The Cereal Box:Log/Session 14

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Session 14 "April Fools"

Hestia practiced driving with Nikolai, Sephie and Alana worked out while April hung out, Evie went to talk to Freddie about doing something nice for the Spring Court and learned that she would impress the hell out of Billy with some Hedge weed.

Ernie memorized a map of the Hedge roads to and from Battle Creek.

Nikolai met with Arthur Sullivan (the mothman) and discussed the politics of the Freehold, including and especially the fact that Billy was not so prepared as Kingman to be the leader. Nikolai pledged for the remainder of Spring for access to the mothman's library in return for allowing Sullivan to see any Tokens he gains access to.

Wednesday, My Dudes, April 1st, 2010

The morning was broken with Billy requesting Alana let him into Evie's room. Against all reason, Alana allowed this and Billy got Evie to agree to something wtihout further explaination. She suddenly became Queen of Spring.

Billy took her to get Starbucks and discuss what being Queen entailed, including telling her that she has the right to enact an edict. Together, they decided that Evie needed a dress to wear to the soiree he would be throwing that night at the church. They gathered the motley (who were morning pranked in harmless ways several times throughout the night) and went to the goblin market in Lakeview square mall.