The Cereal Box:Log/Session 17

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Session 17

April 3rd

The Billying being more or less complete, the player characters are left to their own devices.

Nikolai brings the Reverse Voodoo Doll and his suit of armor to the mothman, per his Pledge. He showed the tokens and was on his way.

Hestia passed her driver's test - barely - and is now a licensed driver.

Ernie and the motley wanted to find out how the postcards were planned out and sent to invite changelings. Weston agreed to meet at Sweetwater's Donut Mill to talk about how the names were chosen. When they arrived, and no one had anything to say to Weston, Weston declared dryly, "Everyone spoke at once."

Weston explained that he would stand by while Kingman looked through a phone book from the area they wanted to recruit from (chosen by Weston at random). Then, he would give a name (just a first name) which Kingman would pair with the address he was looking at when Weston gave the name. This used his oracular powers. He explained that the Summer monarch Smith then used his network of contacts to spread word of mouth among the newly escaped and unattached changelings within the freehold to which the postcard would be sent to improve interest and recruit additional changelings.

Roper "dropped by" Sweetwater's, picking up 3 dozens donuts. Weston said, "He was distasteful, but Autumn courtiers frequently were... present company mostly excluded." He clarified that he was talking about April, and Nikolai accepted.

He asked them questions about Billy Goat and why he approached them. "We saved him because it's the right thing to do," Hestia said. "I don't know what you're talking about this 'we'," Sephie joked. They didn't tell him everything, of course, and he recognized they were not being completely open with him.

When Sephie explained that she didn't know where he daughter lived, Weston asked Sephie if she had looked for her fetch and told Alana and Sephie about fetches, which they had never heard of before. He explained that, since they shared dreamspace with their fetch, that they could meet in dreams - rarely by chance, but easily by design. Ernie said he had no fetch and Weston suggested that his fetch was just a hide and seek champion. Weston also asked Sephie if she hadn't wondered how she was able to just use her SSN and personal information without anyone asking about it if she had disappeared 7 years ago ("It was unusual that no one seemed to think she was gone. She probably wasn't gone at all."). They thanked Weston and left.

Hestia established a goal to open a restaurant, hoping to convince Billy to bankroll her by promising him free food. Hestia left a voicemail for Billy and got a call back from Dahlia, who explained that she was taking calls for Billy, who she said was taking a nap. Hestia decided she would come see him directly. So she did, because somehow she was able to figure out where he was. She talked to him in his bedroom, and though he hit on her halfheartedly, he still seemed very depressed. He told her she should meet with Wendel. She told him he was coming out to dinner that night and he begrudgingly agreed.

Hestia called the Pumpkin King, who said he was anticipating her call. When she quizzed him, he was able to point out that Hestia's middle name is Sandra, maiden name Deville, and mother's maiden name MacGilliPhadrig. The Pumpkin King agreed to connect her with Wendel, who she was told spends too much time in the Hedge to reliably be contacted by phone. She now owes Jeremiah a dollar. When she asked what his address was so she could mail it to him, he declared, "No." and hung up.

Sephie was contacted by Granny Lovett, with whom she met, but who explained that he daughter was one earth, in North America, but that her fate and location were mystically occluded. Furthermore, she explained that her daughter's path had wound through Arcadia - she must have been Taken. Lovett said she could break through the occlusion, but that in so doing she would, by definition, draw the attention of the party in question, possibly bringing a powerful entity's interest to the Freehold. She served them some delicious food. She explained, as they left, that the entity is probably Fae, which would be safe to draw the ire of, since they're in the Cereal Box. She added that she wanted to call in Ernie's favor.

Alana and April played DDR for Playstation 2 (Butterfly is April's favorite song on there).

Billy came by for dinner with Dahlia. Dahlia talked about the program that she wants to open for changelings to begin businesses and careers in the community. She explained that Orlando Wood wanted to open a bookstore called "Wood's Books" focusing on conspiracy theories with an adjoining gun store where people could get their concealed carry permits. Meanwhile, Crystal Quartz is a tattoo artist whom Dahlia is encouraging to open her own business. Bill declined drinks, but Dahlia took a couple shots with Nikolai.