The Cereal Box:Log/Session 64

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Session 64

Sephie went to get the motley and told them what the cats had found and brought the motley to the head. Oldman had been dead for several days and the decapitation was not the cause of death. Alana spoke with the cats who advised that they had found the head some distance from the hollow while walking in the hedge. The pawn was glued in place with magic glue and is mundane. Alana changed out of her date clothes.

The cats lead the motley to the edge of a digem swamp where the heavily chewed remains of Isaac Oldman in the swamp. Two entry wounds in the back. April is disconcerted. Alamna searched the area, and confidently determined that the body had been moved. Ernie, meanwhile, determiend that he was shot twice and probably dead. Ernie found himself several rocks that (7 successes). En route, however, April realized they were going somewhere they had been before - the door to the lunar rover in the Collector's domain!

They found a few splotches of red martian earth amid the gray lifelessness of the lunar landscape with small plants growing in it. Sephie was able to determine that Isaac died on the 21st and found a bullet fragment amid the dirt. Ernie believes a changeling did this. The motley specualated as to why this might be, and expressed concern that there was a Collector loyalist somewhere.

A goblin named Bigun Hugesize parleyed with Nikolai and revealed that he had been here a week prior confronting a group of four and ambushed one of them (killing him), and there was a struggle. He accused Nikolai of wanting to beat them up again to extract double tribute when Nikolai suggested that the goblins should run over Nikolai if they see him again looking haggard. Having learned this, the motley made their way back.

The motley returned to the swamp where the body was and discussed what to do. They agreed they could not leave the corpse there, but were uncertain as to how to dispose of it and who to tell about it. They brought him back with a wheelbarrow and a tarp to bring the corpse back to their Hollow. They turned in for the night, with plans to create a miniature morgue and contact several changelings about this in the morning.

Alana dreamed about being at the cinema (a distortion thereof that is both huge and isolated) and an incredible feeling of awkwardness. Alana feels a hand rest on hers and a warming, calming sensation spreads through her - giving her the sense of a presence with April. As she turns, the head of Isaac Oldman falls off his body as she wakes. April admits to dreaming about their date and Isaacs body.

Sunday, June 27th

Ernie is asking around to try to find Isaac Oldman's associates. Vanessa and Do both suggested that Isaac was probably around. Crowley seemed suspicious of the situation and said he would head over and check up on him in a little bit.

The motley preempted this by heading to the house and breaking in, to find signs of a struggle, including a shard of fingernail going into the linen closet. Further signs of struggle cut a furrow through a Hollow, culminating in a lump of cancer like thorny growth in a corner. Nikolai was confident that he wasn't here, so this wasn't him. Alana took the broken fingernail to see if it matches up. After additional investigation, they determined forced entry through the bedroom window. The motley locked up and left.

They checked his computer, and determined that he was very concerned with rehoming changelings and played a lot of video games (never having finished Mass Effect).

They then got a chest freezer in which to place his remains and used that as a makeshift morgue.

"Hestia, what's your favorite song?" "Unforgettable" She said that played at her wedding. Regina said she was creating a postcard collection. Regina then introduced Hestia to internet shopping.