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{{ #if:| {{ #if:ă-VĀN-ē-ə| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Lawful Neutral| {{ #if:Rolus| {{ #if:Marius Glaven| {{ #if:Republic| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Avenian| {{ #if:Avenian, Common| {{ #if:| {{ #if:|


Pronunciation ă-VĀN-ē-ə




Alignment Lawful Neutral


Capital Rolus


Ruler Marius Glaven


Government Republic




Adjective Avenian


Languages Avenian, Common





The seat of science, progress and enlightenment for most of the known world, the nation-state of Avenia once served as an oppressive authoritarian empire that could combine quarreling neighbors by sheer dint of its vicious invasions, brutal occupations and terrifying weaponry. Her military prowess was once unmatched, having grown up from a fusion of magic and technology, science and spirit.

Now, having been laid low by the concerted efforts of her neighbors, Avenia's national peers have developed treaties of mutual assistance specific to issues that arise from Avenia, so fearsome the now vanquished giant once was. It has been nearly 200 years since Avenia's last major defeat, and despite active ongoing sanctions against her, she continues to grow in power, increasingly concerning her neighbors. In turn, her neighbors consider deeper and more vicious sanctions, and in turn, Avenia overcomes the adversity through innovation, empowerment and national growth.

Real-World Comparison

A united post-Rome Italy or possibly Weimar Republic Germany (but as economic recovery brought them out of squalor), with touches of Renaissance and American Industrial Revolutionary tenacity and innovation.

Campaign Role

Avenia and her peoples long for the bygone era in which they controlled most of the known world. Their failure to regain their military foothold and sate their imperial blood-lust has left the people listless, and adventurers from the region may be looking for an alternate way to reclaim the past glory of their nation. Alternately, they may long for the stories of bygone eras when their people were feared as warrior-princes in their own right, and seek to recover that glory through conquest of a new, virgin world.