Billy Goat

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Former King of Spring. Billy looks to be in his early 20's with a boyish vaguely effeminate face and back-length long curly brown hair. His face has goatlike angles to it and a sharp goatee. His fae mien is the classic Satyr, with a pair of spiraling horns atop his head and overly pointed ears and huge black and yellow eyes. His lips are blue-black with a mouth full of oversized pearly white teeth. Billy's legs are shaggy when his mien is revealed, and he has, in both fae and mortal mein, knees that invert slightly at rest.

During the war, he lost his one true love Clement Bonte, and one day in court spontaneously declared "this isn't fun anymore! Whoever sits in this throne next is the new Spring King for a year and a day!", an offer which Matthew Kingman took up.

Facts about Billy:

  • Billy was sent to a "pray the gay away" camp when he was 15 because he was caught making out with another boy. It was there that he was Taken.
  • Billy's Keeper was The Good Shepherd. Billy was a goat. Sheep go to Heaven. Can you guess what happens to goats?
  • Billy's Fetch is studying to be a Baptist minister in Kansas. He still likes getting buggered.
  • Billy's tongue is 7 inches long, making it his shortest appendage.
  • Billy exudes pheromones, making mortals who aren't sexually attracted to him uncomfortably aroused around him, and mortals that are attracted to him aroused with more conventional feelings about the experience.
  • Billy has done more drugs than you, regardless of whether you are talking about variety or quantity.
  • Billy identifies as male, but apart from his beard is a very convincing crossdresser.
  • Billy is pansexual, and will probably have sex with you if you ask nicely. Billy will definitely have sex with you if you ask naughtily.
  • Billy once subjected the Pumpkin King to a kangaroo court, accusing him of numerous crimes against the Freehold. Water under the bridge, I'm sure.