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Kressle is a former bandit and the current wife of Tindalos. They have one child, a boy named Victor.


Early History

Kressle was the daughter of a pair of Stolen Land bandits, and learned from an early age that surviving in the Stolen Lands is a zero sum game. She took to heart the River Freedom that "you have what you hold," taking what she could from those who could not prevent her. Kressle has had fantasies since she was a little girl of being a fancy court lady, husband of some petty king of the River Kingdoms.

Kressle had several destructive relationships, her most recent one being with Happs Bydon, who killed himself after being captured by the party.

With the Stag Lord

Kressle's association with the Stag Lord was intentionally facilitated poorly by Dovan from Nisroch, who knew that the Stag Lord was looking for a woman and didn't want to take any risks that Kressle may be that woman. He, therefore, told her that the Stag Lord hates women and that presenting herself to him thus would be infuriating for the drunken King of the Greenbelt.

Tindalos was smitten with Kressle on their first encounter, and when she fled, he knew in his heart he had to see her again. His prayers were answered and Makenna defeated (but did not kill) Kressle. Subsequently, her sentence (of death) for banditry was commuted in return for help infiltrating the Stag Lord's castle.

With Tindalos

Tindalos married Kressle after a whirlwind courtship, fulfilling her lifelong ambition to one day be a nobleman's wife (for it was shortly after the Kingdom of Easthaven was founded, and Tindalos was Magister for the new kingdom).

Her first child with Tindalos was a hideously deformed child they named "Victor"; she is wildly protective of him and refuses to allow him to be treated differently because of the otherworldly heritage he inherited from his father.

Victor, it was discovered, can instinctively feel evil and finds it unpleasant, which led him to refuse to nurse or be held by his mother. Kressle has since changed alignments from evil, and has fallen into something of a rut upon realizing that nearly every form of recreation she had stemmed from her evil nature. Even so, she is glad to be able to interact with her child without causing distress.


Kressle, no longer being comparable in level to the PCs, remains primarily at Castle Darksky, where she remains relatively safe from the ravages of both the First World hordes and other hostile entities.