Iron Gods:Log/Session 20

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Session 20

Elleigh searched through the fort for useful equipment or treasure. Cithreal treated the crusaders; the party learned their names.

Three brothers, Rafalos, Argos and Marsidos were the de facto leaders of the group. Kalon, an elven man, accompanied the remaining crusaders, human women named Stathala and Marika.

The crusaders explained that this fort is a common stopping point for crusaders, as it represents one of the further southern presses of the demonic hordes, and the daring sacrifice the pushed them back. As such, staying in the fort is considered a step on many crusaders' pilgrimages. They were expecting to find, as crusaders typically did, groups of ratfolk, goblins and other small pitiful beggars offering good luck charms in return for food and gold. Instead, they were ambushed by the Smilers, who had driven away the less vicious inhabitants and killed two of their numbers, apparently for research purposes.

The party interrogated them, with Thinghaver asking, "What fractal would have told you that?" when they stated that there wouldbe severe punishments upon all of them. "You mock us!," one of the Smilers declared, "Fractals don't speak!"

"Damn you, Marko! No talking!" another barked at this.

Marko did not stop talking. He explained that they were sent here to take measurments of souls. He explained that Hellion needed the data because he doesn't have a perfect knowledge of soul energy (although he clarified that no gods do - Hellion however WOULD one day). "We will return with the data."

The party furhter asked what attracted the Smilers to following and serving Hellion. Sartok, another of the bandits, explained he wanted a chainsaw - like one of Hellion's servants.

When asked how they could give this data to Hellion, they explained that when you bring the box close to Hellion, the light turns blue which means he can absorb its data.

Poing was inspired by this. "I'm going to lie to a god," Poing insisted, stating that he would be attempting to corrupt the data. "If we give Hellion incorrect stimuli, it should confuse him."

The crusaders offered a solution for dealing with the two remaining bandits. "They can perfrom work for us as penance of their sins, and we will judge them when we arrive at the crusader city."

A small hovering orb crested the walls. Elleigh shot it, to the remaining bandits' astonishment. When asked what it way, they explained, "We don't know, we've been shooting at it for days." The orb was affixed with a (now badly damaged) camera and an antenna. The party presumed this was a Technic League drone, but wasn't sure as the Technic League didn't appear to mark the item. The other thoeries were that it was from the Iron God or a third party, but it was suggested that the bandits wouldn't have been shooting at it (or would have been scolded for doing so) if it belonged to Hellion.

The party sent the bandits off with the crusaders as penance for their guilt, and continued on to scrapwall.

Outside the city, they stoped at an open-air bazaar. A lizardfolk named Slethenessenah, who was selling assorted brik-a-brak, told them of lodging accomodations in the city:

  • an inn called the Grinning Gremlin
  • another inn called the Goblin Shack
  • numerous bed and breakfasts run by citizens who would likely simply solicit their services to the party

Sleth, another merchant, sold an infant rust monster to Poing for 5gp. He explained that they require socialization to not be aggressive, and eat both flesh and tarnished metal.

The party approached the gate, where they were greeted by a rough looking woman and her cohorts. The party introduces themselves at merchants, and are met with skepticism, but present the food tubes, which are met with suspicion.

"Give me a sample so we can see your goods are genuine, and we'll let you in," the woman deamnded. She was, Thinghaver noted, disappointed when this wasn't poison and let the party in. Why would she be disappointed to not be poisoned? Apparently, she was spoiling for a fight and didn't seem worried about being poisoned.

There are collections of ramshackle huts, with people (mostly humans, ratfolk, orc-kin, goblin-kin, darkfolk along with a few miscallenaous actors) running about, tinkering, and otherwise going about the business of keeping the settlements economy moving.

The party's attention is drawn by what appears to be a church of Brigh (based on the holy symbols and imagery above and around the interlocking gears taht served as a door). They did not receive a response when they knocked on the door, but were able to find hidden mechanisms that opened it.

Upon entering, however, a golem made of junk barreled towards the party.