Makenna Dakarawa

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{{ #if:| {{ #if:tehnightingale7| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Female| {{ #if:| {{ #if:General| {{ #if:Adventurer (mostly)| {{ #if:Gozran 2nd| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Dakarawa Tribe| {{ #if:Numeria| {{ #if:Human| {{ #if:Barbarian 11| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Horatio|
{{ #if:Makenna Dakarawa | Makenna Dakarawa | Makenna Dakarawa }}


Player tehnightingale7




Gender Female




Titles General


Occupation Adventurer (mostly)


Date of Birth Gozran 2nd


Date of Death


Family Dakarawa Tribe


Homeland Numeria


Race (Kellid[1])}}


Class Barbarian 11














Mount Horatio



Born into the Dakarawa tribe, Makenna never reall knew who her real father was, but she never really worried about that. Her mother was loving and supportive, often more a friend than a mother. There were many parental figures to every youngster, so no one really felt that they were missing out on part of their life. The tribe moved constantly, exploring the land and seeking adventure.

Makenna and her peers were competitive. Every member of the Dakarawa tribe had to tbe ther best at soemthing. Makenna's best friend Ashanti was exceptionally skilled at hunting and tracking. She tried to teach Makenna, but it always went right over her head. One thing Makenna could understand was combat, so that was her area of expertise.

Makenna's teacher, Omari, was always critical of his students, but especially of Makenna. Nothing she ever did was good enough. He always insisted that she didn't push hard enough or she didn't move fast enough, even though, in reality, she was the most advanced in her age group. No one worked harder, fought longer or advanced more quickly than she did, yet it seemed as though she was the only one being criticized.

There was only one person who seemed to win Omari's affection - a boy named Taj. Omari acted as though Taj never made a mistake, even when he under-performed the other students. He was Omari's favorite, and Makenna loathed him for it. That angry loathing turned to curiosity and that curiosity to lust. Makenna wanted to know everything about Taj to understand what it was that was so special and to have that for herself.

One day she was paired off with Taj in a sparring match. It was a difficult fight, as Taj was two years her elder, and therefore significantly more advanced that she, but Makenna prevailed. Instead of congratulating her, the only thing Omari told her after the match was, "Do better next time."

This was the breaking point. Makenna stormed off, determined to prove her worth and show that she was best. She decided that she would be the hero she always wanted to be - renowned for her generosity and skill. She traveled for some time, trying to find people in need of help.

One day, while traveling through Restov, Makenna overheard a couple fighting in their home. The woman was shouting at the man about how he had broken her things and it wasn't fair, so Makenna went inside and battered the man into unconsciousness while his terrified wife went to summon the guard. After she throttled the man, Makenna waited for the guard to make sure that the man didn't bother the woman again, and was, upon the guard's arrival, immediately thrown in prison.

Although she did not understand what, exactly she had done wrong, Makenna made the most of her time in jail, befriending her fellow prisoners Delexin and Tindalos (as well as Tindalos's hound Beltashazar). When time came to determine their punishment, Makkena was shocked to discover that they were all to be punished together and that the punishment was exile to the Stolen Lands of the River Kingdoms to defeat the bandit king known as the Stag Lord.


Makenna has the lean muscular physique common to the Kellid peoples, with dark hair and piercing eyes. During her early career, she dressed in furs and leathers common to the tribes of Numeria, but now she is more prone to wear her armor and dress in more civilized garb.

Notable Skills

  • Being fucking awesome
  • Kicking ass
  • Not bothering to take names
  • Looking bad-ass
  • Being better than everyone else
  • Stabbing things, especially wyverns and dragons
  • Fuck yeah, dragons!
  • Jump pretty good, too
  • Run through basically anything
  • Sometimes she plots to kill her friends.
  • Sometimes and it's not her fault!

Trivia and Errata

There was a time when Makenna was neither bad-ass nor kicked ass. She was a baby, and babies are pretty dumb. She grew up from being a dumb baby and now she's a kick-ass barbarian woman. That means that she always had that inside her, even as a baby. I guess that means she kicked ass even back then, DIDN'T SHE?