The Cereal Box:Log/Session 51

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Session 51

The plants in the clearing wilted and started to wilt away from the clearing. The hedge maze began to melt away and the noise of the infuriated centataurs in the distance. The motley escaped back to the Freehold through the gate they came through. Nikolai went back through the portal. As Nikolai is about to leave, the plant life attempted to grab Nikolai, who managed to shake his way free of the thorny vines that lash around his leg. The motley returned to tha Arboretum.

The motley boarded their vehicle and returned hom to sleep.

Nikolai dreamed of a sapling, which he stomped, sending tendrils of roots digging through the soil and awakening him with a start.

Thursday, June 3

Ernie mentioned to Hestia that he was prepared to hook Firestarter up with the trade item they prepared for him to exchange for the club. She called Songbird and she said they could meet tomorrow after class (2 PM) and would talk to Firestarter about where to meet up.

Ernie, Nikolai and Sephie went out to hunt glamour. Sephie went out to hunt at the soup kitchen (3). Nikolai goes to spook some day drunks (3+1). Ernie went and played with the neighborhood kids (4).

Hestia, Regina, Alana and April all went to the Hestaurant with varying plans to work. Regina wore headphones.

Helen and Lydia came to the restaurant and advised the motley that Billy was not waking up that morning. They said that they put him in the back of the Range Rover. April realized that the power over Billy was, in fact, magic. Alana contacted the rest of the Motley who agreed to convene at Billy's Penthouse. Helen and Lydia explained that Billy had dealt with Lyrissa and that they had a back and forth where it was a "you know I know you know I know" situation; Billy asked to be left alone with Lyrissa and Helen and Lydia went to bed together, and became too distracted to eavesdrop.

Nikolai considered what sort of magic might cause sleep; sleeping beauty, snow white, and other stories where a curse triggered eternal sleep; he considered Rip Van Winkle et al.

Hestia asked Lydia and Helen to leave the room so they could try to enter Billy's dreams. Sephie: 16, Hestia 9, Ernie 15, April 13, Regina 12, Nikolai 17, meaning all but Hestia made it into the dream.

The dream is a watercolor rendering of the old Spring meeting ground. Nikolai called out to Billy and followed the response of "polo"; oragami birds followed them; the landscape became more solid and realistic and the ground is covered in kudzu. Billy was there in full faun form, trying to assemble a mirror. Billy was agitated and erratic, but every member of the motley managed to convince him that he should wake up. Billy was remorseful of everything, but could not figure out how to wake up.

Sephie gets a text from her daughter about where to meet with her tomorrow about potentially exchanging the item that Ernie had made for Firestarter for the club that nominally belongs to Billy.

Nikolai wakes up from the dream and contacts Phlox, who teleports there.

Sephie would meet with Firestarter and Songbird tomorrow during evening twilight at Sojourner Truth monument. Nikolai takes Phlox home.

Regina confronted Ernie about telling Billy what was good for him.