The Cereal Box:Log/Session 8

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Session 8

Friday, March 20th, 2010

Ernie looked into joining the Winter Court at the coronation, and learned that at the coronation, there will be an opportunity to pledge, during which anyone can join the Courts. Alana performed at amateur night at Hot's. Hestia performed as a street performer, which is weird in Battle Creek, but weird in a good way. Nikolai faked a heart attack and got very little attention.

Saturday, March 21th, 2010

Further Glamour harvest occurred, with Nikolai and Alana picking fights in the mall, Evie buying cute clothes, Hestia and Sephie losing an imaginary baby, and Ernie playing with his friends. They acquired a wheelchair for Billy Goat to use. They debated what they would do and discussed the possibility of standing with Billy. Eventually they spoke to Billy and he made them all absurd campaign promises:

  • Nikolai gets his own Kremlin.
  • Ernie would get a playground on every corner and a poorly secured credit card in every wallet
  • Evie gets pumpkin spice EVERYTHING year round
  • April gets her own animation studio and Community's Dan Harmon to write.
  • For Alana, EVERYONE would require a green card ("easiest way to level the playing field")
  • Hestia would get "1950's wedded bliss, and something in the end table to prolong the bliss"
  • Sephie would get "pills... that you can give to me... an unlimited blank prescription pad with your signature pre-loaded on every page - I shall make you a queen! Dr. Queen: Medicine Woman!"

It is established that pumpkin spice lattes are AUTUMNactically delicious.

Sunday, March 22nd, 2010

The motley, apart from Sephie, attended a church service on how no matter how far you stray from God, it's always "just one step back." After this, they prepared for the coronation. Billy dressed as wildly as he could to make a shocking appearance to offend Kingman's sensibilities.

The coronation began with many of the familiar faces showing up. Nearly every changeling they had ever encountered was there. Refreshments were served and everyone awaited the crowning moment. Lyrissa removed the crown and asked who would be the Spring Monarch. Kingman stepped up and Dahlia stepped forward. Tiffany McIvor stood for Dahlia, which shocked Kingman, as she was his right hand, but no on else. Billy Goat "stood up" (metaphorically more than anything, as he only got to his feet for a few seconds) and the motley stood with him. There was a brief brawl over this as the Freehold devolved into name calling and chaos over the overt insult before Lyrissa forced everyone to come to order.

The crown was passed toward Kingman, but an upwelling of the Wyrd caused it to appear on a rejuvenated Billy's head. He stood up and, after Dahlia and Kingman both asked him to cede his throne to them, announced that he thought this was "going to be a lot of fun!" Billy declared his first edict - "Don't come to the party if you're not going to dance" and immediately turned the Hedge into a party zone. Evie joined the Spring court, Alana and Hestia joined Summer and Ernie joined the Winter Court.