Iron Gods:Log/Session 22

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Session 22

After stopping to heal, the party made their way through the valley to other end, where they found a steel and skymetal vessel buried in rubble and stone. They were able to gently pry the outermost door open and access an exterior airlock, and just before they entered, Elleigh took note of a Caligni who looked like the one they had spoken to earlier following them and peering from behind the stones. They moved beyond it and found a room with a half-dozen hoses protruding from the walls in addition to a decontamination spray. Unfortunately, the decontamination unit was damaged and there was no gas or fluid that could be salvaged. The party continued until they reached a damaged cargo bay, where they looted some equipment (a self-deploying raft and tent, both about the size of a small package, a concussion grenade and some silverdisks. The party explored further and came to the engine room of the vessel, where Cithreal felt acutely aware of unseen forces. After some experimentation, it was determined that the creatures, which they identified as Will O' Wisps, would respond to Sylvan, but refused to respond in anything but Aklo, which no one in the party spoke. The party eventually determined that the creatures did not want them entering. They moved on.

In the next chamber, there were four coffin-like pods, two of which were broken and visibly contained skeletons, and two of which had a glass panel through which only fog could be seen. The party examined the devices, but after determining that the only instruction on the control panels they could read is "open" moved on. The next chamber was the cockpit, and upon examining the body of the captain, which crumbled instantly, they were attacked by a fearsome wight. Two of the skeletons from the previous chamber became animated and attacked them. They were able to defeat all and returned to the stasis chamber. Upon returning, one of the two coffins they had not opened had a pounding within. Opening it caused a skeleton to leap forth, of which the party made absolute milk's meat.

They opened the last coffin, and a woman emerged in shackles. The woman initially spoke a language they did not understand, but after conversing with Elleigh in Androffan for some time was able to pick up common. She explained, quite frankly, that she was imprisoned on this vessel to work as a slave in the recycling module, doing work that was dangerous and would eventually result in her radiation poisoning and death. She further explained that she was sent to a penal colony for killing an Androffan peacekeeper while smuggling illegal goods to the Dominion of the Black. She explained that the vessel they were in crash-landed because of an attack from the Dominion (which the party reckoned would have had to be around 7000 years ago at Earthfall) and that the ship had warped away but been caught in a tractor beam and pulled into Golarion. The party removed her shackles.

The woman explained that she was a Lashunta named Menola, and noted that Anton looked Androffan and asked if they were part of an Androffan colony. She further answered several of the party's questions: Why was she allowed to be preserved in a stasis pod? It was the captain of the recycling vessel's pod and the captain went down with the ship. Do you know about magic? Magic was distrusted in her part of the galaxy because of its unreliability and the fact that not everyone can use it.

Upon emerging from the ship, the Caligni who had been following them approached the party and said excitedly that he knew that they were adventurers, because otherwise they would not have possibly been able to handle this, and the surest way to get adventurers to do something is to warn them that it's dangerous. He explained he had a quest for the party - he new the Hellion's power was because he had kidnapped a pair of Owb prophets, a kind of strange, mortal god worshipped by the Caligni, and that he stole their divine power to provide his deific miracles. The party agreed that this made sense and tracked with everything else they knew about Hellion. The Caligni asked them to liberate the two owbs, thus laying Hellion low. The party agreed, and tried to show the Caligni the Will O' Wisps to see if there was some reference point between the owbs and will o' wisps, but the wisps were gone when they checked.