Rules:Kingdom Races

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Hill Dwarves

Rigid Society

-2 Loyalty / +1 Law* (Despite dwarves initial appearances of patriotism most dwarf's loyalty is actually a result of the construction of impressive monuments and rigid caste systems. Over time most dwarves come to expect these kinds of monuments and statuary to be an ever present representation of the governing bodies respect for and reverence of it's most prestigious members and when they are not present restlessness begins to emerge. Ironically, when raised entirely in an area deprived of these ever present reminders of the society they are a part of the average dwarf is no less loyal than the average human.)

Skilled Stonemasons

Quarries produce an additional build point per turn.* (Dwarves are comfortable using worked stone for most portions of their dwellings and find worked stone to be especially attractive as art pieces. Many dwarven settlements are almost entirely devoid of organic fixtures of any kind.)

Hill Folk

Dwarves treat hills as plains for purposes of creating settlements, army movement and vigilance cost.* (Dwarves are skilled at making use of natural terrain advantages when crafting settlements and often use preexisting caverns and tunnels as starting points from which they craft their homes. Being short and stocky also aids them in making the best use of space.)


Dwarven armies automatically know the Defensive Wall tactic and take no penalty to OM while using it. This does not count against the number of tactics they can know.* (Dwarven regiments train endlessly to make effective use of their natural resilience and are among the hardiest of races.)

Wood Elf

Free Spirited

-2 Stability / +1 Society* (While elves are loyal and industrious individuals they value their autonomy to a greater extent than most societies are structured to permit.)

Woodland Affinity

Lumber mills reduce consumption by 1 in addition to all other benefits.* (Wood Elves are adept at taking full advantage of both game animals and natural lumber resources simultaneously.)

Woodland Stride

Wood Elves treat woods as plains for purposes of settlements, army movement and vigilance cost.* (Wood Elves are skilled rangers and unimpeded in woodland environments.)


Wood Elf armies automatically know the Sniper Support tactic and deal an additional 3 damage on a successful OV check instead of 2. This does not count against the number of tactics they can know.* (Wood Elves are among the greatest natural archers of any of the races and are capable of making effective use of their bows even in close quarters.)

Plains Humans


No Stat Modifier* (Humans are so diverse in nature and upbringing as to render any strong characteristics of an individual mostly muted by the others of his culture. As such they are the litmus against which other races are tested.)

Born Farmers

Farms grant 1 build point per turn in addition to there other benefits.* (Humans are very skilled at stretching the resources that they have around amongst themselves. This combined with their relatively simple diets makes them quite capable of supporting vast cities in what would be to other races a comparably small amount of adjacent countryside.)

Raised In The Saddle

Human armies automatically know the Cavalry Experts tactic. This does not count against the maximum number of tactics they can know.* (Being raised on farms in the open fields, where it is not uncommon to have to travel long distances over flat ground, Humans are constantly employing all manner of mounted creature's. This constant contact gives them a talent for maneuvering on horseback.)

Gnome Craftsmen

Shrewd Businessmen

Economy -2 / Productivity +1* (Gnomes are clever and cunning when it comes to getting the most out of any deal. Unfortunately for the ruling class this includes attempts to tax them. This apparent shortcoming is often offset by the overabundance of successful businesses that emerge from a gnomish society.)

Adept Miners

Mines produce an additional build point per turn.* (Gnomes have a deep love of all things bright and twinkling and have perfected methods of smelting and refining both ores and gemstones into truly marvelous works.)

Desert Merchants

Gnomes treat Deserts as plains for purposes of building settlement's, army movement and vigilance costs.* (Gnomes have spent much time sending expeditions into all manner of inhospitable terrain. But few have held more hidden rewards than the deserts. For this reason, Gnomes have spent many generations finding the best methods of exploring and navigating the desert.)

They Gave Me A Minion!

All gnome armies have the Animal Companion ability free of charge. This ability also increases their DV by 1 in addition to the normal bonus.* (Gnomes have a natural affinity with certain burrowing mammals and have been known, on occasion, to employ them in times of war.)

Halfling Wanderers

Fledgling Nation

Economy, Stability and Loyalty -1 / Society and Productivity +1* (Halflings are an emerging force in the world and have not yet gained sufficient experience to be truly considered a nation even among their own kind. Nevertheless they are an industrious people, willing to put forth the extra effort to make their mark on the world.)

Many A Forgotten Treasure

Every two roads grants one build point per turn. (Halflings are strangely adept at finding things that others have forgotten. Even in places those others have never been.)

Far Walkers

Roads grant one economy for every two roads and one loyalty for every four instead of the normal bonuses.* (Halflings, more than any other race, enjoy the thrill of the open road.)

Annoying Little Blighters

Halfling armies automatically know the Taunt tactic and give a -3 to OM and DV of the opposing army instead of the normal -2. This does not count against the number of tactics they can know.* (Halflings are either blessed or cursed (depending on how you look at it) with the ability to annoy more than any other race. Not wanting this “skill” to go to waste, Halfling recruits train for long hours in order to be the very best at being vulgar and unpleasant.)

Half -Elf Seafarers


Loyalty -2 / Corruption +1* (Ostracized for being different, half -elves as a society have existed for centuries. The fact that half -elves always breed true regardless of the union unnerves and unsettles both humans and elves alike. As a result of this general disfavor with both of its parent races, half -elves as a society have a lack of trust for anyone in a position of authority to them.)

Bounty of the Waters

Fisheries give +1 Economy and 1 build point per turn in addition to other bonuses.* (Having been pushed to the outskirts of the known world by the ostracism of its parent races half -elves have gained great skill at acquiring the bounty of both rivers and oceans.)

Stalwart Vessels

Water hexes cost only 1 movement for half-elf armies and have a Vigilance cost of 1, regardless of whether they have been claimed.* (Of all the races, Half-Elves are the best at navigating rough waters.)


All Half-Elf armies gain the Vendetta ability free of charge.* (Any Half-Elf that takes up arms feels the old animosity of his race surging to the forefront. Any foe that stands before him becomes the target of his ire.)

Swamp Goblins


Economy, Stability and Loyalty -1 / Crime and Corruption +1* (Goblins don't like anyone. Including other goblins. And specifically goblins who want to be in charge of them.)

Disgusting Creatures

Swamp Goblins treat swamps as plains for all purposes. In addition, farms built in swamp hexes grant 1 build point per turn in addition to other bonuses.* (Goblins are vile and repellant creatures native to vile and repellant locales. As such, they are fantastically adept at making the most out of these environments.)

No Good, Underhanded, Such And Suches!

Goblin armies automatically know the Dirty Fighting tactic. This does not count against the number of tactics they can know.* (When it comes to fighting dirty, Goblins wrote the book.)

River Trolls


Economy -2 / Law +1* (Bridge trolls are reluctant to give up what is theirs even when it is in their own best interest to do so. This makes any sort of meaningful commerce rather difficult though by no means impossible.)

Bridge Affinity

Bridges give +1 Stability and add 1 build point per turn.* (For whatever reason, trolls have a strange fascination with bridges and can often find effective ways of maximizing the yield of the surrounding areas. This maximization often comes in the form of goat


Troll armies automatically have the Regeneration special ability free of charge.* (Trolls have a supernatural ability to regenerate from even the most gruesome of injuries.)

Brutish Form

Troll armies automatically have the Rend special ability free of charge.* (Trolls are overwhelming opponents in combat, using their massive size to good advantage on the battlefield.)

Cavern Kobolds


Loyalty -2 / Lore +1* (Kobolds are naturally quarrelsome and unruly, oftentimes being highly segregated by natural coloration, tail length and number of fingers in some extreme cases. This constant bickering does lead to a diversity of ideas that is often put to good use.

Expert Tunnelers

Kobold settlements that are on the surface have an automatic cavern space directly beneath them. This space does not count towards control dc, consumption or size, nor does it have to be claimed separately. It is effectively a free hex.* (Kobolds are highly skilled at burrowing and are quick to clear out the easiest underground passageways beneath any settlement they create. Just to give it a feeling of home.)

Underground Adaptation

Kobolds gain 1 build point per turn for each cavern hex they control. In addition, Kobolds may build farms in cavern hexes for 4 build points.* (Kobolds are well adjusted to living their entire lives in cavernous environments and, as such, are easily capable of producing edible substances from creatures and plants that other races would balk at. They also know the best locations to find hidden treasures and valuables.)


All Kobold armies have the Burrow special ability free of charge.* (Kobolds employ their exceptional digging abilities both on and off the battlefield, and have been known to take fortresses that were otherwise thought to be impenetrable.)


All Kobold armies have the Blindsight special ability free of charge.* (Thanks to years in underground conditions, Kobolds have developed a keen sense of hearing that allows them to perceive even invisible enemies without difficulty.)

Raiding Orcs


Stability -2 / Crime +1* (Orcs have elaborate factions that subdivide their families and ideology. While the rigid structure of these formal societies generally keeps the peace in an otherwise unruly society, the need to balance and counterbalance the various factions against one another is taxing to the overall effectiveness of any government.)


Watchtowers not constructed in a settlement add 2 BP per turn.* (Orcs are notorious survivors and raiders and are very capable of gaining a great deal of value from the surrounding countryside via the slaying of indigenous creatures, be they sentient or otherwise.)

Warrior People

Orcs pay half BP for army upkeep.* (Orcs are born and bred to be warriors and many are willing to go to battle for the thrill of combat alone. As such it is considered disgraceful to accept more than a token level of pay for the honor of going to war.)

Superior Positioning

Orc armies automatically know the Expert Flankers tactic and take no penalty to DV while using it.* (Orcs are fearsome combatants, capable of taking full advantage of the opportunities that the battlefield affords them.)

Death Before Failure

All Orc armies have the Ferocity special ability free of charge.* (Once engaged in combat, Orcs warrior instincts kick in, driving them into a frenzy that doesn't stop until their opponents are dead. Many Orc battles have resulted in the defeat of a superior force at the cost of an entire Orc army.)