The Cereal Box:Log/Session 16

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Session 16

As the idea of how to punish Kingman was discussed, Lyrissa pointed out that nothing he did was a violation of changeling laws. This means that while Kingman was, rightly, humiliated and shown to be immoral, he had not harmed a changeling, dealt with the True Fae nor harmed a mortal claimed by another changeling. In response, Billy made his second declaration: "Even the Devil Asks Consent." He explained that no changeling could sell or traffic anyone - mortal or changeling - without their consent. They could still make deals, of course, even disadvantageous or exploitative ones, but not actually trade someone away. He declared, to mild protest, that this law would be applied ex-post-facto (and justified this by saying, "What? Do I need to give the human traffickers a chance to adjust their behavior, since this wasn't the law at the time?") at Billy's discretion. The punishment would be applied, he explained, based on the crime. April IMMEDIATELY expressed private concern that this means "Billy gave himself power to punish anyone however he pleases."

Alana gave Billy the diary note, which he responded to extremely poorly, asking her why she gave it to him and what he did to make her want to hurt him like this. When it became clear that Alana didn't know what the problem was, he told her that he needed to leave.

April 2nd

Kingman was sentenced at the stadium, among a crowd of changelings. He maintained, in his final statement, that he had PROTECTED his wife, since ghouls are never taken by the fae (Jeremiah and Roper confirmed that this is accepted wisdom). Before he was exiled, Alana gave Ernie the ring, which Billy, upon recognizing what it means, ordered it forced on Kingman's finger. ("Small, isn't it? Force it past the second knuckle. He'll probably have to have it cut off.") Smith was tasked with taking Kingman to an undisclosed location outside the Cereal Box to kick off his exile.

The player characters ate dinner with Billy. Billy explained that, despite the fascade he was maintaining, he actually hadn't planned any of that. He only intended to prove that Kingman's morality was absurd by forcing him to reveal his darkest secret. ("Like, maybe he cheated on his wife who is in Arcadia! Something sad, but humanizing!") Billy was pretty subdued.

He then went on to explain that he was concerned that the motley knew HIS darkest secret, and that it was considerably worse than Kingman's. He explains that they have a sort of "veto power" over him to keep him in check, since they can destroy him on a whim. "But if I cross a line - if you have something against what I'm doing - you need to tell me. Give me a chance to make it right! Don't just expose me!" The motley agreed that they don't intend to give up Billy's secret at all, much less without warning. Sephie told Billy he was family, so they toasted to family.