Dwarf Fortress:Spearnotched:251

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In this, the second year of our endeavor, I Edzul the woodsdwarf have set about to rectify a rather deplorable state of affairs. After having nothing much to do for a bit of time I perused the fortress and found an unpleasant situation to be true. It seems that the growing of plants is not a priority to our leadership in this fortress. As someone who enjoys living wood and plant materials (if only for the satisfaction of cutting them up or having them brewed into wines and beers) I question our auspicious leadership as to when a farm would be constructed in the fortress. Our worthless pile of junk of a leader informed me very simply that there was simply no way to get the waters necessary for a farm into the fortress as the river was too far afield to be a feasible solution. I was quick to point out that it would be a simple matter to dig down deep enough to run a channel into the lower levels of the fortress. He proceeded to ramble on about "security" and "goblin invasions" and how "that's exactly how the last 17 fortresses have been destroyed". At that point I had stopped listening.

I've decided instead to secretly enact a clever plan: a means of providing water to the fortress without allowing a possibility of any form of enemy incursion in the process. All that will be required is a few changed requisition papers and some inverted priority forms and I believe we shall be in business. A bit of subterfuge and manipulation may also be in order as well, but I have the time. The beauty of having such an underappreciated job is the fact that no one particularly notices when you don't do it! My only other concern is the yearly review when all my efforts may be found out. I must ensure that I have succeeded by then... I will succeed!


Edem's expedition log, first of the year: It appears we have a lumber stockpile outside the fortress by some trees and an open field. My notes also say that a high priority hole is to be dug in that field. I can't imagine why I would have commissioned these constructions but I've never steered myself wrong before... It will be done, I suppose. Also we struck citrine in one of the top priority seemingly random passages we've been mining. So that's good!


Addendum: There appears to also be native aluminum in this tunnel. I'm not sure what that means but it sounds pretty good! Hopefully these natives are peaceful...

It has just occurred to me that the Sheriff is also a woodworker and is even now assisting me in my task in accordance with the instructions I have forged. I may be in over my head...

Edem's expedition log, some time after the first: "Dog" made a masterwork pipe section... I'm not quite sure why, but I have the requisition for it right here... That's kind of weird. But helpful! Onward!

Edem's expedition log, day the elven caravan arrived: An elven caravan has arrived! I'm planning on selling them some of our lovely wooden bolts as well as some... Oh wait. Elves start wars over that. Oh well! Sandwiches it is!

Addendum: Couldn't decide what to buy so we bought everything. Gave them some free minced pears in the bargain cause I forgot to ask for anything the first time we traded. I get confused easily.

Edem's expedition log, day of immigrants and stuff: Some immigrants moved in today. By the ancient laws of the dwarves all are welcome of course! I'm just wondering where they will sleep. That wierd area with a hole in the middle by the hospital doesn't seem suitable to the job. I have no idea why I ever commissioned that in the first place... Oh well! The new arrivals are:

  • Meng Shemamud, a Ranger who is most notably a novice marksdwarf and dodger and will be sent to train in with the rest of the rangers post haste!
  • Kivish Athelbidok, who seems to be the twin of Meng, at least as far as capability is concerned. To the training room with you!
  • Goden Obokonam, the Animal Trainer with no appreciable skills beyond that. It's almost as though these dwarves just spring from a hole with no world experience beyond some preprogrammed, randomly generated set of qualities. Ah well, to the crossbow training! Having a standing militia will be extremely important soon I'm sure.
  • Medtob "Paintflame", the weaponsmith and hammerdwarf! A sound melee fighter if ever there was one! Once I have armaments commissioned I'll have him training and honing his skill in case those darn kobolds return... Lead is an available metal in this area... A lead hammer... yes...
  • Fikod Emathoddom, a Clothier who does all things fish related in his spair time. I'll have some fisherys commissioned so as to begin bringing in some more diverse foodstuffs.
  • Rith Lenodathel, Glassmaker. Yet another individual with no individuality. I've no idea what I'm going to do with all these dwarves...
  • Zon Likotumam, Glassmaker. At least this one has some experience in other fields! Albeit mostly ball-lopping proficiency. But still!
  • Sigun Gerigbesmar, the Potter. I asked if he had slain he-who-cannot-be-referenced-because-of-copyright. He didn't get it. We have little use for him and I already don't like him. To carrying stuff with you!
  • Atir Uvarrisen, the Wood Crafter is actually slightly experienced in martial practices. I Asked what her preferred method of combat was and her response was that she kicks people from behind a shield when she can. An odd choice, but not unwelcome. I'll most likely commission her a lead hammer though...
  • Minkot Midorastesh, Woodcrafter who dabbles, once again, in fishing.
  • Thob Oddomromlam, the Fisherdwarf has similar combat experience to Atir. I may have to consider a unit of shield kickers... They are both alive after all so it can't be that ineffective.
  • Rimtar Rithnish, Fishery Worker. I had hoped for perhaps some combat skills. But I suppose I'll just have a contingent of fisherdwarfs. Why not??
  • Domas Sibrekbecor, Fishery Worker. Yay. Super useful.
  • Fikod Ustirnil, Fish Dissector. Not Fishery Worker. Just... Fish Dissector. I asked him why. He shrugged... Well... He'll learn
  • Nil Uzolgusil, Farmer. And by farmer we mean presser, milker and thresher. Actually planting or caring for animals? Not his job, that's for sure! Huzzah!
  • Goden Abanilid, Farmer. And by THAT we mean tanner of milled BEES! What will I do with you all!!???! How will I feed you!!!
  • Zaneg Anamcatten, Farmer. Also, Shield Kicker. What is going on with battle tactics these days?!
  • Edzul Kurelurvad, Cheese Maker. She also carves bones. I asked how those two things could possibly be related. Her response was an omynous stare and the words: you'd be surprised. I shivered just writing that!
  • Lastly we have Likot "Shootwayward" the expert Comedian, Conversationalist, Intimidator, Negotiator, and Persuader. Also a great miller. I have no idea what to do with this one...So to lifting things!
  • I was mistaken, Stukos Evostkikrost is last. I asked what he does and he squeezed his hands together very tightly with a strange look of intensity on his face. I was just about to put him down as a "Rock Squeezer" but then I realized he is a presser. Just. A. Presser. I don't actually even know what that is...

Well, It's been fun, guys! Werelizard attack!


The Aftermath

Not the Presser!
Not the Ball Cutter!
Not the Bone Cutter!
A well-deserved end

Stukos Logemsherik, Bee Mistress and new Expedition Leaders Journal Entry 1: Edems and an elven trader are dead. The werelizard attacked at the trade depot specifically and Edems hadn't left yet. His head was crushed into tiny pieces. The werelizard is slain however so that is something. There were other casualties, but none of real significance.

I am uncertain as to whether or not I will be able to continue my plan under the new leadership. I am still hopeful however.

Bee Mistress Log: Our sheriff is too horrified by the slaughter to entomb our expedition leader. Great... Also, most of the workers have been working on some large project outside. Since it was Edems last wish that this... thing be created I shall see to it that it is done. I hope that time will show us what this strange edifice is.

Addendum: While constructing the... thing... our herbalist gave birth to a baby boy. The construction was slowed only slightly.

Bee Mistress log: So... Apparently... Werelizardism is contagious... Our diagnostician is dead. As is our weaponsmith. And the werelizard. No other injuries reported, but should there be any I think we will be walling the dwarf in question in a makeshift tomb...

Addendum: I spoke too soon. For the good of the fortress we are walling in the survivors. May the gods grant us mercy for what we have done.

Log: Rigoth is taking it hard. He has withdrawn from society and claimed a mason's workshop in his grief. Who knows what his plans may be. Also, Goden, the farmer who was sent to finish walling in the potential monsters has accidentally walled himself in with them. He will be missed.

Log: We can hear the survivors asking for water from the other side of the wall. Should Goden survive longer than the others we will unblock the wall and release him, but only if it is certain that the rest of the fortress is safe from the plagues predations.

I awoke from a haze to find myself in the walled off tomb of the survivors. I fear my time is short as I have a wound on my chest that will most likely not heal without outside intervention. If this alone does not kill me then I fear the others in here with me will, for they are most likely going to turn into monstrous lizards as well. It matters not. The plan should already be in place. I shall die, but my work shall live on!!!

Log: Rigoth is constructing some kind of... something from pieces of stone and wood. More on this later.

Log: Even as the cries of the dying emanate from the entombed infirmary, 'Dog' the sherriff is organizing a party! What audacity! I would attend, but I fear my newfound duties are interfering with my social life. Curses and befoul our fortresses ill luck!

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Log: Rigoth has completed Batokkulet, a schist weapon rack! With luck, the sadness of the deaths of our dwarves will pass in the light of this wondrous creation. I am concerned about the image of Bannerround the drum on it. Bannerround has an image of itself in foxbone on itself, which means that anything with an image of Bannerround by definition has infinite images of Bannerround. I fear for our sanity if more of this drum spreads into our other works.

Log: Thob turned into a werelizard! All hope of any survivors is gone. They will all soon be dead. With luck the walls will hold and the rest of the fortress will be safe... The screams were terrible, but it seems that all is now still. The creature is doubtless still alive but we have successfully held the fortress alive. The room is sealed, floors, wall and ceiling, so there is no fear of escape. The deaths include Goden Abanilid, Edzul Kilrudbomrek and Edzul Oroddom. Once we devise a plan, we will retrieve the corpses and lay them to rest.

Log: Oh gods! Thob has transformed back from werelizard form! They walk among us!!!! They could be anyone!! The horror!


Bee Mistresses log: Summer is upon us. We are well stocked with all manner of foods and drink and I anticipate another wave of settlers at any time. We are continuing the great work of the previous administration though, admittedly, I have no idea what it actually seeks to accomplish. Our resources are good and training goes as planned so we may as well see this task through.

Bee Mistress log: Some human traders have arrived. At first I was concerned that they would not make it through the forests, but they managed somehow. I have sent our broker to the depot and can only hope that he will be able to manage. He has no appraisal skill but is good at bluffing and intimidating, so he may be able to get everything we need anyway.

Addendum: Having very little skill at appraising things, our trader did the only thing he could reasonably do: assess the goods as a whole and make an offer to purchase them all at a modest profit to the traders. This seems to have worked relatively well, as we have acquired everything the humans had in exchange for 80 meals. That leaves us a decent surplus of fine meals and more are on the way.

Bee Mistress Log: It seems that werelizardism renders one immune to starvation. While I would love for the knowledge dwarves of the mountainhome to be able to perform their sciences on this subject, I feel it necessary to keep the afflicted locked away. Having said that, in her more dwarfy times Thob seems to meander about aimlessly inside the entombment we have imposed on her. I have decided thus to appoint her her own militia force and instructed her to train endlessly in the hopes of unleashing her should the situation ever be truly dire. She seems agreeable to the decision and began performing endless practice drills inside her grisly confinement.

Bee Mistress Log: The great work is taking too long and so I have appointed an individual to work the project exclusively. She possesses no particular skill for the task, but the work is simple and will be accomplished that much quicker with an exclusive hand turned towards its completion.

Bee Mistress Log: The Summer immigrant wave has arrived and I am hopeful that this group will be more proficient than the last. Although, it does include three children. Eh, beggars can't be choosers. Roll Call!

  • Bim itebimik, Ranger. Yet another individual who is trained in the art of shield kicking. Is this a thing? Ah well. To the militia with you!
  • Avuz Kilrudken, Farmer. And by farmer we once again mean Presser. I should probably determine what that skill is... Although my predecessor had no knowledge of such things and he managed to muddle through. Moving on!
  • Litast Asolonol, Cheese Maker. No particular use for you so... To lifting things!
  • Kikrost Akrulkod, Cook. Fortunately, by cook we mean woodworker as he is a novice carpenter, wood cutter and bowyer. At least one of those skills should be kind of useful! Comes with a battleaxe too!
  • Urdim Mebzuthzursul, Soap Maker. This fine dwarfwoman is a competent macedwarf! Straight to the militia with you!
  • Olin Cerolmosus, Mechanic. And not just a mechanic! A hammerdwarf! Into the militia!
  • Sigun Bardumcatten, Peasant. Peasant is just a general term for an incompetent person with no laboring skills. It was originally invented by the nobles to talk down to skilled combat dwarves for having no useful skills during peace time. Case in point, this "Peasant" is a skilled Speardwarf and a great tracker. Militia duty!

Bee Mistress log: Likot Keskalonul, the comedian, has been elected mayor. I... really don't know what to say. I wish her all the best.

Mayor's Log: As my very first entry into these, our glorious histories, let me first introduce myself: I am MAYOR Likot Keskalonul, entertainer, conversationalist, broker and manager extraordinaire! I look forward to improving the lot of these my lowly subjects in due time! Also, Melbil Ustuthlerteth, the stonecrafter, has been taken by a fey mood. That is all.

Mayor's Log: An alpaca has gone missing. I simply do not care.


Mayor's Log: Delight of delights! Our dear Melbil has emerged from his mood having crafted a schist crown! Schist is apparently a type of stone of some kind! I shall wear this crown as a symbol of my glory! A bit spiny for my taste but... it will do!

Mayors Log: I have, in my wisdom, mandated the construction of no less than 3 quivers for crossbow bolts, as our hunters can never be to careful in the number of quivers they have. I have checked our stocks and the mere 15 we already have is insufficient!! Also, two children were born. Congratulations... blah blah blah....


The autumn is upon us it would seem and although the task of the grand work is not yet finished, I am optimistic that it will all be completed soon and we can then move on to bigger and better things! That said, I await with glorious anticipation the coming of the mountainhomes caravan to trade with us.

Mayor's Log: The Bee mistress, my predecessor, was cutting down a tree and had her right lower arm along with her left hand and left upper leg crushed by the falling logs. Not precisely certain how that happened, but since our infirmary is out of commission at the moment I'm not sure what we can do... I'll see about setting up a quick makeshift hospital and appointing someone to the task of examining her shortly.

Addendum: Cog Orrunfeb is now our healer. He has no training in the task but is a decent herbalist. Beggars can't be choosers.

Mayor's Log: A caravan from Becorthob has arrived! Onward to glorious trade!

While my wife the mayor has other duties, I, Fikod "Crowhammer" have made a most fascinating scientific discovery! I have taken to having my dinners in a chair that sits in what was once the observation area for the hospital. The pit in the center of the floor has been covered to prevent the possibility of the creature escaping so it is relatively safe, and I feel it is my duty to go and spend some time near the creature to give it the sense of companionship that it must so richly crave during its lucid moments.

During one of my dinners, I noticed the sound of the pitiful creature scrounging for some water. Its pleading grew more frantic and I felt a mixture of sadness as well as relief knowing that thirst would at last claim the poor soul's life. And yet, no such thing occurred. Instead, the tell tale howl of the werelizard could be heard once more from the pit. Interesting...

Though I am a lowly fisherdwarf, I know my wife will listen to me if I have the details correct. If my findings are consistent I am going to recommend giving the creature some booze and seeing what effect satiating its thirst has.

Gossip from the mountain home:


Mayor's log: The trade with the mountainhome has gone well and I am satisfied with what we have acquired. My attentions turn now to the issue of quivers. It conerns me that we may have the posibility sometime, almost, conceivably, of not having enough. As such, in addition to commissioning the construction of more quivers, I have imposed a ban on their export. This will ensure the rest of the fortress takes our need for quivers seriously!

Mayor's log: Stukos (the Bee mistress) is still in the infirmary and has been begging for her infant to be brought to her. She is too injured to seek the child out and so it has taken to roaming the halls aimlessly. I believe, as mayor, I should most likely do something to rectify this situation... But first I have some paperwork to do. I'm sure it will be fine...

Addendum: I am pleased to say the Beemistress has made a full recovery! I new this whole thing would sort itself out given enough time!

Mayor's Log: The wooden device has been finished. It seems to be a massive assembly of screw pumps designed to lift water to immense heights before plunging it back into the ground at high speeds. It seems to be self sustaining once primed so I have ordered the pump to be cranked. Beards crossed everyone!

Addendum: The Waterwheels twist and turn as the device roars to life with the influx of water from the manual pump! Higher and higher the water is lifted until swoosh! it comes rushing back into the ground with a sound like thunder! It takes what feels like days before the water comes rushing back up into the fortress, providing us a convenient place for our farmers to work! Glory to the mountainhome!!

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Mayor's Log: I've just come to a rather overwhelming realization. Now that the great wooden tower is finished, I have no idea what to do with all these dwarves. I'll need to think on this a moment... What?! IMMIGRANTS!? Now???

  • onul Raludist, Carpenter. He possesses no other skills beyond carpentry. Great.
  • Goden Shemrodim, Ranger. She also has skill in cutting and setting gems. Very intrigueing. To combat training with you!
  • Tekkud Alathnimak, Farmer! A farmer with actual farming experience! Just in time for the inside farm plot to be finished. To the field!... inside... the fortress.
  • Alath Cogendok, Farmer. Oh wait, no. Cheese-Making-Presser is what he means. Well, farmer it is!
  • Thob Desisonul, Planter! Specifically skilled at planting things! This is much better than I was expecting.
  • Kogan Tobulmonang, Spinner. Spinning actually seems like it could be a useful addition to our fortress... But not nearly as useful as the fact that he's a Competent Axedwarf! To the militia with you!
  • Lorbam Kosothosor, Pump Operator. What kind of place do you have to come from to have operating a pump be an actual skill that is required in day to day affairs?! Wait! She's clearly well suited to boring and repetitive grunt work! I'll make her our new manager! And bookkeeper! The books are already up to date anyway. And she can just use the area above the monsters lair as her office! Problem solved!


Mayor's Log: I have been informed of the fact that the monster seems to transform specifically when it is thirsty and after its transformation has no noticable signs of thirst. If the condition can then be managed with satiating the creatures thirst I cannot say... More observation will be done as well as experimenting. In the meantime, our fortress thrives despite the losses we have suffered and I turn my attentions now to a more suitable entrance hall. As winter is now upon us, I will simply focus on clearing and walling off an entryway, then lay traps within. With luck the work will be done by spring.

Mayor's Log: Uzol Alathstul has entered a fey mood! I look forward to seeing what he makes. He's claimed a masons workshop! He wants... Tanned Hide? Are we out of that?! Did I make that many quivers? Okay, that's fine. We have rabbits! Butcher them! What else does he want... Cut gems? Oh, for the love of the gods!! Have a jewelers shop constructed! Wait... We have those. He's just waiting on the hides? Oh good.

Addendum: SO the rabbits don't seem to be producing hides... Or rather the person slaughtering them seems to be ruining the hides in the process. Not a good time.

Mayors log: Thob Oddomromlam... Has given birth to a girl... Thob... is the monster... That we imprisoned... no... entombed... with her child... gods forgive us.

Mayors Log: We have yet to acquire everything we need for the fey mood! I fear for Uzol's sanity if we do not manage. He demands rocks as well... They are everywhere? What more could he want? I am having a donkey butchered. With luck the hide will be sufficient to satiate his needs.

Addendum: The donkey produced one hide. This is apparently insufficient. MORE SLAUGHTER!!!

Mayor's Log: Thob grows thirsty... It will not be long now... I will not be writing what happens...

Addendum!: Thob has gone through a full transformation without viciously murdering her offspring! There is still hope for the child yet! Once it no longer needs it's mother we will tear down the walls just long enough to get the child out. Thank the gods that tragedy may yet be averted!

Mayor's log: The ghost of Edzul wanders the halls. His body having never been properly layed to rest. I shall have him exhumed when we extract the child. He may then be at peace.

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Mayor's Log: Thob has been transforming back and forth between a werelizard and dwarfwoman repeatedly and over the course of these transformations the thought has occured to me that she may not be slaying her offspring because it is also a werelizard. It has not yet demonstrated werelizard qualities, but, for safety sake, a vault has been crafted to house the child until adulthood. It has been supplied with food and drink and will be sealed once the child has been placed within it. The isolation may drive the child mad, but better mad than dead.


Year End

And thus ends the second year of the Village Lokumlisat, "Spearnotched". Their triumphs and sufferings intermingling into a cacophony of dwarven madness. Luck and hope be with the steward of this ill fated band of dwarves. And by the will of the gods: DON'T UNLEASH THE MONSTER!