Hestia Lamore

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Hestia Lamore was childless, not by choice. In fact it was a source of shame. She was beginning to think she was cursed to live as her namesake. Married at the age of 17, she had expected to have a family at some point in the last 10 years. Though her husband didn't say anything, she knew he resented her inability to conceive.

She kept busy, making food for her husband, tending the house, and teaching piano to the neighbor children with plenty of time to dress for dinner. However, she secretly envied the harried wives around her who were too busy with the children to make an effort on their looks. She accepted their compliments on how put together she was and how perfect her house was but wished she was in their place.

The day before her 27th birthday, Hestia made her weekly trip to the butcher. Walking near the woods she heard a child's voice calling her name. Though she didn't recognize the child, she rushed to help. Entering the woods, she met up with a strange man. Though wary of him, Hestia was focused on the child she heard.

“Did you hear the child?” she inquired of him. “The one calling my name?”

“Are you Hestia?” The man asked, continuing when she nodded. “I believe the one calling for you is moving deeper into the woods,” he said, gesturing and leading the way.

Though reluctant, Hestia followed the man, intent on finding the seemingly lost child. Several silent minutes passed before she spoke again.

“I don't know this part of the woods, I've never been here before. Are you sure you saw them go this way, Mr.?” Hestia winced as she left the question hanging, having been snagged by a thorn bush she did not see before it pierced her flesh.

“I am known as The Collector. I particularly enjoy the histories of you Greek gods and goddesses. They intrigue me greatly.” The look he gave Hestia sent a shiver down her spine. “I've searched far and wide to complete my collection. While I don't have all of the minor deities, I now have the major ones.”

A year and a day later, Hestia turned 28. There was no cake, no party, no celebration. In fact, Hestia didn't even realize it was her birthday as she fought the flames for her morning sacrificial meal. She couldn't remember who the latest flames had been but they were both after the same thing, sustenance. Hestia hadn't fought for her life for so long just to fail now. Later, after consuming her breakfast, she noticed a slight breeze at her hearth that didn't smell of fire. Hesitantly, she followed the fresh air. It smelled like the juniper tree in her backyard. Before she knew it, visions of her husband and house filled her mind for the first time since she had met The Collector. No longer hesitant, Hestia rushed toward the smell, now growing stronger.

Short Term Goals:

Open a restaurant

Gain favor in all of the courts

Long Term Goal:

Start A New Life