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Military Applications

This is going to be the part I feel I will have to scrutinize the most. Apart from that, what other changes and balances did you make? Once again, I think it would be helpful to have information regarding the changes you've made. Specifically, what you've balanced differently as far as costs, primary and secondary effects are concerned.

I have done my best to leave as much of the original structures details intact. A few exceptions did come up but I don't recall what they were off the top of my head.

The biggest change is of course in military applications and I am positive that it will take some tweaking to get the balance exactly right. As far as that goes, for the time being, I have gone with choices that I considered logical more than focusing on game balancing / breaking effects. --LordNightmare

I think it would also behoove to forgo things like "unlocked" and such - just indicate what is granted instead. I'll likely reformat to this effect unless you object.


Military Applications: Healing Potions Resource unlocked; Alchemy, Bomb, Poison Resistance, and Poisoning Abilities unlocked. ==> Military Applications: Resources Healing Potions; Abilities Alchemy, Bomb, Poison Resistance, Poisoning. --ryecatcher15

I find this acceptable. --LordNightmare

Base Value

Does this attribute have any use under these rules? --ryecatcher15

No. Under the Special section in the building explanations there is a description of them as bonus points. They have no in game effect other than being a number that can go up. I am not concerned about them at the moment, but see no reason to remove them as they may be relevant later. --LordNightmare

Army CR

I think things that increase the CR's of Armies needs to be expressed separately, such as CR +X; this will make it simpler.


Military Applications: Increase the CR of troops available for recruiting by 1. ==> Military Applications: Available CR +1


I find this acceptable.


Dance Hall

In the official rules, this costs 4 BP. Obviously, they may be overestimating the difficulties of Unrest, and possibly the assumption that Corruption and Crime are not necessarily good, and I could see sizing it up. It gives a net gain of +3 to primaries, +2 to secondaries, one adjacent house and 1 Unrest (roughly equivalent to -3 to primaries, save that it can be restored fairly easily - call it maybe -1). So the arguable nets is +2/+2 -1H.

The Tavern, comparably priced, is +2 to Primaries, +1 to Secondaries, and has the same adjacency requirement without the Unrest Penalty (and a gain in value, which is unnecessary).

I dunno. It looks about right, but it seems weird to make such a drastic change.