The Cereal Box:Log/Session 11

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Session 11

Thursday, March 26th, 2010

A house was acquired near the hospital and college that the player characters could use as their new digs. Billy Goat sent movers. Baffled movers assisted them in moving.

Location: 3
Size: 3
Amenities: 4 - includes a vine trellis hedge gate just off the patio
Security: 4

Pool, hot tub, walk-in-shower, central air and heat, a refrigerator that orders food.

Friday, March 27th, 2010

The P.I. gave some new information regarding Albert Joad - he was informed

Nikolai read the book he was given and found it to be a relatively accurate analysis of changeling society, albeit with the accuracy of a 20th century weeaboo describing feudal samurai society. It had some useful information on changeling contracts and how they work, as well as a discussion of how changelings who fall to the typical foibles of fairy tales (such as straying from the path, eating forbidden fruit or otherwise acting in a manner prescribed against in fairy tales) will gain a connection to the Wyrd more quickly than others, and those with a very strong connection to the Wyrd can forge new contracts with the Wyrd.

Sephie stocks her hospital room. Hestia practices driving. Ernie, Hestia, April and Alana went to get decorations and amenities for the new house. They created a trellis in the backyard to create a gateway to the Hedge. The local Hedge is a fragrant neatly trimmed grass lawn with the distant buzz of lawnmowers working the land. Vines and thorns grow along white picket fences and chain link reminiscent of suburbia. Immature Oopsalberries grow nearby.

Size: 1
Security: 1
Location: 0
Amenities: 0

They lounged in the hot tub for the evening. Sephie is interested in acquiring a puppy. His P.I. received instructions on how to proceed with the investigation. He sent pictures of the house, the surroundings and Albert Joad, which (at the cost of his clarity) sparked a resurgence of memory in Ernie, including the fact that "Gert and Ernie" was from watching Sesame Street, seeing that G was the letter of the day, G was for Gina and Ernie and Bert would be Ernie and Gert if they were Gert and Ernie. He also remembered that Albert Joad was, indeed, his father, that was, indeed, where he grew up (and he remembered having several hiding places throughout) and, furthermore, he remembered that at some point his father shouted at his sister that she was a "stupid whore." He felt antipathy toward his father. He learned that his family home was in Elsewhere, Oklahoma. "Olahoma where the win comes sweeing down the plan."

Nikolai returned his book, having gleaned most of nothing of value from it. The woman at the Magick Shoppe was happy to put out Nikolai's name looking for books on the topic of Fae magic.

Saturday, March 28th, 2010

Sephie went puppy shopping and everyone went to see "Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World". Hestia did not get it but everyone else thought it was great. Billy calls them and lets them know that Sunday, 7:30 PM, a whole group of 8 changelings would be coming to the Cereal Box, and Billy would like the motley to act as the welcome wagon for them instead of the usual vicious and aloof approach to the situation. Billy further told them they would present the keys to their old digs to the changelings so they could use it as their home.

Nikolai called Roper and received the Camera non Obscura from him to photograph the changelings (as well as a instant disposable camera for the other picture) and note taking materials. Alana spoke with Strong (who said he would be there for a head count) and Smith, who stated that he needed her to represent Summer. Ernie spoke with Johnny, who said he absolutely couldn't be there, but demanded immediate information on anything that happened ASAP. He also bought Rice Krispie Treats to hand out to the changelings.

Sunday, March 29th, 2010

Hestia decided to prepare a week's worth of casseroles for the incoming changelings. Sephie spruced up the old house to the best of their ability. Ernie collected job applications and information about Battle Creek.

7:00 PM rolled around. They all dressed up and met on the platform. 7:30 the Amtrack shows up, the doors open, and the train is filled with vines and a crumbling of sawdust and goldenrod blows out.