Dwarf Fortress:Spearnotched:255

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Cog Nomcatten's Journal: The fortress leadership came to us today. Us being me and my friends Urist and Ushat. Being all of the same age and having just arrived in adulthood in the past months, we were all waiting in trepidation at the thought of being drafted into the military. While neither of my friends has ever seen combat in person, I saw the horror that was the most recent invasion and know intimately the terror of death and combat. When at last the nobles came to us to assign us our duties, we were all shocked to find that we had been given a wholly different set of instructions. The magma forges were currently sitting unworked. We were to rectify this. I and Urist would be working at forging weapons and armor. Ushat would be tasked with melting them down again. This was the instruction.

We were all perplexed at this bizarre set of instructions and immediately asked the purpose of our seemingly meaningless task. "Training" was all that was said. Very well then. If it keeps us from being conscripted, I will indulge the nobility's demands. I have chosen to make weapons and have been instructed that silver hammers are ideal. Urist will be making copper helms. Not that it much matters since they will be melted anyway, but that's neither here nor there. To the forges...

Journal: Fath Sernish was found dead. There is no sign of anything that killed him. He just seems to have suddenly died. A rumor is going through the fortress that a night creature dwells among us... but could it be possible? Regardless, Dog seems to have sunk to depression, but wether from the death or from his life, who can say?

Journal: We three have been given our own quarters with a specific dining area and throne for each of us. I think this may be simply a method of more thoroughly chaining us to the work that we have been asigned as these quarters are much closer to the magma forges than anything else. I will not complain, it beats sleeping on the ground.

Journal: My mother, the Bee Mistress, came by and told me to make some bolts. I told her I was barely proficient at the craft yet, but she would hear no such thing, insisting I'd do fine... Silver bolts I guess... Not to be outdone by her rival, Litast Asreronul came up to me and told me not to export any ballista components... I'm not even in charge of that!

Journal: Shem the mechanic is throwing a tantrum. Doesn't concern me... It's a little loud but whatever.

Journal: An elven diplomat has arrived apparently. What this could entail I cannot say.

Journal: An elven caravan has arrived as well... Perhaps it will have something of value. I'm skeptical.

Journal: Rumors from the elves abound. Much of it bleak. The word is that the goblins are waging war on the world as a whole... and winning. I pray the tree huggers lands are first to go.

Spearnotched-Rumors from elves.png

Journal: The silver hammers I've been making are going to something other than the smelter. I stole a look quickly and discovered more weapon traps being constructed at the entrance. With luck we won't have as many dead dwarves after the next invasion... But I'm not getting my hopes up.

Journal: I've become a weaponsmith officially. I'm... actually kind of proud of myself. I'd one day like to forge a masterwork and I'm that much closer to my goal. Urist has a similar goal in life but I'm skeptical that she will accomplish it as she takes a great many breaks from her work. Ushat has no care for such things and simply wants to have a family. I'm hesitant to have one, as the death and destruction I've seen still haunts me.

Journal: I yelled at the mayor today. I felt a lot better after doing so. I also cried a lot, which was nice. I've been feeling much better about myself ever since I became a weaponsmith. It's nice to know that I will be helping to protect the fortress without having to see so much death and destruction.

Journal: Something mangled a dog! I really don't know what did it either. It was found in with the animals and prisoners. Better than a dead and mangled dwarf I suppose...

Journal: Urist has become an armorer at last. Ushat has yet to become a furnace operator but she lacks our ambition so it is understandable. That and her job is not nearly as demanding as ours. Wait! I spoke too soon. It would seem she has become a furnace operator after all. Better late than never!

Journal: Some migrants arrived today. I'm curious to see if anything interesting emerges from this, but there is talk of danger which makes no sense to me as last I checked we were not under any siege. Regardless, I feel it prudent to take down what information about them I can.

  • Tholtig Letmosthosbut, Ranger. He's an archer so I doubt he will live very long. Tragic, but true.
  • Rovod Ralazin, Ranger. Another archer. He too will not be long for this world. It's tragic, but true.
  • Dastot Bertolun, Hunter. She has skill in dodging in addition to her skill as a Marksdwarf, and as such may not die immediately... Time will tell.
  • Erush Imkethzon, Furnace Operator. She seems a decent sort and it appears they intend to quarter her with the rest of the "Sisters of the Forge". That will be fine with me. So long as she works hard I have no qualms with rooming with her.
  • Urist Bemshtan, Leatherworker. I'm pretty sure he'll end up in the military as a lack of other skills tends to get one drafted in this fortress. And there is little call for a dwarf who can only do leatherworking.
  • Olin Urvadobar, Fishery Worker / Macedwarf. That's at least good to hear. Having a decent warrior come to the fortress is always a refreshing change. I'll work on a mace for him immediately!
  • Urdim Zonudesh, Fishery Worker. She, like many others, does fish. That's all.
  • Uvash Regduthnur, Fish Cleaner. Only skill is cleaning fish... That's very specific.
  • Zon Ledsulus, Brewer / Hammerdwarf. And me with an a abundance of silver hammers! I feel safer already.
  • Mafol Zasrithar, Cheese Maker. I understand that sometimes life gives you a particular calling that you must fulfill... But cheese maker? Really?
  • Oddom Bisolkadol, Planter. Farmers are always good, although this one has been forbidden from cooking for the duration of his existence. Whatever.
  • Bim Kabthikut, Siege Operator. Perhaps one day the fortress will have and use siege weapons. That day has not come, and Bim was apparently foolish enough to volunteer the fact that he knows how to shoot a crossbow... To the military with him.

All things considered, we could have done far worse. I only fear what may follow...

Journal: The corpse of the rotting dog seems to have generated a vile miasma that has resulted in Dobar Nishmidar becoming disoriented. Hillarious! Apparently the leadership does not share my opinions of humor and are having the remains disposed of...

Journal: There has been a complication with the living arrangements. It would seem that Erush Imkethzon, the new Furnace Operator, is married to Urist Bimeshtan the leatherworker. Although he has already been conscripted and will not be long for this world, nevertheless this places us in a bit of a cramped quarters for the time being. I've asked politely if our housing accomadations can be enlarged, but so far this request has fallen on deaf ears.

Journal: Someone has been vomiting everywhere. I'm not exactly certain who but it is extremely disgusting. I'm sincerely hoping that someone will clean up this mess. I'm going to strongly suggest that someone be put on cleaning duty exclusively until all this vomiting is stopped. Not that it really matters what I think usually... Meh. I'm getting better at smithing, so that's a plus.

Journal: So the goblin head that is mounted on our fortifications? It just scared the piss out of Melbil Ustuthlerteth! Apparently she had no idea it was there!

Journal: A chill has run down my spine... A werelizard has come to test our defences yet again. I fear the purge that may result should any of our guards be injured in the skirmish. To this end I think our leadership will be commanding everyone to come inside and relying on the traps to slay it. I can only pray that my silver hammers are sufficiently lethal to slay it.

A large lizard twisted into humanoid form. It is crazed for blood and flesh.Its eyes glow aqua. Its cinnamon scales are oval-shaped and close-set. Now you will know why you fear the night. It is incredibly muscular.

Journal: I've just received word from the soldiers: the creature has transformed back to its human form! Before any attacks or casualties have resulted! The troops are even now being sent to euthanize the poor creature. A tragic loss, but its fate was sealed a long time ago.

A medium-sized creature prone to great ambition. She is average in size. Her hair is extremely long. Her olive eyes are wide-set. Her nose bridge is slightly convex. Her ears are free-lobed. Her nose is slightly upturned. Her hair is white. Her skin is sandy taupe.

Journal: There is unrest in the fortress. The creature ran off into the woods. No death. No sign of the creature. I fear for our safety should it return. With luck, the woman will flee to the goblins and be captured before her transformation. The death will do the goblins good! Her escape marks the beginning of summer, a fact that matters little in the sweltering heat of the forge's magma.


Journal: We've run out of flux stone. Ushat informs me it's vital for making pig iron and steel. I asked her why we'd want to make pig iron and she looked at me with a bewildered look on her face and told me it was used to make steel. I had no idea! I just beat it into weapons! They are sending the miners down to mine some marble now. Wait... I hear screaming... There is a troll in the depths!!! How did it get past the traps!? Regardless the soldiers are headed down now to deal with it. I pray they will succeed in slaying it before it does any real damage.

Journal: Zon Likotumam has been taken by a fey mood. I can only imagine his sanity is waining due to the realization that horrors reside beneath the very rock we call our home. Nothing from the soldiers yet...

Journal: A mighty battlecry has rung out from the depths followed by a scream of terror. A trollish scream of terror! The beast flees in fear from the glory of our Macelord! And now our Macelord engages the creature and beats its head savagely with her flail! Serves the beast right as it had apparently stepped on and crushed a dog. The filthy puppy squisher... Also, Zon has claimed a magma glass furnace and even now shouts out madness but a stones throw from where I work.

Spearnotched-Troll Feet.png

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Journal: My mother stopped by and asked for more bolts. I'm more than happy to oblige her. It is good to be able to see her now and again, even if she is the duchess.

Journal: Humans have arrived. No conern of mine. What is a concern is the screaming idiot who continues to demand things we have. I'm concerned that he may truly be addled. Oh. There he goes. About time.

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Journal: After a long time gathering all the items necessary for his constructon, Zon has at last begun. I'm hoping that he builds something at least remotely useful after all that screaming.

Journal: It's a box. A green glass box. It's rather nice, really. But yeah. It's just a box. At least he's stopped being crazy. Nentukmor is a good name, though. And I'm in favor of anything that has a picture of elves dying.


Journal: There has been a reorganizing of the militia. Apparently the crossbow dwarves were slacking off and, in general, not practicing or training in any way. As a result of this the management has decided to reassign them to brand new squads. As if that will fix the problem...

Journal: My mother died today. She was killed by a Panda. The creature grabbed her by the head and shook her violently until she was horribly murdered. The Panda, whose name was Whippedsprinkles, has been killed by the humans that were just leaving from their trade run. It has been ordained that the creature will be left to rot for its crimes against our fortress.

As a result of this tragedy, I am now the duchess. Well, a duchess. There are two after all. I'm not really sure how I feel about this whole situation, honestly. I'm still kind of numb. Regardless, I am to have my living quarters upgraded in acknowledgement of my station. A new area is to be excavated to ensure a convenient location for my work to continue.

Duchess's Journal: Apparently greeting new immigrants is part of my job now. As is, apparently, cataloging them.

  • Rigoth Tolundakost, Woodworker. A decently skilled individual as far as wood goes. Cutting and carpentry as well as crafting of bows. Not the worst person to have around.
  • Udil Lisaturdim, Bowyer. A bowyer is not the most useful thing to have honestly, considering most crossbows are made from metal in our fortress. We'll figure out what to do with her later.
  • Doren Subetstakud, Stonecrafter. Also, herbalist, shearer, and presser. How one goes about learning that diverse a set of skills is beyond me. Regardless, none of those are particularly important to our continued prosperity.
  • Kol Oslangisek, Fishery Worker. A standard fisherdwarf. They seem to do good work, I'm going to recommend another fishery be made for them to ensure they have sufficient facilities to accomodate them.
  • Thikut Otinendok, Farmer. But by farmer she means cook-presser-miller. I've been told that no cooking is permitted beyond the designated cook so she will be working the fields instead.
  • Lokum Astdolek, Brewer. And also a marksdwarf. He'll probably be conscripted in short order.
  • Medtob Shammanlikot, Shearer. And Fishery Worker, so that's more fish to be had.
  • Zuntir Lisatatsazir, Organizer. And Fishery Worker as well. That's fairly simple.

Duchess's Journal: A sasquatch was spotted by one of our workers. I have ordered it murdered as wild creatures (such as pandas...) can be very unpredictable. Also, Rigoth Stagshilmorul has given birth. Congratulations!

Duchess's Journal: I feel it is a pity that some of our dwarves may not be remembered for their depth of dedication or proud dwarven upbringing simply because they are not of noble birth. To rectify this I have commissioned a figurine be crafted. I would not assume that a specific individual or event should be commissioned as I know very little of the amount of inspiration such figurines require. Let it be so!

Duchess's Journal: Not to be outdone, my fellow duchess commissioned some millstones. How those will be useful, I am uncertain. It is her right to do so, however, so they will be done.

Duchess's Journal: I've finally found a use for all that lead that we have building up! We can make food storage barrels! As an added bonus, it gives a pleasant sweetness to the drinks we store in it. I don't know why we haven't done this sooner! I've also ordered some lead cages and chains as 'Dog' seems to be grumbling about a lack of these.

Duchess's Journal: Because everyone seems to be having a dreadful time trying to find the silver warhammers I keep making, I have ordered all silver warhammers to be dumped next to the entrance the moment they are found. They will then be reclaimed and used for trap making. Hopefully this will allow our moronic Engineers to find the darn things!

Duchess's Journal: It only took a brief amount of time for the warhammers to be collected. We had more than enough between the giant glass corkscrews and warhammers to finish the trap corridor entrance. I have since revoked my order on the warhammers. I'll still be making them in abundance, but I really don't care what happens to them at this point.

Duchess's Journal: Dog has sunk into depression. He really needs to get over himself. But whatever, I suppose.

Duchess's Journal: The figurines turned out so well I've commissioned some more!


Duchess's Journal: Autumn has come and all seems to be going better than I had expected. I do wish that I wasn't a duchess... for obvious reasons... but the situation could be worse all things considered. We could have an invasion for example!

Duchess's Journal: Ushat Girethsibrek the Herbalist has died of dehydration. Apparently she was stuck up a tree and couldn't find her way down. This is what happens when dwarves spend to much time on the surface. They become addled! I have ordered the tree she died in cut down as punishment for its murderous crimes.

Duchess's Journal: The liaison and caravan from Becorthob have arrived! With luck we can get more metals and such!

Spearnotched-News From The Mountainhome.png


Duchess's Journal: Trade went well... In that we traded about ten barrels of food for everything they had. Which seems pretty darn good to me! I'm thinking we may melt down a great many of these random objects for their base metals...

Duchess's Journal: Dog just refused to pick up his own possessions 137 times in a row. I think we may need to euthanize him at some point. I've just recently learned that we have a vampire...

Duchess's Journal: The mayor and Oddom the Herbalist just witnessed Ingiz Morulsanreb die a sudden and painful death at the hands of 'Dog'. At this point I can see no option other than to imprison him for the foreseeable future... Um... No one is willing to come forward and accuse him... This could be an issue. I'm just going to wait to pass judgement and instead order some more figurines.


Duchess's Journal: I convicted 'Dog' of some unrelated and lesser crimes so that he would be forced to be chained. He is serving out his time watching the children in the open pits area. We should probably put in some kind of railing or something there...

Duchess's Journal: I've decided to implement a ballista based defensive strategy for the fortress. As our marksdwarfs seem to be constantly running out of ammo, I am going to instead be training them to fire ballistas and catapults. I have no idea how effective this may be, but it will at the very least look cool.

Duchess's Journal: Some migrants have arrived! Let the tallying begin:

  • Asob Ehonkadol, Bowyer. We have a competent swordsdwarf in this one! She will be going directly into the military service. We'll have her outfitted and training in no time.
  • Zon Sibrekaned, Ranger. We have enough of everything you do so I'm just going to appoint you as a siege engine operator. I'd really like for this plan to work out as it would drastically reduce the likeliness of dwarven casualties.
  • Rakust Rashgurgeshud, Wax Worker. I hate you, you stupid beekeeper! I hope you die! You are nothing, do you hear me?! NOTHING!! You will never be as good as... as... I'm appointing you as a siege operator. Get out of my sight.
  • Bembul Idensodel, Farmer. Except, by farmer he means Tanner-Milker-Presser. None of which are particularly important. We'll find some use for him though.
  • Dastot Lokumozkak, Butcher. He's an adequate butcher... I'm going to send him to gather plants.
  • Kumil Abanabir, Spinner. That's all he does and he does it... Adequately. I'm appointing you to man the siege engines.
  • Solon Samamdeduk, Suturer. Sweet Bannerround! We have a suturer / wound dresser! This is fantastic! You don't get to leave the fortress ever!

Duchess's Journal: Things are going well so I have commissioned 2 more figurines. Seems a reasonable enough request.

Duchess's Journal: I attended a party today... As a result of this Shem Aristdumat is beating children! With a mitten! I will have her flogged for this if at all possible!


And now Zan Uvarmeng and Shem are trying to kill each other with crossbows! In front of the children! This is a terrible party! They seem to have exhausted each other now... This is not good. Wait! Now Shem Zuglarosed is fighting dogs! And now that Zan has beaten down the Shem the clothier for beating on children she is shooting at Shem the Engineer for attacking dogs! At least the medics should get some much needed experience. Oh my word! The child Sigun is nearly dead! She can't even stand without crutches! There is obvious nerve damage! I don't even know how that's possible! I'll have them both beaten for this! At least she is being carried to be treated. Wait! Zan Uvarmeng is firing a crossbow at the now unconcious Shem Aristdumat! This is insanity! I dare not intervene for fear of being assaulted. I honestly feel no sympathy at this point. Everyone involved should be put to death for the safety of the fortress. Wait! Now she's going after Shem Zuglarosed! When will this insanity end? And now the children are beating each other! What is going on!!!!????! I've ordered Zan Uvarmeng punished for his actions as he is rampaging out of control and firing a crossbow in the presence of the children and myself. A wrestler is coming to punch him. With luck it should stop him! And now two children are fighting! Will the insanity never end!? Wait. They overexerted themselves... It should be fine. On a separate and semi-related note, the Fisherdwarf Dishmab Olinluk has been found dead. He was murdered after an altercation with the fisherdwarf Sakzul Shedimolin. I'm not even going to bother with this situation.

Duchess's Journal: Zan Uvarmeng and Shem Aristdumat are dead. The child Sigun Rimtarsigun is waiting to be treated in the infirmary along with the child Cerol Sazirisak. I have ordered the dead buried. This has been utter chaos and madness and I can only hope that the fortress gets back to normal sometime soon. And I hope the children will live as well.

Duchess's Journal: Monom Mengam has been possessed! Why does that make me so concerned? Oh no! That's the VAMPIRE!! Do we let it out?? Will it explode if it doesn't get a chance to perform the task it has been appointed by the evil spirit!? I have decided that the danger is far greater if the creature is not allowed to fullfill it's purpose. I have ordered its temporary release. I fear for us all...

Duchess's Journal: The possesing spirit (whose name is Picthamape) has claimed a Glass Furnace and demands all manner of random objects. We are having our dwarves attempt to ensure the availability of these commodities now.

Duchess's Journal: The construction has begun. It is taking place a stones throw from where I work. It fills me with a certain apprehension to see that thing free. I remind myself that it is only till the task is finished and then back in his prison he will go.


Duchess's Journal: The artifact is complete. But... As expected... The vampire has struck. Immediately after completing the task, the creature ran to the bedside of Besmar Gusilkeskal and devoured him, in front of witnesses. This was despite my direct orders to return to it's appointed location. The beast even proceeded to report a random passerby of the crime! As though she thought she could get away with it. As such, I will be ordering the monsters execution. Great care must be taken to ensure that the creature will not be able to resist however. To this end I plan to have her sequestered in a location where she can be bathed in lava. It is the only way! On the plus side, we did get a rather impressive weapon rack out of this bargain. So it could have gone worse!

Duchess's Journal: The creature has killed again already! It proceeded to head directly down to murder a child, Cerol Sazirisak! This monster must be stopped! I have convicted her of both killings and her sentence will be carried out as soon as possible. In the meantime, the creature has been locked away by following it all the way to it's prison and commanding it to get inside.

Duchess's Journal: The child Sigun Rimtarsigun is refusing to stay in bed and is attempting to put away some of her possesions. I say attempting because she has collapsed in the hallway and cannot manage to lift herself to get there. I do not have much hope for her recovery. Although she has been sown together rather well and she is sufficiently bandaged. Only time will tell I suppose. And look! She's limping along now! There you are, that's the way!

'Duchess's Journal: Due to the endless cries of pain of the poor child that refuses to just rest, I failed to discover that a rampaging Yak bull has murdered two of our fishery workers. I have ordered its execution by means of our militia.


Duchess's Journal: Winter has come. All things considered this has been a rather productive year. Nevertheless, I shall be glad to see the winter over and have a chance to rest a bit from management.

Duchess's Journal: Bannerround's blessed endlessness, 'Lefty'! You didn't have to bite the darn thing! Lefty took some hits as well, but, ultimately, the bull has been bested! I believe it may be in our best interest to simply butcher all of these in the future.

Spearnotched-YAK ATTACK.png

Duchess's Journal: I have added yet another sister to the metal crafters. I have instructed her to mint us some additional gold coins as we lack an appropriate amount of them. I'm then going to have her crafting all manner of lead crafts as we still need a skilled metalcrafter.

Duchess's Journal: I have realized why Sigun keeps having so many issues. Apparently she keeps attempting to remove the stitching that is the only thing holding her together. Are all children mad? Despite this, she seems to be getting around alright. My fingers are crossed that she will yet recover!

Duchess's Journal: Urist made a masterwork copper cap today and I have decided that it is time for her to begin crafting more effective suits of armor. To that end I will have her begin crafting full suits of copper armor that we can keep in reserve for our new recruits.

Duchess's Journal: I have come up with a brilliant use for the myriad captives that we have! We shall be releasing them into a controlled location so that they can be used for siege engine target practice! It's brilliant! We shall soon have highly proficient siege engineers!

Duchess's Journal: A werehyena has come! I am ordering the dwarves to all remain inside. We will rely on the traps to deal with this hideous menace! Sweet Bannerround! It's just outside the entrance! It's standing in front of our ballista range but I have no idea if the siege operators will get there in time!


Duchess's Journal: Due to an oversight on my part in the design of our defenses, the hyena was able to jump over a chasm and gain access to the area directly above our traps. An area that leads, mostly unimpeded, into our fortress. Fortunately, the Hunter Ilral Aranonul was on his way back into the fortress and successfully distracted the hyena into the lower areas where the traps are! Unfortunately the hyena seems to be ignoring the traps and Ilral is dead. I think we may have some substantial losses from this one. Hang on... The creature is horrified at what it has just done! I'm... so confused... perhaps this is the abominations first kill? Let's attempt to make it it's last! Oh No! Another dwarf has returned from outside! I have ordered Doren to stay at the far end of the tunnel by the weapon traps in the hopes the creature will be lured to it's death. With luck this nightmare will be over soon. And... now she's fleeing in terror. Nevermind. WAIT!!!! THE CREATURE TURNED BACK HUMAN! AND WE HAVE IT TRAPPED IN A CAGE!!!! ONLY ONE DWARF DIED! AND A WEAKNESS IN THE FORTRESS WAS DISCOVERED BEFORE AN ACTUAL SIEGE! A NET GAIN! I'm ordering the human dropped in lava though. No risks will be taken with this one!

Duchess's Journal: Sigun has stopped attempting to pull her sutures out and seems to be mending nicely! I am very pleased to find that she stands a good chance of making a full recovery!

Duchess's Journal: The deed is done and the threat is no more. The werecreature is but a puff of smoke now. Praise the glory of magma!

Duchess's Journal: My plan for ballista practice is not going so well. Apparently all the siege operators keep being frightened away by the goblin before they can get to the siege engines to fire at her. Eh, I'll just leave them to see if any of them can build up the courage to do the deed.

Duchess's Journal: Zefon Tunbel had his head bitten off by a draltha in the undercaverns.

Spearnotched-HEAD BITE.png

I'm really not okay with that being a possible thing. That's just kind of gratuitous! Also, the fortress is deciding that since a single goblin is in a confined location they don't feel like doing anything. Hopefully some of these worthless dwarves can be called upon to actually kill this thing so we can get back to our lives!

Duchess's Journal: The archers are idiots. They ran out of bolts and then stood around staring and complaining that the goblin is to far away. I'm going to have to get a new squad together or something. Wait. I know! I'll throw some war dogs down the pit! That should take care of it no problem!

Duchess's Journal: Well the goblin was a ninja but he is finally dead! He killed a couple dogs but at this point I have become completely desensitized to the concept of death. I don't care at all! After we clean up I will have a new wall constructed to keep the goblins we throw in far away from any dwarf interaction so that we don't have incidents like this again. Not that anyone was ever in any actual danger, but that doesn't stop people from freeking out apparently.

Duchess's Journal: Considering the high mortality rate in our fortress I have commissione more figurines be made to remember dwarves by. After all, nothing is as eternal as the unchanging rocks that we shift and mold at our whim!

Duchess's Journal: Astesh Morulngotun is apparently a ghost. I am uncertain as to who this is or why they are ghostly. On the plus side iton Dedukikal was taken by a fey mood! With luck we should have something impressive shortly. He has claimed a mason's workshop... And his mysterious construction has begun without incident! I await with much anticipation the result of this endeavour!

Duchess's Journal: The construction is complete! We have a new... table.


A nice marble table to be fair. Stesokthalal, or "Moltenempire the Suffering of Humidity". It could have been far less useful.

Duchess's Journal: Spring has at last arrived! It has been a truly impressive year. I have gone from being a child to being a duchess in the span of mere months and learned much of crafting weapons and running a fortress. There were some deaths but many more births and the fortress in general is intact. As such I consider this year a success and look forward to future endeavors turning out well for us.