Legacy of Fire:Log

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Kuthona 28th

Almah's trusted adviser, the quiet, contemplative Garavel, recruited the party from various locations throughout Katapesh for the task of reclaiming the city of Kelmarane along the Katapeshi / Osirian border.



Abadius 3rd

The party arrived at the camp just in time to see the burning of Eloais' wagon (an event that resulted in his death). Elle successfully assisted in healing the wounded and Ildris assisted in rounding up livestock. Orn worked to extinguish the fire and move the wagon, while all others assisted in the bucket brigade.

Afterwards, Almah requested that the party investigate the fire and determine the cause. They spoke with the people of the caravan and investigated, noting behavior and evidence that possibly pointed to Dakshi, the group's gnoll expert. They found the Cyclone Harrow card in the wagon and, through searching, found the Cricket Harrow card in Dakshi's boot (and noted that his boot prints were near the origin of the disaster). Meanwhile, Chaz spread his theory that fire luck gremlins stared the fire.

Elle stated that she would present her theory regarding who was responsible for the fire, but that first she wanted to ask Almah some questions. Almah explained that Eloais was her Harrow reader from Varisia, was researching signs and omens related to events he called "The Legacy of Fire" that the village of Kelmarane was somehow part and parcel to. Almah further explained that he was wary of Dakshi, their gnoll expert, who did not like the Harrow reader. Dakshi, she explained, was a wild man who spent a large portion of his formative years as a gnoll captive and slave.

Dakshi insisted that Chaz's theory might in fact be correct, and fire luck gremlins might be to blame, which led to Almah informing the party to either return with proof of the source of the fire or to kill Dakshi. They tracked the fire luck gremlin, who, being a Pugwampi, managed to injure Chaz before Ildris killed it with a single arrow. Dakshi kept the body and a the Idiot card was found, incriminating the creature. Almah paid each party member 4gp for this service and agreed to pay them 200gp for their services in liberating Kelmarane (along with a promise they could keep booty found).

Almah said that they would be progressing to an old monastery of Sarenrae to stage in anticipation.

Abadius 4th

The party made their way to the monastery, where they began scouring the area of monsters. They killed a few Pugwampi, most of a troupe of baboons and a giant wolf spider. They eventually made their way below, finding themselves at a path leading to an alchemical lab with traces of green mold. There, Elle was infected with a green slime fungus. She ended up digging up a magical staff that melded with her with tendrils of green vines and mold and whispered secrets into he mind. They found a Hidden Truth Harrow card in the Monastery's alchemy room.

The party explored the rest of the monastery, determining a number of things about its nature (it appeared to somehow be linked to a conflict between an army led by a Djinn and an army led by an Efreet). They found treasure, including the nest of a great bird (from which Tove was able to retrieve a geier egg). They likewise claimed a book regarding the Templars of the Four Winds.

The player characters entered the sanctuary and killed the pugwampi infesting it. Chaz cleaned the altar and gained a blessing from Saranerae. Once the area was clear, the party signaled Almah's group to take shelter in the structure in anticipation of further developments.

Abadius 5th

The player characters planned for the raids on Kelmarane. Mahdrhianan scouted ahead and determined a few viable methods of infiltrating. After some debate, they decided the sneak in along the East end of the city, sneaked through the city and were able to release a captive Peryton that wanted to kill everyone but changed its mind when this proved unsatisfactory.

They killed three gnolls and traveled to the church of Sarenrae, where they encountered a Hecuva[1] that insisted that the church was now dedicated to Lamashtu. They defeated this and made their way into the temple where they discovered a number of fragile dessicated bodies and a sealed doorway through which Chaz attempted to communicate. This was a pointless gesture. Further, the characters outside where attacked by a Shar after Ildris fired an arrow at a passing patrol.

They explored more and discovered another troupe of baboons and a few other houses in the area. They made camp in an abandoned lounge.

Abadius 6th

The party awakened after encountering Dakshi, who was making hit-and-run attacks on perimeter patrols, and prepared for the day. They explored further, defeating a gnoll party led by a doru div[2]. They besieged a gnoll barracks and killed 8 gnolls that were there discussing the patrol that hadn't returned. They decided to make camp again at this location, as, despite its failure to avail the gnolls within, the barracks was reasonably defensible.

Abadius 7th

The party awoke in the wee hours of the morning to find the gnolls dragging a bound, human into the pesh fields. The party investigated and Mahdri was able to meet the man, who turned out to be a cleric of Abadar. They encountered Dakshi there, where he may or may not have threatened Mahdri (possibly in an attempt to warn her about the presence of a dust digger). Mahdri, in response, injured Dakshi seriously. The Cleric, whose name was Oxvard, revealed that he and the Lions of Senara, a group of Pathfinders, were charged with liberating the city and, possibly, some deeper purpose at the behest of the Decemvirate. He revealed that they had been captured by gnolls and forced to fight in the Battle Market, an arena toward the center of the city, where he said the leader of the gnolls, a janni named Kardswaan, held contests for his amusement.

The party scoured the remnant of the city, discovering (and defeating) a wild boar, a huge serpent and the Peryton they released earlier (who now seemed perfectly content to turn on them). They also encountered Filliped Piepopoweitz, who gladly joined their party along with Oxvard.

The party further encountered Undrella the Harpy, who allied herself with the party after falling for Chazzendarious' wit and charm (a messy affair to say the least). She offered them a key to her lover Kardswaan's chamber - a key she said will open the barred upper windows of the battle market as well. She kissed Chaz deeply, giving him a solid understanding not only of the smell, but also the taste of chum.

That evening, Dakshi approached the church with a group of four gnolls he said were members of the rival Three Jaws tribe that wars against the Kuldis tribe, and would therefore be excellent disposable fair-weather allies. The gnolls, for their part, did not seem to speak Common and were, thus, generally oblivious to Dakshi's recommendation to use them as disposable distractions.

While the party rested, a goblin jester named Jank, came to the camp at the church to invite them to partake in the festivities at the Battle Market. Although the party initially wanted to kill Jank, they felt compassion for the poor abused creature when he broke down crying from the abuse he had endured and discussed the possibility of letting him in on their plans to defeat Kardswaan. Eventually, they agreed to allow him, based partially on the fact that his jester's stick is a wand of magic missile that he, apparently, knew how to use.

The party scaled the outer wall of the battle market and entered through the windows. They were noisy enough, however, to become the targets of an unsuccessful ambush. They were able to defeat the ambushing gnolls and repel the mighty ogre pitfighter that accompanied them. They battled Kardswaan and his minions at the Battle Market and were able to defeat all, losing track of Jank in the process and killing most of the others. Kardswaan himself was clearly under mental control and, as such, the party managed to incapacitate him. His apparent consort Haleen, a dervish dancing warrior, surrendered. They also let Kurellak the gnoll bartender live, primarily because he seemed to have no interest in hostilities (and insisted he wasn't even a member of the Kulldis tribe, having been, in fact, enslaved by them). The party dragged the mahogany table and chairs from Kardswaan's room down to the church along with his silk sheets. Undrella the harpy was pleased with the outcome.

Haleen agreed to grant treasure to the party in return for her freedom. They returned her scimitar to her, and accepted the treasure (which was, apparently, woefully insufficient to pay off the considerable debts she owed to the Pactmasters).

The bounty on gnolls was discussed and the party, under near protest, sat and debated whether or not that was part of their contact. They learned from Almah that the most important task lay yet before them - the slaying of the demon that had rallied the gnolls in the first place, a task that would leave the city purified for re-population.

They entered the temple, using a key given to them by Garavel, to battle Xulthos and defeated a group of fire elementals. The party chose to borrow items from the reliquary, stating their intention to return them once the battle was over. Finally, they moved down the well to Xulthos' lair.

Xulthos took on Kardswann's form and taunted the party, claiming that he would take the last one standing as his new host. The party attacked and Xulthos charmed Orn. Orn broke free and slew Xulthos. They recovered the equipment from him.

They reported much, but not all, of their income to Garavel, including Undrella and her abode, and were granted the guardhouse to use as they please. The party agreed to remain at the city of Kelmarane for the next 12 months with an automatic retainer of 5gp / month (60gp).

Ildris hunted gnolls and guarded the city.

Mahdri decided to open a tavern and gambling hall with Kurellak, which they called the Golden Ring. This they expanded into a hookah lounge.

Chazzendarious performed and preached his new religion (exalting himself as a deity or the avatar thereof and singing the praises of St. Gene) in the Battle Market. Jank the goblin took great interest in this and emerged from hiding to follow after his ways.

Elle Orea worked as a librarian within the city of Kelmarane, as well as a healer for the battle market. Elle acted, furthermore, as an historian, recording the history of the city. Garavel came to trust her, and through her studies she learned that the staff she held contained the spirit of St. Gene whose thoughtless wish for immortality had granted him life eternal, but not the means to enjoy and secure that life.

Orn acted as a bouncer for the bar and the show, as well as providing service for the church of Sarenrae. He was loyal to the church for all the services they requested of him, but also ran a business of accepting bribes at the Battle Market.

Tove decided that there must be a market for tame geiers, and was able to use the egg he acquired, as well as a few purchased elsewhere, to raise a small flock of the giant vultures.



Abadius 13th

One year - almost to the day - after the liberation of Kelmarane, a traveling mystic named Zayifid came to meet with the party and warn them of the army the Carrion King, Lord of the Kuldis tribe, and rallier of the other small tribes in the area, was amassing. He made vague references to Ella Orea's "fate", but was unable - or unwilling - to embellish on the exact nature of the situation. He explained that he had wished for the gift of foresight from an Efreet many years ago, but that the wishes of Efreeti always come with a price and, as such, he could only warn of foul portents without being able to grant substance. He was able to warn them about the Unchosen, but couldn't go into detail.

The party decided to gather their equipment, get a yak named Sacks and follow the southern bank of the Pale River to the House of the Beast at the Pale Mountain (where the Carrion King had taken his dwelling). They were some ways outside of Kelmarane when they came upon a roc, which they eluded (Ella Orea was able to conceal and calm Sacks).

They traveled for the first day and were able to get about halfway before they were distracted by a nearby gnoll beacon fire on a stepped mountain. They made their way up mostly unnoticed, and were able to spot no less than four gnolls and a flind among excavation sites on the side of the mountain. The gnolls were defeated. And goblin slaves rang the bell to signal the excavation team. ACHIEVEMENT: PERFECT SHOT.

After learning that the witch keeps slaves below and that a large portion of the tribe is on the other side of the mountain searching for slaves. Chaz gave one goblin a torch (Melknum, to be a torchbearer), one a vial of ink and chalk (Iruk, to be a pathfinder), and one a bell to make noise (Nibnur, a goblin herald).

Goblins ring and goblins light
Goblins mark and longshanks fight
Drink the ink and ring the bell
We be goblins, go to hell!

The party faced down a group of gnolls guarding a room full of tatters and papers. They dispatched the gnolls, after Tove acted as a critical hit sponge for them. They were then treated to a seemingly schizophrenic godlike voice booming in their heads, as well as strange inexplicable spell effects, such as butterflies flying out of ears and an unseen servant offering them an empty glass. The party continued on, after finding a Wizard's spellbook and some dehydrated potions, as well as a scroll of lesser planar binding.

They progressed into a room with two exhausted gnoll guards and an empty font for cleansing. They dispatched the gnolls swiftly and dicked around with the water a bit. They then moved on to the library where they slew a guardian homunculus after initially pacifying it and then triggering the alarm. They were able to salvage a few books and items, but the stuff was essentially destroyed long ago, save for a number of spell scrolls.

They proceeded on into a room depicting fire giants and dwarves battling, whilst a mudslide and cloud giants trampled to the temple below. Initially, they were able to touch the gems in the proper order, but nothing happened[3].

The party proceeded to the next chamber, where they were interrogated by sphinxes, answering riddles with the answers "grave" and "ring." They then listened at the door to hear some sort of conversation beyond. They went through the door, where they defeated two gnolls and a ghul[4], claiming the genie lamp and Adil al Ayawa the djinn, while capturing the Witch (who had been arguing with the ghul about how to use the lamp). On their way out, they were questioned in the crystal room regarding "the origin of the pactmasters in elemental order" (air for their descent, water for the oases, earth for the stone fortresses they built, and fire for the Pesh).

They returned the slaves to Kelmarane and delivered them to Oxvard the Priest, along with a significant stipend for their care. They then questioned the Witch, who gave them the following warnings:

  • The Carrion King's servants are powerful trepanned gnolls known as the Unchosen
  • The Carrion King himself is a devout servant of Rovagug, which has not settled well with many Lamashtu worshiping gnolls
  • A human known as Dakshi is a spy for the Carrion King
  • The Carrion King suffers a great many outsiders – a troupe of gargoyles perch on the north side, a group of troglodytes on the west side, and something in the top of the main dome defends the area.
  • The underground portion is comprised of chambers in which the gnolls stay. Perhaps the Carrion King hasn't explored the whole thing, as he takes great delight in uncovering each layer, presumably in search of something.

The party released the Witch and confronted Dakshi, who convinced them that he was NOT in fact a spy, and that they were at fault for letting the Witch go. The party agreed they would not make the same mistake twice if given the opportunity.

They further spoke with the genie Adil, who explained that he cannot grant wishes until his mother Afsaneh dies and he is promoted to nobility; he explained that he was stalling the Witch and the Ghul so that they would argue over whether or not the Witch should be allowed to make a wish. Adil explained that if they bid him be free 7 times, he will be free. Dakshi pointed out that he might well be lying, given his propensity for lies, and that the number was likely much lower. Adil was dismissed. Dakshi then went on to list various other gnoll leaders who might be encountered.

Abadius 14th

The party was able to travel to the House of the Beast, en route to which they were almost assailed by a roc (which made off with a nearby water buffalo from a herd); they were able to approach from the north side and climb a tower where they dealt with some gargoyles. They then descended and did battle with a couple of gnolls riding hyeanadons. They defeated two of them, but one escaped. They admitted that he would likely be warning the others and possibly rallying them, and agreed they should lay low as soon as possible.

They continued to explore the grounds, discovering a giant constrictor snake (which they killed, and found a magic ring in its poop). They then laid low and explored the area, determining that there were trogolodytes holed up in the west gate house, having thrown some javelins at something. They continued north until they saw a giant spider. They tried to sneak up on it in a plan that, for some reason, involved Orn deliberately showing himself. The spider rushed him and kicked the shit out of him, they managed to barely defeat it. They concealed it in the minaret, and decided to rest in the east minaret as it was the only one with no webs in it.

The party went around to the front gate on the East side, where they waited for 10 minutes expecting reinforcements that did not come.

They followed the spiral staircase in the minaret up 200 feet, which is significant, insomuch as it is only 120 feet tall and they came in 40 feet up it. At this point, they started to feel lightheaded and sick and, in the first sensible move of the session, chose to go back down. They rested for the night.

Abadius 15th

The party went to the bottom, about 60 feet below the ground, and found a door which they believe to be magically sealed, as a 36 Disable Device check was not sufficient to unlock it[5]. They then checked out the building in the northwest, which they determined to be barred from the inside. They pretty much just accepted this, and decided to tackle the main structure. They found a simple but clever trap just inside that consisted of a row of floor tiles removed and replaced by a strip of leather that can easily be stepped over, but then a row of intentionally weakened tiles that would not support weight. This was followed by a group of gnoll ambushers of whom they made short work.

The party, after discovering a sealed upper room they could not access[6], progressed down into the hyenadon den, slaying a great many of the hyenadons, before they moved on to the gnoll barracks and overcame the gnolls. They killed all but two of the gnolls and one of the hyenadons, which escaped deeper into the House of the Beast to warn the Carrion King of the powerful visitors to the House. They determined that there MUST be pugwampi in the vicinity, as some of them were experiencing TERRIBLE luck.

Abadius 16th

The party investigated the rooms, discovering huge stockpiles of food - much of which was of dubious value to humans, and much of which was of a decidedly non-perishable variety. The party killed a Pugwampi and found a font of unholy water. One of the Unchosen gnolls attacked them, and they managed to repel the beast through great effort. They then met Blobog, who offered them shelter and praised Lamashtu for their coming, ignoring all indications that the Mother of Monsters may have had very little to do with it.

They moved on to the slave caverns, liberating half a dozen slaves and slaying a carrion initiate and a number of gnolls (including another of the Unchosen). Blobog fought well by their side. They also learned that there are a great many more Unchosen gnolls in the area.

Metius, a slave, spoke with the party and warned them of the slavers with the Unchosen; the party proceeded south to conceal the slaves in Blobog's secret room, where they fought such a group, with one gnoll fleeing the scene to recover reinforcements. A number of gnoll berserkers came, as did two gnoll slavers, two unchosen, two initiates, and, finally, a single gnoll archer who fled.

The party rested and then moved north, after convincing Blobog that they were totally on his team (despite their unwillingness to sacrifice the slaves, openly worn holy symbols and every indication to the contrary).

They found a liberated slave stronghold and Magden the slave was convinced by Chazzendarious to bring them to Lazrul, who they convinced to 'help' them. They brought him food (although the bulk of the food had already been relocated).

They proceeded to check the sarcophagus room next door, where Orn was hit by a trap. Mahdri managed to disarm the magical trap inside, though, and they raided the sarcophagus without further incident.

They descended into the lava pits, where they found the remains of a halfling adventurer who had died. They took his owlbear pelt cloak and magic arrows.

The party made a deal with the salamander Lesaar, agreeing to fight his enemies and kill them (and hopefully send him back to the elemental plane of fire with the help of their djinni). Tove harvested flame snake venom[7] and they went on to fight the flame brothers and their leader. They slew them all and then approached the statue, upon which Elle found a switch to open a hidden door.

They fought a small group of Belkers to claim treasure. Then, they sent the grateful snake men back to the City of Brass, bidding the genie be free once (this did not actually free the genie who maintained that he would have to perform 6 more favors). Before he left, he informed them that the Scroll of Kakishon, one of Nex's earliest attempts at creating a personal realm, was hidden beneath the Maggot Throne, though how to access it is unknown; Lesaar was going to try to use it to return to the City of Brass, but now there is no need to do so as the djinn can return him and he knew that he and his people could not hope to overcome the Carrion King.

Abadius 17th

The party agreed to get Lazrul and his men to hold the rear while they assault the Carrion King. They then descended into the chamber of the Carrion King and attempted to shoot him on the maggot throne, to no apparent avail. They battled him and his minions before defeating him and destroying the throne (which seemed to have been regenerating him). They then spoke with Lazrul, primarily about the Carrion King's demand that his unseen assassin slay the party. Lazrul had no knowledge of any assassin.

The party descended beneath the Maggot Throne into the secret garden by the Pit of Screaming Ghosts. After harvesting almonds, they were ambushed by Rasts, but they easily bested them.

They descended into the Pit of Screaming Ghosts (after Chazzendarious read the Terran incantation to open it aloud), where they defeated the Eddimu guardians in short order after seeing through the illusion of the treasure. Mahdri was able to disable all the traps and open the sarcophagus, thus retrieving the Scroll of Kakishon. They then left and encountered Zayifid, who was expecting them. He revealed his true form and nature - as a former Templar of the Four Winds, a janni and a traitor - and began to battle him. They slew Grundmoch the Trogolodyte and Rokova the assassin. Zayifid and the Witch fled, and Madfang the Alchemist was defeated and taken back to Kelmarane (after acquiring his notes). The party also rescued Yusief the leprous slaver, who promised them slaves and wealth for his safe return.

An ardent admirer of Chazzendarious from Osirion names Anuminra pledged his undying loyalty.

Abadius 20th

The party returned to Kelmarane, where Almah informed them that Zayifid had told her of their triumph. She also told them, furthermore, that she had already sent a letter to her friend Rayhan, a diviner of significant skill, to request that he examine the scroll. They informed her of Zayifid's betrayal and discussed how best to approach the situation, finally determining that the best plan would be to send the party with a trade caravan to small communities and, from there, to Katapesh, thus avoiding the major roads and limiting Zayifid's opportunity for ambushes en route.


  1. A form of undead cleric.
  2. A creature believed to be a form of genie from the Abyss, all div seek the destruction of mortal happiness while reveling in pleasures themselves.
  3. They eventually realized that this was because, from the orientation of their entering, they were actually leaving the temple.
  4. A form of undead genie.
  5. Though a 38 would have been... consequences would have never been the same.
  6. But which, it turned out, was perfect for a small creature like Bolbog to move unseen.
  7. 2 saves, DC 18, paralyzed for 1d6 rounds