Desmond Dastardly (Serpent's Skull)

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To those who haven't know Desmond for long might think he was always a devastatingly handsome, smooth talking Half-Elf using his wit and charm to get his way. Who could help themselves when you look into those piercing blue eyes? He'd been destined to be a Rogue his whole life. His parents, Sarah, a beautiful elven woman, and Demetrious, a dashingly handsome human, had led a life of unorganized crime until Desmond was born. They had both met while on the trail of a rare jewel encrusted dagger that was held in a Kintargo weapons dealer's private vault. When they both showed up late one evening to the back of the shop they took one look at one another and knew they were after the same thing. They teamed up and decided to split the profits from the caper. Both mutually impressed by the other's skills and generally flattering good looks, they hit it off. Soon after, Sarah was pregnant with a son, Desmond Dastardly.

After he came along his parents tried settle down for the good of their son, but they were ill suited for the job. They had spent their whole lives stealing, conniving, and lying there way through every life event that took place. As an attempt to lead a less dangerous lifestyle, but continue in the same line of work, they joined the infamous Thieves' Guild of Pezzack. Most would frown upon membership in a Thieves' Guild, but the tasks and quests they could complete as a part of an organization were a small risk compared to the wretched things they used to do for money. They were able to stay on their version of a straight and narrow path for most of Desmond's early years, but as a dog returns to his vomit, they got greedy once again, stooping even to crime against the Guild. Whether this was taking a few extra gold pieces from a job and lying about the spoils, or stealing directly from the Guild coffers. After all, they were thieves.

This was all Desmond knew. From a young age he the skills of the trade. How to sneak up on his enemies to have the advantage, how to pick locks and pockets. Some might say he lacked anything that may have resembled a childhood. There was no time for fun and games growing up in the Guild, the tasks he was forced to perform left a mark on Desmond he will never forget, but also a very specific set of skills that he would rely on for the rest of his life.

The Guild was always home, unfortunately it wasn't an inviting one. The only "friends" he had were other members of the guild, other kids whose parents were members. If you can imagine though, a thief is not always a reliable friend or parent for that matter. Putting your trust in someone, only to have it used against you is a lesson you need to learn once, and a lesson not easily forgotten. Desmond spent most of his free time alone contemplating morals, right and wrong. He could never bring this up to his parents or anyone else he knew since this was their life, but that didn't stop him longing for a life outside of stealing, tricking, and fooling innocent people. He looked up to his parents as any child does, but he always felt like what they did was wrong. He had dreamed of leaving the Guild, this town of Pezzack, this way of life, and traveling the world, maybe even helping people.

Demetrious and Sarah were highly praised as being the strongest thieving couple in the Guild for many years. The Guild Master Peter Silksmith would send them out as partners for the highest difficulty of missions with little to no worry on them completing the task at hand. Peter knew that the Dastardlys were probably taking some extra coin, but they were so good he generally looked past it. Peter was growing older and was looking towards retirement soon. While he would pick Demetrious to take over the Guild in his stay based on skill alone, Peter felt the need to leave the Guild to his son Jareth instead. Jareth was a decent thief, but his arrogance got the best of him from time to time. He was always jealous of the affection his father showed towards Demetrious even though he had a hunch that their family was making off with more money than they earned. This sent the guild into a difficult transition period.

Now that Jareth was in charge, he make an example out of the Dastardlys. As a show of power. His plan was to wait until the night of Desmond’s 16th birthday to put an end to this. He would host a party in the Guild commons to celebrate and make a display out of Demetrious and Sarah in front of his son and the whole Guild.

Desmond was caught off guard when he heard they were throwing him a party for his birthday since the Guild never did much to celebrate anything. No member of this guild was compassionate or seemed to care about him, not even his parents, Desmond had gotten over that fact. He had been planning to try to make an escape from the Guild and his dysfunctional family after his birthday. He thought maybe tonight would be the night since most of the Guild would be so drunk, he would be able to slip away without much hassle. None the less, he still went down to the commons to join the party.

By the time the Desmond's parents arrived, Jareth was already drunk, and the mead mixed with his newly found power gave him the courage to confront Demetrious about them stealing from the Guild. From his table of "friends" all bragging about their latest heists, Desmond overheard Jareth's accusations against his father.

He then heard an announcement come from Jareth. "Everyone! Listen up! Today we celebrate another one of our little thieves growing up into a man! Something your father over here never became!" Jareth chuckled to himself as did some of the other members hesitantly. Jareth's hatred for Demetrious was apparent to everyone, and the tension was so thick in the room you could taste it. “What do you same Demetrious? Are you proud of the son you and your whore wife raised?” Jareth chuckled again. This time getting less of any reaction from the members. Before Jareth could say another word his father flipped a dagger off his belt and up to Jareth's throat. Now his father and mother were both the target of over 20 Guild archers lining the room in the balcony above. "DROP YOUR WEAPON DEMETRIOUS!" an elder exclaimed from above. Simultaneously other Guild members slipped behind Sarah holding a knife to her throat. Desmond stood up in reaction to what was happening only to be quickly thrusted back down and held by members surrounding him. It was quickly apparent that Jareth had informed many Guild members of his plan tonight.

Demetrious looked around at all of his old cohorts with their weapons pointed towards him and his family. He dropped his dagger from Jareth's throat, a thin red line still visible from the blade's pressure against his throat. Without missing a beat Demetrious bent down as if get on his knees to surrender when he pulled out two small throwing knives out of his boots and flinging them with acute accuracy into the guards neck that were restraining Sarah. Desmond couldn't believe his eyes as his father was bombarded with arrows from the balcony above. Meanwhile Sarah running at full speed dodging Jareth's men to break free out of the Guild House after the last ditch effort what her husband did in attempts to break her free. She made it almost all the way to the nearest exit when a rapier thrown from across the room pinned her to the door. Desmond broke free from the men who held him down rushed to the door to see his mother take her final breaths. He removed the sword from the door and held his mother in his arms. The inscription on the hilt of the sword "SILKSMITH". Desmond looked back to see Jareth standing over his pin cushion of a father "Out with you unless you want some of the same" he bellowed. Desmond was escorted out of the Guild House and told never to come back. All that Desmond had known his 16 years on this earth had been shattered in a matter of moments. Even though he was planning on making a run for his life this night anyway. He felt a pit in his stomach larger than he had ever felt before. He retched and vomited in deep grief.

All he had were the clothes on his back, but he did manage to sneak the blade that had killed his mother under his cloak before the Guild members threw him out. Once he regained his bearings he fled from Pezzack through the dark city streets and into the outskirts of the town he had not left his whole life. Desmond traveled the whole night, not stopping until the sun came up. He had made it into a small town. This would become his new home, the city of Kintargo.

5 years later we see the Desmond we know him now. A handsome young fellow, mostly secretive, but has quite the reputation throughout town. The Rogue with the Rapier some referred to him as. Desmond would be hired for many jobs, as long as they were justified by his moral code. He loved righting people who have been wronged, helping the helpless seek justice. Desmond wasn't a rich man, but he did make a decent living. If he were more stringent on his prices when he would be much better off, but Desmond didn't only care for money. He enjoyed helping people and gave many people breaks who couldn't afford his service. Funds were starting to dry up though. He was looking for something a little more lucrative at the moment. Something that could get him enough money to live off of for a while. Desmond was never very close this his parents, but he never was able to fill the entire pit he felt in his stomach. Someday he would try settle a score that still lingered. His sword still longed to taste the blood of the man from which it came. Silksmith.