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The year is 4715


Pharast 3rd

A merchant ship from Andoran, The Lady Penelope, put into port at Olenvas bearing, in addition to being heavy laden with supplies, several unusual passengers: Madea, a half-elf in search of her lost sister, Technii Pulchritudo, a spice merchant from Taldor, and Matheson Katell, a human in search of his adopted orcish daughter, Amelia. The three of them stayed for the night at the inn of Uric Belsmare for the night, intending to set out to seek their fortunes the next day.

Session 1


Pharast 4th

The Binding Wyrm pulled into the port, admit some trepidation and fear, but then relief when it was found that the ship had been hijacked and overthrown by Sariana Burrowround of the Bellflower Network. Lok of Katapesh, Karkaras the Diviner, and Katarina Starbringer were on board. The party became associated with one another, as well as meeting a few of the colorful characters of Olenvas. An ogre brawler named Thuruk was also on the ship, and seems largely concerned with how he'll be perceived, but people were generally accepting.

Genovere Eschlamina made vaguely worded threats toward Technii regarding any starmetals he should happen to come across (as she insists she is the only one authorized to ship out such materials through the Lumber Consortium's channels). Sariana comforted Matheson, saying that he shouldn't lose hope, and Technii pointed out (in a rare moment of genius) that there are a limited number of places she could be, given that she lacks utility as a child.

On their way to Elesomare, the party was attacked by a group of natives attacked them, striking each member of the party once before fleeing, except for four of them, because two were defeated (and two more, including a shaman, stayed behind).

Session 2

The tribal shaman was charmed by a hug from Technii, and after explaining that they were seeking to regain their honor by fighting an enemy of the tribe, he gave the party 32 gp of Taldan currency as restitution (having determined that they were not the "dark men" of the forest, nor the "pale warriors" of the north); Technii initially told the party that they had just overpayed for flour, and gave the shaman some as a gift. The Shaman recognized his holy symbol, when Technii showed it as a way of making friends, and said he served the Bird of Paradise. He also warned him that the Avil tribe of the South is violent and brutish. When the charm was lifted, the shaman was displeased, but not especially angry about the situation, and took his leave.

The party arrived in Elesomare, and quickly learned that things had different values here, with some spices being easy to come by, and others being rarer. Wheat was not largely cultivated (being choked out by native weeds), but maize was common. "Old World Flavor" was commonly advertised by food carts, and a significant percentage of the population appeared to be foreigners not intending to stay in town permanently, or were strange demihumans, perhaps not wholly trusting of outsiders. They were, when he attempted to sell his wares, referred to the guildhouse.

At the guildhouse, which they were told was, in essence, held by the Lumber Consortium, they met a kobold named Imkekark, who advised them that they would need to submit to an inspection in order to sell goods in Elesamore. It was quickly determined that she meant hundreds of tons, not merely a few hundred pounds of spices (this coming as a shock to Technii, who had sold in the New World before). It turned out that they were expected to pay 400% of the value of their goods in common Old World currency, and, in return, would be permitted to sell them at an expected 900% profit (to get about a 500% ROI before shipping costs). The party was able to negotiate a one-day wait for the inspection (given the size of their goods), but Karkaras fast-talked it back to three days.

Lok scared an old woman away from the cart, and a dwarven captain of the Lumber Consortium tried to fine him for having his cart parked on the street. The party was able to negotiate and intimidate him away, but seemed to have earned his ire.

On their way out, they encountered Talesah the ratman, who tried to sell them insurance for 100gp, but they refused and alleged that he was shaking them down. They brought him before the guard, who refused to consider this possibility (the guard, Heinrich, apparently had his brother liberated from slavery by Talesah). They then asked to meet with the Lord Mayor Governor Periven Tolkemer, but discovered that he kept very short hours (10-2 with an hour lunch). They decided to return the next day, but first learned that the Red Kettle was the common man's tavern (the Hunting Lodge being a more droll location and the Three-Horns Inn being more for resting). They took up lodging at the Red Kettle. While there, they learned that Talesah earned his reputation as a ransom broker with New Cheliax, and was something of a liason between the two.

"A good many people would like to see me dead," he said, "but no one wants to see me dead more than they need to see me alive."

He eventually explained to Matheson that he could help him secure his daughter, but that he wouldn't leave for New Cheliax until he had a reason to (given that the journey is dangerous). He said that the surest thing he could have is a Hellknight to ransom, but that there might be other things that would entice him to make the journey. He was unable to provide a price, given that he didn't understand what the Chelish would want with his daughter, but realized something (that he would not say) that seemed disheartening.

Technii and Karkaras negotiated with the owners of the Red Kettle to unload their goods on them, providing them with all the fennel and ginger they wanted, half of the dill and nutmeg they wanted, and half of the bay laurels. They then arranged to have the mayor eat there the next day so they could deliver their message to him and hope to curry favor with him (or at least see what sway the Lumber Consortium holds over him).

Pharast 5th

The next morning, Madea and Katarina explored the town, and determined a few basic facts about it, not least being that the docks were sequestered to prevent smuggling. They also saw the mayor's manor and the garbage heap, cemetary and charnel house. They eventually looked for a tailor's shop to acquire appropriate gear. While there, Madea ended up purchasing a lovely silk dress (with Katarina's help) from a Galtian tailor named Venus Lorraine at the Thimble.

Technii and Matheson made their way into the Mayor's office, after bullying their way through along with a lumberjack named Moraven (who was trying to acquire rations appropriate for his increased crew size). He tried to trick the mayor, a foppish fellow that was dealing with a Lady Sinclair at the time he barged into the office. The mayor was skeptical of everything requested of him, insisted that his lunch was "very expensive" to him, and insisted he would bring several of his "close associates" with him. He was cold and standoffish throughout the process.

Session 3

The Lord Mayor Governor insisted that he was in no one's pocket, but then all but admitted that the Lumber Consortium runs basically everything.

He offered to pay them 1600 gp - 400 up front - to go to Nalam and ensure that there are no threats on the road so that the former slaves could be sent further into the territories.

They also learned that black powder, ammunition and finished goods and tools are presumably of significantly greater value inland. Carcaras also paid the duty on the artisan's tools he brought and left them with Drang the dwarven gunsmith.

Pharast 6th

The Lord Mayor Governor gave them the wax sealed letter to bring to Mayor Theodont Selmas in Nalam explaining his need to move the 120 immigrants there. Prior to leaving, the party further stocked up on goods and prepared for the journey.

The party departed and traveled west, encountering some grazing Aurochs along the way. They made camp and Katarina was able to spot a fire in thedistance. She and Lok investigated, and determined that five individuals (one tribal and four Avistanis) were burning away vines at a stone entrance in the side of a hill. The individuals attacked and revealed themselves as ghouls, which the party defeated, eventually chasing the tribal one into the opening, which was the entrance to a tomb, and slew him as well. In the tomb, they opened a sarcophagus that identified its occupant as "Chief Suchemar," and therein found a corpse wrapped in a magical burial shroud and a burial mask. The party decided, after much discussion, that they would not take these, as several party members were morally opposed to tomb robbery. They left, and found the ghoul's nearby cache, which contained partially eaten rations (with all the jerky picked out of it), several flasks of oil, three burial masks like those in the tomb, a masterwork longsword, a masterwork cold iron dagger, and some gold. The party then rested.

Session 4

They encountered some sort of group of giants, Isha and Blurkh, at the top of a hill, making a show of trying to find something. Eventually, they give up and convene. They decided the creatures were adventurer hunting on the hills, and, after finding a cache of chewy humanoid ears, they moved on. 400xp They subsequently encountered and Arcadian minotaur Goruf drinking from the river bank. They parleyed with it and determined that it was a runt who left the others of its people and feared the "man village" to the west. It said that the "mud faces" (also called "mud giants" by him). He spoke common, Arcadind and giant, but none of them well. He also warned that the river was dangerous because it had "nasty spitty lizards," which Karkaras was certain were river drakes.

They rested for the night. While hunting, three triceratops were spotted, and mostly avoided.

Pharast 7th

The party set out in the morning. By later morning, they were ambushed by river drakes. The session ended in mid-fight (the fight having initially gone poorly, but then considerably improved as it went on).

Session 5

The party finished the battle with the Drakes, one of which escaped, and one of which was slain. They continued along the King Stavian River.

Pharast 8th

The party continued to Nalam, where they were able to make a tidy profit off the goods they brought with them. They met with the council, who were nonplussed by the notion of taking on refugees, and were given the nigh impossible ultimatum that one powder keg would be delivered for every 10 refugee. The party let them consider and learned a few things about the city (mostly that they have a lot of horses, and are heavily defence reliant). They reconvened and were given the following agreement: if they clear a path between Nalam and Elesomare, they would agree to take on the refugees. They would either have to deal with strange mummy-like sticky shredded-fleshed humanoids on the northern path, the other 10 drakes on the water path, or the southern path, where the goblins (of many, many varieties) appear to have set up a stronghold.

Session 6

Everae told them she would prefer they deal with the drakes, as the northern and southern problems would be

Severn Karn admitted that he just didn't want the party to claim any treasure that the locations would have, or become whatever the sticky creatures are.

They went upriver and discovered a wooly sabretoothed frog as well as two giant frogs. After killing them, suddenly, a flock of flying lampreys came forth. Upon killing them all, they found a +1 rapier, a masterwork shield and some money before making camp. They ate frog legs and Katarina's rash cleared up.

The party continued down river where they encountered a group of drakes, one of whom abandoned the fight immediately. They fought for five rounds, defeating one of the two remaining drakes and nearly defeating the third when two more drakes appeared, along with a green dragon of medium size. The dragon said, in heavily accented common, "Perhaps we pah-lee?"

Session 7

The party negotiated with the drakes and the green dragon 6 - 10 - 12; they struck a happy medium and started at 8 gp. with an agreement, They camped and failed to perceive anything and continued back to Elesomare.

Pharast 9th

They returned to Elesomare, where the Lord Mayor Governor was speaking with Emma Whitemore, who left in a huff, having been dismissed. They told him of their success, and Sariana Burrowround's plans to reenslave herself and bring more and more refugees to the new world to "put an ocean between them and their oppressors," which is problematic to the Lord Mayor Governor, who announced, incidentally, it is an election year.

They presented their idea for a new inn, and explained the nature of their defender. Drang was also brought in on this.

They slept.

Pharast 10th

The party had 47 refugees to transport, of which 12 are infirm in some way. The party acquired two carts and two mules to carry the sick and infirm.

Several miles outside of out town, there were three giants disguised as shrubbery.

Session 8

The mud giants were defeated, and some treasure was looted. Garuf had some beliefs about the mud giants that didn't seem to be true.

Pharast 11th

The Green Dragon Adventuring Company.