Castruccio Irovetti

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{{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Mandalarucio Bellander| {{ #if:Male| {{ #if:42 (?)| {{ #if:His Supreme and Inimitable Magnificence
by the grace of the gods the rightful King of Pitax
Marvel of Numeria
Master of Mormouth
Prince-Regent of the Sellen| {{ #if:King of Pitax| {{ #if:4669(?)| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Cimany Bellander (father; deceased) Aiden Jermaine (father; deceased)| {{ #if:Pitax; formerly Numeria| {{ #if:Human| {{ #if:Bard? / Fighter?| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:| {{ #if:Numerous beasts| {{ #if:|
{{ #if:Castruccio Irovetti | Castruccio Irovetti | Castruccio Irovetti }}




Alias(es) Mandalarucio Bellander


Gender Male


Age 42 (?)


Titles His Supreme and Inimitable Magnificence
by the grace of the gods the rightful King of Pitax
Marvel of Numeria
Master of Mormouth
Prince-Regent of the Sellen


Occupation King of Pitax


Date of Birth 4669(?)


Date of Death


Family Cimany Bellander (father; deceased)

Aiden Jermaine (father; deceased) }}

Homeland Pitax; formerly Numeria


Race (Taldan)}}


Class Bard? / Fighter?












Pet Numerous beasts





Irovetti's history is only partially known, but a Pathfinder expedition to Pitax revealed that Mandalarucio Bellander was Castruccio Irovetti's birth name. The bastard son of a Numerian noblewoman named Cimany Bellander and a Taldan Crusader named Aiden Jermaine (presumed dead in the Worldwound), Bellander took the name Castruccio Irovetti after two famed Numerian artists, Efron Castruccio da Hakados, sculptor and topiary master, and Jean-Paulo Irovetti, painter and inventor of mostly useless gadgets. His mother was executed for robbing the Technic League, and Bellander was able to flee south, never to be heard from again.

He is believed to have received a new face and considerable power from Nyrissa as a downpayment for Briar. For unknown reasons, he decided to double-cross her and conceal Briar, which he appears to be afraid to touch.


Irovetti is a rugged man with naturally bronzed skin. His bearing is regal, but playful in an altogether off-putting way for a despot. He wears a combination of the regal robes and crown of his station and gear from his adventuring life.

Notable Skills

Irovetti is believed to have stolen alien relics from the Technic League in Numeria. He also has a considerable menagerie of powerful beasts.


Irovetti is a feared and respected figure in the Stolen Lands and, indeed, the River Kingdoms in general. His dealings with nations beyond, however, appear to be exclusively hostile. He is known to have a very poor relationship with Razmiran, Numeria and Brevoy, and any dealings he may have with nearby Mendev or Ustalav are generally beneath notice.


Irovetti is a powerful, dangerous figure who appears to be on a collision course with the leaders of Easthaven.

Trivia and Errata

Known creatures in Irovetti's Menagerie include:

  • A dire tyrannosaurus
  • A petting zoo of Compsognathuses
  • A mated pair of Styracosauruses
  • A mammoth
  • A giraffe
  • A remorhaz
  • A bulette
  • A slurk (sabre-toothed giant frog)
  • A pack of hellhounds

He also has considerable monstrous allies, some of which are fairly well known:

  • The brothers Okha, a duo of ogres
  • A considerable number of trolls, refugees from Hargulka's tribe