Iron Gods:Log/Session 16

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Session 16

The party pincer attacked Gruether the Gargoyle. The initial stages of the fight were difficult and the party noted the the gargoyle was less vulnerable to their physical attacks. They were, however, able to overcome and ultimately slay him. They then spent a considerable amount of time healing (until 14:34) before confronting the messiah of this strange faith in the reactor room.

The party forced their way into the reactor room and began an immediate battle with the woman within, a humanoid (later identified as an android - a being a mixed flesh and machine, ensouled by alien technology) with purple hair, pale skin and faint purple traces like circuitry on her skin. She cast several spells at the party, injuring them, as her enforcer and medical droid continued to fight. The party eventually overcame her, and she, in desperation, fired three shots at the reactor, which it immediately healed.

She surrendered, and the party demanded she explain how to "fix" the reactor back to its Torch settings. About 15 minutes of work brought the reactor back to the settings that it was at when the torch was working as normal, and Elleigh verified the android's instructions were true. They restored the torch to its prior functionality.

Questioning the android, they determined that she was a cleric of Hellion, who was a demigod currently bound in chassis somewhere in a "complex," where it was trying to restore "a more worthy vessel."

She further ominously declared that Hellion was named by the AI he splintered off of, and that it was "inconsequential; nameless; lost to history." The name suggests disruption, so Hellion adopted it as a badge of honor.

"Hellion is not a male, but chooses to be perceived thereas to appeal to the orcs that it lords over, who are patriarchal."

Poing adjusted the torch to continually run and for the ship's power to be restored, which brought the lights back up to normal levels.

The party binds the android, who asks their names and gives hers as Meyanda, and escorts her to the surface.