Dwarf Fortress:Spearnotched:253

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Having considered thoroughly the ramifications of having two baronnesses in the fortress, I have decided that it is in my best interest to render obsolete the task that I am most proficient at: wood burning. This will ensure that I am never called upon to perform menial labor again and may more adequately see to my duties of inspiring my dwarven public! To that end, I have arranged for the preparation of a grand work to transport magma from the deepest depths, up to the heights of the fortress. The process will be long and arduous, but I am confident of our ability to accomplish the task! Thus say I, Baroness Litast Asreronul!

My fellow baroness met with the elven diplomat today. It would seem that the elves are displeased with our mistreatment of the woods in these parts. All the more reason to seek the precious magma! I have ordered the construction of glass components for the making of screw pumps. They should be sufficiently magma resistant for our purposes. With luck the task will be done before winter!


Goden Ruthoshshorast got herself stuck behind a wall. I can't find the lever that opens the nearby floodgate to get her out so I've ordered a new one constructed. I half hope she starves back there.

Ah. An elven caravan has arrived! They may say what they will for our mistreatment of trees, but nothing can beat the allure of dwarven craftsmanship! What wonders do we have for them today?... What? We sell food? Just food? That seems rather strange. Oh well! If it works then it works.

Goden Ruthoshshorast got impatient and climbed out of our well that she was trapped down. I'm kind of confused why she didn't do this in the first place but... Whatever.

IMMIGRANTS! Delightful! My adoring public arrives! What wondrous new dwarves will be joining our lovely society today?

  • Dishmab Olinluk, Trapper. A decent fish dissector and fish cleaner as well. Nevertheless, as our fortress is attempting to achieve self sufficiency without relying on the outside world, her skills will be put to use... lifting things...
  • Edzul Oltarasmel, Weaver. Also skilled in fish related duties. I have forbidden him from such activities for the moment as I am fairly certain we already have an abundance of fisher dwarves. Weaving will be fine for him I am sure.
  • Reg Zonsibrek, Fishery worker. Rather diverse set of agricultural skills, actually. Unfortunately most of them are already being handled by someone. Ah well, I'll leave her to her own devises. I'm sure she'll find her niche.
  • iton Dedukikal, Fisherdwarf. Perhaps I should look into this whole "fishing" thing. It seems quite popular with the common folk. Perhaps it could b fun? His other talents include milking and making cheese. Worse skills exist, it is true.
  • Cerol Sibrektathur, Farmer. But by farmer we mean thresher of herbal milk. Regardless, I shall have him put to work in the underfields as he will be most comfortable there, I would imagine.
  • ezum Gusilkol, Herbalist. The beginnning and end of his experiences in the world. Farming and carrying things?
  • Melbil Libshilrom, Potash Maker. What any of that has to do with fishing, I don't know. It seems that the knowledge of how to fish is very common amongst these immigrants. I dare say at this point I shall leave them to it. I have just learned that it involves cutting open and preparing fish. Work! How abyssmally droll!
  • Urist Ralkobel, Bone Doctor! I have forbidden her from fishing (which she seems to do in her free) time and made her our exclusive wound dresser and bone doctor! She is downright adequate at the task! I am elated!
  • Two children. Sent to day care.

The going is slow on the mega dome project, so I am ordering more miners to be transferred to the task. With the new wave of immigrants, this should not be an issue.

While Digging the mega dome, Rovod Thusestlokum fell from two stories up due to poor mining design. I view this not as a setback but as an opportunity! Now we can see how well our physicians can perform their craft. And he's only an adequate waxworker so his death wouldn't mean terribly much in the grand scheme of things!

Rovod seems to be fine after having dusted himself off... I am concerned about this as I was fairly certain at last examination he had an injured kidney. Probably a vampire or something... But with no proof I don't know what can be done about it.

Our sheriff 'Dog' has been walking around stressed lately. I inquired as to why that was and he told me that the skeletons in the refuse pit keep horrifying him. I was astounded to hear this as he spends a great deal of his time in there. As it turns out, he is so horrified of the grisly things that he gets scared into the corner of the room and can't bring himself to leave! I have since ordered a second opening to the refuse area be constructed so that this situation cannot occur again.

Another cave in occurred in the mega dome. I was fairly certain I had given proper orders to prevent this sort of situation from occurring... Sigh. The burdens of leadership. I will slow the orders for the future to ensure this scenario does not happen again. Any injuries will be tallied later.

Rovod has been found dead. I do not even begin to understand what happened! He was fine from his injuries earlier and then he was suddenly dead? Perhaps someone fell on him? I don't know. Regardless, the work must continue! More cautiously perhaps. But ever forward!

Catten Ashmonkol has been taken by a fey mood! What wonders await? He has claimed a craftdwarf workshop... And he's demanding yarn cloth... Which we don't have... We're all going to die... Wait! I was mistaken! He has begun the mysterious construction!

In my infinite wisdom I have imposed a ban on the exporting of battleaxes! This is in clear contrast to my fellow baroness Litast who has banned the exportation of ballista parts. The efficiency of banning battlexes vs. ballistas should be rather obvious. I cannot believe she is of the nobility!!

The artifact is finished! And no picture of Bannerround is included, which is good! I am wary of that drum. Although this thing seems to have a picture of a giant mosquito on it in alpaca wool, so that's disturbing. Nevertheless, it is valuable and that's what really matters!


Another collapse due to idiocy on the part of the miners! I gave specific instructions of priority and they deviate from them! What can you expect! Zuglar Azothadil is injured now, and complains of stomach, spleen and pancreas pain. Walk it off!

A diplomat from Aladur, the human settlement, has arrived. I fear we must prepare for war as humans are notorious for being duplicitous sons of goblins. Not literally, but still. WAR!

Spearnotched-Meeting With Human1.png Spearnotched-Meeting With Human2.png

One long and rather pointless discussion later, a human caravan has arrived! Trade will commence. And then war! WAR!!!

This is astounding! For the first time, our traders have been unable to purchase all of the available goods with our prepared meals! The humans seem to have brought over one hundred thousand DwarvenValueUnits of goods! Actual care will have to be taken in purchasing.

Zuglar the miner seems to be mending well. His injuries turned out to not be too extensive. His left wrist is the main injury and should be fine by the end of the year at the latest. On a related note: the Dome has been completed! Already underground flora are growing in abundance!


The fortress attracted no migrants this season... I'm actually kind of relieved. Also, in all the commotion, I hadn't realized that summer had arrived. Huh.

My order of lead toys has been completed! I do hope the Elves will enjoy them... They have plenty of jagged edges for maximum tactile enjoyment!

The mayor is demanding quivers again. Only 2 this time. I've ordered them constructed but I really don't see the point.

The mayor is demanding 3 quivers now. This is a clear waste of our leather stores and I cannot condone this misuse of our resources! Why can't she just ban exports like any decent mayor should?

The acquiring of lava is going slowly but surely. With luck, all should be completed before winter. We will have a convenient source of lava in no time! Perhaps we can even repurpose it from industrial applications to use for WAR! Ah, but I get ahead of myself. Baby steps after all...


Autumn has arrived... I see now that the work may take a substantially longer amount of time than I anticipated. The screw pumps involved are large and cumbersome and require skilled hands to construct... I shall have to put more dwarves on the task, regardless of apparent skills. And to make matters worse we had to tear down some of the walls to allow some of our workers to get out! I swear, I'm appointing them to wall off the next werelizard we encounter! We shall see how they are rewarded for their ineptitude then!

Spearnotched-Elven Seige.png

ELVES!!! FILTHY ELVES! They dare to lay siege to us?! I shall see to it that they are all slaughtered mercilessly! I have ordered the closing of the trade Depot and forbidden the dwarves from leaving. I am going to position our troops in the entry hall and wait for the filthy elves to wear themselves out on our traps. With luck we shall break this siege before it truly begins! As an aside, I have mandated the construction of millsones in direct response to this attack. Anyone who questions my demands will be placed on the front lines!!!!

The Silverhammer squad is all but dead. Only one of them remains. I sent them atop the entrance to weaken the enemy forces then ordered them to retreat once the enemy approached. They did not move with sufficient alacrity and were subsequently slaughtered. WAR!!!

Asmel osudib has just left the fortress to retrieve something despite my orders not to. She will be missed. And by missed I apparently mean she will murder the filthy elven tresspassers savagely! Well one anyway. Oh! And now she has entered a martial trance! I am curious to see what will take place...

Well the siege is broken. Many dwarven lives were lost, but the elven menace is defeated. I do not relish the death and destruction that has taken place because of this most horendous occurance, but I understand it is my duty to chronicle the details of the attack. As such, I have prepared a hilight list!

  • First and foremost, Asmel osudib emerged from the battle completely unhurt. Her sword slew many an elf and her glorious emergence from the safety of the fortress heralded the turning of the tide! Also, she was quoting at the end as saying: Death is all around us, I am not upset by this. Truly inspiring!
  • Urdim Mebzuthersul the Soap Maker / Mace Lord was able to crush a filthy elf's head even as she was vomiting (yes vomiting) from the sun being in her eyes. We've all been there.
  • Olin Cerolmosus the Hammer Lord spent an entire day vomiting from seeing the death's of her fellow dwarves. Quite the vomiting! I shall have her commended for her fortitude.
  • The vast majority of our animals have been slaughtered by the disgusting elven menace. I am going to create an indoor pasture for them given enough time, but my first priority must be magma access. It is the only way.

Beyond these minor highlights the siege was not nearly as terrible as it could have been. There were deaths, but there were more on the part of the elves than on our part. That having been said, I am conscripting the vast majority of our farmers to train as soldiers as our lack of animals will free up much of their duties. War is hell, bury the dead my fellows. The one survivor of the silvery hammers will now be leading the squad. The four remaining Blockaded Seals will replenish there ranks and continue training.

The dwarves are having difficulty handling the horrors of a battlefield and the collecting of the dead and their belongings is becoming a slow and tedious process. It shall be completed nevertheless.

A caravan from Becorthob has arrived. At last, some good news! I shall send our broker to the trade depot immediately.

Spearnotched-News From Home.png

They wish to establish our fortress as an official portion of the mountainhome! I am going to immediately insist I be recommended for elevation (whatever that is)!

... I am apparently ineligible as I have already received a barony before. I see no reason I could not receive a second, but I digress. The Bee Mistress it is!

It would seem that many other fortresses have been conquered in recent months. At least, that is what I have gathered.

It is official: we are now a barrony!

While looking over the trade agreement, I came upon a fascinating oversite that the mountainhome had made. It seems that many individuals are searching for fine cheeses, yet there is a distinct shortage of cheeses to be had. I discovered why this was as soon as I began trading with the caravan: they had brought all the cheese with them! The diversity of cheeses was staggering and I quickly secured the purchase before they realized their mistake!

The military seems to be having... issues. I have decided to disband the current squads and redtart them fresh. Hopefully this will reduce any existing stigma against fighting/dying for the fortress and its people. The first I have established is the Purity of Furnaces, a good name for a fresh start. All the remaining skilled individuals have been appointed to this force and it is my hope that we shall see good things from them.

The second force, named the Steels of Sitting, will have our one surviving archer in it along with a few recruits. It is my hope that constant practice will result in a force to be reckoned with in short order.

The first screw pump has been finished! The fluids of industry soon shall flow!! WAR! ...I mean progress... And our "beloved" mayor is ordering a load of quivers. 3 more... Huzzah.

Some minor setbacks with the screw pumps... it seems that suspending them even partially over the air without an object attached to support them fully is less than ideal. Not to worry though! We shall simply connect them to the already mostly completed waterwheel and work from there!

Alath cogendok has been taken by a fey mood! A glorious work should be revealing itself shortly! What joy and glee! She has claimed a mason's workshop and is demanding metal bars and plant cloth. This should be good!

Some more fodder... I mean migrants have arrived! Huzzah!

  • Lokum Kashezdodok, Miner. A decently useful individual, he has minor combat abilities. Since we already have an abundance of miners I will be sending him to the militia. I see good things in his future!
  • Domas Basenatir, Ranger. A novice marksdwarf is all I actually care about! To the militia!
  • Iden Umrilonul, Jeweler. She is a novice at her craft but I have no reason to assign her anything else. I'll have her carrying things about for the time being.
  • Stukos atastcerol, Fishery Worker. I have stopped caring. Whatever this dwarf woman wishes to do with her time is hers to do with as she will. I am tired of trying to tell these dwarves to stop fishing so much. FISH!!!!
  • Lor Domasaroth, Thresher. A mediocre individual to be sure. I'm sure we'll find something useful for him to do. Perhaps I'll order some grain threshed? Why not?
  • Lorbam Abanlimar, Pump Operator! Where do these people come from?! Did someone build a fortress on an aquifer?!? Gah! I'll put him to work doing mechanical things... That should be fine.
  • Solon erithatul, Peasant. Nothing. He knows nothing! His head is literally empty! I don't even... To the military with you!
  • Also, two children.

Alath has begun his mysterious construction! I had forgotten...

The Bee Mistress has commissioned the construction of... Bolts? Wait. That's actually reasonable! HAVE IT DONE NOW!



Alath has completed his masterwork: a depiction of Elana Crowdye dying at the talons of a roc. A good statue to be sure... Almost as an afterthought, the image of Bannerround appears on the base of the statue in hemp fiber. It seems terribly out of place and yet I am loath to remove it for fear of ill fate from defacing an artifact. I'm sure it will be fine...

So... Corpses don't clean up themselves and I decided it was high time the elves were cleared out of the entrance to our fortress. So I ordered their bodies to be dumped and designated a large space at the bottom of our mountain. I then discovered that the dwarves had decided instead to drag the bodies into the fortress and set them by the craftdwarf's workshop. Just a convenient pile. Just right there. I've ordered them all dumped again. Hopefully this won't happen again.

The Bee Mistress has imposed a ban on exporting bolts. I am unconcerned. Similarly, the mayor has imposed a ban on exporting quivers. I am sensing a trend here...

Due to an inconvenient situation that I had not been aware of until recently, the marksdwarves have been having to take turns shooting due to a lack of targets. I am opening up a new area for target practice and will be instructing them to shoot until such time as they have mastered the art of shooting very small things from very far away. A deep and delicate dwarven art.


Winter has come. I fear we shall not have the warmth of magma before the spring thaw has set in. It is a minor setback but one that will surely be rectified in the coming year. In the meanwhile, we have more than enough in the stores to last us through the winter even if plump helmets didn't grow year round!

A kobold thief showed his hideous face in our lands and so I sent the archers to go deal with him. He panicked upon seeing them and thought his best bet was to swim the river to escape. This proved to be a poor plan as it tired him out, giving our marksdwarfs time to flank him. A few good kidney shots later, followed by some bashes to the head once he went down, and the kobold was no more!

I have banned the export of millstones. Why? Because I like them!!!! That's why!

I have decided that our abundance of silver and copper warrants the minting of coins for our dwarves to have. In fact, I think I will order lead coins as well! By my authority it is so!!!

Domas Sibrekbecor has been taken by a fey mood! I await with wonder what shall emerge from this mood! She's claimed a clothiers shop! Perhaps we shall get a lovely robe out of this. Um... She's grabbing rock blocks... And pieces of rock... And bones... And clay... And a log... And some red tourmaline... Oh! And a bit of cloth! I was worried for a second there!


It is finished! And it is a... sandal... just one. Not even a pair. Well at least it doesn't have an image of AlL hAiL tHe EnDlEsS dRuMmInG!!!

Well, the year has ended. I must say I am a bit dissapointed that the lava pumps have not been completed, but, provided that they are constructed from green glass and made going down from the top and up from the bottom, the pump should be done before summer. The main thing to remember is that the floodgate that will provide the water for the waterwheels should be opened only when the floodgate for the well is closed, thus ensuring a controlled supply of water to the wheels. This should prevent flooding. Theoretically.

Other than that the year could have been far worse and everything should be well in the coming months. A better military may be in order at some point, but that can wait until the magma forges are finished. A good year, all things considered.