Iron Gods:Log/Session 14

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Session 14

The party concocted a plan to try to cut off the ambush by the skeletons, but determined that they had somehow gone inside instead. They fought the skeletons in the hallway, and as they did so, the skeleton warrior that they had defeated prior opened the door and appeared to command the skeletons to rush forward. The party continued to battle them, until they defeat the zombie.

3 - Engineering Deck 2 - Science Deck 1 - Habitation Deck

Error - Connection failed, contact engineering

Poing climbs up the elevator and notes, with Cithreal's help, an access panel. Upon opening the panel, he noted that there is a cable that was disconnected and reconnected it. The elevator then appeared to function without further issue, and was able to take them to the next level.

Upon emerging, they were greeted by a horrid animal smell and 4 small "nests" that each had a thylacine in it. They made short work of them, and realized that there was now a shortcut back to the black cave from the engineering deck.

They continue on to a room with two passive robots in the room. There was a terminal with text on it.

The text said "Robot Command <something> Damaged - Must Restart"

There were 2 dead orcs with makeshift weapons were in the next room. The party thwarted the robots on these rooms and looted them, finding relatively little of value.

The party eventually located and confronted a group of orcs and ratfolk after passing through a room with a gargoyle in it. The conversation went something like this:

"What?" "Intruders!" "You wants me to off 'er, boss?"

Questioning continued, yielding:

"We are servants of Helion and its messiah, Meyanda! Throw down your weapons and submit or die!"

The party asked about the gargoyle:

"What? No, that's Gruether!" "Why am I telling all of you this?" "Wait, are you willing to convert?"

The party asked about the religion and recieved very few real answers, but learned that the group was members of a cult and that their leader was in the back chamber performing a ritaul.

"That's why we're here - to prevent people from disturbing Meyanda's work."

The party explained how they had gotten through, yielding:

"Stupid, treacherous Skulks. Shouldn't have trusted infidels." "This is a lot. I'm pretty sure I should just kill you guys now."

"How did you even get here? We locked the door!"

The party explained more of how they got through. They learned that the two who were doing the bulk of the speaking were named Gruvush (orc) and Slitlim (ratfolk).

When asked if the party could see the leader, they explained "She gives a daily sermon." Checking the time it was 12:44 and the sermon would not be "for another 4 hours or so."

They were told of the Iron God Helios who was born of great power. "How was he born?" The party asked. "No, that is definitely secret knowledge," was the response.

They further explained that someday all who follow Helion will someday become machines and rule over the world of flesh. Poing suggested, "I don't want to rule over others, but I would like to be a machine." The cultists were offended by this. "You don't get to CHOOSE. It's GOING to HAPPEN."

Finally, they became sick of the discourse. "If you don't turn around now, this is going to get ugly." The party complied.

They turned the corner, opened a chamber with lighting, and a silverdisk thrown amidst the lightning was completely melted by it. They wisely chose not to continue through.

They opened another door to find Gruvush explaining to another group of cultists about the party. "This isn't the bathroom," Thinghaver said in an attempt to deflect.