Richard Ivory

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Richard Ivory is a player character in the World of Darkness:Newcastle game.

Richard is a private investigator suffering from severe amnesia. He does not remember who he is (beyond his name an occupation) what he has done (starting around 3 months ago, when his life became an ongoing series of paperwork and packages). His private investigation work has dried up, but his bills kept being paid on time despite him taking no steps to make this happen, and a man named Samuel would show up at infrequent intervals to task him with courier services.

Arrival in Newcastle

Richard doesn't know when he arrived in Newcastle. He suspects he has always lived here, mostly due to his familiarity - on a subconscious level - with the city and his lack of such familiarity with any other city. It may be that he has merely spent a great deal of time here and simply hasn't found the city he is actually from.

Virtue: Faith

Vice: Wrath

Conspiracy/Compact/Cabal: None (Aegis Kai Doru?)