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Restov is one of the two largest cities in the fertile region of Rostland in southern Brevoy. It is known as the Free City of Restov, as the city is an independent city-state, but it is allied with Brevoy, who consider it a part of their sovereign territory and treat the city as being a special administrative zone. The city itself is led by Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius, who takes counsel from the Jemandi Aldori, leader of the legendary Swordlords of Restov, who fight with a unique style of fencing first developed over a thousand years ago by the Aldori Swordlords, before Choral the Conqueror united Brevoy. Ezvanki Keegh, a dwarven cleric of Erastil is the High Priest of the city.


In Neth of 4711, Brevoy enacted a trade embargo on magic items against Restov. The Kingdom of Easthaven became actively engaged in the trade of magic items with the help of the bandit Vendelos the Tree Rat, whom they had spared earlier in their adventures. As Easthaven continued its complacency with this trade, however, it became clearer and clearer that Restov was preparing for rebellion against Brevoy.

As of the 10th of Arodus, 4712, Restov is in open rebellion against Brevoy, and Brevoy has besieged the city.