in defeating a scythe tree that had been menacing them. Gratitude abounded, but they were not rewarded for this task (the dryad had initially attempted to charm them into such service, but eventually persuaded them without such means).


Sarenith 1st

The party encountered (and evaded) a patrol of trolls. The party discussed following the trolls, but decided to continue their exploration until such a time as they couldn't avoid the trolls. Hargulka was encountered at a distance, but his entourage of 6 trolls proved too intimidating for the party to attempt to face down. The retreated back to Tiressia's grove and rested for the evening.

Sarenith 2nd

The party proceeded to Tuskwater. They spoke with Gary and Julianna at length concerning the trolls. The PC's went to Olegston.

Grigori admitted to being a spy for the Swordlords of Restov, and demanded to be made a diplomat (essentially blackmailing the party, but he presented it as an opportunity to KNOW there was a spy in their midst and be in control of the information that moves out). The party realized that Kressle was an ineffective diplomat, after she chased off an envoy from Nisroch.

Tindalos wooed Kressle and proposed marriage, allowing her to become a noblewoman, just as she always dreamed.

The party learned that Tig, a child, had gone missing while turtle hunting. The party immediately set out to locate him.

Sarenith 3rd

The party discovered evidence that Tig had been abducted by lizardmen. The characters followed the Shrike River downstream. The PC's went to Tuskwater castle and spoke with Gary about the prevalence of lizardmen.

The PC's discovered the hut of the Old Beldame and learned George's real name was Cailmont, now called the Failed, a former magic student in Cheliax. They were informed of the presence of the lizard man camp.

The party approached he lizardman village and challenged them and their false "god" (a Will'O'Wisp taking advantage of the superstitious lizardfolk). Makenna slew their chief, Vesket, and demanded the submission of the Lizardfolk. They looted the tribe and the Will'O'Wisp that had been controlling the tribe fled.

Voskot, the tribe's shaman, surrendered to the party and shared with them the lore of Hargulka, his two-headed brother, their father the Jotund Troll and the aching fear of Candlemere Tower. Tig was not significantly injured, but was, nonetheless, shaken and traumatized by the experience.

The party stayed the night at the castle.

Sarenith 4th

The party returned to the Old Beldame's hut to talk to her about the trolls.

Sarenith 5th

The party returned Tig home. Grigori was able to secure a significant amount of lamp oil from Restov with which to prepare the city of Olegston.

Bokken requested troll blood, from trolls, of course, and Shamblesap, the "blood" of shambling mounds. He expressed that the Old Beldame was crazy and that he knew her.

The party asked Caeldwyn about the Shambling Mounds, and were informed that such things were generally to be avoided, but did exist in the Narlwood.

The party encountered and defeated a strange shambling Cyclops zombie, but could not make head or tail of it.

Sarenith 6th

The party invaded the Barrow of the Lonely Warrior and defeated him and his undead warriors. They looted and repaired his fey bane sword. They also spoke with the dead body of an unlucky tomb raider named Mordecai, who had nothing significant to say.

Sarenith 7th

The party encountered Imura again, and noted that he was clad in white worg skin. They convinced him to see the cleric of Erastil to be treated for his wounds.

The party found a giant snapping turtle and killed it, preserving the shell.

Sarenith 9th

Returned to the city to work on development. Built a library, hired Juniper as Spymaster and assigned Grigori as Diplomat, as promised.

Bandits abounded, but were routed, gaining 3 BP for the kingdom.

Sarenith 14th

The party set out to battle the trolls.

Sarenith 15th

The characters stabled their horses at Stag Keep and proceeded on foot to assault the trolls.

They stopped in the lizardman village to speak with the shaman Voskot who praises their efforts to drive off the trolls. The party stayed overnight with the lizardfolk. An abandoned raft was found and Makenna said a prayer to Hanspur and they cast off (though they could only offer the same as tribute when they disembarked).

The party encountered a hill giant named Mugnuk, who was distraught that he had not eaten, the trolls have not allowed him to join (after he had abandoned his own tribe for unknown reasons), and he was now out of booze. Reem was able to make friends with him and Mugnuk agreed to join the party in a battle with trolls in which they wiped out a small party of the beasts.

Sarenith 16th

The party approached the cliff at which the trolls were location. Deleksin scouted the area and was unable to find alternate entrances. The cliff appeared to have an abandoned dwarven hold where the trolls had taken residence.

After discussing their actions to Mugnuk until he becomes exhausted of considering them, Mugnuk charged, opening the door so the hasted characters could leap into the fray. The trolls in the entryway fell with ease, injuring Makenna notably. The party paused to heal and then continued charging in to battle.

They defeated the two-headed Nagrudi, who was waxing philosophical regarding the nature of stars, explained he was sorry he had to kill them, then deliriously insisted that his father always liked him better. The party coup de grace'd the hapless two-headed philosopher.

The party managed to defeat Hargulka, though only barely (as Tindalos had been reduced to feather form).

The goods in the storeroom, worth 4 BP; were placed in a great big sack for the hill giant Mugnuk to carry. All the other treasures were ransacked. Hargulka's bracelet was collected by Makenna and worn as a bandoleer.

Tindalos returned, and the party spent the evening in the cavern.

Sarenith 17th

Traveled until the 22nd. They returned the goods to Stag Keep.

Sarenith 22nd

As they returned to Olegston, they find the city has been damaged by a giant rampaging owlbear; they talk to Kesten, who reports the trolls migration and the desolation caused by the Owlbear was limited in scope by the efforts of Xexyphenus, Akiros, Kesten and Kressle, who fought together to drive the creature off. Kesten suggested a Gyronna cult and the Old Beldame as possible suspects.

On a nearly unrelated note, Juniper requested that the party acquire a two-or-more-headed creature for Juniper to test how an ioun stone interacts with it.

The PC's gifted Xexyphenus to placate him as he was injured in the battle. This caused Kressle to become jealous, and Tindalos promised to bring her gifts as well.

The PC's met with Grigori. They discussed that prisoners would never be banished to other lands, as this was the origin of many of Easthaven's woes.

They proceeded to the Kobolds and met Mikpek. Chief Sootscale related a prophecy regarding a sword that would slay a winged beast, a sword reclaimed by nature. The beast carved a swathe of destruction across the lands that have been stolen. The beast could only be battled in its own lair. The prophecy specified four would battle, but there was no mention of giants.

Sarenith 23rd

The party reached the owlbear lair, killed the purple fungi and managed to defeat the owlbear and acquired all sorts of treasure and such from the area. They acquired an owlbear baby and returned to Olegston after another 3 days of travel.

Sarenith 26th

The party returned to Olegston to care for the kingdom for a while, having no other pressing issues to which to attend.


Housing constructed for Mugnuk and Xexyphenus.

Political Calm cleared Unrest.



A city was founded at Ft. Tuskwater.

Loy and Latricia Rezbin (Halfling Expert 5, Halfling Expert 3) wish to found the village of Tatzylford at B6. The only support they initially request is the construction of roads to that location so they can begin a prosperous trade along the river.

The statue of Erastil was moved to where Loy Rezbin founded Tatzylford.

A mass of BP were acquired and the turn ended.

The Old Beldame was appointed Magister, a position to which she enthusiastically agreed.

Kressle and Tindalos became a co-ruler couple.



The Temple of Erastil was annexed.

Farmland was established in the hills on Grigori's recommendation.

Rumors of Nightbird abound on the Sellen.



The land just west of the border of Brevoy were claimed and farmed.

Yelina constructed a monument to the owlbear attack that was repelled by the PC's.



Claimed land toward Tatzylford.

Malgorzata Niska was accused of the worship of Gyronna after it was discovered that she had bewitched a number of individuals. She was condemned when she all but confessed to it. It was discussed that exile might be a solution, in light of the power over others that the worship of Gyronna would allow.

They offered exile as an alternative in return for their willing vacation. Melonie Yur, a worshipper of Gyronna, was betrothed to Ulvin Kuriss through magic, thus resulting in Ilsa Half-elven's despair and death. Reem exhumed Ilsa's body and asked her some questions that determined very little. The question of curses is to be set aside at this time, as no one can agree to what degree curses violate the laws (or the River Freedoms). They hunted Malgorzata down and slew her, and imprisoned Melonie until a determination could be made[1].



Cleared items, paid for road.

Determined that the lizardfolk should retain some autonomy and minor tribute, especially of food, gaining +1 Stability.



Did nothing but gather.

  1. To this day, Melonie remains imprisoned, awaiting determination.