Stag Lord

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{{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:The Stag Lord
No real name known| {{ #if:Male| {{ #if:Unknown| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Bandit| {{ #if:Unknown| {{ #if:Gozran 17th, 4710| {{ #if:Father (Nurgrah)| {{ #if:Northern River Kingdoms| {{ #if:Human| {{ #if:Ranger| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Beaky the Owlbear (deceased)| {{ #if:|
{{ #if:The Stag Lord | The Stag Lord | Stag Lord }}




Alias(es) The Stag Lord
No real name known


Gender Male


Age Unknown




Occupation Bandit


Date of Birth Unknown


Date of Death Gozran 17th, 4710


Family Father (Nurgrah)


Homeland Northern River Kingdoms


Race (Taldan)}}


Class Ranger












Pet Beaky the Owlbear (deceased)





The Stag Lord's childhood was harsh and unhappy. His father. the druid Nurgrah, never wanted him and abused him foully during his youth, disfiguring him. One day, however, he was visited by a beautiful woman who told him that he need not abide this injustice - for he was a man now. She gave him a token to remember her by and, that day, the Stag Lord overpowered his father and revisited the abuse upon him. From there, with his newfound strength and confidence, he gathered a gang and took to raiding the northern River Kingdoms, constantly searching for the woman who had restored his strength and confidence.

Disappointed in his inability to find her, despite his best efforts, the Stag Lord took to drink, and let his gang run amok, only occasionally coming forth to terrorize the populace.

Upon first meeting the party, the Stag Lord was initially uncertain if Makenna could be the one he sought, but realized she was not a moment later. The party slew the Stag Lord and his owlbear Beaky, ending his tragic life shortly before they heard his story from his father Nurgrah.


The Stag Lord is a muscular man of Taldan descent, with the naturally bronzed skin and dark hair common to his heritage. He has a scar across his belly and chest of the sort typically indicative of a violent struggle. His face is a mesh of burn scar tissue, puckered and stretched from childhood.

During his life, the Stag Lord wore a stag skull mask to hide his features.

At last record, the Stag Lord had been transformed by Nyrissa into The Horned Hunter, and was seeking revenge on the party, but had been defeated by Aegela.


The Stag Lord is known to have been seeking a woman, later determined to be Nyrissa. He had threatened, by proxy, both Oleg and Svetlana, and apparently trusted Dovan and Akiros as lieutenants. He hated his father, and imprisoned him below his keep to use as a sort of healing battery. He had a beloved Owlbear named Beaky.


The Stag Lord was the major boss of the first module of Kingmaker, and, as such, was instrumental in creating the circumstances that set the campaign in motion.

Trivia and Errata

  • It was possible to encounter and battle the Stag Lord sober if the party had made the effort to cut off his supply of liquor and waited him out. This would not have made the fight easier, so much as made the circumstances different.
  • The party could have fought the Stag Lord at the beginning of the first module (with the expected outcome of a TPK) if they had chosen to intimidate, but not fight, the bandits at the beginning. The Stag Lord would have returned with his entire group of bandits to burn the trading post to the ground.