The Cereal Box:Log/Session 25
Session 25
April 18th, 2010, Saturday
Tried to contact fetchlana. Alana's phone rings in bag. She throws the phone in the bag.
Sephie is contacting Billy about finding a mage.
Eevie approaches Alana about Fetchlana, Alana explains that she has super been avoiding her.
Dahlia told her that she could work as a changeling doctor for the Freehold, but that she should deal with her Fetch and join the Spring Court.
April explained that magic is just made up as we go along and that there must be a "crunch factor" measured in "crunch berries" and "impending sogginess"
Hestia is approaching Wendell Baker.
Ernie wants to find a way to help Fetchlana... but he can't.
April and Nokolai presented their plan to Billy, who agreed to it and also agreed to let him borrow his iron shackles in return for a favor, and said he would leave the fuzzy bits on. He also agreed that Nikolai could ask the Spring enforcer for her assistance, but made not promises there.
Call from a restricted number. Her daughter told her that she had "done enough already", "stop " and "yeah, you haven't done anything. EXACTLY."