Dwarf Fortress:Spearnotched:256

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Overheard mutters from Fath Avuszibrek

Bannerround calls... Bannerround calls... Bannerround calls... from the depths it calls... from above it calls... from below it calls... Bannerround calls...


Champion's Journal, Osudib Shakethod Razes

Lots of people are dead. More will die. Breathe in, breathe out, let it go. Today, I teach how to kill with everyday items. With the stocking, with the rock, with the floodgate. The weapons of the ancients. The traditions of our people.

Lokumlisat-Foebane demo.PNG

In the meantime, the nobility say they are beginning what they call the "quest for the depths," which is apparently some sort of conquest of the deep roads. I suspect this will end in tears, but I am used to that.

Spearnotched-The Wheel.PNG

Meanwhile, we appear to have several draltha in cages, and all the males but one are to be slaughtered. From there, taming and a breeding program is to take place. We're expanding our grazing space to this end.

The elves have come. We shall take everything they bring. Amoya, their, diplomat came with nothing but demands. Cog, our duchess, agreed to their mad demands for the 100 trees. We shouldn't need too many more than that. Another siege? That's the last thing this fortress needs. We've seen far too many of them.

The only message they had was that the world is the same as ever. Perhaps things really have fallen apart. Perhaps, however, the elves just have no clue what is going on. Their naivete is further established by the fact we were willing to trade two barrels of food for everything they had. So, most likely, the forest directly next to their kingdom is currently full of goblins made of fire who have announced a formal siege.

I spoke too soon regarding our trade - we forgot the barrels were wooden and have offended them greatly with our "rude bauble." They left without making the exchange, which is altogether too bad. We did pacify them by agreeing to not mutilate too many of their precious trees.


Champion's Journal, still Granite

'Ironjaw' lost his marbles mid-hunt. He let an arrow fly and then started wandering around in delirium. Such is life in Lokumlisat

Champion's Journal

There was a cold case on the Sheriff's desk wherein Shem Zuglarosed apparently destroyed a building. He's been sentenced now, so he'll get to spend more time in prison. His sentence has depressed him into a stupor. I wonder, sometimes, if dwarven justice doesn't just multiply the issues.

Ironjaw managed to shoot the head clean off a turkey. Darn thing is still flopping around.

Spearnotched-Tukey Time.png

Champion's Journal

How out of touch am I with the happenings in this fortress? I saw our own delerious prophet Fath wandering with baby in hand. It turns out, she had a baby. Turns out, she married Alath Etestmafol. Turns out, they've been quite happy, rotten ear and all. Alath with fishing and Fath with... still gathering plants?

Even so, it's a bit surreal. She babbles and wanders and gapes and bounces baby on her knee. I shudder a bit at the thought.

Champion's Journal - Mid-Spring

Fortress management is largely preoccupied with maintaining status quo until citizens can recover and normalcy can resume. Rumors abound that there are plans to actively bid to move the capital to this duchy, and I'm not certain how I can possibly feel about that. Even now, gifts are prepared for the coming autumn, when the liaison from the Mountainhome will come.

Spearnotched-The Capital.png

Cog Nomcatten seems, at least to some degree, opposed to these measures, but with the Bee Mistress gone, there's little to restrain Litast from doing more or less as she pleases, senior duchess having full control of Spearnotched itself (though, I confess, I don't actually understand the legislative process here).

Champion's Journal - 27th Slate

Maybe I should start dating these so I can see how much time passes between terrible happenstance? Apparently, Dog is too depressed to do his job, which, in turn is leaving Shem Zuglarosed depressed by his (now unjust) incarceration. I took justice into my own hands and ordered him freed. Apparently, however, in the struggle with the dogs (the one for which he was previously incarcerated) he accrued several injuries that have not healed properly, leaving him riddled with infection.

Spearnotched-Too Depressed for Justice.png

Oh, gods! He was castrated in the struggle! Thankfully, he already has six children, which is far more than enough for any reasonable person, but I can't imagine losing something so... personal.


The well is dry, possibly due to poor planning when once again inundating the fields. This makes washing a chore, and management has promised to review the issue. I won't hold my breath, but I may hold my nose (Oh, journal! I kid, of course. But this fortress is getting seriously rank...)

Champion's Journal - 2nd Felsite

Migrants! Management has expressed a strong desire for a Dungeon Master to be among the newcomers.

  • Mebzuth Raluz, Miner, who announced his arrival by adding, at the end of his basic introduction of dwarf-hood, "Down with the merchant class!" Although we explained to him there was no merchant class in this fortress, he actually showed a generally keen understanding of our economic system. We praised him for his knowledge of commerce, but he seemed generally put off. He brought with him a cat and a mule.
  • Ingiz Amudzon, Farmer, has some meager military experience, but openly stated himself to be generally favorable toward pacifistic life, which was off-putting to me, given my decorated service. I asked him how he would rather spend his time and he just said, "Well... I am married," and winked. No idea what that could possibly mean.
  • Astest Fikodes, Farmer: tanner, cook, shearer, boring.
  • Id Zimber, Fishery Worker: more boring still than Astest. Seriously, what is with these dull dwarves? You'd think the very act of emmigration would give you something interesting to talk about.
  • Sodel Sheshekmish, Pump Operator: she hates mussels. That's too bad, given our abundance of fish.
  • Udil Absammonom, Farmer: at least, Udil calls herself a Farmer. I call her a cheese squeezer, given that pressing, spinning and cheese making are the only skills she came with.
  • Fikod Kibkogan, Potash Maker: another dwarf with meager untested military training, but this one comes with tested diplomatic skills, which is nice, I suppose. I will note, however, that the last dwarf who came with such skills turned out to be a vampire, so I will be watching him closely, and he will be the first individual to be named should we have another murder.
  • Led Melbiltoral, Trader: supplanting the Potash Maker in usefulness, Led has a much more robust set of skills. Glibness is the hallmark of the vampire, but many Novice skills are not usually their mark.
  • Olon Nethnil, Gelder: having seen, unfortunately, the sorry state of Shem's manhood, those who are proud of this profession, frankly, disturb me.
  • Kivish Roderber, Trader: another glib speaker with some minor skills outside of trading, I think we have a growing merchant class, just as Mebzuth, the new guy, feared. Kivish has her notions in order, and I think she'll be a generally fine addition to the fortress.
  • Limul Asobnazush, Farmer: A Skilled cook! How very nice. We might actually allow them to touch a pan.
  • Olon Nazomobok, Metalcrafter: Talented at metalworking, Olon has, like many in this wave, a swift tongue and skill for both cutting remarks and soothing words. What did they do all day in their previous fortress?
  • Zuglar Fikodatol, Suturer: medical professionals are always in short supply. Would be nice if he didn't admit he was a complete novice at it, though.
  • Rovod Nishsat, Thresher: Too many dwarves! TOO MANY DWARVES!
  • Kulet Orkvish, Farmer: And so many social skills!
  • Kib Oddomcustith, Peasant: Unskilled labor, on the other hand, is in high supply in this fortress, and increasingly so.
  • Urist Tosidrodem, Peasant: How much unskilled labor can we even use?
  • Ustuth Zirilstukos, Armorer: Another one weighed down by social skills, but this one has some experience extracting strands of mithril and, furthermore, is a Talented armorer, which is definitely worth our while.

Not bad, I suppose. A few hyper-talented individuals, but mostly dross, in need of re-smelting.

Champion's Journal - 20th Felsite

Kel Zasitod has been possessed, which, somehow, always seems to work out for the best.