Ryecatcher15:WoD:House Rules:Changeling
The 2nd Edition Changeling Contracts can be found here:
Seeming and Kith
Any Kith may be possessed by any Seeming.
Dual Kith •••
Effect: Your character’s kith is a unique combination of two different kiths. Whether she’s a flamesiren-windwing who takes the form of a brilliant phoenix, or an elemental who combines airtouched and waterborn in a body of living mist, she benefits from the Blessings of both kiths. If she identifies as one kith, both, or a new kith altogether, the benefits of the Merit do not change.
Taking this Merit after character creation can be as dramatic or casual as desired. The addition of a new kith can be triggered by a change in identity, ideals, goals, even a negative or traumatic event. It’s a meaningful change, but whether or not the change itself stems from a meaningful source is entirely up to the player. The magic the Keepers use to bend body and mind is highly unstable -- who can say what might spark that volatility anew?
This Merit may only be taken once.
Opening Gates to the Hedge
To open a gate to the Hedge, the changeling must spend a Glamour while touching an appropriate gate. The following are appropriate gates:
- Any opaque portal that can be opened and closed.
- Any reflective surface with great clarity (a mirror or reflecting pool will work, a TV that is off will probably not).
- Any manufactured archway in a natural setting.
- Any physically stable hole in the earth or foliage (pushed aside brambles do not work, the entrance to a hedge maze would).