Iron Gods:Log/Session 7

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Session 7

The party found three doors beyond and listened at each, noting a hum behind 2 and none behind a third. Poing uses his card to open the door and beyond takes note of the alphabet. Poing pushes a button and the gray screens went a solid blue with text in the upper left:

æåÐÐæç | æåÐÐæç U æåÐÐæç W


Thinghaver became interested in a glowing yellow panel on the purple pillar. Poing broke the keyboard in an effort to put them back together. Poing found that one of the machines was a pokey-pokey and another was a tappy-tapp. Poing discovered that the one on the right is a functional monitor that allowed viewing of the desert. They cycled through the cameras and noted that the numeric systems was base 10 and what all the numbers were.

Thinghaver touched the yellow panel and the blue circular thing hummed to live.

12 buttons on the touchscreen (1 is camera) and 6 on the blue.

Elleigh pushed one that made it way too bright. Poing pushed one that made it spark and injured him mildly. Poing pushed another button that displayed a documentary on the creates from the desert.

They explored a bit more and came to a room with a zombified one of the strange creatures in it. They had a back and forth where they established that they could not communicate well with it and it was hostile. Unholy symbols of Zyphus were in the

Elleigh discovered Black striped card and the party discussed whether to double back or continue forward

A yellow triangle with beveled edges flat side up appears when they try to scan on the door the "purple lady went through."

Time: 4:43 PM

They went through a door that reuqired the black

Elleigh touches a button which, in turn, plays an extremely loud warning klaxxon.

26 silverdisks and 3 that are glowing with a soft blue glow and a flashlight.

They also found a bin they couldn't open with their current badge level. They affixed it to Xerxes to carry.

They made their way into a bloostained hallway with signs of a struggle between organic and inorganic creatures.