Dwarf Fortress:The Legendary Realm:Beast Lairs

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1765: Tiragaretho, "The Sweet Cave", lair
	1 giant dingo
1766: Asinimo, "Quillpit", lair
	1 giant leopard
1767: Lithosanene, "Seizeecho", lair
	1 giant alligator
1768: Ud”„b Zon Slosno, "Soulsshaft the Color of Deserts", lair
	1 black bear
1769: Val¢nacona, "Bridgehole", lair
	1 giant alligator
1770: Ifecuthabe, "The Cerulean Depths", lair
	1 giant dingo
1771: Tosnoaspƒd, "Weaknesscaverns", lair
	1 giant alligator
1772: Sastreszanor Luthozanan, "Princesshearts the Cardinal Night", lair
	1 giant alligator
1773: Bodloz, "Plungescar", lair
	1 giant cougar
1774: Shazakanan, "The Symmetric Nights", lair
	1 giant dingo
1775: Ospasmngogngo Gozru Uzod, "Worthymine the Hell of Conquerors", lair
	1 giant leopard
1776: Istikthol Vim Medtob, "Shriveldeep the Tears of Blockading", lair
	1 giant cheetah
1777: Umumomsos, "Cellumbral", lair
	1 giant dingo
1778: Inirecafafi Eya Bathiti, "Steelgutters the Yawn of Boards", lair
	1 giant leopard
1779: Ingishg¢smer Nestethkuthdˆng, "Bodiceumbra the Silken Accident", lair
	1 dingo
1780: InupicŠthutha Ocim‚fa˜o, "Linemine the Moist Hell", lair
	1 giant dingo
1781: Itniemat, "Jumpcracks", lair
	1 giant dingo
1782: Peradfensast Usu Palath, "Voicescarred the Hollow of Diamonds", lair
	1 giant dingo
1783: Aslezngogngo Loz Smespu, "Warmined the Scar of Lakes", lair
	1 giant jaguar
1784: Eniwaf¡ra, "Livingcracked", lair
	1 giant cheetah
1785: Ana Ulspa, "The Hole of Daggers", lair
	1 giant cheetah
1786: Fesluyicuthabe, "The Jaundiced Depth", lair
	1 leopard
1787: Bibawelith‚me, "The Tame Nights", lair
	1 giant dingo
1788: Sithekulur, "The Comedic Night", lair
	1 giant wolf
1789: Lodanu, "Soaknight", lair
	1 giant alligator
1790: Thishbora, "Weedmined", lair
	1 giant wolf
1791: Bora Meka, "The Mine of Tapering", lair
	1 giant cheetah
1792: Ngasm„ngogngo, "Pleatmined", lair
	1 giant leopard
1793: Lemaf¡ra E˜aleci, "Fullcrack the Held Flesh", lair
	1 alligator
1794: Zozogozru, "The Sensitive Hell", lair
	1 giant cougar
1795: Maramshash, "Pristinehell", lair
	1 giant bat
1796: Loxsnosmomo, "Groovecaves", lair
	1 wolf
1797: Athokulur Ash b L stta, "Soulsnights the Queen of Artifices", lair
	1 giant lion
1798: Arugon, "Whimsgutter", lair
	1 giant wolf
1799: Bavasturr‹th, "Glidescarred", lair
	1 alligator
1800: Rasimawami Amane Baslata, "Empiresscars the Silkiness of Rampage", lair
	1 giant alligator
1801: Xagnomomo Daduexsmox, "Vaultcave the Glittery Future", lair
	1 giant cheetah
1802: Unbehrushan Fensast Quice, "Smoothnesscavern the Scar of Neutralization", lair
	1 troglodyte
1803: Ukasakon, "The Cremated Shadows", lair
	1 giant alligator
1804: Sestakon, "Catshadows", lair
	1 giant wolf
1805: Uvarurr‹th M”zirshar, "Lullscarred the Routed Mile", lair
	1 giant alligator
1806: Sodor St–lul, "The Deeps of Speechlessness", lair
	1 giant dingo
1807: Isanavuz, "Stilledmine", lair
	1 human
1808: Nothrautesh, "The Muddled Crevices", lair
	1 giant alligator
1809: Zosanu, "The Good Nights", lair
	1 human
1810: Nozamsl”mod Ngumostodsnˆn, "Healedpits the Dutiful Bottom", lair
	1 giant black bear
1811: Maref¡ra, "Soulcracked", lair
	1 serpent man
1812: Ebr† –xo, "The Murk of Consideration", lair
	1 giant dingo
1813: R–larak, "The Submerged Shafts", lair
	1 giant cave spider
1814: Kitewkulur, "The Aching Nights", lair
	1 human
1815: Risidthol Togalaval, "Stealdeeps the Stormy Love", lair
	1 giant dingo
1816: Bagostakon, "Musicalshadows", lair
	1 alligator
1817: Useloxut Aprusimo, "Fightshafts the Grim Echoes", lair
	1 human
1818: Quemeraf¡ra, "Bastioncracks", lair
	1 giant leopard
1819: Vathemarak, "The Saturnine Shafts", lair
	1 human
1820: Odroztarem, "The Fatal Fate", lair
	4 baying monsters
1821: Aslefmari, "Tongsdark", lair
	1 giant wolf
1822: Enozs rek, "Blanchecho", lair
	1 giant cheetah
1823: Okokebr†, "The Fresh Murk", lair
	1 dwarf
1824: Sharsidavuz, "Blightedmined", lair
	1 giant leopard
1825: Aggungutesh Speskinermum, "Gulfcrevice the Circumstantial Vulgarity", lair
	1 giant dingo
1826: Isramngal k, "Summerabyss", lair
	1 giant alligator
1827: Ranecinun•re, "Leadcavern", lair
	1 giant alligator
1828: Ulesnust ‰strazngustuk, "Glazehollows the Cloudy Mile", lair
	1 giant grizzly bear
1829: Shash Kethil, "The Hell of Principles", lair
	1 reptile man
1830: Cona Lethari, "The Hole of Furnaces", lair
	1 giant alligator
1831: Molon, "The Scholarly Gutters", lair
	1 giant cheetah
1832: Ramkalsasmcith Nomar Gulo, "Lashgutter the Abyss of Girders", lair
	1 giant cougar
1833: Wivesanene, "Goryecho", lair
	1 alligator
1834: Uxuomo, "Sweatcaves", lair
	1 human
1835: Cob rbora Siga Mup, "Moralmine the Depth of Juices", lair
	1 human
1836: Ethroemat Fubag Abla, "Bowcracked the Sewer of Families", lair
	2 giant alligators
1837: Nokgolobot, "Riddlecracked", lair
	1 human
1838: L•mifo Oreme, "The Crypt of Ghosts", lair
	3 dark crones
1839: Mimamucona, "Malignedholes", lair
	1 amphibian man
1840: Eshonobot, "Goodcracks", lair
	1 giant alligator
1841: B–ku„b, "The Braided Shaft", lair
	1 alligator
1842: Thalegaretho, "Containedcaves", lair
	1 giant alligator
1843: Ost“kmado Osmat Luru, "Cleavegloomy the Heart of Romance", lair
	1 alligator
1844: Arosasmcith, "Bluegutters", lair
	2 trolls
1845: Rosmicomsos Artuk Uquur, "Slaughtersumbra the Tempest of Peaks", lair
	1 giant alligator
1846: Ubass rek, "Screamedechoes", lair
	1 human
1847: Kupefensast, "Pregnantscarred", lair
	1 giant alligator
1848: Ayanu Litho, "The Abysses of Seizing", lair
	5 yetis
1849: Tunshash, "Doorhells", lair
	1 giant alligator
1850: Sanausu Medonbora, "Lovelyhollows the Respectful Mines", lair
	1 giant alligator
1851: Cirononimo Imira Fari, "Spraypits the Room of Hermits", lair
	1 human
1852: Thariomethu, "The Faithful Hollows", lair
	1 giant alligator
1853: Nozutngogngo ‰sru Boslut, "Notchmine the Crevice of Scabs", lair
	1 giant alligator
1854: Sinursimo, "Standardechoes", lair
	1 troll
1855: Ol“toxxo, "The Bridled Sewer", lair
	1 human
1856: Sm“ngerusmo, "Spawnecho", lair
	1 alligator
1857: Kamcaosman Eslimuta, "Dreamshadow the Larval Pit", lair
	1 human
1858: Mƒtzanggor, "Jumppit", lair
	1 human
1859: Bamudkol, "Summitcrack", lair
	1 alligator
1860: Avuznuglush, "Minegutter", lair
	1 alligator
1861: Ritanurr‹th S rek Idr„th, "Begunscarred the Echo of Treasure", lair
	1 giant dingo
1862: Enembora, "Fillmines", lair
	1 reptile man
1863: Kacuemat, "Dripcrack", lair
	1 reptile man
1864: Nisgakothsal, "The Frosty Sewers", lair
	2 alligators
1865: Gukilurr‹th, "Lurchscarred", lair
	1 alligator
1866: Quabanawona ˜ithi Uni, "Dikedank the Gladness of Chastity", lair
	1 alligator
1867: TecaŠna, "Flaydeep", lair
	1 human
1868: Tithlethgor, "Rumoredpit", lair
	1 alligator
1869: Shenngethac Xemgalka, "Blamecaves the Mythical Deep", lair
	1 giant alligator
1870: Noramarak, "Relievedshafts", lair
	1 giant alligator
1871: DamŠlavuz, "Loyalmined", lair
	1 giant alligator
1872: Nust„b Otezebr† Toz–x, "Thunderedshaft the Pick-Murk of Poets", lair
	1 human
1873: Ustxurusmo, "Waveechoed", lair
	1 human
1874: Amas Sogdol, "The Depths of Famine", lair
	1 giant alligator
1875: Othetalith‚me, "The Hardy Nights", lair
	1 human
1876: Ngosnudosmat Rusposlu, "Killerhearts the Eternal Covers", lair
	1 giant alligator
1877: Danaomethu, "The Muscular Hollow", lair
	1 human
1878: Spongkuomo, "The Deferent Cave", lair
	1 human
1879: Xusmz–kosmat Asu„b, "Airheart the Bent Shaft", lair
	1 human
1880: Oshasasmcith, "The Unnameable Gutters", lair
	1 giant alligator
1881: Gecastavuz, "Skewermine", lair
	1 human
1882: B skouta, "Troubledpits", lair
	1 human
1883: Enoremeli ˜upanimo, "Righteousmurk the Abysmal Pit", lair
	1 giant alligator
1884: Arusngethac, "The Remarkable Cave", lair
	1 giant alligator
1885: Ciceenira Polef— I˜ami, "Shrivelheart the Clan of Brutes", lair
	1 serpent man
1886: Edodavuz, "Boredmines", lair
	1 amphibian man
1887: Esalanun•re, "Clashcavern", lair
	1 sasquatch
1888: Iquila Anoni, "The Umbra of Factions", lair
	1 human
1889: Thranshoneth, "Dawnhell", lair
	1 human
1890: Fensast Thespde, "The Scars of Society", lair
	1 human
1891: Asuon Baxstutzospu, "Bendgutter the Incinerated Umbra", lair
	1 giant alligator
1892: Vag£shg¢smer, "Killerumbras", lair
	1 human
1893: Cunaobi Elufiuni, "Crossedshadow the Pure Chastity", lair
	1 human
1894: Žb Aruz, "The Shaft of Crossing", lair
	1 human
1895: Rfiomethu, "The Scoured Hollows", lair
	1 human
1896: Spuspsotzospu, "Spotumbras", lair
	1 alligator
1897: Mithidivama, "The Frilly Gloom", lair
	1 yeti
1898: Esnust Angot, "The Hollow of Taxing", lair
	1 alligator
1899: Shedim Akest, "The Shadow of Domination", lair
	1 human
1900: Sasmok„b Non––stru, "Anguishedshaft the Flaxen Dead", lair
	1 human
1901: Wishouta, "The Rhyming Pit", lair
	1 giant alligator
1902: Si¤ursimo, "Masteredechoed", lair
	1 giant alligator
1903: Ranumrusmo Anu Spusp, "Lividechoed the Night of Sorcery", lair
	1 giant alligator
1904: Tisemat, "Earcracks", lair
	1 human
1905: Namisanene, "The Insightful Echo", lair
	1 giant alligator
1906: Nuglush Rithog, "The Gutter of Stinking", lair
	1 giant alligator
1907: Sidg¢smer, "Charumbras", lair
	1 human
1908: Tislursasmcith The¤icusu, "Raptorgutter the Beige Hollow", lair
	1 human
1909: Nefu˜eisa, "Clingshafts", lair
	1 serpent man
1910: Lˆzenana, "The Hale Holes", lair
	1 alligator
1911: Bicanatof, "Endcrevice", lair
	1 sasquatch
1912: Icitham‚fa˜o, "Diphell", lair
	1 giant alligator
1913: Efamiwami Šna Quaba, "Jumpedscar the Deep of Dikes", lair
	1 human
1914: Ust“tngogngo Odesloz, "Pulleymined the Molten Scars", lair
	1 human
1915: Nowesanene, "The Immoral Echo", lair
	1 human
1916: F–begvumshar RŒtholzareth Sefol, "Stuttergloom the Noble-Desert of Entering", lair
	1 giant alligator
1917: Amucafafi, "Creaturegutters", lair
	1 alligator
1918: Ayanu Afica, "The Abysses of Crucifying", lair
	1 human
1919: Oruxosmat, "The Granite Heart", lair
	1 human
1920: Cedisanene, "Weepecho", lair
	1 human
1921: Asludrusmo, "Dunesechoes", lair
	1 giant alligator
1922: Xetanfubag, "Beltsewer", lair
	1 human
1923: Mapif¡ra Wami Yed‚le, "Cradledcracks the Scar of Confederacy", lair
	1 giant alligator
1924: Ukorbora, "Wetmine", lair
	1 human
1925: Bestiusan Lapipquabu, "Grouphearts the Dimpled Neutrality", lair
	1 giant alligator
1926: Lemhuhsimo Shamsig Edri, "Stirredechoes the Sickness of Rags", lair
	1 human
1927: Gathusan Jathrur Doge, "Devianceheart the Hawk of Afflictions", lair
	1 human
1928: Themthirs rek, "Slinkecho", lair
	1 human
1929: G¢smer¢d, "Umbraltunneled", lair
	3 horrors of twilight
1930: Afayaisa, "The Entrancing Shaft", lair
	1 giant alligator
1931: Bikd fubag, "Secretivesewer", lair
	1 dwarf
1932: Losisrakust, "The Faint Tomb", lair
	5 horrors of twilight
1933: Buroxxo, "Spoilssewer", lair
	1 sasquatch
1934: Zimobot Kˆdnath‚zneth, "Crestedcracked the Naughty Fragments", lair
	1 troll
1935: Zakospzut“sp, "Tombtunnels", lair
	17 twilight freaks
1936: Posaoxut, "The Radiant Shaft", lair
	1 human
1937: Gened Rosmnu, "The Depths of Focusing", lair
	1 human
1938: Ay¡tiwami Libaquala, "Whispersscars the Green Ignition", lair
	1 human
1939: Kir„s, "Mergedcaves", lair
	1 human
1940: Rufithiwami, "Gravescarred", lair
	1 human
1941: Avuz Asob, "The Mine of Boards", lair
	1 human
1942: Avuz Ushal, "The Mines of Treason", lair
	1 human
1943: Linifacuthabe, "The Obeisant Depth", lair
	1 human
1944: Thal£omethu Elafanimo, "Tufthollows the Drab Pit", lair
	1 human
1945: Naquuvshoneth Otodsiga, "Veiledhells the Colorless Depth", lair
	1 troll
1946: Gorbesath Gogol Kulur, "Shadyskull the Crypt of Night", lair
	19 horrors of twilight
1947: Cishsath, "The Ashen Skulls", lair
	5 horrors of twilight
1948: Sholidurr‹th, "Clutchedscars", lair
	1 human
1949: Ineths rek, "Cityecho", lair
	1 human
1950: Uvarthol, "Lulleddeep", lair
	1 human
1951: Yemilaf¡ra, "Weirdcrack", lair
	1 human
1952: Equoosman Durpulsana, "Weatheredshadow the Gloved Love", lair
	1 human
1953: Uramkol Onxoarstruk, "Glosscrack the Smeared Demon", lair
	1 human
1954: Thithacona, "Spinholes", lair
	1 human
1955: Sled†sloz Nusta Dedge, "Touchedscarred the Warning of Purges", lair
	2 trolls
1956: Fathinuf¡ra, "Ancientcracks", lair
	1 human
1957: Dogikobot Lanlar Anzish, "Wadcracked the Bird of Alchemy", lair
	1 human
1958: Letengthad Gusamudi, "Yearlingaged the Auburn Boulder", lair
	3 cyclopes
1959: Welecaretha Lepinane, "Ticksewers the Lonesome Monster", lair
	1 human
1960: Timikusan, "Bulbhearts", lair
	1 yeti
1961: Ostrurzospu, "Sneerumbral", lair
	1 human
1962: Shedim Othlest, "The Shadow of Scorching", lair
	1 human
1963: Shessatoxut, "The Frilly Shaft", lair
	1 amphibian man
1964: Ubtenggalka, "The Worthless Deeps", lair
	1 human
1965: Guslenustro Ossnussodor, "Templedark the Prim Deeps", lair
	1 human
1966: Avogkor, "Dredgecaverns", lair
	1 human
1967: Olokloz, "Dourscars", lair
	1 human
1968: Ustxugozru, "Wavehells", lair
	1 human
1969: Viyecafafi Fiyaeyo, "Skeweredgutter the Revered Ages", lair
	1 sasquatch
1970: Ganadshash, "The Special Hell", lair
	1 human
1971: Gothteusan, "Fetidhearts", lair
	1 sasquatch
1972: Nawif¡ra, "Fedcracks", lair
	1 sasquatch
1973: Mitasimo, "Speakechoed", lair
	1 human
1974: Xusaspƒd Oxxo Osmze, "Purplecaverns the Sewers of Beguiling", lair
	1 human
1975: Stralusan Rushan Iclo, "Boarhearts the Cavern of Scouring", lair
	1 troll
1976: R¢niraŠna, "The Wilted Deep", lair
	1 human
1977: Eyosanene Cifacafafi, "Agedechoes the Distant Gutters", lair
	1 human
1978: Comewicona, "Griefhole", lair
	1 human
1979: Anuzospu ˆlusmdas, "Nightumbral the Faint Ash", lair
	1 horror of twilight
1980: Stuzangkol, "Fincrack", lair
	1 human
1981: Gamo Rushan, "The Grave of Caverns", lair
	3 dark crones
1982: Upriluta, "The Taupe Pits", lair
	1 human
1983: Possimo, "Spreadechoed", lair
	1 sasquatch
1984: Othsal Zutthan, "The Sewer of Treasuries", lair
	1 troll
1985: Šna Et‚we, "The Deeps of Scaling", lair
	1 human
1986: Gusmaspƒd Kugmeon, "Falsecavern the Basic Gutters", lair
	1 human
1987: Ozspuomo, "Sundercave", lair
	1 human
1988: Rulacsedme, "The Savage Murk", lair
	1 troll
1989: Ana˜a Lith‚me, "The Dead of Night", lair
	3 horrors of twilight
1990: Gozruloz, "Hellscars", lair
	1 sasquatch
1991: Ostgespos, "The Undignified Abysses", lair
	1 human
1992: Thebef¡ra, "Trustcracked", lair
	1 human
1993: N–ngkol, "Clinchcracks", lair
	1 sasquatch
1994: Thatemeac¡, "Tunnelfaint", lair
	4 wicked brutes
1995: Azinoggez Ugosh Amkol, "Watchedhole the Hollows of Counseling", lair
	1 human
1996: Ostospmado, "Rootgloom", lair
	1 sasquatch
1997: Zats rek Uthmikr‰cus, "Stabbedecho the Shaken Thirsts", lair
	1 human
1998: Isosshash, "Dalehells", lair
	1 human
1999: Nothokgor, "The Obeisant Pits", lair
	1 human
2000: Isa Radavi, "The Shaft of Infernos", lair
	1 human
2001: Cedonimo, "The Drenched Pit", lair
	1 sasquatch
2002: Kenombora, "Futuremines", lair
	1 elf
2003: Anan Mond–l, "The Night of Graves", lair
	3 horrors of twilight
2004: Shimdoemat Ras Esh, "Dangledcrack the Flute of Emptiness", lair
	3 yetis
2005: Ematfensast, "Crackscar", lair
	1 human
2006: Semorobot, "Unitecrack", lair
	1 human
2007: Immastngal k, "The Influential Abysses", lair
	1 sasquatch
2008: Rushanosman Omsos Ura, "Cavernshadows the Umbra of Dying", lair
	3 twilight freaks
2009: Pimarushan Surusan, "Waddledcavern the Shameful Heart", lair
	1 sasquatch
2010: Spugacfensast Kopoh Sabu, "Glandscarred the Stake of Morning", lair
	1 human
2011: Shedim At¡r, "The Shadows of Dye", lair
	1 human
2012: Werimaomethu, "Eelhollow", lair
	1 human
2013: Gusnoana Stez Ostusm, "Scribeholes the Tuft of Tails", lair
	1 human
2014: Etostobot Nuglush B…goz, "Containedcracks the Gutter of Slimes", lair
	1 yeti
2015: ‹ggalg¢smer, "Trappedumbras", lair
	1 troll
2016: Egngun Os, "The Urn of Death", lair
	3 horrors of twilight
2017: Oquohpuwog, "Mutegloom", lair
	1 human
2018: A‡Šyalith‚me, "Stillednight", lair
	1 human
2019: Ronikpuwog R kfil R lid, "Scaldgloomy the Clasp of Strangulation", lair
	1 human
2020: Simo Genpud, "The Echo of Leaking", lair
	1 human
2021: Xamaloz ‰sru M”smlo, "Chillscarred the Crevices of Perfecting", lair
	1 human
2022: ‰sru Zangu, "The Crevice of Fortune", lair
	1 human
2023: Stredacuta Roperushan, "Princepit the Patterned Cavern", lair
	1 human
2024: €irivama, "Speechlessgloom", lair
	1 sasquatch
2025: Edienira, "Fleckhearts", lair
	1 human
2026: Osalobot Thastithnulom, "Singcracks the Carmine Blames", lair
	1 human
2027: Cicecaretha, "Shriveledsewers", lair
	1 yeti
2028: Melisanene Nonucani, "Murkyechoes the Crewed Partner", lair
	1 human
2029: Mudouno, "Bonebury", lair
	4 twilight freaks
2030: Ocinaiquila, "Craterumbra", lair
	1 human
2031: Sled†szospu, "Touchumbra", lair
	1 human
2032: Bothonshedim Odrozg¢smer, "Murkyshadows the Fatal Umbra", lair
	2 horrors of twilight
2033: Stutomomo Gened Asngek, "Splitcave the Depth of Coasts", lair
	1 human
2034: Manbaupurutesh, "The Stable Leopard-Crevice", lair
	1 human
2035: Obirofela Ana˜anelara, "Shadowfatal the Dead Tombs", lair
	1 twilight freak
2036: Anamoggez Bocashgor, "Ageshole the Ruthless Pit", lair
	1 troll
2037: Rustuakon Ebr† Zakosp, "Fatedshadows the Murk of Tombs", lair
	2 horrors of twilight
2038: Engg“sl”mod, "Gallpit", lair
	1 human
2039: Rodemg¢smer Nolthag Ugzol, "Peltumbras the Cysts of Goring", lair
	1 sasquatch
2040: —mapicaretha Uthewami, "Tarsewers the Withered Scar", lair
	1 human
2041: Mogozngogngo Rustus–ttu, "Crazedmined the Fated Prophecies", lair
	1 human
2042: Rusmo Ngust–, "The Echo of Inching", lair
	1 human
2043: Anuuno Usmdasrustu, "Nightburials the Ashen Fate", lair
	5 wicked brutes
2044: Thretelomsos, "Fatalumbra", lair
	3 wicked brutes
2045: N†zomavuz, "Dreamsmined", lair
	1 human
2046: Losisosod, "The Faint Bones", lair
	4 midnight freaks
2047: T”bogaspƒd, "The Big Cavern", lair
	1 sasquatch
2048: Oxstrarakon Sp”stro Snusnud, "Holdshadow the Towers of Crystal", lair
	1 human
2049: N‰laskor Vumshar Dumed, "Flickeredcavern the Gloom of Fortifying", lair
	1 sasquatch
2050: Ngal k R†sh, "The Abysses of Dying", lair
	4 horrors of twilight
2051: Sidayagaretho Quathe Ficeri, "Larkcaves the Slimes of Sacrifice", lair
	1 human
2052: Uktang Unu, "The Crypt of Skulls", lair
	3 twilight freaks
2053: LithocŠthutha Lifelanimo, "Seizemined the Small Pit", lair
	1 human
2054: Meli Osata, "The Murk of Meanness", lair
	1 human
2055: Melarasanene, "Groupechoes", lair
	1 human
2056: Oxut Kadel, "The Shaft of Calamities", lair
	1 human
2057: Rulshedim, "Mutedshadows", lair
	1 human
2058: Sanene Quathe, "The Echo of Slimes", lair
	1 human
2059: Nirk£nobot, "Trialcrack", lair
	1 human
2060: Usu Oda, "The Hollow of Weeping", lair
	1 human
2061: Koshg¢smer Addanman, "Slaughtersumbras the Sunny Heaviness", lair
	1 human
2062: Usoxut Wogesimo, "Gorgeshaft the Ancient Echo", lair
	1 human
2063: CavŠremeli, "Knightedmurk", lair
	1 sasquatch
2064: Mipaf¡ra, "Pointcracked", lair
	1 human
2065: Faz¡sshedim, "The Celebrated Shadows", lair
	1 human
2066: Iyicf¡ra, "Waningcracks", lair
	1 human
2067: Guzanu, "The Comedic Nights", lair
	1 human
2068: Tin”thugosh Zzcunthol, "Equaledhollows the Reticent Deep", lair
	1 human
2069: Amaticuthabe Romiwami, "Crazedepths the Oceanic Scars", lair
	2 sasquatches
2070: Žs Shameb, "The Cave of Handling", lair
	1 human
2071: Ibruknar, "The Ashen Oblivion", lair
	4 twilight men
2072: Bokiomsos, "Raspumbras", lair
	1 human
2073: Usmdas Zut“sp, "The Ash of Tunnels", lair
	10 twilight freaks
2074: Rayaf¡ra NayicŠthutha, "Handcracked the Moral Mine", lair
	1 human
2075: ¢bothshash, "Droplethell", lair
	1 human
2076: Rickulur, "The Fragile Nights", lair
	1 human
2077: Thatemeiquila Ac¡nula, "Tunnelumbral the Faint Burial", lair
	2 baying monsters
2078: CapiŠna, "The Youthful Deep", lair
	1 human
2079: Nafisanene, "Takenechoed", lair
	1 human
2080: Afalith‚me, "The Noiseless Night", lair
	1 human
2081: Nawiriiquila, "Strifeumbra", lair
	1 human
2082: Arangor, "Sculptedpit", lair
	1 human
2083: Lacifawami, "The Large Scar", lair
	1 human
2084: Porebkulur, "The Mauve Night", lair
	1 human
2085: Fareisa, "Clenchshafts", lair
	1 sasquatch
2086: Anan Lerteth, "The Night of Tangles", lair
	1 human
2087: Ralinsimo, "Luckyechoes", lair
	1 human
2088: Migrurothsal Ekastular, "Oceansewers the Safe Idol", lair
	1 human
2089: Strogsl”mod, "Beetlepits", lair
	1 human
2090: Nuglush ƒl, "The Gutter of Weight", lair
	1 human
2091: Toriravuz, "Voidmined", lair
	1 goblin
2092: Themorurr‹th Shinvumshar, "Boilscarred the Bright Gloom", lair
	1 sasquatch
2093: Vukrigkor, "Riftcaverns", lair
	1 troll
2094: Athrigalka, "The Immortal Deep", lair
	1 human
2095: Alm“shanan, "Gleamednights", lair
	1 human
2096: Adnun—r, "Suncrevice", lair
	1 human
2097: Rengspos, "The Scaly Abyss", lair
	1 sasquatch
2098: Ulthoosman, "Sootyshadow", lair
	1 human
2099: td—nkor, "Charmcaverns", lair
	1 troll
2100: Bustusmomo, "Wingcave", lair
	1 human
2101: Emngogngo Smunok Orux, "Jackalmines the Scraps of Granite", lair
	1 human
2102: Kotosimo Bemehlihost, "Severechoed the Ivory Righteousness", lair
	1 goblin
2103: Naficaretha Omethu Pelese, "Takesewers the Hollows of Sucking", lair
	1 human
2104: Naciobi Yipi Thima, "Clobberedshadow the Celebration of Sieges", lair
	1 human
2105: Imericona Fari Ale, "Ashenhole the Hermit of Leaves", lair
	1 human
2106: Sizirs rek, "Viceecho", lair
	1 human
2107: Ashm“n¢d Baros Osod, "Shadetunnel the Funeral of Bones", lair
	1 twilight freak
2108: Pinicaretha Cicethaoyoli, "Chillsewer the Wretched Palisade", lair
	1 human
2109: Licooxut, "Wanderedshaft", lair
	1 human
2110: Zospuaspƒd, "Umbralcaverns", lair
	2 wicked brutes
2111: Lurngugozru “ngtumxor, "Tuskhell the Fed Wisps", lair
	1 human
2112: Surkul, "The Shameful Hole", lair
	1 human
2113: Odatacafafi Isa Athama, "Testgutter the Shaft of War", lair
	1 human
2114: Stestrak‰sru, "The Confusing Crevices", lair
	1 sasquatch
2115: Lemhuhuta, "Stirredpit", lair
	1 sasquatch
2116: Ashm“nvucar, "The Shady Urn", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2117: Onamg¢smer Mimkotadur, "Larvalumbras the Ignoble Soil", lair
	1 human
2118: Ngogngo Umuz, "The Mine of Attacking", lair
	1 human
2119: Balg¢smer, "Toneumbral", lair
	1 human
2120: Bozuruktang, "The Tenebrous Crypts", lair
	1 baying monster
2121: Cengiomsos, "Clapumbra", lair
	1 human
2122: Orgustosp, "Gravefatal", lair
	3 horrors of twilight
2123: Sunrebora Saninggalka, "Rentmines the Somber Deeps", lair
	1 human
2124: Tefeenira Cona Quala, "Pleatedheart the Holes of Ignition", lair
	1 human
2125: Ekouta, "The Polished Pit", lair
	1 human
2126: Ussamsimo, "The Humid Echo", lair
	1 goblin
2127: Onshoneth, "Praisehells", lair
	1 human
2128: Pimraemat, "Poetcrack", lair
	1 human
2129: Uleshoneth Urwa Athroc, "Openedhells the Crater of Smashing", lair
	1 human
2130: Ostar Ibruk, "The Burial of Ash", lair
	2 horrors of twilight
2131: Gesolomoth, "The Tenebrous Tombs", lair
	2 wicked brutes
2132: Sadsl”mod, "The Glowing Pit", lair
	1 human
2133: Shatokul Cebeosman, "Aurahole the Strapping Shadows", lair
	1 human
2134: Okalon, "Starvegutter", lair
	1 human
2135: Idokavuz, "Pointedmines", lair
	1 yeti
2136: Rokubnassmu, "Columndank", lair
	1 human
2137: Caretha Thuca, "The Sewers of Fastening", lair
	1 human
2138: Donuomsos, "Burialumbral", lair
	2 twilight freaks
2139: Ngersosfensast Omreethgath, "Faminescars the Withered Thirsts", lair
	1 human
2140: Edimari, "Fleckdark", lair
	1 human
2141: Jubugamo Gesodisem, "Sablegrave the Tenebrous Dusk", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2142: S rek Bumal, "The Echoes of Worry", lair
	1 sasquatch
2143: Kacnuusan, "Covenheart", lair
	2 sasquatches
2144: Fesluyif¡ra Minosoya, "Jaundicecracks the Cruel Book", lair
	1 human
2145: Thetifsanene, "Freezeecho", lair
	1 goblin
2146: Caretha Suthe, "The Sewer of Lesions", lair
	1 human
2147: Numolothsal, "The Lonesome Sewer", lair
	1 human
2148: Zakgolunul, "Spitedank", lair
	1 human
2149: Lodgened, "The Soaked Depths", lair
	1 human
2150: Decaayanu, "The Crowded Abysses", lair
	1 human
2151: Sotukgozru Daduugo, "Wordhells the Glittery Chains", lair
	1 human
2152: Nulzospu, "The Deified Umbra", lair
	1 human
2153: Œcumngal k Onolshedim, "Virtueabyss the Mountainous Shadows", lair
	1 human
2154: Puwog Ormol, "The Gloom of Strategy", lair
	1 human
2155: Akerasanene, "Diamondechoed", lair
	1 human
2156: Unƒlshedim Nakasokon, "Bluntshadow the Enjoyable Burdens", lair
	1 human
2157: Zithiss rek Arcethezuk, "Meshechoed the Strategic Raunch", lair
	1 human
2158: Rev‚cona VafoŠna, "Ringholes the Dour Deeps", lair
	1 human
2159: Agkudrusmo Uksox Gozru, "Slowedechoes the Misery of Hell", lair
	1 elf
2160: Tholavuz, "The Deep Mine", lair
	1 sasquatch
2161: Cacinimo, "The Gilded Pit", lair
	1 dwarf
2162: Usluhshoneth, "Illhells", lair
	1 human
2163: Kor Enir, "The Cavern of Beguilers", lair
	1 sasquatch
2164: NŒlesarak, "Strappedshafts", lair
	1 human
2165: Bithiligaretho Celekecewa, "Shriekcave the Bright Pitch", lair
	1 human
2166: Donusaquo, "Buriedfaint", lair
	8 horrors of twilight
2167: Ashm“nshedim, "Shadyshadows", lair
	2 wicked brutes
2168: Niyalith‚me, "The Notched Nights", lair
	1 human
2169: Gingkor Omtug Tumos, "Youngcavern the Wart of Squatting", lair
	1 human
2170: Cacamegaretho Ayanu Rimame, "Peltcave the Abysses of Dancing", lair
	1 sasquatch
2171: Anicecafafi, "The Turquoise Gutter", lair
	1 human
2172: Liramari I˜enelo, "Greatestdark the Bewildering Pass", lair
	1 human
2173: Lothevama Caretha Imepe, "Clinchgloom the Sewers of Waxing", lair
	1 sasquatch
2174: Webanacaretha R‚ne Fiso, "Faintsewer the Flimsiness of Veils", lair
	1 yeti
2175: Beth ssimo Siga Nastrisp, "Grievedechoes the Depths of Blotting", lair
	1 human
2176: Ceshshedsedme, "The Certain Murk", lair
	1 sasquatch
2177: Snulutrusmo, "The Stable Echoes", lair
	1 human
2178: Loz Rum, "The Scar of Honor", lair
	1 human
2179: Comewisanene, "The Grieving Echo", lair
	1 human
2180: Baciwami P¢bor¢isa, "Whipscar the Violent Shafts", lair
	1 goblin
2181: Okonvumshar, "Burdengloomy", lair
	1 human
2182: Sedme Bale, "The Murk of Pastimes", lair
	1 human
2183: Arepaomethu, "Puppethollow", lair
	1 human
2184: Rushan Usmik, "The Cavern of Imprisoning", lair
	1 human
2185: €aranun•re, "Stirredcaverns", lair
	1 human
2186: Celedof¡ra Enelaobi, "Crumblecracks the Lovely Shadows", lair
	1 elf
2187: Mimamusanene, "Malignechoed", lair
	1 sasquatch
2188: Tet¢thnuglush, "The Lone Gutter", lair
	1 sasquatch
2189: Mƒtzangbothon Istbarnuglush, "Jumpmurk the Rosy Gutters", lair
	1 sasquatch
2190: Tileshugosh, "Trusshollow", lair
	1 human
2191: Tastgened, "The Ferocious Depths", lair
	1 human
2192: R£balzanor Rinmol Vod, "Gillhearts the Marshes of Sound", lair
	1 sasquatch
2193: Ropebora Ri¤ihnomar, "Patternmined the Tempted Abyss", lair
	1 sasquatch
2194: Sogdologgez Ugoshanan, "Famineholes the Hollow Night", lair
	1 human
2195: Bidokoggez Shem Anban, "Actedhole the Plank of Lathering", lair
	1 human
2196: Evetuth Emat Slupi, "Flickerdark the Crack of Lice", lair
	1 human
2197: Orargozru Xaslodsodor, "Stokerhell the Unnameable Deep", lair
	1 human
2198: Borikkor Aroz Nazush, "Trenchcavern the Savagery of Blood", lair
	1 human
2199: Lungoloz, "Playscarred", lair
	1 human
2200: Fashukobot, "Meancracked", lair
	1 human
2201: Smumxuloz, "Hauntsscarred", lair
	1 human
2202: Aquiyanula, "Fateburied", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2203: Tof Sesi, "The Crevices of Shooting", lair
	1 human
2204: Nafaayanu, "The Null Abyss", lair
	1 human
2205: Urombora, "Purplemined", lair
	1 sasquatch
2206: Canenemeli, "The Polished Murk", lair
	1 human
2207: Arithagaretho, "Eldercave", lair
	1 human
2208: ¢dg¢smer Ashm“nshedim, "Tunnelumbra the Shady Shadow", lair
	4 wicked brutes
2209: Esnust Nor, "The Hollows of Dimpling", lair
	1 human
2210: Tislamkor S rek Arkoth, "Dessertcavern the Echoes of Prophecy", lair
	1 human
2211: Gened Murox, "The Depths of Ambiguity", lair
	1 human
2212: Lerovama YaraŠna, "Fencedgloom the Permanent Deep", lair
	1 human
2213: Lanisiayanu, "The Routed Abysses", lair
	1 human
2214: Sutgogol Warosp Sor, "Bonescrypts the Phantom of Funerals", lair
	1 wicked brute
2215: Manthulbothon, "The Deviant Murk", lair
	1 human
2216: Nomarkulur Disem Sedme, "Abyssnights the Dusk of Murk", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2217: Isanbothon Gudidshash, "Stillmurk the Lessened Hell", lair
	1 human
2218: “mosl”mod Espbo Ab, "Mournfulpits the Reverence of Taming", lair
	1 sasquatch
2219: Arilfensast Caslugalka, "Shipscar the Contested Deep", lair
	1 human
2220: Ucimomsos, "Namedumbras", lair
	1 human
2221: Ozserusmo Sodor Gomux, "Apesecho the Deep of Steam", lair
	1 human
2222: Nula One, "The Burial of Bones", lair
	1 dusk freak
2223: Ozukol Slonƒnsmusmresm, "Weatheredcrack the Quick Breed-Flower", lair
	1 human
2224: Quicolith‚me, "Cyclonenights", lair
	1 human
2225: Osanu, "Diednight", lair
	1 midnight freak
2226: Unbehemat, "Smoothnesscracked", lair
	1 human
2227: ˆlloz, "Faintscars", lair
	1 human
2228: Citastuta, "Cunningpit", lair
	1 sasquatch
2229: Udstrumosmat, "The Revolting Heart", lair
	1 human
2230: Š˜ewami Sanene TafizŠ, "Temptedscarred the Echoes of Stealing", lair
	1 human
2231: Ethiliomethu, "The Dim Hollow", lair
	1 sasquatch
2232: Kˆdnathoggez Akamtig, "Naughtyhole the Fortunate Dungs", lair
	1 human
2233: Zisurobot Kilrudshash, "Gauntcracked the Bronze Hell", lair
	1 sasquatch
2234: Podutesh, "The Vile Crevices", lair
	1 human
2235: Rushan Aso, "The Cavern of Leaves", lair
	1 sasquatch
2236: Rodim„s Sestanzanor, "Wadedcaves the Decisive Heart", lair
	1 sasquatch
2237: Lƒsmloz, "Actedscarred", lair
	1 human
2238: Tof Emepe, "The Crevice of Confidence", lair
	1 human
2239: Gastanan Mamotgor, "Cleftnight the Plaited Pit", lair
	1 sasquatch
2240: Uspranassmu Snospdarusmo, "Matchdank the Past Echo", lair
	1 sasquatch
2241: Estothsal, "The Small Sewers", lair
	1 human
2242: Lapakulur Thrimesusan, "Feednight the Cremated Heart", lair
	1 human
2243: Relawami Garetho Af¡, "Acridscar the Cave of Scraping", lair
	1 human
2244: Sposlƒr‰sru, "The Rapid Crevice", lair
	1 human
2245: Sharsidobot, "Blightcracked", lair
	1 elf
2246: Sutadsasmcith, "The Yellow Gutters", lair
	1 human
2247: Nentuks rek, "The Withered Echoes", lair
	1 goblin
2248: Borsodor Ogosnong, "Balddeeps the Plain Mucuses", lair
	1 troll
2249: AsecŠthutha Mirathinipa, "Spotmined the Courteous Inches", lair
	1 human
2250: Ithayawami Fed¡thevalo, "Rinsedscar the Flickering Chaos", lair
	1 human
2251: Galkangethac Marcestfensast, "Deepcaves the Ungodly Scars", lair
	1 human
2252: Icitef¡ra, "Famecrack", lair
	1 human
2253: Obi Ecemu, "The Shadow of Weathering", lair
	1 human
2254: Obi Vaci, "The Shadow of Glaciers", lair
	1 human
2255: Tholesturr‹th, "Cyclonescarred", lair
	1 sasquatch
2256: Istamshash Zanor Torir, "Lighthells the Heart of Void", lair
	1 human
2257: Otuboxxo, "Yearlingsewer", lair
	1 yeti
2258: Feciciomethu Umesila, "Glitterhollow the Hungry Staff", lair
	1 human
2259: Anan Othil, "The Nights of Weakening", lair
	1 human
2260: Lisatavuz Shaneddaz Kilrud, "Notchmines the Familial Midnight of Bronze", lair
	1 human
2261: Asolurr‹th Anzishthol, "Seizedscars the Alchemical Deep", lair
	1 sasquatch
2262: Lururusmo Muko Gan, "Romanceechoed the Tornado of Clubs", lair
	1 human
2263: Avuz Razot, "The Mine of Raptors", lair
	1 human
2264: Mekakulur Wure Thec, "Taperednights the Trial of Combating", lair
	1 human
2265: Esisugosh, "Trottedhollow", lair
	1 goblin
2266: Ospluoxxo, "The Sculpted Sewer", lair
	1 human
2267: Atuoxut, "Rustshafts", lair
	1 goblin
2268: Ebisasmcith Ash b Vusdom, "Streamgutter the Queen of Monasteries", lair
	1 human
2269: Kezkor Lin•n Ostath, "Negatecaverns the Continents of Esteeming", lair
	1 human
2270: ƒzkobs rek, "Incenseechoed", lair
	1 human
2271: Bemtabora Orid Konli, "Salvemines the Universe of Oil", lair
	1 sasquatch
2272: Thol Aval, "The Deeps of Love", lair
	1 human
2273: Zaludumom, "Futuredark", lair
	1 human
2274: Cedisanene, "Weptechoed", lair
	1 human
2275: Lolamawami, "Blossomscar", lair
	1 sasquatch
2276: Urusumom Zirillunrud, "Felldark the Fiery Diminishment", lair
	1 sasquatch
2277: Arak Tokthat, "The Shaft of Scorning", lair
	1 human
2278: Nuglush Steg‰th, "The Gutters of Organization", lair
	1 human
2279: Nacacuthabe Lulo Rethu, "Stakedepths the Oak of Rewards", lair
	1 human
2280: Nun•reayanu, "The Cavernous Abysses", lair
	8 midnight freaks
2281: Thretellomoth Sutargogol, "Fataltombs the Fated Crypt", lair
	1 dark crone
2282: Melirethi Imerinelara, "Murkydies the Ashen Tomb", lair
	1 baying monster
2283: Gingthol, "The Young Deep", lair
	1 yeti
2284: Lith‚menidela, "Nightdusks", lair
	3 moon crones
2285: Lathinun•re, "The Mucous Cavern", lair
	1 human
2286: Bekoruja, "Twilighturns", lair
	2 twilight freaks
2287: Osstosp, "Diedfatal", lair
	2 midnight freaks
2288: Zimeshr†sh, "Phantomdie", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2289: Gorbedonu, "The Shady Burial", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2290: Ntharif¡ra Derleobi, "Lustcracked the Impervious Shadow", lair
	1 human
2291: Slunbora, "Sundermines", lair
	1 human
2292: Fererupola, "The Shady Urn", lair
	1 dusk freak
2293: D“rkuloz Loguslag, "Drinkscars the Folded Screams", lair
	1 elf
2294: CerethecŠthutha Obi Icibe, "Sculptmines the Shadow of Ensorceling", lair
	2 sasquatches
2295: Atorlisig, "The Perfect Berries", lair
	3 ettins
2296: Thal£f¡ra Fiviparida, "Tuftedcracks the Furious Suicide", lair
	1 human
2297: Cuthabe Fi˜opi, "The Depths of Church", lair
	1 human
2298: Al†thugosh, "Boltshollows", lair
	1 human
2299: Instolobot, "Burstcracked", lair
	1 human
2300: Iruomethu ˜upaaco, "Wavehollow the Abysmal Maze", lair
	1 human
2301: Othagomsos Kul Oprig, "Angerumbra the Holes of Blanching", lair
	2 sasquatches
2302: Seravuz, "Headmined", lair
	1 sasquatch
2303: Aslanngogngo Alrospos, "Blushedmine the Ochre Abysses", lair
	1 yeti
2304: Gugsl”mod, "Tickedpits", lair
	1 yeti
2305: Asfubag Injitmel, "Doorsewer the Undignified Charms", lair
	1 yeti
2306: Gogoldonu Gesooce, "Cryptbury the Tenebrous Dusts", lair
	1 midnight freak
2307: Lisatarak, "The Notched Shaft", lair
	1 human
2308: Nekolmomuz Losisrakust, "Skullcrypts the Faint Tombs", lair
	2 horrors of twilight
2309: Saquothretel, "Faintfatal", lair
	2 dusk freaks
2310: Iquilanidela, "Umbradusk", lair
	1 wicked brute
2311: Varecafafi Fivi Mivere, "Teethgutters the Fury of Calls", lair
	1 human
2312: Engrororgu, "Ghostgraves", lair
	1 midnight freak
2313: Shedimvesh Odrozosod, "Shadowdust the Fatal Bone", lair
	3 dusk freaks
2314: Aranoggez, "Sculpthole", lair
	1 elf
2315: Ceroemat Aksunomar, "Clutchedcracked the Harsh Abyss", lair
	1 human
2316: Gor Nazush, "The Pits of Blood", lair
	1 human
2317: Enira Kara, "The Heart of Glories", lair
	1 human
2318: Ostathshedim Idithngumrash, "Esteemshadows the Systemic Sicknesses", lair
	1 human
2319: Fererufithi, "The Shady Grave", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2320: ˆlzospu, "The Faint Umbra", lair
	3 horrors of twilight
2321: Slushuamam Usligosman, "Tickdank the Blowing Shadows", lair
	1 human
2322: Mudoos, "Bonesdied", lair
	1 wicked brute
2323: Rushanomsos, "The Cavernous Umbra", lair
	1 twilight freak
2324: Tarembothon, "Fatedmurk", lair
	1 twilight freak
2325: Mond–lg¢smer, "Graveumbral", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2326: Šna Veca, "The Deep of Shielding", lair
	1 human
2327: Ostarmond–l, "Buriedgrave", lair
	2 midnight freaks
2328: Anan Shedim, "The Night of Shadows", lair
	3 baying monsters
2329: Omsossutar Thretelura, "Umbrafate the Fatal Death", lair
	1 dark crone
2330: Mengibobot, "Ulcercracks", lair
	1 goblin
2331: Rakustmond–l Ashm“nvesh, "Tombgrave the Shady Dust", lair
	1 twilight freak
2332: Thretelgogol, "The Fatal Crypts", lair
	3 wicked brutes
2333: Tuthione, "Sablebone", lair
	2 midnight freaks
2334: Ngal kmond–l, "Abyssgrave", lair
	1 twilight man
2335: Gotrustu, "Necrofated", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2336: Oxoxxo, "Oversewer", lair
	1 human
2337: Themagaretho, "Clearedcave", lair
	1 elf
2338: Egngununo, "Urnburied", lair
	1 midnight freak
2339: Shashugosh, "Hellhollows", lair
	1 human
2340: Nirnouta, "Divinepit", lair
	1 human
2341: Momuzngotol, "Cryptghosts", lair
	2 dusk creatures
2342: Hethreomsos, "Passionumbras", lair
	1 goblin
2343: Pobesimo, "Wheelechoed", lair
	1 human
2344: Nthariwami, "The Lustful Scars", lair
	1 human
2345: Akon Zut“sp, "The Shadow of Tunnels", lair
	1 midnight freak
2346: Nekolg¢smer, "Skullsumbra", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2347: Enolamas, "Grizzlydepths", lair
	1 goblin
2348: Sutarrushan, "The Fated Cavern", lair
	1 wicked brute
2349: Ana˜aobi, "The Dead Shadows", lair
	1 dark crone
2350: Veshostar Kornar, "Dustburied the Cavernous Oblivion", lair
	1 twilight freak
2351: Igestshash Amud RŒsen, "Glosshells the Thunder of Coal", lair
	1 elf
2352: Akon Uno, "The Shadow of Burying", lair
	1 twilight freak
2353: Zut“sp Egngun, "The Tunnel of Urns", lair
	1 twilight freak
2354: Melitaritha, "The Murky Oblivion", lair
	2 horrors of twilight
2355: Aspƒdakon, "The Cavernous Shadows", lair
	1 wicked brute
2356: Omsosgogol, "The Umbral Crypt", lair
	1 twilight freak
2357: Rakust Mond–l, "The Tomb of Graves", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2358: Oremeimeri Thadaronun•re, "Ghostashes the Tenebrous Cavern", lair
	1 twilight freak
2359: Kor G¢smer, "The Cavern of Umbras", lair
	1 twilight freak
2360: Gened Ngust–, "The Depth of Inching", lair
	1 human
2361: Niyacafafi, "Notchgutter", lair
	1 human
2362: Tudoloz Resmsodor, "Tressedscars the Flowery Deep", lair
	1 elf
2363: Fisolith‚me, "The Veiled Nights", lair
	1 human
2364: Ibrukanan, "Ashnight", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2365: Amakulur, "Starnight", lair
	1 elf
2366: Saquonomar, "The Faint Abyss", lair
	1 dusk freak
2367: Egngun Rustu, "The Urns of Fate", lair
	1 wicked brute
2368: Alathaenira Rafetheem‚ne, "Lionheart the Low Years", lair
	1 human
2369: Ufalo Nidela, "The Funeral of Dusk", lair
	1 baying monster
2370: ¢dzimesh Odroznekol, "Tunnelphantom the Fatal Skull", lair
	1 midnight freak
2371: Nucemat, "Guiltycracked", lair
	1 elf
2372: Muthrosathzitha, "The Dead Skull-Oblivion", lair
	1 wicked brute
2373: Thadaronawara, "The Tenebrous Twilight", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2374: L•mifonawara, "Crypttwilight", lair
	1 dusk freak
2375: Rushanzitha, "The Cavernous Oblivion", lair
	2 twilight freaks
2376: Ayanuaquiya, "The Abyssal Fate", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2377: Kol Osnuk, "The Crack of Naming", lair
	1 human
2378: Xubngespsl”mod, "Beardpits", lair
	1 elf
2379: Vofawami, "Pungentscar", lair
	1 human
2380: Taremvucar, "The Fated Urns", lair
	1 midnight freak
2381: O¤ectuth, "Lutedark", lair
	1 goblin
2382: Obirupola Nelara Lith‚me, "Shadowurns the Tomb of Nights", lair
	1 dusk freak
2383: Ingtakibruk, "Twilightash", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2384: Uradisem, "Deathdusks", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2385: Donu Sath, "The Burial of Skulls", lair
	1 wicked brute
2386: Rakust Shedim, "The Tombs of Shadow", lair
	1 midnight freak
2387: Unomudo –strukung, "Burybone the Dead Phantom", lair
	1 wicked brute
2388: Egngunzospu Zakosp Aspƒd, "Urnumbra the Tomb of Caverns", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2389: Ostarnekol Losisingtak, "Buriedskull the Faint Twilight", lair
	1 twilight freak
2390: Bekorsutar, "Twilightfates", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2391: Moriobi, "The Negative Shadow", lair
	1 human
2392: Rufithinula, "Graveburied", lair
	1 midnight freak
2393: Tath R†sh, "The Dusk of Dying", lair
	1 shadow monster
2394: Uratacnu Nomardisem, "Diedghost the Abyssal Dusk", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2395: Tunarbaru, "The Impervious Louse", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2396: Aquiyaimeri, "Fateash", lair
	1 twilight freak
2397: Ulolavuz, "The Last Mines", lair
	1 human
2398: Ashm“ng¢smer, "The Shady Umbra", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2399: Orguuno Rustulat, "Graveburials the Fated Funeral", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2400: Akonuno –strulat, "Shadowbury the Dead Funeral", lair
	1 dusk freak
2401: Stoslugkol, "Riftcracks", lair
	1 elf
2402: Aranithateme, "Dusttunnel", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2403: Icukshoneth, "Speckhells", lair
	1 human
2404: Uragujeg, "Diedtunnels", lair
	1 twilight freak
2405: Miceliisa, "The Odorous Shaft", lair
	1 human
2406: Uzetomo, "Carnagecave", lair
	1 human
2407: Nulaobi, "Burialshadows", lair
	1 twilight freak
2408: Lomothoce, "Tombsdusts", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2409: Rakust Tarem, "The Tombs of Fate", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2410: Elaayanu Fiweno Methila, "Mouthabyss the Screams of Charming", lair
	1 human
2411: Kifinoayanu Naquifaquemera, "Styledabyss the Azure Bastion", lair
	1 goblin
2412: Zut“spaspƒd –struzomus, "Tunnelcaverns the Dead Twilight", lair
	1 shadow monster
2413: Rosmnuana Gaduzslod, "Focusholes the Fair Warrior", lair
	1 human
2414: Ibrukrakust, "The Ashen Tomb", lair
	1 wicked brute
2415: Ashm“nibruk, "The Shady Ash", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2416: Stƒsostrusmo Turospum, "Tickechoed the Red Hammer", lair
	1 goblin
2417: ¢dostar Taremtath, "Tunnelburies the Fated Dusk", lair
	1 dark crone
2418: Obospuno, "The Sable Burial", lair
	1 twilight freak
2419: Sedmeoce, "The Murky Dusts", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2420: Ogaomo Unƒm Arspun, "Stircave the Gore of Slaughters", lair
	1 elf
2421: Muthrogujeg Saquooce, "Deadtunnel the Faint Dust", lair
	1 wicked brute
2422: Isakshash, "Spatteredhell", lair
	1 human
2423: Rakustngal k, "Tombsabyss", lair
	1 shadow monster
2424: Tunuranan Kezk¡gnuglush, "Stylenight the Connected Gutter", lair
	1 elf
2425: Engrorozran, "Ghostshade", lair
	1 midnight freak
2426: Ibrukr†sh, "Ashendie", lair
	1 baying monster
2427: Ashm“nosod, "Shadybones", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2428: •nulngal k Lerteth Aroth, "Mirroredabyss the Tangle of Magic", lair
	1 elf
2429: Rutodavuz Ebal Cud‹st, "Dashedmines the Reverences of Scalding", lair
	1 elf
2430: Lopukkul, "The Laconic Hole", lair
	1 human
2431: Taremlosis Ashm“nmomuz, "Fatefaint the Shady Crypts", lair
	1 baying monster
2432: Tongusobot Stuk¢nugosh, "Malignedcrack the Squashed Hollow", lair
	1 elf
2433: Ilefiisa, "Markshaft", lair
	1 human
2434: –struaspƒd Kung Xan, "Deadcaverns the Phantom of Oblivion", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2435: Ebr†lozu, "Murkydust", lair
	1 midnight freak
2436: Lithosanene Meli Bamo, "Seizureecho the Murk of Granite", lair
	1 human
2437: Sospuanu, "The Fetid Night", lair
	1 elf
2438: Lungukgozru, "The Parched Hell", lair
	1 elf
2439: Iquila Fere, "The Umbra of Shade", lair
	1 twilight freak
2440: EslomecŠthutha, "The Bearded Mines", lair
	1 elf
2441: Kung Uktang, "The Phantom of Crypts", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2442: Žb Ost“ng, "The Shaft of Troopers", lair
	1 human
2443: Elethesanene ¡niisa, "Chewedecho the Ardent Shaft", lair
	1 elf
2444: Zakosp Lozu, "The Tombs of Dust", lair
	1 midnight freak
2445: Ongoxanu, "The Saffron Night", lair
	1 elf
2446: Nozutanu Mob“trusmo, "Notchnights the Indigo Echo", lair
	1 elf
2447: Itredarak Thisridkosh, "Buffshafts the Unwelcome Slaughters", lair
	1 human
2448: Unk¡lavuz, "Thrallmines", lair
	1 human
2449: Galka Loli, "The Deep of Butterflies", lair
	1 elf
2450: ‰sru Ngoslun, "The Crevice of Sound", lair
	1 elf
2451: Esnust Nosbu, "The Hollows of Practicing", lair
	1 goblin
2452: Neliwami Nun•rewanara, "Feastscars the Cavernous Strangers", lair
	1 elf
2453: Lustotgened, "Divedepths", lair
	1 human
2454: S–bilugosh, "Robusthollow", lair
	1 elf
2455: Gujegcish Sedmesut, "Tunnelashes the Murky Bone", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2456: Stroxngogngo Uguoxxo, "Circlemines the Contested Sewer", lair
	1 elf
2457: Fenokosod, "The Sable Bones", lair
	1 midnight freak
2458: Nun•renawara, "The Cavernous Twilight", lair
	1 dusk freak
2459: Ramulemat Usligtis, "Planecrack the Blowing Ears", lair
	1 human
2460: Nonubora, "Floodedmined", lair
	1 human
2461: Aslefnun•re, "Tongscaverns", lair
	1 elf
2462: Wolokusan, "Messhearts", lair
	1 human
2463: Mus”rkol, "The Adventurous Crack", lair
	1 human
2464: Dadif¡ra, "Dungscracks", lair
	1 goblin
2465: Nulomothsal, "Blamedsewer", lair
	1 goblin
2466: Delerugosh, "Steelhollow", lair
	1 human
2467: Nunerawami, "Cryscars", lair
	1 human
2468: L•mifo Thateme, "The Crypt of Tunneling", lair
	1 horror of twilight
2469: Engigfimshel, "The Flaxen Persuaders", lair
	2 cyclopes
2470: Ozrankung Akon Egngun, "Shadephantom the Shadow of Urns", lair
	1 twilight freak
2471: Egngun Os, "The Urn of Dying", lair
	1 dark crone
2472: Salifava, "Searchintense", lair
	3 cyclopes
2473: Ethbapuwog Uzin Vithba, "Meadowgloomy the Iron of Vanishment", lair
	1 goblin
2474: Emsiemat Utesh Anlar, "Admiredcracked the Crevices of Esteeming", lair
	1 human
2475: Puwogshoneth, "Gloomyhells", lair
	1 elf
2476: Mirdingmata Cikogel, "Dutywills the Sweet Key", lair
	2 giants
2477: Konliirol, "The Oily Goals", lair
	2 cyclopes
2478: Osokesnust, "Crowhollows", lair
	1 goblin
2479: Tumamunul Ekastanan, "Moraldank the Safe Night", lair
	1 goblin
2480: Thrurafensast, "Bustscarred", lair
	1 elf
2481: Ospgukol, "Riddlecracked", lair
	1 elf
2482: Izemgabe, "The Confident Sweat", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2483: Unlodat, "Gleamedzeniths", lair
	2 giants
2484: Thevawami Ami˜animo, "Starvescars the Sunny Pits", lair
	1 elf
2485: Zurzesmstum Tux–gngure, "Eldersdusk the Stern Control", lair
	2 cyclopes
2486: Ethratuth, "Islanddark", lair
	1 elf
2487: ˆlakon, "Faintshadows", lair
	1 goblin
2488: Ransarushan, "Mournedcaverns", lair
	1 elf
2489: Ins‚lurr‹th N„r Nokgol, "Gangscar the Rawness of Riddling", lair
	1 elf
2490: Vicufubag, "Snarlingsewer", lair
	1 elf
2491: Nozamspos, "The Healing Abyss", lair
	1 goblin
2492: Osnukrusmo, "Nameechoes", lair
	1 elf
2493: FumiŠna, "The Least Deep", lair
	1 elf
2494: Ridethefemeli £leete, "Learnbristles the Quiescent Monk", lair
	2 ettins
2495: Afuniepeve, "Judgedsparkle", lair
	1 cyclops
2496: Rogonuxen Th b Lecit, "Famoussearched the Pride of Gleaming", lair
	1 giant
2497: Vafelolama Ida Naquina, "Yelledblossoms the Duty of Scholars", lair
	1 ettin
2498: Enkosiseth, "Takenquested", lair
	1 ettin
2499: Idataade Rin•we Lenipe, "Splatteredcontrols the Gristle of Lice", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2500: Athrabgicast Ash b Asa, "Lyricalstyle the Queen of Meteors", lair
	1 ettin
2501: Aran—st Nikuz Ostath, "Sculptedbreached the Pride of Esteem", lair
	1 giant
2502: Cerethe¡cena Athifi Gica, "Sculptknower the Poet of Canyons", lair
	1 ettin
2503: Sterusiseth, "Drivequested", lair
	1 giant
2504: Ishlumnol Tesum S–bil, "Nutstongue the Controllers of Robustness", lair
	1 giant
2505: Taron Kebul, "The Yells of Sparkling", lair
	1 cyclops
2506: Kupe Cando, "The Pregnancy of Learning", lair
	1 ettin
2507: ThelenŠ˜ Ami˜ale˜a, "Mountainactions the Sunny Justice", lair
	1 cyclops
2508: Zurengdunosp, "Jawchuck", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2509: Aran—st Deler ƒtast, "Sculptbreached the Steel of Braving", lair
	1 ettin
2510: Wurteme Zapas Cadap, "Stancelesson the Plan of Competitions", lair
	1 ettin
2511: ˜ivuicori, "Oilirons", lair
	1 cyclops
2512: Espir Laroth, "The Maze of Squeezing", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2513: Rugithru, "Sterncastle", lair
	1 giant
2514: Solol Luthsekel, "Couragesports the Matched Visionary", lair
	1 ettin
2515: Atafothicivi, "Championapex", lair
	1 giant
2516: ƒtastaran, "Bravedsculpted", lair
	1 giant
2517: Akest–d, "The Dominant Harvester", lair
	1 cyclops
2518: Bagostnongnob, "Musicrighteous", lair
	1 ettin
2519: Genslokde, "Lustrousfuchsia", lair
	1 cyclops
2520: Osmozosmod Nongnobsmug, "Yellquests the Righteous Berry", lair
	1 giant
2521: Ottan S–bil, "The Mind of Robustness", lair
	1 ettin
2522: Kad„nistrath, "The Impervious Jewels", lair
	1 giant
2523: Dip¡ocade, "Scorchingswords", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2524: Saxosluslu Astgaos“, "Copperfame the Teal Oak", lair
	1 cyclops
2525: Isdenator, "The Watchful Perfection", lair
	1 ettin
2526: CavŠreelabe Cadedi Iwe, "Knightquests the Zenith of Competing", lair
	1 giant
2527: Birodata, "Strongzeniths", lair
	1 giant
2528: Gostrimpimra, "Velvetypoet", lair
	1 ettin
2529: Sukxusmodmu, "Squeezegales", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2530: Sadrukku Nukso‰straz, "Glowbrave the Buff Cloud", lair
	1 cyclops
2531: Saro Le˜a, "The Boulders of Justice", lair
	1 cyclops
2532: FevucŠthutha, "The Searing Mine", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2533: Egulganad, "Controlspecial", lair
	1 giant
2534: Emoraeliye, "Tomessky", lair
	1 cyclops
2535: Milu Gel, "The Light of Keys", lair
	1 cyclops
2536: Mecoadela ˜amoru •nale, "Ponderedwonder the Mastery of Tenacity", lair
	1 ettin
2537: Enore CavŠre, "The Right of Knights", lair
	1 giant
2538: Murakgusil Enolimmast, "Boldcopper the Grizzly Influence", lair
	1 cyclops
2539: Idos—st, "Calledbreached", lair
	1 giant
2540: Snospdabosteb, "Pastmatch", lair
	1 cyclops
2541: Eperabe, "Pageumber", lair
	1 ettin
2542: Taronekur, "Yelledmighty", lair
	1 giant
2543: Lak‰gened, "Furydepths", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2544: Spospotud, "Saviorwhirls", lair
	1 cyclops
2545: Otilmelbil, "Jadetomes", lair
	1 cyclops
2546: Smospeeru, "The Certain Paper", lair
	1 ettin
2547: Kadest Thur, "The Steel of Influence", lair
	1 giant
2548: Ronummuk Ithrekgulsheb, "Rakeseized the Crazed Mucuses", labyrinth
	1 minotaur
2549: —stegul, "Breachcontrols", lair
	1 giant
2550: Ekuravum, "The Mighty Culmination", lair
	1 giant
2551: Isetheshim, "Questfree", lair
	1 ettin
2552: Ongoxslatsu, "The Saffron Powers", lair
	1 ettin
2553: Ithisali Ni˜iraacithi, "Goldsearched the Red Gorge", lair
	1 cyclops
2554: Ilimiethithi, "The Hale Saffron", lair
	1 cyclops
2555: Melaol, "The White Sports", lair
	1 cyclops
2556: Ukkezodod, "The Fabulous Insight", lair
	1 ettin
2557: Okoshg‹non, "Vigorstern", lair
	1 giant
2558: Aquiyal•mifo, "The Fated Crypt", lair
	1 muttering troll
2559: Anu–stru Mudo Spos, "Nightdead the Bone of Abysses", lair
	1 dusk horror
2560: Ozrankung Zospu Usmdas, "Shadephantom the Umbra of Ashes", lair
	1 bleak ogress
2561: Sedmerushan, "Murkycavern", lair
	1 vile brute
2562: Osrustu Anu Lozu, "Diefates the Night of Dust", lair
	1 hulking ogress
2563: Guznongnob, "The Comedic Right", shrine
	1 tundra titan
2564: Itniabe Deshsulalu, "Jumpedpaddles the Lavender Wind", shrine
	1 hill titan
2565: Busmslusl”r, "The Natural Fern", shrine
	1 plains titan
2566: Rominelo, "Oceanpass", shrine
	1 hill titan
2567: Thelonithe, "Sweatwhiskered", shrine
	1 marsh titan
2568: Naza “ng, "The Canyons of Summer", shrine
	1 marsh titan
2569: Quecathele, "Stonemountains", shrine
	1 forest titan
2570: Athozosm Astgalobok, "Splashmosses the Teal Root", shrine
	1 plains titan
2571: Kitung‚tol, "The Sepia Pass", shrine
	1 brush titan
2572: Thonslenshi, "The Simple Skunk", shrine
	1 forest titan
2573: tsnusmz”slu Ongoxuko, "Shellblossom the Saffron Leaves", shrine
	1 brush titan
2574: Stoxusesp Sm„stastasno, "Jumpwaters the Simple Beach", shrine
	1 hill titan
2575: Fepacethire, "Strapsraptor", shrine
	1 tundra titan
2576: Lebovoami˜a, "Washsun", shrine
	1 plains titan
2577: Ospun Saxo, "The Lobster of Copper", shrine
	1 mountain titan
2578: ¢rtotmon, "Drinkflower", shrine
	1 forest titan
2579: Onruusa Muwibekat, "Borncats the Teal Fells", shrine
	1 savanna titan
2580: Ami˜aoda, "The Sunny Fogs", shrine
	1 savanna titan
2581: Thithucovema, "Snarljungles", shrine
	1 mountain titan
2582: B“nesuko, "Pristineleaf", shrine
	1 plains titan
2583: Istbarvuthil, "Rosyflight", shrine
	1 swamp titan
2584: Vadanesidaya Enefienure, "Dunelark the Mahogany Mist", shrine
	1 forest titan
2585: Unnos Tag—z, "The Hooves of Leaping", shrine
	1 forest titan
2586: Yawoeceri ˜are Rifa, "Tailfuchsia the Orange of Morning", shrine
	1 marsh titan
2587: Eposhace Atal S thra, "Sealglaciers the Clouds of Sun", shrine
	1 hill titan
2588: Eslimase Nenpe Budzu, "Larvalseeds the Tentacle of Soaking", shrine
	1 swamp titan
2589: Xun Sl“bo, "The Callus of Bucks", shrine
	1 swamp titan
2590: Aresethe Fidale Otira, "Seedpack the Autumn of Ships", shrine
	1 forest titan
2591: Rofaimepe, "Beachwaxes", shrine
	1 tundra titan
2592: Ami˜aethithi, "Sunnysaffron", shrine
	1 mountain titan
2593: Engigodshith, "The Flaxen Clam", shrine
	1 hill titan
2594: Fathrinifih Slekslupi, "Viperbud the Lustful Louse", shrine
	1 marsh titan
2595: Sleponganuh, "The Gristly Waxes", shrine
	1 marsh titan
2596: Wulemaucuco Mala˜—mifava, "Climaxrapid the Crazy Blaze", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2597: Numig‰r, "Windriver", lair
	1 roc
2598: Adosethbap Edetmata, "Stonevomits the Hairy Will", lair
	1 hydra
2599: Slongduba Lˆzenbotun, "Hardyrun the Hale Vigor", lair
	1 roc
2600: Nolsmulasut, "The Awe-inspiring Torches", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2601: Lipilecit, "Packgleams", lair
	1 roc
2602: Sostuzastrur, "Freehags", lair
	1 hydra
2603: Stuzsulo, "Ivorysweltered", lair
	1 dragon
2604: Usluknur Otarspoku, "Earthencombats the Persuasive Lancer", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2605: Sokr”xdˆsmo Domoosp, "Strongwastes the Feral Fountain", lair
	1 hydra
2606: Otiln‰las, "Jadeflickers", lair
	1 dragon
2607: Zatamavuz N•metur, "Cloutedmine the Godly Boulder", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2608: Ongslunmeslu, "Fordseasons", lair
	1 roc
2609: Snungosmospe Snuz–r Ostzu, "Searchedcertain the Great Claws of Indignation", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2610: Kima Somlis, "The Pearl of Treasuries", lair
	1 dragon
2611: Spadngukez, "Lushram", lair
	1 roc
2612: Lengenemen Solspugac, "Takerighteous the Courageous Glands", lair
	1 hydra
2613: Ngukezust†, "Ramstrap", lair
	1 roc
2614: Shibbirane, "Blossomedknight", lair
	1 hydra
2615: Sor Omot, "The Influence of Fangs", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2616: Lawetot•, "Warmthsweltered", lair
	1 dragon
2617: ¥omlecit, "The Special Gleams", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2618: Cobimirum, "Jewelwaved", lair
	1 roc
2619: Eslimrane, "Larvalknight", lair
	1 hydra
2620: Zedan Toslu, "The Fire of Jades", lair
	1 dragon
2621: Amsirissok, "Fishzeals", lair
	1 roc
2622: Thithuefili ¡fathaedimi, "Snarlingflies the Courageous Molds", lair
	1 hydra
2623:  gesharzes Nitig ¡kthag, "Contestknighted the Bite of Squeezing", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2624: Ntharitayo, "The Lustful Castle", lair
	1 hydra
2625: Sunggorestil, "Fuchsiawhirls", lair
	1 roc
2626: Kesmelaccok, "The Jade Flames", lair
	1 dragon
2627: Ewesali Idatatayol¡, "Boredsearch the Splattered Steam", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2628: Vinena Ecan¢, "The Storms of Strength", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2629: Usˆkoson Snospumot, "Esteemsucked the Lurid Fur", lair
	1 hydra
2630: Guzmingkil, "Simpleleopard", lair
	1 roc
2631: Slusluaro Sposlƒrlobok, "Famouswhisker the Rapid Root", lair
	1 roc
2632: Sarkadol, "The Unswerving Hatchets", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2633: Tuxumustu, "Rawnesscleaned", lair
	1 hydra
2634: Strazasloron, "Gemwealths", lair
	1 dragon
2635: Tƒmol “tthat, "The Savior of Directing", lair
	1 roc
2636: Tobuthra, "Wastesculpture", lair
	1 hydra
2637: Keshanv£sh, "Flameheat", lair
	1 dragon
2638: Era”la, "Hornleader", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2639: Motstekug, "Furleaps", lair
	1 roc
2640: N‹nggeb, "Burneddented", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2641: St‰tso Zuko, "The Ivy of Domination", lair
	1 roc
2642: Anothtequil, "The Godly Canyon", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2643: Sosadv£sh Umstizziril, "Ivoryheat the Sizzling Fires", lair
	1 dragon
2644: Ringcegad, "The Bold Flax", lair
	1 roc
2645: RŒtholbardum K–buk Krar, "Noblefight the Lance of Right", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2646: Vafefepa, "Yellstrapped", lair
	1 hydra
2647: Nitigcud‹st Istrath “m, "Bitescalded the Jewel of Crushing", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2648: Zaludzatthud ƒgoth Deler, "Futurejudge the Competition of Steel", lair
	1 hydra
2649: Belbaze, "Pristinerun", lair
	1 roc
2650: Nesimkima, "The Parched Pearls", lair
	1 dragon
2651: Slonuamul, "Chantjudges", lair
	1 roc
2652: Tayol¡˜ivu, "The Steamy Oil", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2653: Stettadsosad Idr„th Otil, "Taxivory the Treasure of Jade", lair
	1 dragon
2654: Ringbudo, "The Bold Roar", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2655: Astgastoxus, "The Teal Jump", lair
	1 roc
2656: Mirdingthacsum, "Dutysullies", lair
	1 hydra
2657: Ralrab Zutthan V£sh, "Silveryglows the Treasury of Heating", lair
	1 dragon
2658: Nemensathrel, "The Righteous Throne", shrine
	1 bronze colossus
2659: Telingegul, "The Coastal Control", lair
	1 roc
2660: Thanilotheye, "The Stern Mite", lair
	1 hydra