Iron Gods:Log/Session 15

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Session 15

The party engaged the orcs and ratfolk, killing most of them, but notably not Gruvush or Slitlim, who they bound. Wilbur was wounded and stayed very still, demanding not to be touched or spoken.

Gruvush demanded to be "sent back to his master" and Cithreal explained that she was his master now. "We saved him because he was our frined, but he's not sounding so friendly now." "That's ok, I own him now."

They looted the villains and notably discovered silverdisks that had been adulterated to have a vector graphic lion face scratched in them, which they presumed to be holy symbols.

They managed to open a locker that was still sealed. Inside they found a grappling hook launcher (pneumatic). A panic suit (a small orb). A couple batteries, 24 empty silverdisks. A fire extinguisher and an emergency beacon.

At 14:45, the party separated Gruvush and the ratfolk and whilst Thinghaver was interrogating Gruvush, Gruvush explained the power of the Iron Gods in great detail to Thinghaver in an attempt to convert him. The main points are:

  • The Iron God will create a perfect utopia for his followers, creating a power preeminent over all others, acting as the hypervisor for the world
  • The Iron God follows Iron Laws which cannot be modified and are known to all; when these laws are changed, the notes will be passed to all, providing structured interaction
  • The Iron God will provide them the ability to create their own worlds and govern the degree to which these worlds surprise or fail to surprise them through simulation and fractals

Anton asked about the Prophet and Messiah of Helion, accompanying with threats of violence. Gruvush stated in no uncertain terms that no amount of torture could be used to extract it from him. He did, however, completely fail his Will save and became helpful. He was still unwilling to truly betray the Messiah, but he warned Anton that the Iron God and its servants will easily overcome them.

Thinghaver confronted Sessikur (the other ratfolk that survived) and Slitlim, who didn't have a ton of specific information, but were mercenaries from Scapwall with no particular loyalty. Slitlim was concerned that the Iron God could do something horrible to them but the other was convinced that the sort of god that makes such threats has no real power. "People with power just exercise the power."

For their cooperation, the party paid them 10gp and returned their equipment. The party was warned that the explosion will kill everything and poison the earth for a 100,000 years.

The party places Gruvush in the bathroom with rations and explains that they will either be back or the Prophet will.


The party enacted a calculated effort to pincer attack the Gargoyle.