The Cereal Box:Log/Session 38
Session 38
The motley convened to discuss what they were going to do with the information they had gained. Would they tell Billy? Would they tell anyone? What would happen? Why was Autumn so keen on keeping important information from Billy? The motley agreed that telling Billy would probably result in him doing something suicidal or dangerous.
They also contemplated what would happen if a changeling ascended as Gentry within the Cereal Box (which SHOULD be impossible) that would create a closed system where they held the power.
The motley worked on the construction project at the restaurant. The motley briefly discussed travelling to the moon after Orlando told them that the lunar module with the door on it was currently on a sound stage in California. Ernie made spacesuits before they realized it was impractical.
The motley sleeps and have a mundane night's sleep.
Thursday, May 6th
Sephie and Nikolai go to the Enchanted Attic for information on Mages. (Nikolai incidentally relied on only 1 luck for his roll, whatever that means) Together they were able to find some work on magicks. The Way Things Are - The Story of the Five Towers (authored and hand signed by by H. Phlox). She explained that she had several dozens copies of it and hadn't been able to sell it.
The book contained a portion on Arcadia - being both incredibly beautiful and dangerous - and that Time works "correctly" there (as opposed to "hurtling headlong to the end of time like a man who is plummeting toward the earth who thinks that, 'yes, this is how space works - always falling!'.").
Ernie spent some time managing his changeling network to make sure everyone is getting the support they need (increasing the dots in Allies: Support Network to 4).
Hestia meets with her contractor and requests an audience with Smith.
April knows people who have secrets.
Hestia and Alana met with Smith, who explained that he had plans to include the Firekeeper's Casino Hotel in the Cereal Box, which will, unfortuantely, require bringing the Cereal Box down for a while. He also stated that this plan would explicity result in the FKCH becoming the new Summer meeting ground.
Alana requests work with the Summer Court and got a comission to look into the matter of the Huntsmen and solve the issue.
April revealed her SECRET, explaining that she thought she had found the other half of the horn and bone (badge of horn, the knife of bone). She pointed out that Lyrissa had an accessory that she always wore in her hair - a bone knife. She told Nikolai, she believed that this was directly connected. They discussed the possibility of breaking the badge. They spent the rest of the afternoon experimenting and performing an augury on the badge to determine what its properties are. Additional information was gained on the workings of the Huntsmen as a result.
Nikolai was determined to make a token that would make them invisible to the Fae, and realized that they would be able to make a token to protect from the True Fae, but realized this would be a process.
The motley finished working on the restaurant.
Alana is going to try to delve into her lost memories to see if she's encountered the huntsmen or otherwise had experience with Arcadia as her fetch.
Session 39
Friday, May 6th
Hestia went to her restaurant with Wendell to sign off on the work. The Foreman bragged about finishing ahead of schedule. The design was a 50's throwback family style restaurant with a large permanent fixture table. Large orders of furniture and equipment were being brought in. Presence + Expression to make the last design decisions (1). Jack Strong stops by in the afternoon and makes a giant show of fawning over the design and the alacrity of the workers. He wondered if they could have lunch cooked by the chef to be the first customer in the restaurant, to which Hestia agreed.
Ernie went on a bike ride and Regina came with, riding on the pegs. They rode down the linear trail near where it follows the river. Regina complains of the smell of the river and swampiness, and Ernie explained it was rotting vegetation. They crossed the bridge to get away from the river.
Alana and April and Nikolai went to the Y to go swimming. The membership cost them a fair chunk of change. Nikolai harvested Glamour off the man giving them the tour by annoying the hell out of him. April explained her suspicion to Alana and told her that Nikolai was planning to confront Lyrissa about it. They both expressed distress that this was a thing at all. "Why don't you try the butterfly stroke?" - April "I'm already having a stroke!" - Nikolai
Sephie went to the coffee date with her daughter, having finished reading the book. There is a repeatedly repainted "red" Baretta. Cadence was inside and said she was glad that she actually showed up. Cadence explained she was studying earth science and astronomy. "I don't think I can remember a time when you weren't working two jobs." "That wasn't me." Sephie explained that she had worked for the clinic in Battle Creek, but that had to end. "Is this a pod person situation?" "Yeah, pretty much." Cadence and Sephie discussed their encounters with Arcadia and how they differed, and Cadence explained that she would like to know how their powers were similar, different and related. Cadence said she would tell her cat Mera that Sephie is ok.
The motley returned home, all having largely accomplished the things they planned to, and Nikolai decided to also read the book Sephie grabbed from the occult store, and realized that a strong, serious reading of it would probably take a week. Alana decided to have some alone time to delve into her memories to remember anything that might be important regarding her fetch. After some work (and distraction with her fetch living such a different lifestyle), she was able to remember that when the fetch looked in the mirror she would frequently see herself reflected in the Hedge as if every mirror was a gate. She recalled on one particular occasion, feeling an apprehensive fear and seeing a glade containing one side with a fireplace and large heavily scarred table, and the other side having a hanging punching bag and couch with TV and a gun and badge hanging up. The Red-Eyed Woodsman entered the glade and she looked away.
Ernie realized that the knife Lyrissa wears in her hair is a combination of an ivory voodoo knife and a combat knife. They also meditated over and investigated the earring from the feels box, and Ernie decided that the sensation of grief seemed to have a moral component and that the sensation of mercy brought to mind someone who realized that their revenge was going too far. Nikolai was able to coax a more vivid separation of emotions from it (like a thin-layer chromatography of the emotions) and felt it as satisfaction, brief fear, resolve, bitter mercy, remorse, numb regret and warm renewal.
Saturday, May 7th
Do called them up and suggested that they go to the moon, pathfinding their way there. The whole motley decided that they absolutely wanted to go to the moon. Orlando showed up and suggested that they all go on a journey. April gets 9 successes (!) on her pathfinder roll to take them to the moon and they march 5 hours there. Orlando takes a selfie with the space suit and they enter the door they found in the hedge badlands to get to the lunar module. When they opened it, there was a suck of back-pressure air and they walked out onto the lunar surface...
...which turned out to be in Arcadia. And they were largely convinced that it was the collector's domain.