Iron Gods:Log/Session 5

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Session 5

The gremlin that the party captured insisted that their misfortune was because they were not worthy. The creature said that it was a pugwampi and that its aura of unlock was a "blessing" that affected them because they were unworthy. Upon being freed, the malicious little creature fled through the cavern claiming it would return with an army of gnolls before being killed by the humanoids waiting in the main cavern. Amid the trash (which appeared to have been deliberately broken), they located 2 silverdisks (which appeared to be spent batteries.

"You got them all! Except for the ones that you got!" She showed them that the door could be opened with a brown access card, of which she produced 5 access cards that she demonstrrated could open the door by being held in proximity to the glass panel. She finally introduced herself as Sef and explained that she and her people are skulks. They discussed the spelling of this name. They bartered with the Skulks for a healer's kit and 2 healing potions, and recognized that the potions they found earlier were identical to these. They stopped to heal their wounds before proceeding.

Through the door was a curved chamber caved in on each side, beyond which was an airlock that still seemed to function. They found a pair of vice grips on the robot in the room. Thinghaver searched the rubble. The door on the south side of the chamber was not accessible with their current keycard. Thinghaver decided that there were between 1 and 6 creatures in each of a half dozen cages. He could not reverse engineer the shape of such creatures.

The next chamber had two strange machines with nozzles pointing in the room. Anton suggested that this was a sterilization chamber. Poing investigated the steilizares and found access panels on them. The stolen screwdriver Cithreal had was the exact (!) kind required to open the panels. From these, he extracted canisters of sterilant, which he stowed in Clank. When they opened the next chamber, the sterilizers beeped in annoyance, but more susprisingly, the next chamber appeared to be a a cavern with a noontime sun flickering dimly in the sky. The chamber itself resembled a desert, with the shambling skeletons of four-armed aliens pantomiming mundane activities in the chamber.

That party followed a path in the room, apparently ignored by the skeletons, until they reached nearly the center of the room, at which points all the skeletons suddenly became aggressive and converged to attack.