Rules:Primary Attributes

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Primary Attributes

The actual measure of a kingdom's prosperity and the effectiveness of a kingdom's ruler is a difficult thing to quantify. For this reason the kingdom building rules use the abstraction of three primary attributes for determining the overall effectiveness of a kingdom's leadership as a whole. These three attributes are Economy, Loyalty and Stability.

The total values of your primary attributes are the sum of all relevant modifiers from: all buildings in your kingdoms settlements, terrain improvements throughout your kingdom, your kingdom's alignment, your kingdom's race, your kingdom's government and any miscellaneous modifiers.

Throughout the course of a regular turn your kingdom will make two or three control checks (1d20 roll + modifiers), one for each primary attribute. These checks are always made against the control DC of your kingdom (10 + kingdom size + districts). Any time that these rules refer to an Economy, Loyalty or Stability check, they are referring to a control check using that attribute as the modifier. A full description of each attribute and its corresponding check is listed below.


As previously stated, Stability refers to the physical and social well-being of the kingdom, from the health and security of its citizenry to the vitality of its natural resources and its ability to maximize their use.

Stability Check: At the end of each turn, after your instructions for the turn have been carried out, your kingdom makes a Stability check. This check is made to assess whether the general governing of the kingdom is working effectively to provide for the people of your kingdom. Success on this check reduces unrest by 1 as life runs smoothly and basic needs are provided for. If there is no unrest then a build point is gained as per the rules for unrest. Failure on this check increases unrest by 1 as peoples basic needs are not being met in an efficient manner and the general bureaucracy is running slowly. Failure by 5 or more increases unrest by 1d6 as peoples basic needs are failing to be met on a serious and fundamental level.

In addition to this check, Stability will be used for events that concern the general well being of your people.


As previously stated, Loyalty refers to the sense of goodwill among your people, their ability to live peaceably together even in times of crisis, and to fight for one another when needed.

Changing Minds by Breaking Heads: During each of your turns, after all of your instructions for the turn have been enacted, but before your economy or stability check have been attempted that turn, you have the option of sending out enforcers to forcefully subdue dissenters and grumblers. If you choose to do this then you automatically decrease unrest by 1 that turn as your people are cowed by your display of force. Your kingdom then attempts a Loyalty check. Success means that your people generally accept what you did as being necessary for the common good and nothing negative happens because of your actions. Failure means that your Loyalty permanently decreases by 1 as bitterness and resentment stirs in the hearts of your people, though they dare not act upon it yet.

Rousing the People: Optionally, you may make an end of turn Loyalty check when the kingdom has no unrest. In this case no enforcers are sent out. Instead, you the ruler implore your citizens to strive to work harder and do more for the common good. If you choose to enact this plan then you add a number of build points to your treasury equal to your kingdom size divided by five and rounded up. Example: A kingdom of size 11 would add 3 BP. to their treasury. Success on the check means that the people are secure in the belief that they are doing the right thing both for themselves and for each other. Nothing negative happens. Failure means that the people quickly become disenchanted with the extra effort they are putting forth and grow restless. Unrest increases by 2.

In addition to this check, Loyalty will be used for events that concern the overall good will of your citizens toward one another as well as towards their ruler.


Economy measures the productivity of your kingdom's workers and the vibrancy of its trade, both in terms of money and in terms of information, innovation, and technology.

Economy Check: During each of your turns, after all of your instructions for the turn are enacted but before upkeep is paid, your kingdom makes an Economy check to determine income. If your check is successful the result is divided by three (round down) and this total is then added to your treasury as build points.

Example: The human kingdom of Examplia has an Economy of 12 and a control DC of 18. The total of Examplia's Economy check is 21. Since 21 beats the DC of 18 Examplia's gains a total of 7 build points income for the turn (21 divided by 3).

In addition to this check, Economy is used for events that relate to the goods and trade of your people.