Ryecatcher15:WoD:House Rules:Changeling:Contracts

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Universal Contracts

The following are available to any character.

One Dot Contracts

Bite of the Wooden Fang (•)

You have escaped Faerie, but your flight through the Hedge remains with you forever. You call on the Hedge to empower a blunt wooden weapon, and dozens of thorns erupt on its surface.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Brawl + Wyrd
Action: Reflexive

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The thorns bite back, causing the changeling to drop her weapon. This instills one lethal damage, and the Arm Wrack or another appropriate Tilt.

Failure: The weapon gains no bonus.

Success: Thorny growths appear along the length of the weapon (intended, or improvised), granting an additional +2 to the weapon's damage rating for the scene.

Exceptional Success: As per success, but any successful strike with the weapon causes an appropriate Tilt, depending on the nature of the weapon and blow.

Elemental: The Elemental sprouts tendrils of her element from her weapon, granting three additional dice to grapple and ensnare her target.

Ogre: The Ogre's weapon comes down with such force, that she strikes the ground and causes the Earthquake Tilt with a rating equal to her Wyrd.

Catch: The weapon is made of a piece of Hedge.

Changeling Fate (• to •••)

Being abducted was the worst of luck; escaping the best. Living through both extremes, you can sense and manipulate the strands of fate.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Duration: One turn

Dramatic Failure: The Contract turns against the changeling as per Success.

Failure: Fate remains unchanged.

Success: The changeling can add or subtract two dice from the target's dice pool, or lower or raise his exceptional threshold by one, per Contract dot.

Example: With Changeling Fate ••, you can add or subtract four dice from his dice pool, or lower or raise his exceptional threshold by two, or add or subtract two dice while also lowering or raising his exceptional threshold by one.

Exceptional Success: The changeling sees beyond luck, and into skill. The Storyteller reveals your target's worst and best dice pools, though not their dot ratings.

Ogre: The target suffers from the Shaken Condition whenever he uses the cursed dice pool, until the sun next crosses the horizon.

Wizened: After seeing the target's roll, you may direct them to reroll. The second roll stands.

Catch: The changeling deliberately botches (take a dramatic failure) one of her own actions this scene.

Ban: Changeling Fate can be on a given target only once a day. Attempting to use this Contract on the same target more often, results in the changeling herself becoming cursed.

Cloak of the Elements (• to •••)

The changeling cloaks herself in one element, granting her protection and allowing her to cause harm with the element.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Stamina + Occult + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character takes damage from the element equal to one half her Wyrd, rounded down.

Failure: The Contract fails to work.

Success: The character surrounds herself in one element for a number of turns equal to successes. She gains immunity to natural instances of the element, and suffers only half damage (rounded down) from magical sources. The element forms an armor around the character, affording her 1/1 armor per dot invested in the Contract to all incoming attacks, either mundane or based in her element. Additionally, the armor damages anyone who comes in close, dealing one lethal damage per turn to anyone the character could reach with her hand.

Exceptional Success: The elemental armor deals two lethal damage per turn instead.

Elemental: Elemental characters can cloak themselves in two elements at the same time.

Fairest: The changeling gains a +1 bonus per dot invested in the Contract to all Intimidation rolls.

Catch: The changeling is touching the element when she invokes the Contract.

Elements as Contracts

Just like the Elemental Seeming in the terms of Contracts, elements refer to broad categories of environmental factors, not exactly elements from the periodic table. Examples include fire, water, wind, earth, wood, metal, darkness, light, and any refinement of those that make sense.

Creeping Dread (•)

A changeling can use this Contract to make people more susceptible to fear and intimidation. Her victim initially feels a light touch of fear that grows quickly into a state of jumpiness and paranoia.

Cost: 1 Glamour/target
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling's Contract turns against her giving her the Spooked Condition.

Failure: The Contract fails and has no effect on the target.

Success: The victim's ability to resist fear and intimidation is impaired, and he suffers a penalty equal to the changeling's Wyrd to resist fear or intimidation. The changeling spends one Glamour per victim she is targeting with this Contract. She must be able to see her victims to use this power.

Exceptional Success: The target also suffers from the Shaken Condition.

Darkling: The changeling also applies the Spooked Condition to her target.

Fairest: The changeling can choose to instead make her targets trust her implicitly, giving him a penalty equal to her Wyrd to resist persuasion from the changeling.

Catch: The changeling uses this Contract while in the shadows.

Fang and Talon (• to •••)

The character takes on aspects of the beast, allowing him to move and perceive as the beast does.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Animal Ken + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character's senses are muddled and he suffers a -3 penalty to all perception rolls for the rest of the scene.

Failure: The Contract fails to function.

Success: This Contract can invoke three different effects. The changeling chooses one when she purchases this power at one dot, and the second and third as she invests in the second and third dots. Each time this Contract is activated, the character benefits from each effect has access to.

  • The character gains the senses of a beast, giving her a +1 bonus per success gained to all perception-based rolls for the rest of the scene.
  • The character gains the mode of transportation of a beast, increasing her Speed by +2 per success rolled for the rest of the scene.
  • The character gains the attack of a beast, allowing her to treat her Brawl attacks as a weapon with a rating of 0 lethal damage for the rest of the scene.

Exceptional Success: The effects of the Contract last for 24 hours.

Beast: Beast characters gain a +2 to her perception rolls per success, or +4 to Speed per success gained.

Catch: The changeling sees or touches an animal as she invokes the Contract.

Inanimate Communion (• to •••)

By touching an object or device, the character can communicate with its spirit and learn its secrets, such as when it was last used and by who, as well as any damage or weak points.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character misinterprets the object's information and suffers a -2 penalty when attempting to use or repair the device for the next scene.

Failure: The character gains no information from the object.

Success: The character learns the object's secrets, giving her an advantage when working with the device. This Contract can invoke three different effects. The changeling chooses one when she purchases this power at one dot, and the second and third as she invests in the second and third dots. Each time this Contract is activated, the character benefits from each effect has access to.

  • She knows how the object is constructed and all its weak points. Halve the object's Durability (round down) for any attack she makes against the object. Add her Wyrd to rolls to repair or modify the object.
  • She gains an instinctive knowledge on how to use the device to its utmost effect. Add her Wyrd to dice rolls to wield, utilize, or employ the device.
  • She gains an impression of the last time the device was used. She has a vision of the person (or persons) that last touched the object as well as the circumstances of the scene. She sees anyone within 3 meters who is interacting with the person touching the object, but nothing beyond that.

Exceptional Success: The effects of the Contract last for 24 hours. Either the character can repair, destroy, or gain his bonuses for that time, or she sees scenes from the object's use for up to 24 hours. If the object had not been handled for a full 24 hours, then the changeling can view the previous time it was used as well as the last time.

Wizened: Wizened characters gain the Informed Condition about the device upon activation of this Contract.

Darkling: Darkling characters can spend a Glamour to summon a shadow representation of whatever object she last used this Contract on, which lasts for a scene. The object functions exactly as a mundane version of whatever the device is, with its normal equipment bonuses, but it is clearly a shadow representation of the object. The changeling cannot replicate an item with a Size higher than her Wyrd.

Catch: The object is owned by a close friend of the changeling, but does not belong to the changeling.

Know the Competition (•)

Living at the whim of the mercurial Fae, you see behavioral patterns in the slightest minutiae and can take a rival's measure by playing a game against him.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Socialize + Wyrd vs. Composure + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Duration: One week or until used

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling misreads her opponent, and suffers the Misinformed Condition on her next action against him.

Failure: The Contract yields no insights.

Success: After playing a game against her target (win or lose), the changeling gains insight to his mind and adds a +4 dice bonus on any one roll against him.

Exceptional Success: The changeling knows her opponent so well, that she can invoke the Contract again without the need for an additional game. All costs and rolls still apply.

Beast: If this Contract is successful, the Beast's rolls twice against her target (not the invocation roll). The best roll stands.

Darkling: The Darkling invokes this Contract after observing her target in a game, rather than playing him herself.

Catch: Her opponent challenged the changeling to the game.

Mask of Superiority (• to •••)

The use of this Contract allows the changeling to convince a single subject that she is a member of his organization, or a person of some importance to this individual.

Cost: 1 Glamour per target
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The subjects of the Contract take umbrage with the changeling's obvious lies and immediately becomes hostile towards her.

Failure: The Contract fails to work.

Success: The changeling convinces her subject that she is a respected member of whatever organization he belongs to, as though she had a number of dots in the Status Merit equal to the number of dots invested in this Contract. The changeling can spend Glamour to have this Contract affect multiple targets (and each individually contests the original activation roll), but her new Status must be in an organization or group common to all of her subjects. The effect of this Contract lasts for a scene (and she may add new targets as the scene progresses).

Exceptional Success: Instead of convincing the subject she has Status in a similar organization, she convinces him that she is a trusted Ally, as though she had the Ally Merit equal to the number of dots invested in this Contract.

Fairest: The use of this Contract serves to open a single Door per dot invested in the Contract as though the character had successfully completed a Social Maneuver on the targets.

Ogre: An Ogre appears as security within an organization, adding her Contract dots to Intimidation rolls against the subjects.

Catch: The changeling is wearing an article of clothing that could be perceived as part of a uniform or normal mode of dress within the organization.

Pathfinder (•)

Mingling practical navigation with omens and divination, you find Hollows, trods, local goblin fruit and dreams spawned in the Hedge.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Survival + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The Contract yields inaccurate information, leading the changeling into danger while she explores the Hedge.

Failure: The changeling learns nothing useful.

Success: The changeling gleans the following things: whether a particular feature exists in the local Hedge, what the general direction of that feature is, and its distance from the changeling's current position. Only information about the Hedge itself is yielded, not about the creatures lurking within.

Exceptional Success: As success, and the changeling gains the Informed Condition while dealing with this part of the Hedge.

Beast: The Beast's finely honed instincts yield information about nearby creatures.

Elemental: The Elemental automatically knows if goblin fruits grow nearby and if they are beneficial or detrimental.

Catch: The changeling has plucked a thorn from the local Hedge and left a drop of blood while doing so, within the last day.

Read Lucidity (•)

Innately familiar with the ebb and tide of lunacy, you can read another Lost's mental stability at a single glance.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Wyrd vs. Composure + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Duration: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling misreads the target, and the Storyteller tells you a random Clarity rating (which your character believes). Additionally, she take the Misinformed Condition.

Failure: The changeling can't read her target.

Success: The changeling gains a sense of the subject's Clarity. While this translates to your Storyteller telling you a dot rating, your character interprets this organically. The changeling also knows from which Clarity-related Conditions her target suffers.

Exceptional Success: The changeling uncovers the circumstances of the target's last drop in Clarity.

Darkling: With an exceptional success, the Darkling makes the subject immediately undergo a Clarity breaking point.

Fairest: The Fairest grants the Acuity Condition to a changeling once per story.

Catch: The changeling touches the target, skin–to–skin.

Reflections of the Past (• to •••••)

Arcadia and the Gentry are but empty reflections of dreams and nightmares. Embracing this nihilism in yourself, you look beyond a reflective surface and into the past.

Cost: 1 Glamour per dot used
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The reflection shows a false event, and the changeling takes the Misinformed Condition.

Failure: The changeling doesn't see the past.

Success: The changeling states a time, and sees that moment as it originally reflected in the surface (it might be blurry or obscured). Anyone watching sees the same vision. The changeling sees further back by invoking more dots of this Contract, with one dot equaling a week, two a month, three a season, four a year and five a decade.

Exceptional Success: The reflection is clearer than the original. The changeling can look around the edges of the pool, seeing more of the vision.

Wizened: The Wizened commands the surface to show a specific object without stating an exact time. She states the Contract dots she wants to spend; if the object's reflection didn't pass within that time, it fails.

Fairest: The Fairest commands the surface to show a specific person without stating an exact time. She states the Contract dots she wants to spend; if the person's reflection didn't pass within that time, it fails.

Catch: The reflective surface belongs to someone to whom the changeling has a close emotional connection.

Trivial Reworking (•)

The changeling can temporarily change and reshape a small object. She can change the shape of an object as well as the image on the object, but these changes are always minor.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The object is broken and cannot be used for any purpose.

Failure: The Contract fails and the object remains unchanged.

Success: The changeling can take any object of Size 1 and reshape it into a similar object. The basic shape of the object remains the same, though it is changed to a new purpose. For example, a changeling could change the image and information on a driver's license to have her picture and say anything she wants, but she couldn't turn the ID card into a credit card. Careful examination via specialized equipment or professionals trained to find such things can identify the objects as fake, but otherwise appear real to the casual observer. The changes last for a scene.

Exceptional Success: Changes to the object lasts for the next 24 hours.

Wizened: The character can change the image on any two-dimensional object of any size, though he cannot change the object's form.

Ogre: The character can use this Contract on an object Size 3 or smaller.

Catch: The character is changing an object that she has owned for a least one year.

Two Dot Contracts

Boon of the Scuttling Spider (••)

This Contract allows the changeling to move across any solid surface strong enough to support her weight.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character stumbles and falls prone and loses her next action.

Failure: The Contract fails to work.

Success: The character can walk or run along walls, ceilings, or slick surfaces that would normally be treacherous to attempt to cross. The surface must be solid enough to carry the character's weight, even if she is clinging to it, such as a ceiling. She can move at normal Speed, and can act without hindrance while moving in this fashion.

Exceptional Success: The character is not only able to move across her chosen path, but she is so deft at her movements that she gains a +2 to her Dexterity while using this Contract.

Darkling: The character is surrounded by a shroud of darkness that extends 5 meters from her body. Anyone else acting within the shroud or attempting to attack someone within it suffers the Blind Tilt.

Beast: The changeling exudes a gossamer film which defends her from pursuers. As an instant action, she may attack with this web using Dexterity + Athletics. If successful, the victim is grappled. The web itself may only use the Immobilize maneuver, and its effective Strength + Brawl is equal to your character's Wyrd.

Catch: The changeling is following the path of an actual spider along the surface she is traveling.

Changeling Hours (••–••••)

Time means nothing to Faerie, where years pass in less than a single night in the mortal realm. You call upon this temporal fluidity to rewind, freeze or speed a non-living object in time.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Wyrd – object's Size
Action: Instant
Duration: One day

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: An item carried by the changeling, chosen by the Storyteller, begins to age rapidly. Steel becomes nothing but rust, clothes turn into tattered rags, and food is riddled with maggots.

Failure: The object is unaffected.

Success: This Contract can invoke three different effects. The changeling chooses one when she purchases this power at two dots. A second and third power are bought at three and four dots respectively.

  • Rewind the clock: The item becomes as if it were newly made. Any damage done not by age remains, nor are missing parts replaced.
  • Speed the clock: The item begins to corrode, suffering one damage per turn which ignores Durability, up to a total damage equal to the successes rolled.
  • Freeze the clock: The item is frozen in time and place, making it impossible to move and immune to damage.

Exceptional Success: The changeling can choose to make the effect permanent. (Freeze the Clock cannot be made permanent)

Elemental: The Elemental also affects flora, though not people, with this Contract.

Fairest: The Fairest affects people, including Changelings, with this Contract.

Catch: The changeling knows the name of a former (not current) owner of the object.

Dreamsteps (••)

You step into the dreams of a nearby sleeper, to travel from the mortal world to the Hedge and back. While you physically travel through the dream and might encounter creatures there, the journey takes place at the speed of thought – meaning no time passes in the mortal world.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Duration: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling becomes trapped, allowing the Storyteller to run a dream–sequence. The changeling is expelled into the mortal world near her starting position when the dream ends. Any injuries sustained in the dream, remain.

Failure: The changeling cannot enter the dream.

Success: The changeling enters the dream, and travels from the mortal world to the local Hedge, or vice versa. She emerges in the general area of her choice, and can stipulate one additional condition for each success rolled (e.g. where no one sees me, or under the old willow).

Exceptional Success: The changeling sees a glimpse of the dreamer's soul, granting her the Informed Condition.

Fairest: The Fairest gains one free reroll as the sleeper's mind bends to her presence. The best roll stands.

Catch: The changeling brings a physical object that she crafted herself, and leaves it behind in the dream. The sleeper feels drawn to the changeling as long as the item remains, though the Storyteller determines whether this affection is positive or negative. The item can be retrieved and used by other dream walkers.

Glimpse of a Distant Mirror (••)

Mirror space is a kin to Arcadia and you can bend it. Looking into one reflective surface, you see out of another in which your face has been reflected before.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The effect is reversed, and anyone looking into the receiving surface sees the changeling. The changeling is unaware of this.

Failure: The changeling sees her own reflection.

Success: The changeling, and anyone watching with her, can see out of the receiving surface. The medium must have reflected her face before and the vision is only as clear as the surface allows. The changeling is visible in a corner of the reflection, and astute observers may see her.

Exceptional Success: The vision is clear regardless of the medium. Furthermore, both the changeling and anyone on the other side can hear sounds transmitted through the medium.

Beast: Harking back to the legend of Beauty and the Beast, Beasts have a special affinity for this Contract. She may look out of any surface reflecting a person who is currently under an oath to her or invoking her name, even if the medium hasn't previously reflected the Beast.

Darkling: The Darkling's image in the receiving surface is obscured and yields no details to her identity.

Catch: The owner of the mirror the changeling looks into has sworn enmity against her.

Light–Shy (••)

You become as ephemeral as a dream, and shadows cloak you in the obscurity of forgotten memories.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Stealth + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Shadows retreat from the changeling and she gains the Shadowless Condition.

Failure: The changeling remains visible.

Success: The changeling cloaks herself in shadows, gaining a +3 to all Stealth–based dice pools. Additionally, witnesses suffer her Wyrd as a penalty to all rolls to notice her.

Exceptional Success: The changeling becomes truly invisible; even recording technology no longer detects her.

Darkling: The Darkling spends a Willpower, and the target suffers her Wyrd as penalty to notice her for the remainder of the week.

Wizened: Preferring to observe rather than be seen, the Wizened maintains this Contract as long as she remains motionless.

Catch: The changeling has told a significant lie about herself to someone she cares about. This lie must be great enough to harm the relationship if discovered. The lie need not be recent, but the threat it poses must still be viable.

Might of the Terrible Brute (••)

The character temporarily gains the ability to use her strength more effectively.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Strength + Athletics + Wyrd
Action: Reflexive

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character strains her muscles and suffers the Arm Wrack Tilt for the remainder of the scene.

Failure: The changeling's Strength is unaffected.

Success: The character adds her dots in Wyrd to her dots in Strength for a number of turns equal to successes. This can bring her over her normal dot limit dictated by her Wyrd.

Exceptional Success: The bonus Strength lasts for a scene.

Ogre: Ogre characters always exceptionally succeed when using this Contract.

Beast: Beast characters may add her dots in Wyrd to her dots in Dexterity instead.

Catch: The character is fighting multiple opponents.

Murkblur (••)

You call on the myriad deceptions and distractions of Arcadia to obscure another's vision.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Instant and contested

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Light and color painfully enhances the changeling's sight. She gains the Stunned Tilt for one turn, and the Blinded Tilt for the rest of the scene.

Failure: The target is unaffected.

Success: The target gains the Blinded Tilt for the scene.

Exceptional Success: As success, but the changeling also dulls her target's other senses, instilling the Deafened Tilt.

Fairest: The Fairest overwhelms her target's senses, instilling the Insensate Tilt for one turn.

Ogre: The Ogre cuts her target's senses off so completely, that he takes the Stunned Tilt for one turn.

Catch: The changeling swallows the eye of an animal or person while invoking the Contract.

Nevertread (••)

Your passage is as ephemeral as a dream, and you leave only tokens and emptiness in your wake.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Stealth + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling's footmarks stand out, giving her the Marked Condition.

Failure: The changeling's passage is unchanged.

Success: The changeling changes her footsteps, leaving a trail of hooves, broken twigs, or whatever else she desires, and inflicting a –4 dice penalty to track her. Footmarks changed with this Contract, remain altered after the scene ends.

Exceptional Success: The changeling's footmarks disappear altogether, inflicting the Lost Condition on anyone tracking her.

Beast: The Beast places her mark on a number of people equal to her Wyrd. Everyone marked, gains the benefit of this Contract while traveling with the Beast.

Elemental: The Elemental leaves patches of ephemeral elements in her wake, effectively setting traps as per the Safe Place Merit equal to her Wyrd.

Catch: The changeling leaves a note, bloody fingerprint or other clue of her passing. This can be hidden, but must provide a clue to her identity if found.

Night's Subtle Distractions (••)

This Contract allows the changeling to heighten the physical conditions that limit perception, cloaking herself in darkness and enhancing the sounds and smells of the night to cover her passage.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Stealth + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The targets are unaffected and instead the changeling and anyone she attempts to exclude from the effect suffer from the effects of the Contract.

Failure: The Contract fails to affect anyone's perceptions.

Success: The changeling is able to distract her opponents. For the rest of the scene, targets suffer the changeling's Wyrd as a penalty to notice or spot her. The changeling can affect a number of targets equal to her successes on activating this Contract within a 50 ft. area.

Exceptional Success: The changeling affected by this Contract may use Stealth-based actions as reflexive actions.

Darkling: Darklings only require three successes to achieve an exceptional success on this Contract.

Elemental: Elementals may inflict an Extreme Heat or Extreme Cold Environmental Tilt within the area.

Catch: The Contract is invoked outdoors at night.

Thorns and Brambles (••–••••)

You summon part of the Hedge to ensnare your enemies. You can use this Contract within the Hedge itself – if you dare.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Survival + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Brambles cling to the changeling, draining one point of Glamour. They establish a grapple and use the damage maneuver with a rating equal to your character's Wyrd. A dramatic failure in the Hedge, also instills the Lost Condition.

Failure: The Contract has no effect, or – if used in the Hedge – brambles erupt as per dramatic failure.

Success: This Contract invokes three different effects. The changeling chooses one when she purchases this power at two dots. A second power and third power are bought with a third and fourth dot respectively. The brambles spread three meters in diameter, or smaller if the changeling desires. Additional Glamour spent upon activation add meters to the diameter, at a rate of one for one.

  • Leechweed: Brambles drain anyone they prick of one Glamour per turn, up to the changeling's Wyrd per victim. Targets can avoid being pricked by reducing their Speed to 2 or less.
  • Briarpatch: Brambles growing in the changeling's wake, entangle her enemies. Targets have their movement–related dice rolls reduced by the changeling's Wyrd.
  • Field of Thorns: Brambles form around the changeling, attacking anyone who tries to break through and using the changeling's Wyrd as dice pool. They inflicts lethal damage and ignore Defense (though Armor still applies). The brambles attack any given character only once per turn. Field of Thorns does not move with the changeling.

Exceptional Success: You invoke two effects, even if you haven't purchased a second power. The summoned Hedge also sprouts a beneficial goblin fruit of Storyteller's choosing, which grows for a single day.

Darkling: If the Darkling uses Briarpatch, her pursuers become stuck; they cannot move until they've used an instant action to break free.

Ogre: The Ogre adds her Strength to her Wyrd for determining Field of Thorns' effects.

Catch: The changeling litters a handful of Hedge thorns behind her.

Touch of the Workman's Wrath (••)

The character can disable or seriously damage a device or vehicle with a mere touch.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The Contract takes effect on an unintended object, causing something nearby to cease functioning or break.

Failure: The Contract fails and the device is unharmed.

Success: By touching the device, the changeling deals 1 level of damage to the object for each success on the activation of the Contract. This can be in addition to an attack or other attempt to normally break it.

Exceptional Success: The changeling deals damage directly to the Structure of an item, ignoring its Durability.

Wizened: Wizened are capable of damaging a device by simply looking at it and concentrating. The character must be able to see the object she wishes to disable.

Elemental: The changeling changes the substance of the device, making it brittle, reducing the object's Durability by one-half her Wyrd rating (rounded down).

Catch: The Contract is used on a device that belongs to someone who owes the Changeling. This could be because the person made a deal, borrowed or stole something from the changeling.

Vainglory (•• to ••••)

The changeling temporarily abandons her Mask, but does not actually scour it away. She shows her Mein to onlookers which can dazzle, terrify or confuse humans.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd vs. Composure + Wyrd
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character appears clumsy and harmless causing her to suffer a -2 penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene.

Failure: The character's appearance is unchanged.

Success: The character appears in her true form to humans, but does not actually scour away her Mask. Cameras record her Mask, and people remember her as impressive, but not supernatural.

Supernatural creatures still remember the changeling's true form, but this act does not open Hedge gates, but neither does she benefit from the Exceptional success rule normally associated with scouring her Mask.

This Contract can invoke three different effects. The changeling chooses one when she purchases this power at two dots. A second may be bought when she invests in a third dot, and she gains access to all three when she has invested in four dots of the Contract.

  • Splendor of the Envoy's Protection: Onlookers are awed by the changeling. Anyone looking at the character gains the Swooning Condition. In addition, as long as the changeling does not brandish a weapon or attempt to harm anyone, ordinary humans cannot actually harm her except by accident. If the character personally threatens or attacks someone, the Contract's effects immediately end.
  • Mantle of Terrible Beauty: Onlookers are driven insane by the presence of the changeling. A single contested roll may be made reflexively for a crowd based on the highest Composure present. Those affected gain the Delusional Condition. This power affects anyone who sees the changeling for its duration, not just those present for its activation.
  • Words of Memories Never Lived: The changeling's mien confuses those who see her, making them pliable to suggestion. The changeling can implant a new memory on the group, or remove a single shared memory, which lasts for 24 hours. The memory — either implanted or removed — must be a concise memory, or an event lasting no longer than ten minutes. For example, the changeling can remove the memory of exactly where the group is located, or the last ten minutes of the meeting they were in, but cannot implant a complex memory about a shared childhood friend.

Exceptional Success: The duration of Splendor of the Envoy's Protection is persistent until the target gains or loses Clarity/Integrity and the duration of Words of Memories Never Lived becomes permanent. Those affected by Mantle of Terrible Beauty are also affected by the Insensate Tilt.

Fairest: When using Splendor of the Envoy's Protection, the changeling can additionally impart the Inspired Condition on those who see her, by asking them to perform a single task for her.

Darkling: When using Mantle of Terrible Beauty, the changeling gains a +3 bonus to activate the power.

Wizened: When using Words of Memories Never Lived, the changeling may gain the Informed Condition in regards to information gleaned from a single individual in the group.

Catch: This Contract is invoked in a room with at least a dozen people.

Three Dot Contracts

Blessing of Perfection (•••)

By handling and making small adjustments to a weapon, vehicle or other device, the changeling can bless the object, making it easier to use and more efficient. The Contract may also be used to bless a crafting action, such as repairing, creating, or even treating an injury.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling accidentally curses the device permanently, causing it to malfunction and stop working at random times. Additionally, anyone attempting to utilize the object suffers a -2 penalty.

Failure: The Contract fails leaving the device unaffected.

Success: The object gains a bonus equal to the changeling's Wyrd to all die rolls made using it for the next full scene.

If the changeling uses this Contract to augment an appropriate Crafts, Medicine, or Computer action, she can add her Wyrd to the rolls involved in that specific action.

Exceptional Success: The blessed object retains its bonus to all die rolls made to use it until the sun next rises or sets (whichever comes first).

If the changeling is using the Contract to augment her crafting action, the player gains the Informed Condition about the project.

Wizened: Wizened require only four successes to achieve an exceptional success on this Contract.

Fairest: The fairest may use the Contract to augment her ability to seduce, persuade, and endear herself to others. She may apply her Wyrd to appropriate Expression, Persuasion, and Socialize rolls.

Catch: The Contract is used on a device that belongs to someone the changeling has only recently met — either just now or once before — in exchange for a small favor.

Control Elements (•••)

The changeling can summon and control an element, causing it to act and move in a directed fashion.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The element reacts in a wild and dangerous manner for the next scene.

Failure: The character fails to control the element.

Success: The character successfully calls forth and element and can control it. She can speak with it and direct it to act, or learn information from it. She can choose to inflict one of the following Environmental Tilts on an area with a 5 meter diameter per success in size — Blizzard, Earthquake, Flooded, Heavy Winds, or Inferno.

She can move her element at a rate of 5 meters per dot of Wyrd per turn. She can shape the area, allowing the element to form a wall or barrier between herself and others. She can control solid elements and have them move about or roll around, including mechanical devices primarily made up of the chosen element. If she is controlling electricity, she can use it to power electronic devices. Material has an effective Strength equal to your character's Wyrd for tearing away from bindings, or making attacks on others.

Exceptional Success: The changeling adds +3 to her Wyrd for determining all effects of this Contract.

Elemental: The character can control two elements at the same time.

Darkling: Summoned elements have a darkness around them and anyone caught in the area of her Environmental Tilts suffer from the Blindness Tilt as well.

Catch: The character is calling an element to show off.

Discreet Conjuration (•••)

The character can remove a small object from a pocket or a drawer or any other location where the object could be — even if the object wasn't there before this Contract's use.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Larceny + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character retrieves an item that is completely useless or exceedingly awkward to have at the moment.

Failure: The Contract fails and the character finds nothing new in the location.

Success: The character reaches into a small location she cannot see into, such as a handbag or a drawer and pulls out an item no larger of Size 1. This item can be anything the character has seen or handled before. The item is the most basic of its kind, but fully functional and ready to use — a camera takes pictures, a smartphone can make calls and access a wi-fi connection, and a gun shoots bullets from its fully loaded clip. Objects created this way cannot have special qualifier, such as a gun having special types of ammunition loaded in, or water that has been blessed. No matter what item the character conjures forward, it cannot carry a value higher than what could be purchased with Resources 3.

The object vanishes after one scene or as soon as it leaves the character's hands or the character stops paying attention to it, whichever comes first.

Exceptional Success: The item conjured can be of Size 5 or smaller, and can be of a value purchased with Resources 5.

Wizened: Items created by this Contract by Wizened remain until the end of the scene, regardless if the character is holding the object or paying attention to it.

Darkling: A Darkling may pull an object out of any dark space or shadow that she cannot see the end of.

Catch: The changeling is pulling an object from a location belonging to, or guarded by, an enemy.

Flickering Hours (•••)

Selecting the right trods, you alter the passage of time for yourself and any companions while in the Hedge.

Cost: 2 Glamour for the changeling alone, 2 Glamour + 1 Willpower for a group
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Duration: Until exiting the Hedge

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling finds that far more, or far less time (Storyteller's choice) has passed than she hoped.

Failure: Time remains unchanged.

Success: The changeling changes the passage of time for herself and any companions traveling with her, or for herself and a number of people equal to her Wyrd traveling separately. This Contract is activated when entering the Hedge, but extends to any companions you pick up on the way if using the first application. Time is either slowed by half, or sped up by two for everyone affected.

Exceptional Success: Rather than speed or slow time for everyone, the changeling chooses who is quickened and who slowed. Anyone quickened gains the Fleet of Foot merit, with dots equal to the changeling's Wyrd, until the sun next crosses the horizon.

Elemental: The path becomes nearly impassable in the Elemental's wake, and suffers the mechanical effects of the Ice Tilt.

Fairest: The Fairest ages or rejuvenates herself and/or her subjects by one year when using this Contract. This effect is permanent.

Catch: The changeling smashes an antique clock or other old timekeeping instrument as she activates the Contract.

Mirror Walk (•••)

You step into one mirror and, instantly traversing mirror space, out another.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Duration: One turn

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling becomes lost in mirror space. You roll each hour to return her to her original position. If she was reaching for an object, she drops it in mirror space and it becomes lost (though it can be retrieved with powers that reach into mirror space).

Failure: The mirror remains solid.

Success: The changeling steps into one reflective surface and out of another. Both surfaces must be large enough for her, and she must have physically touched them before. She can bring another person by holding hands, at a surcharge of one Willpower. The changeling can also reach through the mirror, allowing her to take an object from the other side. She can see through the surfaces while this Contract is active.

Exceptional Success: The mirrors remain portals for this scene, and anyone may pass through freely (without the changeling's permission) in either direction.

Beast: After a dramatic failure, the Beast powers through and escapes to the target destination, rather than the original.

Darkling: The Darkling becomes mirror-like after exiting the portal, only reflecting what is already in the room. This renders her invisible to the naked eye for a number of turns equal to her Wyrd.

Catch: A blood relative is currently reflected in the receiving surface.

Game Master's Table (•••)

War is just another game to the Fae. Using any game, you glean the tides of battle and direct your troops.

Cost: 1 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling relays false information to the army, inflicting the Lost Condition on the troops.

Failure: The battle is unaffected.

Success: The game moves on its own to represent the battlefield, granting the changeling the Informed Condition. She can change the game to represent her wishes (e.g. moving a pawn to capture a knight). Doing so lets a suitable warrior or unit leader know what she wants, though he is under no compulsion to comply (if he refuses, the change resets).

All information gained is global. If a piece falls, the changeling knows which warrior is incapacitated, but not whether he was captured, injured or killed. Likewise, she can let a warrior know that she wants him to take a bridge, but not that he needs to do so stealthily. The changeling decides whether the selected warrior is the only one aware of the order, or if other warriors do too, allowing her to hand out secret or supported missions as needed.

Fairest: The Fairest extends the duration until the next sunrise or sunset.

Ogre: The Ogre grants her troops a bonus die to all actions.

Catch: The changeling uses a game piece that once belonged to the opposing commander.

Pipes of the Beastcaller (•••)

The changeling can talk to and command animals of a specified type. The character determines the animal she wishes to call when she enacts the Contract.

Cost: 1 Glamour/species of animal
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The animal either attacks the character, or completely misunderstands her commands.

Failure: The character cannot communicate with the animal.

Success: The character sends out a call to summon all animals within a radius equal to her Wyrd in miles. She can speak and communicate with these animals for a scene. With the expenditure of glamour she can call and speak with an additional species of animal. She can give commands to the animals, which attempt to obey to the best of their abilities. Hostile or unwilling animals may attempt a Resolve + Composure to resist the call and commands of the changeling.

Exceptional Success: The character can control the animal for 24 hours.

Beast: Beast characters gain an empathic link to the animals she is commanding, allowing her to give commands from a distance. She is also aware of its location and general physical condition.

Ogre: The character can command two animals per Glamour he spends.

Catch: The changeling is requesting the animal to guard or watch his dwelling.

Portents and Visions (•••)

Time is malleable to the denizens of Arcadia, and you can see the past or future.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd vs. Composure + Wyrd if contested
Action: Instant, or instant and contested
Duration: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling sees a false event, gaining the Misinformed Condition.

Failure: You gain no visions.

Success: You state if you want to see the past or future. Your character must see her target, and can invoke this on herself by looking into a mirror.

  • Past: The changeling has a vision of the most impressive event that happened to the target. This

is not contingent on the target's memories: she might see a forgotten or suppressed event.

  • Future: The changeling sees the most important event in the target's next few days. The future is not set in stone, and the changeling's involvement can alter it. The changeling (and the target if she tells him) gains the Informed Condition.

Exceptional Success: The changeling may evoke emotions associated with the event in her target; e.g. if the event was a night of passion, she reminds her target of his lover. The Storyteller is encouraged to give the target a Tilt to represent this.

Ogre: The Ogre lends her strength to the target for a violent event to come. He gains the merit Giant during the scene when (if) it comes to pass.

Wizened: The Wizened sees a traumatic past, and instills the Fugue Condition in her target until the sun next passes the horizon.

Catch: The changeling has a childhood picture of her target.

Riddle–Kith (•••)

Calling upon the roiling chaos that is Faerie, you mold any mien into that of a kith of your choosing.

Cost: 1 Glamour for a scene, or 1 Glamour + 1 Clarity until reversed

Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd if contested

Action: Instant, or instant and contested

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling sheds her own kith, but fails to assume another. Her body becomes non-descript and she has no kith benefits this scene.

Failure: The changeling's mien is unchanged.

Success: The changeling alters her own or another changeling's features, to emulate a different kith. Forcing a new kith upon an unwilling subject constitutes a breaking point, as she is perpetrating the cruelty of the Gentry. This Contract cannot copy a specific changeling.

Exceptional Success: The changeling gains the benefits of the Dual Kith merit (her original and the Riddle-Kith). She may purchase and keep the merit after the Contract ends.

Elemental: The Elemental's fluid nature allows her to copy a specific changeling. This copy passes visual inspection, but matching her target's mannerisms and behavior requires a Social action

Fairest: The Fairest grants her subject a number of appropriate Merit dots equal to her Wyrd, e.g. the Iron Skin merit to represent the physical resistance of a Draconian's scales.

Catch: The changeling has shared a meal with the kith she wishes to copy, within the last day.

Shared Burden (•••)

Calling upon stories of parents dying to protect their children, or lovers exchanging places in the underworld, you make another's pain your own.

Cost: 1 Glamour + 1 health level per 2 health levels healed.
Dice Pool:
Action: Instant
Duration: Instant

Effect: The changeling negates 2 wounds on another's body. The most grievous of these injuries (aggravated first, lethal next, then bruised) appears on her own body, and a second is lost to the Contract.

Example: If the changeling's companion has suffered two lethal and one bruising damage, the changeling transfers a lethal damage to herself. Her act of sacrifice compels the Contract to negate another lethal damage. The beneficiary now has one bruising damage, and the changeling one lethal. If the beneficiary has one aggravated, one lethal and one bruising damage, the changeling takes the aggravated wound, the Contract negates the lethal, and the target is left with the bruising.

Ogre: The Ogre's Contract heals 2 health levels per 1 absorbed.

Wizened: Skilled in the art of healing, a Wizened takes the lesser of the injuries rather than the greater onto her own body.

Catch: The changeling holds a strip of skin, one foot or longer, of the creature that inflicted the injury. This only removes the Glamour cost.

Ban: Injuries gained through Shared Burden cannot be alleviated through this Contract, nor can their healing times be sped up by non-mundane means.

Skinmask (•••)

You harvest shards of human dreams and nightmares trapped in the Hedge, to change your mask or aspects thereof.

Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling becomes a misshapen, broken copy of the intended mask. This instills either the Blind or Disabled Condition, as her face melts or her bones crumble.

Failure: The changeling's mask remains unchanged.

Success: The changeling assumes the desired mask. If she copies an existing mortal, it passes visual inspection by anyone, but copying her target's mannerisms and behavior still requires a Social action.

Exceptional Success: The changeling has perfectly mastered this particular mask and need not roll to assume it again later. The cost for the Contract still applies. She can purchase the Alternate Identity Merit to reflect this mask, and if so, can shift at will and free of cost.

Beast: The Beast shines with primal magnetism. She distributes two extra dots over the mask's Presence and Manipulation.

Fairest: If the Fairest copies a specific mortal, she automatically mimics his behavior too. She can take actions that he wouldn't, possibly alerting his friends that something is wrong, but the Storyteller warns her before she does.

Catch: The changeling changes her appearance to match that of an existing human and holds an object belonging to him or her.

Temporary Lucidity (•••)

Showing an understanding that only a fellow survivor can, you temporarily increase your own or another Lost's mental stability.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Instant and contested

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling, absorbing her target's ailing, loses a dot of Clarity.

Failure: The target's Clarity is unaffected.

Success: The target gains two dots of Clarity for the duration of the scene. All Clarity–related effects are at the higher rating.

Exceptional Success: The target gains three dots of Clarity instead of two. Furthermore, he receives +3 dice on any breaking point rolls made this scene.

Fairest: The Fairest's soothing presence extends the effect while she remains with the target, or until the end of the day – whichever comes first.

Ogre: An Ogre causes the opposite effect, striking her target and causing him to lose a dot of Clarity, or two with an exceptional success.

Catch: The target faced a breaking point within the last twelve hours.

Four Dot Contracts

Armored Clarity (••••)

The Gentry do many things that mortals consider beyond the pale. Changelings have a similar fortitude, allowing you to do what you need to survive.

Cost: 2 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Resolve + Composure + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling gains a Condition (Storyteller's Choice) upon her next Clarity roll, even if it was successful.

Failure: The changeling's Clarity receives no protection.

Success: For the next scene, the changeling takes any actions without suffering breaking points. Instead, she rolls a single breaking point at the end of the scene based on the most loss–inducing action taken. This roll and any consequences are resolved normally. This does not affect actions which would cost Clarity without a roll.

Exceptional Success: The changeling makes the breaking point roll at +3 dice.

Ogre: An Ogre gains the rote quality on her breaking point roll.

Wizened: A Wizened not only forestalls her breaking points, but seeks to gain. If she succeeds in the breaking point roll, she gains a dot of Clarity.

Catch: The changeling suffered Clarity loss in the last day.

Ban: This Contract can be used only once per story.

Cheater's Gambit (••••)

Winning by cheating is preferable to losing fairly. Using a game to represent a battlefield, you wreak havoc on the opposing forces. True to the nature of Faerie, your opponent need not be aware that a game is afoot, though they might see the titled battlefield afterward and realize magic is at play.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Socialize + Wyrd vs. enemy's leader Composure + Socialize + Wyrd
Action: Instant and Contested
Duration: One turn

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The Contract works against the side the changeling supports, giving them the Frightened Condition.

Failure: The gambit has no effect.

Success: By knocking over game pieces, deflating the ball, or playing with marked cards, the changeling curses the opposing army. On the next turn, the opposing side suffers a –4 penalty to all rolls as bad luck besieges it. The enemy leader knows that someone turned fate against his troops.

Exceptional Success: The subject doesn't realize that a Contract was used, no matter how skewed the battle becomes.

Beast: The Beast's troops gain the Steadfast Condition.

Fairest: The Fairest's troops gain the Inspired Condition.

Catch: The changeling has played this game with an individual who died within the past week.

Cloak of the Bear's Massive Form (••••)

The character can physically transform into an animal's shape. She chooses up to two animals (between Sizes 1 and 7) when she purchases this Contract to transform into. Once chosen, animal forms cannot be changed. After purchasing, the changeling may invest in an additional two dots of this Contract to buy additional forms.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant
Duration: One Day

The changeling transforms into one of her chosen animals, and stays there for one full day, though she can choose to return to her normal form at any time. In animal form, she takes on the beast's Physical Attributes, its Size, Speed, and Health. She can move and sense and attack in any way that the animal can. She gains some of the animal's instinctual motor controls and she can run, fly, and swim normally. While in animal form, the character can speak any language she knows, as well as communicate with other animals sharing her form. She can also use her other Contracts while in beast form.

Beast: The character can choose two additional animals when she purchases this Contract.

Ogre: The character can choose animals up to Size 12 to transform into.

Catch: The changeling is in the natural habitat of her chosen animal and is near enough to touch at least one of the animals.

Elegant Protection (••••)

The changeling appears elegant and poised as weapons seem to swerve away from her, deliberately avoiding dealing damage.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character suffers a -2 penalty to her Defense for the rest of the scene.

Failure: The Contract fails to work.

Success: Any character attacking the changeling suffers her Wyrd as a penalty for the scene. This is not Defense; it applies even if the changeling is completely unaware or denied her Defense, and applies to firearms attacks.

Exceptional Success: Additionally, add her Wyrd to her Initiative and Speed for the scene.

Fairest: Fairest characters always seem to be moving with grace and can dance away from danger or dodge blows without spilling her drink or wrinkling her clothes. The character also only requires three successes to achieve an exceptional success on this Contract.

Ogre: In addition to the Defense bonus, any weapon successfully striking the Ogre suffers her Wyrd as damage.

Catch: The character is fighting a duel against a sworn enemy.

Hidden Reality (••••)

The changeling can create or change one innocuous feature of her surroundings. As long as the feature could reasonably exist before the changeling uses this Contract, she can make it a reality.

Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character fails to change her surrounding, and instead loses a point of Willpower.

Failure: The Contract fails, and her surroundings stay the same.

Success: The character changes some feature of her surrounding that was not previously obvious and so might have been present naturally. For example, she may create a hidden latch on a box to allow her to open it, a wall outlet behind a table, or a window or door behind a curtain. In all cases, the change must be reasonable and relatively minor in scope. A new door in a wall must lead to the other side of the wall, and not to the outside. Anything she creates or changes must be considered a part of an object, such as a lock on a door, a door in a room, or a window to a car. All changes vanish after one scene or if no one is paying attention to it.

Exceptional Success: The changes last for 24 hours, or until the changeling chooses to dismiss them.

Wizened: Wizened characters may create objects that could reasonably be found in a room or building, as long as she cannot see into the room or building she is performing this Contract in. She may find a set of keys on a nearby table, or a car parked in the garage.

Fairest: The character can choose to instead change the disposition of someone in her vicinity, changing a guard from stalwart to gullible, or a politician from honest to corrupt. She can only affect one person with this power at a time.

Catch: The changeling is using this power to escape a location where she has been confined against her will.

Luna's Bedlam (••••)

You take the shards of dreams, nightmares, and lunacy that is Arcadia, and instill them in others.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Wyrd – target's Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Instant and contested
Duration: One scene (if delayed, counting from the trigger)

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling gains one of the Conditions listed below (Storyteller's choice) for the remainder of the scene.

Failure: The target is unaffected.

Success: The changeling knows if the target is suffering from the Amnesia, Fugue, Lost, Madness, or Obsession Condition.

She can also invoke one effect per success:

  • Instill one of the Conditions above in the target for the Duration of the Contract.
  • Increase the Duration of this Contract to one day. Conditions fade afterward.
  • Select one additional target. The changeling rolls the Contract again for free and, if successful, her second target suffers the same effects as the first.
  • Delay the effect of this Contract until a specified trigger is met.

Exceptional Success: The target gains the Shaken Condition if he is a changeling, or the Spooked Condition if he is a mortal. This lasts beyond the duration of this Contract, until resolved.

Fairest: The Fairest excel at inciting passions. Add these Conditions to the ones listed above: Inspired, Swooning, Wanton.

Ogre: The Ogre instills fear as well as lunacy. Add these Conditions to the ones listed above: Bestial, Broken, Frightened.

Catch: The changeling herself suffers from one of the listed Conditions.

Stealing the Solid Reflection (••••)

Harking upon the power by which the Gentry create fetches, you steal a reflection and turn it into a solid object.

Cost: 2 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Strength + Larceny + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The reflection shatters and the original object sustains a point of damage (bypassing Hardness) as cracks erupt on it.

Failure: The reflection cannot be stolen.

Success: The changeling removes the image of an object from a reflective surface. The surface must be clear enough to show some detail, and the object must fit through it. The stolen reflection is mirrored, e.g. a car with the steering wheel on the 'wrong' side, or a book written in mirror text. The stolen object has no supernatural properties. Neither the stolen object, nor the original casts a reflection while this Contract lasts.

Exceptional Success: The stolen reflection remains solid until the sun next passes the horizon.

Elemental: The Elemental retrieves the reflection of a living being. The stolen reflection is imperfectly made, with at least one mark of the supernatural. Its traits equal the original's, or the changeling's Wyrd, whichever is lower (i.e. if the original has Strength 3 and the changeling Wyrd 2, the reflection's Strength becomes 2).

Wizened: The reflection retains any mystical properties of the original. For example, the Wizened can use this to steal a normally working goblin fruit.

Catch: The owner of the reflected object, is indebted to the changeling.

Tatterdemalion's Workshop (••••)

The changeling is able to cobble together whatever pieces and spare parts she has lying around to make just about anything she can imagine. This crafting occurs quickly and with the most unlikely of tools and equipment. The finished product must be reasonable and the parts must be physically capable of being used in this manner.

Cost: 4 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Extended (1 minute per roll, the target number is variable)

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling fails to make the device, breaks the component parts, and nearly destroys her workspace, preventing her from using the space again for a full day.

Failure: The Contract fails, the device is not formed and the various parts are unaffected.

Success: The character creates a device from vaguely appropriate parts, such as a rocket launcher out of a flare gun and a canister of compressed gas. The Storyteller sets the number of successes required to create the item, which varies from 5 to 15 depending on the complexity of the device and the quality of the available materials, and the device cannot be larger than Size 10.

The device functions for one scene as well as a normal device of the type being duplicated. After which, the item falls to worn and unusable pieces.

Exceptional Success: The crafted item functions for the next 24 hours, and can be as large as Size 15.

Wizened: Wizened achieve exceptional success on three successes instead of five.

Ogre: Ogre characters do not need to find pieces and parts that would reasonably fit together to make the item in question, instead they simply pull and stretch any object into fitting their desire and gain an additional die to each roll.

Catch: The Contract is used to craft an approximation of an object the changeling is personally familiar with, and has used in the past month.

Five Dot Contracts

Animate Device (•••••)

The changeling animates a device, allowing it to function on its own. Cars can drive themselves, doors and cabinets open or close, bolts move, a gun can fire itself.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The device briefly malfunctions and cannot be used in any fashion for the next scene.

Failure: The device remains still and unaffected.

Success: The object comes alive for a full scene, following a single simple command given to it by the Changeling. A door closes and remains closed, a car drives away, or a gun shoots until it runs out of bullets. Anyone attempting to change the action of the object must make a Strength + Resolve roll and achieve at least as many successes as the changeling netted to activate the Contract.

Devices cannot move in any way outside their normal range of motion. If a device's natural movement would inflict damage, form a dice pool using the changeling's Wyrd for Dexterity, her Manipulation for the appropriate Skill, and the object's Size for its Strength. A changeling can control any device she can see within 50 meters of her.

Exceptional Success: The object can remain permanently animated. The changeling may purchase the construct as a one dot Retainer. If she does not, the enchantment expires in 24 hours. Either way she can change the object's commands without rolling or reactivating the Contract.

Wizened: The changeling can cause an object to move outside its normal range of operation by giving it a single instruction. The object moves as though it was wielded by the changeling and can be used as weapons by the changeling.

Beast: The changeling can imbue a modicum of animal-like intelligence into the device, allowing her to give the device multiple commands for it to follow for the scene.

Catch: This Contract is being invoked on a device the changeling has never encountered or handled before, and is owned by a stranger.

Chrysalis (•••••)

The Gentry are fluid, changing from story to story as befits them. You have a similar adaptability, and can alter your body until it is no longer human.

Cost: 2 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Stuck between forms, the changeling is a misshapen mass and suffers a -3 penalty on all rolls. This lasts until reversed, or successful transformation achieved.

Failure: The changeling remains unchanged.

Success: The changeling assumes the shape of an animal, or unmoving object, with normal physical stats for its kind. She chooses an additional benefit per success, such as:

  • Claws add +1 lethal damage
  • Hard skin adds 2/1 armor
  • Animal gains +3 Speed and +2 Initiative
  • Object gains limited mobility (she rolls herself as a rock, or uses chair legs to walk)
  • Add or subtract one Size (this can be taken multiple times)
  • Other effects can be chosen with Storyteller approval

Exceptional Success: The changeling may purchase the form as an Alternate Identity. If she does, she can adopt the form reflexively for a single point of Glamour. She changes as if she achieved five successes.

Beast: The Beast selects one free benefit when assuming animal shape. He also gains the Giant merit.

Wizened: The Wizened selects one free benefit when assuming object shape. He also gains the four-dot version of the Iron Skin merit.

Catch: The changeling travels into the Hedge, and finds a representation of her chrysalis form.

Hedgewall (•••••)

A massive castle of hedges, thorns and brambles forms around you.

Cost: 3 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Extended (5 successes necessary; each roll represents 1 turn)

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The castle turns against the changeling and her allies, giving them the Lost Condition.

Failure: The fortification doesn't appear, or – in the Hedge – it erupts to give the changeling and her allies the Lost Condition.

Success: Hedge walls form a castle around the changeling, sprawling out in a diameter of ten yards per dot of Wyrd (though space constraints and the changeling's wishes can make it smaller). The castle grants full concealment against ranged attacks. The walls prevent anyone from passing without a hacking tool, and have Durability 3, Structure 6. They can be climbed, but any character touching the brambles suffers one lethal damage per turn. The changeling determines the lay–out of the construct, but its passages must be wide enough for a Size 4 character.

Exceptional Success: The changeling chooses one effect from Thorns and Brambles to add to the castle for free.

Elemental: The Elemental's Hedgewall lasts until the sun next passes the horizon.

Catch: The changeling plants a living sapling from the Hedge immediately before using this Contract.

Ban: This Contract cannot be used inside a human building. The hedges form a single unbroken wall.

Leaping Toward Nightfall (•••••)

You call on Faerie's fluid time to send a person or object forward in time.

Cost: 4 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Wyrd vs. Composure + Wyrd if contested
Action: Instant, or instant and contested

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling slows herself, halving her Speed and Initiative (rounded down).

Failure: The target is unaffected.

Success: The changeling sends an object up to Size 10, or any person or supernatural being forward in time. She must touch her target, which instantly vanishes and reappears at the predetermined time in the same location (if another object is occupying that spot, the target appears next to it). No time passes for the target. People and supernatural beings can resist this Contract. The changeling determines how far in the future she sends the target, to a maximum of her Wyrd in days.

Exceptional Success: The changeling chooses whether her target reappears prepared for what comes next (granting one free action), or dazed and confused (invoking the Stunned Tilt for one turn).

Wizened: The Wizened's target remains suspended between present and future when reappearing, granting him the Twilight Form Condition for one turn. He rolls Wits + Composure to see the material world and prepare for what awaits there (granting him the highest Initiative next turn).

Catch: The changeling uses this ability when the target is touching, or moving through, a gateway into the Hedge.

Ban: Once invoked, this Contract cannot be ended prematurely.

Paralyzing Shudder (•••••)

The changeling causes her victim's body to freeze up and shudder in terror. Her victim is unable to move, completely frozen in his terror.

Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd vs. Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The target is unaffected and instead, the changeling takes a -2 penalty to all Strength and Dexterity related dice rolls.

Failure: The target is unaffected by this Contract.

Success: The changeling must be able to see her victim, and he must be able to see her for this Contract to take effect. The victim is overwhelmed by a terror of the changeling. He suffers from the Insensate Tilt for the rest of the scene, and suffers from the Shaken Condition. This contract creates a terror so strong that it constitutes a breaking point.

Exceptional Success: The victim is so captivated by his fear that he also suffers from the Immobilized Tilt for the rest of the scene.

Darkling: Darkling characters gain a +3 bonus to activate this Contract.

Ogre: An Ogre character may add his Strength instead of Presence when activating this Contract.

Catch: The victim is alone and the changeling is touching him.

Phantom Glory (•••••)

The character is able to make herself completely incorporeal. In this state she is weightless and is immune to all physical attacks and can pass through all physical barriers.

Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Occult + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character does not only remain corporeal, but she becomes heavy and slow. She suffers a -2 penalty to her Initiative and Defense.

Failure: The Contract fails and the character remains corporeal.

Success: The character turns intangible, and cannot touch anyone or be affected by any physical attack for the rest of the scene. The character exists in a state of Twilight, much like a ghost, and can attack or be attacked by ghosts or other ephemeral entities as though they were both solid. Everything the character is wearing and handheld items change with her. Characters who can see into Twilight may see the changeling, otherwise she is invisible to the naked eye.

Exceptional Success: Also, the character can pick up Size 1 objects which then turn intangible as she holds them. When she lets go of the item, she can choose to leave it in the Twilight realm, or return it to the material world.

Fairest: The character can choose to make one other person intangible instead of herself, by touching them when activating the Contract. If unwilling, the subject can contest with Stamina + Wyrd.

Elemental: The character can choose to change into an element. In elemental form, she can attack as if her body was a 2 damage weapon. If she turns into an element that is non-solid, she can still pass through barriers as though she were incorporeal, and is immune to physical attack. If she is a solid element, she adds half her Wyrd (rounded down) to her Strength and Stamina, but can take physical damage. She cannot interact with ghosts as an element.

Catch: The changeling carries no weapons and is wearing no armor. If she picks up or dons either while using this catch, the Contract immediately ends.

Red Rage of Terrible Revenge (•••••)

The changeling is filled with passion and fury as she turns rage into unparalleled strength and immunity to physical harm.

Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Strength + Survival + Wyrd
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The character's fury takes over and she cannot direct her actions. She suffers a -2 penalty to all rolls for the next scene.

Failure: The Contract fails to take effect.

Success: Each success adds one to the changeling's Initiative, Strength (which increases Speed), and 1/0 armor. Every turn, the character takes one lethal damage until she ends the power.

Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.

Ogre: Also add half the character's Wyrd (rounded up) to her Stamina. This adds additional health boxes.

Beast: Also add three to the character's Initiative and 1 lethal damage to her hand to hand or weapon attacks.

Catch: The character is using this Contract to gain justice for a loved one.

Thief of Reason (•••••)

Invoking memories of horrors suffered in Arcadia, you erode another Lost's Clarity.

Cost: 2 Glamour + 1 Willpower.
Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Wyrd – Composure
Action: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling herself gains the Delusional Condition.

Failure: The target is unaffected.

Success: The rolled successes are subtracted from the target's Clarity. Clarity–related effects are at the new rating. The target suffers a further –2 dice penalty to Initiative and a –1 penalty to Defense. He rolls a breaking point roll at his new Clarity, to determine if he gains a Condition of Storyteller's choosing (though no further Clarity loss results). Any such Conditions are resolved when the lunar month ends.

Exceptional Success: The target finds it impossible to interact with the physical world. The Storyteller gains a number of dice equal to 10 – target's new Clarity, to use as negative modifiers on any dice rolls the target makes. This effect lasts until the dice are spent, or the lunar month ends.

Beast: Finding her target's weak spot, the Beast instill the target with the Fugue Condition.

Darkling: The Darkling pays one Willpower to postpone the effect until a trigger of her choice is met. If the trigger does not pass within a day, the effect is lost.

Catch: The subject made a statement doubting his own sanity in front of witnesses, within the last hour.

Ban: Invoking this Contract, successfully or not, requires a breaking point roll at –3.

Tying the Knots of Fate (•••••)

You rival the Gentry's mastery of fate, and can guide your target's future to a single point within the next month.

Cost: 3 Glamour + 2 Willpower
Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Wyrd – target's Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Extended. The target number is the target's Clarity or equivalent Integrity. Each roll takes 10 minutes.
Duration: Until the lunar month ends, or the fate comes to pass (whichever comes first).

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The changeling curses herself, leading to a dramatic failure on a crucial roll (Storyteller's choice) in the next day.

Failure: The target is unaffected.

Success: The changeling names an experience, which must be reasonably probable and not overly specified, for her target. All rolls that leads to this fate (made by the target or other characters) gain a number of bonus dice equal to the successes rolled, while rolls that obstruct the fate suffer the same as penalty. This Contract only creates an experience, not the outcome thereof.

A changeling may have this Contract pending a number of times equal to her Wyrd.

Exceptional Success: The target gains the Informed or Misinformed Condition (your choice).

Fairest: The Fairest gains +3 dice when invoking a positive fate. She herself gains the Inspired Condition when furthering it.

Ogre: The Ogre gains +3 dice when invoking a negative fate. She herself gains the Steadfast Condition when furthering it.

Catch: The changeling uses this Contract to bless or curse an infant.

Vision of Fortune's Favor (•••••)

Sensing the winds of fate, you see your own immediate future.

Cost: 3 Glamour (paid when the scene ends) + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Investigation + Wyrd
Action: Reflexive
Duration: Instant

Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: Reality and (false) visions bleed into each other, and the changeling gains the Insensate Tilt and acts as if she rolled the lowest Initiative this scene.

Failure: You see nothing.

Success: The changeling sees the future. In game terms, the last turn is re–played and the changeling may change her action. All other characters, except those who experienced a similar vision, re–take their original actions.

Example: Your character gets hit with an axe and takes deadly damage, prompting her to activate this Contract. This time, she steps out of battle and into safety. Her would-be killer still swings the axe (and misses), as he did not expect her to step back.

Exceptional Success: The changeling's vision was exceptionally clear and she gains 9 again on any rolls the 'new' turn.

Wizened: Acting with impossible precision, the Wizened gains one surprise attack against any viable target. She rolls Initiative as normal afterward.

Catch: A friend or ally betrayed the changeling in the last day.

Ban: This Contract can be used only once per story. If the changeling cannot pay the owed Glamour cost after the scene ends, she suffers one Aggravated wound per unpaid Glamour. If a changeling uses this Contract to prevent her death, she gains the Soul Shocked Condition.