Talk:Taking A Kingdom Turn
Exploration Edicts
the length of time and plan the route in advance. Financing explorers costs 1d4 BP per week (game turn) of the expedition, paid in advance. (emphasis mine)
I know this is straight from the base rules, but some clarification is in order here. Is this is a BID, where you express what you want it to be, then get a bid back? Do you pay ongoing costs?
Also, as an adventurer, I would LOVE to get 1d4 BP/week of an expedition. I would love to get that sort of pay right up through level 10 or so. It bothers me that the number is so high. I've always thought it should be more like, "create incentive -> incentive entices specific pursuers -> difficulty affects outcome," like at the beginning of the Kingmaker campaign where you guys were offered your freedom.
Not saying a change should be made, but still. - ryecatcher15