Iron Gods:Log/Session 12

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Session 12

Khonnir explained that the robots (whose language, Androffan, was one in which he was well-versed) had been performing experiments on him and seemed to be malfunctioning. He said he had no interest in reentering the cave, partially because of the traumatic expeirence the first time and, partially, because the nanites had likely injured his brain and he could not remember how to cast spells anymore. Somehow, he seemed oblivious to the party saying they would continue the invetigation, insisting that the town should hire adventurers to determine the cause of the issues.

Khonnir was also concerned that he had killed the Skulk's second chieftan, if, indeded, there was another person they were concerned with who had come through first. He felt this might have diminished his accomplishment. Khonnir had no awareness of the woman who had come through first.

The party asked about Parda, and Khonnir pointed out that he had gone it alone both times.

The party joined Khonnir for his visit to the town council. Dolga congratulated the party and offered them the promised scroll of raise dead and 100gp. Discussions with Khonnir and Dolga clarified a number of points, including that the reward for re-igniting the Torch (or providing conclusive evidence that it could not be re-ignited) would be 400gp. The party agreed that they would have a full night's rest to prepare. Khonnir insisted alcohol would gently soothe his damaged brain.

The party gave a flashlight with batteries to Garritt, who was delighted, but concerned that it was different from the bulbs he had been working with, inasmuch as it seemed to be made up of a cluster of small bulbs. He promised unlimited scrapping rights if they brought him another so he had one to dissect.

During R&R back at the tavern, Khonnir mentioned that the hill was artificial and speculated regarding why ancient Numerian barbarians would have buried the metal structure beneath, and suggested it may have been a vehicle that became stranded rather than a strange, intentionally constructed technological ruin.

4714 AR, Pharast 17th

The party awoke, this time with Thinghaver experiencing a splitting headache. The rest of the party doing fairly well, however, and they agreed to convene to return to the caverns. First, however, they wanted to determine why Parda Garr went down there, as well as discern any infomration they could regarding the Cleric of Zyphus.

They asked around among the Ropefist Gang Mambers (having heard that Parda had been associating with them) and found out that she had been trying to impress Garmen Ulreth, the owner of Silverdisk Hall. The party made their way there and, between Poog and Thinghaver, counted cards long enough to bring out security to address it, notably including Garmen. The party spoke with him and learned that Parda had been wanting to collect a robot from the cave to impress him so she could join the gang (which he maintained wasn't REALLY his gang). Poing gave him advice on game protection, which infuriated him.

The party visited Mylan Radli, the priest of Pharasma, who explained that Parda had approached him begging for a water breathing spell so she, too, could explore the black cave and return with a robot. He refused because he felt that Khonnir's account of his first expedition left him concerned that the cave was much too dangerous. He further stated that she had conferred with a "pilgrim" en route to the Land of the Linnorm Kings (for unknown reasons). Radli clarified that the Pilgrim didn't seem as well-versed in theology as would be expected and he had concerns. The two were not seen again.

On their way to the entrance to Black Cave, they were greeted by Joram Kyte. Kyte informed them, "My headache is coming back, so it's definitely related to the Torch."